已閱讀5頁,還剩22頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、一、單項選擇題(共20題) 1.The meeting _ next week will be of great importance.A. to be held B. held C. holding D. is held【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】謂語動詞用了將來時態(tài),所以選不定式作定語,表將來。2.It took me a month to get rid _ the cough.A. for B. as C. of D. over【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】get rid of:擺脫掉,處理掉3.It _ me three years to

2、 draw the beautiful horses.A. took B. paidC. spent D. cost【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】cost 的主語通常是事或物(包括形式主語 it);spend 的主語只能是人,不能是事或物;take 的主語可以是事或物(包括形式主語 it),也可以是人。cost 的賓語通常是錢,take 的賓語通常是時間,而 spend 的賓語則可以是時間或錢。這句話運用的句型是it take sb sth to do sth。4.Look at this group of people _ beach volleyball.A. pla

3、yed B. is played C. playing D. is playing【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】現(xiàn)在分詞作定語,表示正在進行的動作。5.The new discovery _ be of great service to mankind.A. is bound toB. is bound forC. be bound toD. be bound for【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】bebound to:注定要,一定會。本題中主語是The new discovery,所以謂語動詞要用is。句意:這項新發(fā)現(xiàn)對于人類必定大有用處。6.We

4、are all concerned _ her safety.A. aboutB. inC. ofD. with【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】be concerned about:關心,擔心。句意:我們大家都擔心著她的安全。7.After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in _ later proved to be a new continent.A. where B. which C. what D. that【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】注意,本句話并非定語從句,而是賓語從句。因為在介詞in 后面,應該用w

5、hat引導的賓語從句,what在賓語從句中作主語。8.Two-thirds of his property _ lost in the fire.A. wasB. wereC. areD. have been【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】以分數(shù)限定的名詞做主語時,謂語的單復數(shù)應同該名詞保持一致,而不管分數(shù)是單數(shù)還是復數(shù)。此句中property(財產)是單數(shù)不可數(shù)名詞,故用單數(shù)形式的動詞。9.The two girls competed with each other _ the highest mark.A. for B. with C. to D. against【正確

6、答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】compete for: 比賽奪取compete against/with: 和競賽句意:這兩個女孩互相競爭,以取得最高分。10.Please remind me _ her this note.A. leaveB. to leaveC. leavingD. left【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】remind sb to do sth:提醒某人做某事。句意:請?zhí)嵝盐伊艚o她這張紙條。11.Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be _.A. shut down B.

7、 done awayC. taken off D. called off【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】由于天氣不好,運動會不得不取消了?!驹囶}分析】短語意義區(qū)分題。 【詳細解答】A 關閉,停業(yè) B 廢除,終止(與with連用)C 離開,起飛 D 取消12.The water _ all over the desk. A.is spiltB.was spiltC.spiltD.spill【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】題目意思:水灑了一桌子。spill有“(使)灑出”之意,故不用被動,排除AB;water是不可數(shù),謂語不用spill原形;spil

8、t是spill的過去式,答案選C。13._ for your laziness,you could have finished the assignment by now A. Had it not been B. It were not C. Werent it D. Had not it been【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】句意:要不是你懶惰,到現(xiàn)在你就能完成任務了。本題是一個省略if的虛擬條件句,主句用could have done表示與過去事實相反,條件從句應用had done形式,had要提前構成倒裝。14.How _ you like to do that?

9、 A.wouldB.couldC.shouldD.might【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】would like to do固定搭配,想要做某事/愿意做某事。答案選A。15.Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting housing agencies in the city.A. set aboutB. set down C. set out D. set up【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】(由于)已決定要租一套公寓,我們開始著手與城里的房屋中介機構接觸?!驹囶}分析】短語意義區(qū)分題。 【詳細解答

10、】A 著手,開始做 B 制定,放下,記下C 出發(fā),動身 D 建立,提出16.They prefer to _ the rest of the morning walking in the garden.A. spending B. spentC. be spending D. spend【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】本句運用的是prefer to do sth這種用法。17.The professor asked a question, and David _ a good answer.A. put up with B. stood up forC. came up w

11、ith D. looked down upon【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】教授問了一個問題,戴維想出一個答案。【試題分析】短語意義區(qū)分題。 【詳細解答】 A 忍受、忍耐 B保衛(wèi)、支持 C 想出、提出 D 輕視、看不起18.The boy complained _ a pain in his stomach.A. withB. forC. inD. of【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】complain of:抱怨,說自己有病。句意:這孩子說他肚子痛。19.It makes good _ to bring an umbrella; it seem

12、s to be raining today.A. sense B. reasonC. suggestion D. advice【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】今天天氣看起來要下雨了,因此帶著傘是合情合理的?!驹囶}分析】 短語意義區(qū)分題。 【詳細解答】 A . to make (good) sense “很有意義、合乎情理的、明智的”B 原因 C 建議 D 勸告20.Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment.A. expended B. paid C. cost D. cha

13、rged【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】珍妮抱怨在那家醫(yī)院治療收費太貴了?!驹囶}分析】詞義選擇題。 【詳細解答】A 花費 B 付款C 費用 D 收費一、單項選擇題(共20題) 1.Robots differ from automatic machines _ after completion of one specific task,they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another oneAin caseBin thatCin whichDin time【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】in

14、that意思是:在于,因為。解釋differ from automatic machines的具體方面。2.He found _ difficult to study maths.A. it B. that C. as D. too【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】it是形式賓語,to study maths是真正的賓語。3.People who cant _ between colors are said to be color-blind. A. separate B. divide C. distinguish D. appointed【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案

15、正確】【答案解析】distinguish:區(qū)別,辨別。distinguish多與between、from搭配。4.Since we have a focused subject,we should not talk _.Aat once Bat handCat intervals Dat random【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】譯文:既然我們已經有了命題,我們就不應漫無邊際地交談。此題考查對固定短語的掌握情況。at once立刻;at hand在附近,在手頭,即將發(fā)生;at intervals間或,不時;at random隨便,任意。5.The oceans do no

16、t so much divide the world _ unite itA. as B. that C. but D. like【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】本題考查固定句型:not so muchas,這個句型用以肯定as后面的內容,而在一定程度上否定as前面的內容,表示“與其說還不如說”,“更多的是而不是”。句意:與其說世界以洋分界,不如說以洋連在一起。6.It is vital that the work _ in time.A. is doneB. be doneC. are doneD. was done【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】這里

17、主語從句中應該用虛擬語氣,從句謂語用should+動詞原形的形式,should可以省略。句意:及時完成這項工作是極其重要的。7.There is the appreciation of the salient historical truth _ the aging of advanced societies has been a sudden changeAwhichBwhatCthatDhow【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】本句中that引導的也是同位語從句。8.Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievemen

18、t,he wonders _ will happen to his family lifeAit Bthat Cwhat Dthis【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】what引導賓語從句,并在從句中作主語。句意:盡管湯姆對自己的學術成就很滿意,但是他想知道他的家庭生活將會如何?9.Please write a report _ the above subjects are to be covered.A. which B. in which C. that D. in that【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】in which the above subje

19、cts are to be covered是report的定語從句。which指代先行詞report,in用于與report搭配。10.Such person _ you describe is rare nowadays. Ait Bas Cthat Dwhat【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】本題考查的是suchas引導的一個定語從句。句子的意思是:如今像你所描繪的人已經很少見了。 11.During the past two decades, research has _ our knowledge of daydreaming.A. expanded B. emerg

20、edC. descended D. conquered【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】在最近二十年間,研究已經擴大了我們關于白日夢的知識?!驹囶}分析】動詞詞義選擇題。 【詳細解答】 A 擴大 B浮現(xiàn)、露出 C 下降 D 征服12.The farming methods have been _ improved with the invention of the new machine.A. efficiently B. proficientlyC. professionally D. intentionally【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯

21、文】由于新機器的發(fā)明,人們已經高效率地改進了農業(yè)耕種方法?!驹囶}分析】副詞詞義選擇題?!驹敿毥獯稹?A 高效率地 B熟練地 C 職業(yè)地、專職地 D 故意地、有意地13.I understood from her that you undertook other important work _.A. as well B. as too asC. as also asD. as good as【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】as well也可以用來表示“也”的意思,它一般置于句尾。句子的意思為:我從她那了解到你也從事其它重要工作。14.He was specifically

22、asked to write a play that would be _ to the local community.A. flexible B. accessibleC. responsible D. capable【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】 特別地要求他寫一出本地社區(qū)公眾容易理解的戲劇?!驹囶}分析】 定語從句中的形容詞意義區(qū)分題?!驹敿毥獯稹?A .靈活的,柔韌的 B 容易理解的,好懂的 C 負責任的 D 有能力的15.The government finally _ all the documents relating to the war.A. r

23、eleased B. specializedC. realized D. supposed【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】 政府最終公布了與這場戰(zhàn)爭有關的全部檔?!驹囶}分析】 動詞意義區(qū)分題?!驹敿毥獯稹?A . “公開發(fā)表、公布或發(fā)布(新聞)” B 專門從事、專攻 C 意識到、領悟 D 假定、猜想16.This is the most beautiful village _ I visited these years.A. which B. where C. in which D. that【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】分析句子成分后發(fā)現(xiàn),v

24、isit為及物動詞,所缺部分為賓語,所以應該選擇關系代詞。因為這里涉及到了最高級,所以只能選that。17.That proposal is essentially irrelevant _ the issue at hand.A. with B. fromC. in D. to【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】那個提案與手頭上的問題根本無關?!驹囶}分析】介詞的固定搭配題。 【詳細解答】 irrelevant to 與無關18.When _, water will be turned into steam.A. heated B. heating C. being h

25、eatD. having heated【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】水被加熱時會變成蒸汽。因為主句主語water和從句謂語heat的關系是被動的,所以用過去分詞。19.Anxiety can _ with childrens performance at school.A. refer B. preferC. infer D. interfere【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】焦慮可以妨礙孩子們在學校的表現(xiàn)?!驹囶}分析】動詞詞義區(qū)分題。 【詳細解答】 A refer to 提到、查閱、涉及 B prefer to更喜歡 C infer from

26、(根據(jù)某事)推斷、推定 D interfere with 擾亂、妨礙20.They should try to _ their usual inhibitions and join in the fun.A. send off B. lay asideC. take to D. turn off【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】他們應當把顧忌放到一邊,一起享受樂趣。【試題分析】短語意義區(qū)分題。 【詳細解答】 A 送出 B 放棄、擱置 C 喜歡上 D 關上一、單項選擇題(共20題) 1.That is the house _ you can enjoy the scen

27、ery.A. in that B. that C. which D. from which【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】句意:你從中能欣賞外面風景的就是這座房子。在定語從句中判斷用關系代詞還是用關系副詞,需要弄明白在從句中需要什么語法成分,也就是說,要看關系詞在定語從句中擔任什么成分,本題的定語從句中少地點狀語,先行詞又是表地點的名詞,故可選用where。觀察四個選項后,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)并無where一詞,我們可以用“介詞+ which”來代替。注意,本句話所表達的應該是:You can enjoy the scenery from the house,故可排除A選項,選D。2.

28、David has made great progress recently _,and _. A. So he has;so you have B. So he has;so have you C. So he has;so do you D. So has he;so you have【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】以so開頭的句子如果是表示前面所表達的內容也適合于另一個人或物時,句子要用倒裝語序,這時前后的主語不一致;但當so開頭的句子只是重復前一句的意思,表示“的確”,“如此”,前后主語是同一人或物時,句子不用倒裝語序。根據(jù)題目的意思,本題的答案是B。3.Polic

29、e are _ the disappearance of two children.A. looking up B. looking throughC. looking into D. looking on【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】警察正在尋找兩個失蹤的孩子?!驹囶}分析】短語意義區(qū)分題?!驹敿毥獯稹?A (在書中)查找 B 仔細查閱,審查,(對某人)視而不見C 調查,研究,查問 D.觀看,旁觀,看待4.The teacher told us the fact _.A. which the earth moves around the sunB. that th

30、e earth moved around the sunC. that the sun moves around the earthD. that the earth moves around the sun【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】名詞性從句中主句和從句中時態(tài)要保持一致。但是在此句中,后面講述的是一個客觀存在的事實規(guī)律,所以要選答案D。5.The engineer _ my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom【正確答案】D【您的答案】

31、D【答案正確】【答案解析】with whom引導定語從句.with whom放在從句中即為:my father works with the engineer.6.The volunteers would rather go by train than _.A. to drive B. driveC. driven D. to be driven【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】志愿者寧愿坐火車去而不愿開汽車去?!驹囶}分析】語法題?!驹敿毥獯稹縲ould rather 或 would sooner 的意思都是“寧愿”,其后要求直接用動詞原形。 如果后邊是that引導的

32、從句,那么要求用過去時動詞表示尚未發(fā)生的動作,用過去完成時動詞表示對已經發(fā)生的動作的某種愿望。應用舉例:We would rather talk about football or the weather.我們寧愿談談有關足球或者天氣的話題。I would rather you came tomorrow.我寧愿你明天去。 I would sooner you had gone there too. 我寧愿你也去那里了。7.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ with each other. A. the

33、y had quarreled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】本題考查的是倒裝結構的用法。第二分句中因有否定副詞never提前,故應用倒裝結構;第一分句中的have been married已限定了時態(tài),據(jù)此可排除D項。8.Each of us should _ aside a few minutes to have a rest every day.Apush Bprovide Cturn Dset【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】

34、【答案解析】set aside:留出,撥出。是固定搭配。9._ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】為了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行詞it作形式主語或形式賓語,而把真正的主語或賓語放到后面,尤其是that引導的主語從句往往用先行詞it作形式主語。此句也可以改寫為:That English is being accepted as an international language

35、is a fact.10.Nobody but you _ what he said. A. agrees with B. agrees out C. agree with D. agree to【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】主語為nobody時,謂語動詞用單數(shù),如果主語被but, as well as, with等短語修飾,謂語仍與主語的數(shù)保持一致。該題易誤選C、D,選D的原因在于詞組記憶不清,用介詞to時之后應加具體項目。而選擇C就在于誤把you作為主語對待了。而實際上nobody才是主語。11.Modern economics _ the countrys agri

36、cultural policies.A. undergoesB. understandsC. underliesD. undertakes【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】現(xiàn)代經濟學是國家農業(yè)政策的基礎??疾樾谓鼊釉~詞義選擇題。 A 經歷,經受 B 了解 C 成為的基礎 D 承擔,保證12.Younger children are curious _ how things work,and many of them want to take apart everything within their reachAof Babout Cat D. with【正確答案】B【您的答

37、案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】譯文:小孩子對事物是如何組成的很好奇,一些孩子總是想把他們夠得到的東西都拆開。此題考查短語搭配,be curious about對好奇。13.Happiness doesnt always _ money.A. go throughB. go in forC. go withD. go over【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】句意:幸福未必總是伴隨金錢而來。go with:伴隨,與.相配14.This type of desk and chair can be adjusted _ the height of students at diffe

38、rent agesAwith Bfor Cto Din【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】譯文:這款桌椅可以根據(jù)學生的不同年齡調整高度。本題考查短語搭配。be adjusted to調整為。15.Children have a natural _ about the world around them.A. certaintyB. capabilityC. clevernessD. curiosity【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】孩子們對他們周圍的事物有著天然的好奇心??疾槊~詞義選擇題。A 確定性,肯定的事 B 能力,才能 C 精明,聰穎 D 好奇心,求

39、知欲16.It is strongly held that new _ must be introduced to protect the right of the immigrants.A. statistics B. constructionsC. measures D. concessions【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】 強烈支持采取新措施維護移民的權力?!驹囶}分析】名詞詞義區(qū)分題?!驹敿毥獯稹?A 統(tǒng)計學 B 建設 C 措施,辦法 D 讓步,特許權17.It will _ a futile attempt.A.turn upB.turn onC.turn

40、 outD.turn in【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】題目意思:這會是徒勞無益的。答案選C。18.Country life is better than city life _ it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.A. in that B. as that C. as for D. in which【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】鄉(xiāng)村生活比城市生活較好,因為它的空氣新鮮且環(huán)境無噪音?!驹囶}分析】 in that 是復合連接詞,只在一定的句式中使用。也可以用作一個固定詞組。(請同學們參考U

41、nit 6 Text A 注釋4 中的解釋及有關例句) 【詳細解答】 A 在于,原因是,在方面 C. 關于,至于 應用舉例: I like the country better in that it is closer to nature. 我更喜歡鄉(xiāng)村,因為它更接近自然。19.He insured his car _ he had an accident.A. unlessB. ifC. sinceD. in case【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】他給自己的汽車投了保,以防萬一遇到交通事故。考查連詞詞義區(qū)分題。 A否則,要不然 B 如果 C 自從,由于 D 以防萬一,以

42、免20.If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get _. A. concentratedB. confusedC. confirmedD. convinced【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】如果你試圖一次學太多東西,你就有可能糊涂了??疾樾谓稳菰~意義區(qū)分題。 A .濃縮的,專心的 B 糊涂的,混淆的 C 根深蒂固的 D 確信的一、單項選擇題(共20題) 1.Even with the new development in research, only a tiny _ of all tests ar

43、e done without using animals. A. varietyB. amountC. plentyD. proportion【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】本句的意思是:“即使研究有了新的發(fā)展,只有一小部分的試驗可以不用動物”。因此答案為D。variety 和plenty 分別表示“多樣”和“大量的”,意思不合適。amount 后只能接不可數(shù)名詞,而test是可數(shù)名詞。2.They wrote a letter of thanks to _ had helped them.A. whoB. whomC. whomeverD. whoever【正確答案】D【

44、您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】whoever had helped them是介詞to的賓語從句,whoever是這個從句的主語。whoever had helped them:任何幫助過他們的人3.They will get the preparation done early in May.A. 他們五月初就能讓別人準備完工作。B. 他們五月初就能準備好工作。C. 他們早在五月份就能把準備工作做完。D. 他們五月初就能把準備工作做完?!菊_答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】首先需要注意early in May表示“五月初”的意思,選項A“讓別人準備完”這種表達是不準確的;

45、此外get the preparation done表示的是“把準備工作做完”,選項B的表達不是很準確。4.The first thing to any race is worrying about _you are going to win or not. A.whetherB.ifC.whyD.how【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【答案正確】【答案解析】后面有or,與whether構成搭配,單選A。5.Long life is altering our society, of course, but in experiential _. A. itemsB. termsC. turnsD.

46、themes【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】in experiential terms意為“從經驗上來說”6.Weather _, well go out for a walk.A. permitted B. permitting C. permits D. for permitting【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】本題中沒有連詞,它不是復合句,也不是并列句。 句中使用了逗號,且we 小寫,可知其不是兩個簡單句。能夠這樣使用的只有獨立主格或with的復合結構。據(jù)此判斷,本句中使用的是獨立結構, 其結構為:名詞+分詞。 由于permit在這里翻譯為“天氣

47、允許”,表主動,應用現(xiàn)在分詞,故選B。7.The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, _ it is not technically legal there. A. if B. otherwiseC. althoughD. unless【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】本句的意思是“雖然荷蘭是歐洲唯一允許安樂死的國家,但是安樂死在荷蘭嚴格說來并不合法”,所以應該填although。8.Scientists are now working on programs to _ the

48、 place and time of earthquakes.A. assume B. guessC. predict D. release【正確答案】C【您的答案】C【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】 科學家們現(xiàn)在正在從事一些預告地震發(fā)生的地點及時間的項目。 【試題分析】動詞意義區(qū)分題。【詳細解答】 A .假定,假設;B 猜測,猜想;C 預見,預告;D 釋放,放出9.The thief took away the womans wallet without _. A. being seen B. seeing C. him seeing D. seeing him【正確答案】A【您的答案】A【

49、答案正確】【答案解析】without是介詞,其后的動詞必須用動名詞形式。根據(jù)句意,此句需要用被動形式,所以答案是A。10.There is a deadlock(僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives _ to the other.A. a way B. way C. the way D. its way【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】譯文:由于雙方都不讓步,討論陷人了僵局。本題考查短語搭配,give way to意思為“讓路、讓步”。11.Why didnt you buy a new car?I would have

50、bought one if I _ enough money.A. had B. have hadC. would have D. had had【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】第一個had是過去完成時,第二個had表示“有”。12.This is the first time that a woman has been _ to the post.A. granted B. praised C. pointed D. appointed【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】這是第一次任命一位婦女擔任此職位?!驹囶}分析】詞義選擇題?!驹敿毥獯稹?A 允

51、許、同意 B 表揚、贊揚 C 指、指出 D 指定、任命、委任13.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its _ considerably.AdistributionBcontributionCprescription Dcirculation【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】circulation:(書報雜志的)銷售量,發(fā)行額,銷路。符合句意。14.Dont trust everything _ you have read in the newspapers.A. which B. that

52、 C. as D. what【正確答案】B【您的答案】B【答案正確】【答案解析】【譯文】不要相信你在報紙上讀到的每件事?!驹囶}分析】定語從句引導詞選擇題。【詳細解答】 定語從句所修飾的先行詞是不定代詞everything,故選B。15._ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.A. Being no rainB. There was no rainC. To be no rainD. There being no rain【正確答案】D【您的答案】D【答案正確】【答案解析】There being no rain為 there be句型的獨立主格形式。16.He said that the group _ him a letter and asked him to go there for an in


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