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1、初二英語考試試卷及答案班級18初二英語考試試卷選擇填空( )(30 分)1. Do you have to say for yourself ?No , I have to say.A. somethingeverything B.nothing ; somethingC.everything ;anythingD.anything ; nothing( )2. What a lovely toy ! Who bought it for you? I made it byA. myselfB.yourselfC.herself D.himself) 3.Tom is to go toschoo

2、l.A. bigenoughB. old enoughC. enough bigD. enough old( ) 4. Would You like to eat ? Thanks , pleaseA. something B.anythingC.Somethings D.anythings( )5. I am tired. I don tfeel like today.A. to walkB.walkingC.walk D.walks( )6. Paul and I tennisyesterday.He did muchb etter thanA. play B.will playC.pla

3、yed D.are playing() 7. The best way to learnEnglish is to enjoy to it .A. listenB. to listenC. listeningD. talk( ) 8.On weekends, I have nothing to do but TV.A.watches B.to watchC.watching D.watch() 9. Spring comes and daysare getting .A.longer and longerB. shorter and shorterC. more shorter and mor

4、eshorter D.long and long()10. What did Mr. Smithdo before he came to China ? He ina car factory.A.workedB.worksC.is working D.will work() 11.He went into his roomand to work.A.begins B.began C.beginning D. to begin () 12.Lily was so tiredthat she couldwalk anyfarther.A. nearly B. hardlyC. really D.

5、suddenly( ) 13 What do you think of It sthan the last one ,Ithink.A.moremuchinterestingB.moremanyinterestingC.muchmoreinterestingD.manymoreinteresting( )14.Cindy likes to tell jokes.She never stopstalking.She is .A.seriousB.quietC.shy D.outgoing)15.Frank is atthefilm?writing than reading.A. good B.w

6、ell C.better D.best( )16.Li Lei works in England.He comes to ChinaA. threetime a yearB. three times a yearC. threetimes yearD. three time year( )17. What s his father s favorite exercise?He likes toA. sing English songsB. play basketballC. watch TVD. eat vegetables( )18.Mary is a good student,and sh

7、e islate for school.A. often B.sometimesC.always D.never( )19.The you eat , the you will be.A. more healthily, morehealthilyB. more healthily , healthierC. healthier , healthierD. healthier , more healthily( )20. Do you mind me withmy English ?A.helpB.helpingC.to help D.helps( )21. are junk food.A.M

8、ilk and colaB. Chocolate and chickenC. Hamburgers and beefD. Cola and chips( )22. do you readEnglish newspaper ? I read China Daily every day.A.How soon B.How oftenC.How long. D.How much( )23. Do you play football ? Yes, I usuallyexercise about halfan hour.A.for B.atC.in D.To( )24. Tom is thanother

9、players in the school team.A.tall B.tallerC.tellest D.more tall( )25.Tom is good running , but I do well swimming.A.at , in B.in , atC.at ,at D.in , in( )26.Sam looks like his dad.They are tall.A.eitherB.anyC.all D.Both( )27.This T-shirt is notlarge enough.Pleaseshow me a one.A.largeB. larger C.larg

10、est( )28. the boy isonly 5 , hespeaks English Very well.A.But ; /B. Although ; /C. But ; althoughD.Although ; but( )29 Your bedroom isdirty. You should clean it now.A.allB. kind ofC.C. lots of ( )30.Li Huarighta lot ofs shoes are as as Zhang Hui s.A.cheapB. cheaperC. the cheaperD. the cheapest 完形填空

11、(10 分)Last Sunday we had a great trip. My father , my mother and I tosummer camp. We went to the mountains .First we to thefoot of he mountain bus.In the middle of the mountain there was a river. The water was clean and clear. I washed my face thewater. It was warm. There some fish in the river. In

12、the mountain there were flowers. They were . At noon, many peoplegot together ,and they were very .We made our meal in the mountain.The food was very , and we liked it verymuch . After meal , we went on ourtrip.We felt. It was really()1.A. goB.goesC.wentD.to go()2.A.getB. gotC.got toD.arrived()3.A.b

13、yB.onC.inD.took()4.A.on B.withC.withD.into()5.A.is B.wasC.wereD.are( ) 6A.ugly B.beautifulC. awfulD. delicious( ) 7. A.friendly B.friendsC.sad D.tired( ) 8. A.awful B.deliviousC.expensive D.well( ) 9. A.happy B.unhappyC.friendly D.interesting( ) 10. A.cold B.hotC.fun D.funny情景對話 (20 分)(A) 從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)倪x

14、項補全對話 (其 中有兩項多余)。A: Toby,do you like sports?B: Of course I do. 1.( )A: Whats your favorite sport?B: Basketball.A. 2. ( )B:Four times a week.43. ( )What s your favorite sport ?A: I dont like sports at all ,butI like watching TV.B: How often do you watch TV?A: 4. ( )B: Really ?How many hours do you wa

15、tch TV every day ?A: Three hours.B: 5. ( )A: I see. Thank you .A. When do you play it?B. Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.C. I watch TV every day.D. Sports are good for our health.E. How often do you like playing basketball?F. Why do you like playing basketball?G. What about you2 34 5(B)W :

16、 Hello ! Jack.1. ?M: Hi ,Alice. I went to the beach on vacation.W:2. ?M:Mary. Oh,you dont know her. She likes wearing funny glasses.W: I know. She is the head of the volleyball team.3. ?M: The weather was sunny and cool.W:4. M : We swam and played beach volleyball , and we al-so ate some delicious f

17、ood.W: 5.?M: Great ! 閱讀理解 (30 分 )(A)There are 45 students in our class. I have a survey.36 students ay they like to exercise Most boys play basketball together twice a week.But girls think basketball is difficult for them . They d like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend , Tony,is go

18、od at running .He runs fastest in our20class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interest-ing ? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three trmes a month in winter , and three times a week in summer. So he s pretty healthy. Someo f my

19、 classmates have good eating habits. They eat both meat and vegetables.70%of them drink milk every day.15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food , especially Sally. Whats worse (更糟糕的),she doesn t like to exercise , so she is very fat. She alw

20、ays says ,“I m going to lose weight tomorrow. ”選擇( ) 1.How often do most boys play basketball ?A. Every day. B.Twice a day.C. Twice a week.D.Twice a month.( ) 2. Why do the girls dislike to play basketball ?A. Because they have no time.B. Because they think it s not easy.C. Because they don t like t

21、o play with the boys.D. Because they don t like to exercise.( ) 3. When does Tony often run for 30 minutes ?A. Every morning.B. Every midnight.C. Every evening before he goes to bed.D. Every afternoon.( ) 4. Howo ften does Gray swim in winter ?A. Three times a month.B. Three times a week.C. Hardly e

22、ver.D.It s not mentioned(提及) in the passage.( ) 5. Why is Sally so fat?A. Because she doesn t like to exercise.B. Because she likes to eat junkfood very much.C. Because she eats too much meat , but doesn t exer-cise.D. Both A and B .(B) Martin told me something interesting about him .He was on vacat

23、ion in the United States last summer.He stayed in a hotel and there was a big fire (火)in the room next to his room.He thought he heard a baby crying , so he ran into the room on fire . Whenh e got in , he saw that the TV was on and found that the baby was on TV. So Martin took the television and ran

24、 out of the room. Then the firemen came and put out (撲滅) he fire.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正( T)誤( F)( ) 1.Martin went to America on vacation.( ) 2.There was a big fire in Martin s room.( ) 3.Martin wanted to save the baby.( ) 4.The baby was on the television.( ) 5.In fact , Martin saved the television at last.(C)One

25、 of the secrets ( 秘 密 ) of successful people is that they have good habits. The good habits help them to be successful. What are good habits ? How can you get in to good habits ? Here is some advice foryou.First , everyone has his merits (優(yōu) 點) .You should always look for the good points (優(yōu)點) in peop

26、le and learn from them.Second, you should try to learn new things and new skills every day. Reading a few pages of a book or a newspaper every day also helps you. Third ,start the day in the right way. When you get up in the morning , look at yourself in the mirror (鏡 子) and tell yourself you must keep your good habits today.I think the last one is the most important . No matter what good hab


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