已閱讀5頁,還剩29頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、phpcms安裝教程1 .安裝php服務(wù)器php運行需要一個環(huán)境,這個環(huán)境的搭建需要一個集成工具( xampp ),這個工具為 推薦工具,還有其它的,比如說是apache+php5,或說iis+php5,或者另一個集成工具(wamp)也是常用的?,F(xiàn)在是為 xampp為例子,做為phpcms安裝教程的環(huán)境。1.1. 安裝 xampp1.1.1 打開 phpcms 文件夾,雙擊 xampp-win32-183-5-vc11-installer.exe文件。g) warringimportant! e 白土白 u 弓電 a in activated u5er account control uac

2、on your sytern some furctions of xampp are possibly restricted. with uac please avoid to install xampp to gprogran file? (x86 mis5irg wr屜 pemnisssions i. or deactivate uac with msconfig after thi5 se-tup. 電擊 okxampp installer j cancel_e) setupready to installsetup i5 now leady to begin instal

3、ling xampp on your computer.mxmpp installer backcaricel日 setup| q | e | es bitnami for xampp日 itnemi foxamppprouidefee installers that can install drupal joomla!, wordpress and man/ other pqpulm gqli匚曰 apps on top of /our existing xamppinstallation.i-ng.backfinish i cancelunp 亂:king fi 欣iiampf inatc

4、ller e ack1-l 4 .| cjr-njelcompleting the xampp setup wiz4rdsetup hs finished insuung on/our computer/ do you to 5krt thie centro! panl now?。bitnami1.1.3安裝完成,進入安裝目錄,找到 htdocs文件夾,此為網(wǎng)站的根目錄。* ,r庫:.舊屆風腕庫 8*1匚言面就曰ir的位苴名博:,菩樂-j寸三世:初或福展由, 甘里審更1#) 口 1lj0三省片三工,上:j一勿已方時珀,dvc ry/梟 e :) dr.mgnymou 工 aparhrs cgi

5、-bin ccmtrfefilezilaftp工 mdo |imgi ns tai i lirmses上.心mlu mikxrtpuie e.;llod;.kmercuimflijeysqlperl匕phpp hipp/yad min stojrity小,.nde牖ji irrx tmp修改日期耀大小201411/26 ml期俄2014/11/26 ft2l厘2014/1.1/26 輻&文神寺2014/1v26 露 1文件先201411/m 9m文件夫?014/11/26 型文件史2014/11/26 9121文釁失2。1牛w茹蟲文母生20111/26 521第1抑卬裝箱1文件支2014/11

6、/26 9:21文件先an 卻 11門6五華w加卻11/26婷6文件更2014m26 ft22受釁失241期w加蟲24丈坤夾2014/11/26 第6文件委wqm仙次s5文件交2014/11/26 露 1文件先而1眼11門6牛蓼加1科11/26第1文件史2014/11/26 a21黨好失1.2. 運行 xampp1.2.1 啟動xampp環(huán)境 d:xamppxampp-control.exe出現(xiàn)控制面板:啟動 運行apache ,(apache服務(wù)器就是php的開發(fā)環(huán)境, 點擊第一個start屬性按鍵,啟動服務(wù)器),反之,停止(stop) 退出服務(wù)器:

7、點擊右下角的quit按鍵,退出服務(wù)器(關(guān)鍵控制面板不等于退出服務(wù)器)xampp conlrol panel v3.2,1module plixsportfsj actionsrjjjjj,apache腌晶瞅443卜stwadmincoiiifigl沖statadminconfiglagafil 出 1國startadminhonigmer:jry5taladflnlncontigl%stomcatstartadmincodiigl沖c nrglxplofr s白幅“白i二 ukia:4lp:4l 49 sti wh 49 4fl:4j吁皿二 加丁: biiysql buys all吧皿二 bn

8、ain 加8n:twpectfl fwtm: kimirpimyvql hinnyyqld. 口胃”-dpf iti 1 p=d wippiqlhi problen detected ifort 3306 ir. ur by *dp.frojran filtf (xss)hysql srvr 5r lbinnyfqldhysql will wot start vllhoul the conf 1 cured ports ii&elton rusd to inilnst xll/diab 1 t/7ocoaiiie the i lock ln( tpl icai ionnr t#l0rffgi:

9、ra jlyqf. 刖。tha rnntri1 ffip1 rn liytpn in 鼻 dtffptpnf prrr 5t &rtink check tintselomml f-1 r?*卻1.3. 查看安裝是否完成。1.3.1 打開瀏覽器1.3.2 輸入或者說 (80為瀏覽器默認端口,可不寫)0xamppemgl:ih / oeutbih / frdini d = / ndd; iddidt / puibku f ldl dna / hci wegian / e=-dd,l| / i- x / f artun= bi asiq / 日本鼻1.3.3 顯示歡迎界面,選擇中文界面入口(下面有語

10、言選擇),則表示成功團 xampp 3igl pwn早i 3,2,1 | compiled: m- tt+i 01rm 1:xampp for windows# rd 祖牛 jumdphpmfo )cekfc ”11 inslant ant*p*kir-口gliht hm*jnft twillamfml ftpml.ju 翼易*pp-5jkcwhktahh口 ith=r 3不量彳口與 s*u啜.sn. id r finst:yaiiiinb三工作 了 前k* k*olg口zngia os;aidr 打ioornpphv電uwm 041 kalmpp um*hs| (mm垂30 fiie*冉 e

11、 mnih art tmmrwn dtaem d swr-就11* 岫 蛆w 酬m?e c 樸k.fd mck_潢附s ea wombie oumjcxiia and doififie m otfurs 皿 cari h0 厘ofhr-dcfc rrqlvj uitae 廿鹵 hit-ij口 際kw data工 0aiii.apfk的dhhbh數(shù)據(jù)庫是存儲數(shù)據(jù)的工具,有很多種,比如oracle , sqlserver , mysql 等多種數(shù)據(jù)庫2.安裝數(shù)據(jù)庫next? rcance如 mysql server 5.1 - setup wizard管理工具(注明,此為數(shù)據(jù)庫管理工具 dbms)

12、,數(shù)據(jù)庫的操彳語言是 sql。因為phpcms 使用的數(shù)據(jù)庫管理工具(dbms)為mysql. mysql是一個小型的數(shù)據(jù)庫管理工具,方便 使用,常常配合php 一起使用。2.1 安裝 mysql2.1.1 打開phpcms文件夾,雙擊解壓 mysql-5.1.71-win32.rar ,進入解壓目錄, 雙擊運行 mysql-5.1.71-win32.msi 。next”2.1.2 .1歡迎界面出現(xiàn)了,有興趣的可以讀讀,然后點擊wekun出 tu the stup wizard for mysql sctn/or 5.1rie setup wizard will mstall mysjl se

13、rver 5. i release 5.l71 you corrouter. to cqitinoe!r dick fjesrlcopyright 20jo, z01:r gradeandrar hs affiiate 品1 rights reserved utypical接受條款,點擊“next鹵 mysql server 5.1 - setup wizardlkzen se ag reenicmtplea read the fbll口聞 1% ihtense agreement carefully-ghu general public licenseversjon 2t ju

14、ne 1991copyright cc) 1989r 1991 free software foundation iij5l fenkin streep fifth floor, boston, ma 021104301 usaeveryane is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license documentf but changirig it is not albv/ed.preamblethe it2ri弓電弓 for most software ire d&signad to take away yo

15、ur freedom to slire and change 仁 by contract, the gnu general public|o i accept ihe terms in the license agreementi do not accept the terra in the license agreement badekl.xj、 i carvel 這是出現(xiàn)了3 個選擇項 typical 、custom 、complete , typical是指典型安裝,complete是完全安裝,custom 是自定義安裝,那么我們選擇自定義安裝修 mysql server

16、5.1 - setup wizardsetup typechoose the setup type that best suits your needs.please select 3 setup type.cormon program 飽占tur日 will ba infitalled. ilecaminanded for gentraj use.customl;回 ch was 林iidi program fmtucw wu want in,聞led and where thev1 v.ill be installed, recommended for advanced users. or

17、 mail server will b run. mysql-乂 j will utili據(jù) up to all available ncrnciry*接下來選擇數(shù)據(jù)庫的用途:multifunctional database:通用多功能型transactional database onlynon-transactional database only對myisam數(shù)據(jù)類型的支持僅限于:服務(wù)器類型,專注于事務(wù)處理:非事務(wù)處理型, 較簡單,主要做一些監(jiān)控、記數(shù)用,non-transactional剛開始作為學習用,選擇 multifunctional database就行了,然后n

18、extmysql server instance configuration wtzardmysql server inftaive corfiguration匚qitfiqur史 the mysql senrer 5.1 server initance.please sehcttheusjge.* multifunctional databasegeneral purposethis will optirnizele serverfortheue af the fa st trans actions i (nnodb storage engine and trie high ep史wd my

19、lsal 1 storage engine. transnalonlyoptimned ten application servers and transactional web jgnl 3口口llratjon丸 thi$ will ina ke juno db the main 比?;?。電電ng in匕nctc thialthe myisam engine can still be u2ed.c hon-transactional dat.a base onlysuiifld for simple we-b applicaticns, monitoring or kgging pplica

20、tiont as well as analysis progrnis. only the non-transactionai r 1ym storage engine wiii be activated,cancel 這里是對innodb tablespace進行配置,就是為 innodb 數(shù)據(jù)庫文件選擇一個存儲空間,若修改了,要記住位置,重裝的時候還要選擇一樣的地方,否則可能會造成數(shù)據(jù)庫損壞,當然對數(shù)據(jù)庫做個備份就沒事兒了。點擊” next “繼續(xù) 選擇您的網(wǎng)站的一般 mysql 訪問量,同時連接的數(shù)目,decision support(dss)/olap (20

21、 個左右)、online transaction processing(oltp) (500 個左 右)、manual setting (手動設(shè)置,自己輸一個數(shù)),我這里選s3online transaction processing(oltp) ”,自己的服務(wù)器,應(yīng)該夠用了,按 next 繼續(xù):mysql server nstance confguration wizarcbmysql iervwinstance configurationconfigure the mysql server 5.1 server instance.please set th approximate numb

22、er of concurrint connections to the senrar.c decision support (d5s);olapselect this oplion far database applicarticns th at will not require 3 high number of concurrent ccnnecticns. a number of 2。 connections wiii be assumed., onhne transact ion processing (oltp)choose this option icr highly concurr

23、ent applkdticni that may have at any one time up to 500 active cornecticns such ms heavily loaded w&b ierv&rs. manual settingplease enter the approximate number of corturrentconcurunt conn ections: cancel0 是否啟用tcp/ip連接,設(shè)定端口,如果不啟用,就只能在自己的機器上訪問mysql數(shù)據(jù)庫了,我這里啟用,把前面的勾打上, port number : 3306,在這個頁面上,

24、您還可以選擇啟用標準模式(enable strict mode ),這樣mysql就不會允許細小的語法錯誤,如果您還是個新手,我建議 您取消標準模式以減少麻煩,但熟悉 mysql以后,盡量使用標準模式,因為它可以降低有害數(shù)據(jù)進入數(shù) 據(jù)庫的可能性,按 “next”繼續(xù):mysql server instance configuration wizardmysql server instance confiquratiianconfigure the msql server 5.1 server inslanc*.please 5etthe netvjorking oplionsn|en 己 bl

25、ettp|lp 附etw/rkingnenable this to a now tcp ip co n nectl o ns.disabled, orlylocal connections th rough n-aned pipes are allowed.port number p3c6 二|審 妙4 fixwdll umption ktrttih partplease set the ?enrer sql node-.enabk strict modethis option f orce i the server to behave more like straditi oral ddub

26、de strven it is recommended w natle this option. back i hext i i cancel1 這個比較重要,就是對 mysql默認數(shù)據(jù)庫語言編碼進行設(shè)置,第一個是西文編碼,第 二個是多字節(jié)的通用 utf8編碼,都不是我們通用的編碼,這里選擇第三個,然后在 character set那里選 擇或填入“gbk”,當然也可以用“gb2312,區(qū)別就是gbk的字庫容量大,包括了 gb2312的所有漢字,并 且加上了繁體字、和其它亂七八糟的字使用mysql的時候,在執(zhí)行數(shù)據(jù)操作命令之前運行一次“setnames gbk; (運行一次就行了

27、,gbk可以替換為其它值,視這里的設(shè)置而定),就可以正常的使用漢字(或其它文字)了,否則不能正常顯示漢字,按“next”繼續(xù):e3mysql server instance configuraticrn wizardmysql serverins.tanc configurationconfigdit tnt mysql stnrrr 5,1 stnrer instantt.please select the default character set.standard character seti mak$ latlnl the dtfauit charset.this character

28、st is suited for english and other aest european languages.廣 best support for multi lingua 話mr.hke li7f3 thw default character set this is th* recommsnded character set for 5to ring text in many different ilanguagtiictiarartsr st:6 manua i selectei default tliaracter 5et / colhtionplease specify the

29、 character iet to use.:bad |cancel2 選擇是否將 mysql安裝為windows 服務(wù),還可以指定service name (服務(wù)標識名稱), 是否將mysql的bin目錄加入到 windows path(加入后,就可以直接使用bin下的文件,而不用指出目錄名,比如連接,“mysql.exe -uusername - ppassword;” 就可以了,不用指出 mysql.exe 的完整地址,很方便),我這里全部打上了勾,service name 不變,按next繼續(xù):m/5ql server instance configuration wiz

30、ardmysql server nftane configuration匚onf iqurw ttie sql enrer 5.1 een/er instance.pi tait set the ?,jindows options.1/ install a5 vuindow% service i工; this is the re commended 如a to run th 七 m/sql i t server on windows.servite name: -igmi7 l-undi the h1y-ql se wi 占ut-m社islitinclude bin directory in

31、windows pathcheck this option to indude the directory containing tlie server/client txrcutables in the windows path variable so they can be calkd from the com rm and line.c back i mwxt一 | cancel3 這一步詢問是否要修改默認root用戶(超級管理)的密碼(默認為空),newroot password如果要修改,就在此填入新密碼(如果是重裝,并且之前已經(jīng)設(shè)置了密碼,在這里更改密碼可能會出錯,請

32、留空,并將modify security settings 前面的勾去掉,安裝配置完成后另行修改密碼),confirm (再輸一遍)內(nèi)再填一次,防止輸錯。enable root access from remote machines(是否允許 root用戶在其它的機器上登陸,如果要安全,就不要勾上,如果要方便,就勾上它) 工最后create an anonymous account(新建一個匿名用戶,匿名用戶可以連接數(shù)據(jù)庫,不能操作數(shù)據(jù),包括查詢)”,一般就不用勾了,設(shè)置完畢,按“next”繼續(xù):m/sql server instance configuration wizardmysql s

33、erver inadrkc cnfiguratioriconfigure the mysql server 5.1 server in&tance.phase set the security options.117 hod ifysettingsmew ro&t password:confirm:entirthe root ibssward.retype ttie paword.rotsctessfrom reniflte mgchincsi- create ari ancitiytiailjs accountcancel4確認設(shè)置無誤,如果有誤,按“back”返回檢查,按“e

34、xecute 使設(shè)置生效this option will crcate an anonymous account on this server, pka;e note that this can lead to an insecure s/stem.mysql server instance configuration wizardmysql serverconfigurationconf igura the myql server s.l server instance.ready to eke-cute .prepare canfiguratior,mrte configuration f

35、ile)start servicea apply seurrti settingspleate press eiecute lo start the co-ntiguratiori.w the wizardl:e弓匚;,| j fin.cancel6 注意:重裝 mysql 數(shù)據(jù)庫時可能會出現(xiàn)錯誤,這時我們就要回頭檢查舊的數(shù)據(jù)庫或者是以前的數(shù)據(jù)庫是否完全卸載掉了,以及密碼是否輸入正確,還有最好是把 dataserver文件備份(默認情況 下date 文件在這 兒:c:programdatamysqlmysql5.5data ,是隱藏的),然后刪掉。7 ok ,安裝完

36、了,現(xiàn)在我們打開cmd.exe ,輸入:mysql -uroot -p*( 安裝時設(shè)的密碼)然后”回車:就會出現(xiàn)i3b 蘭理ndowt4yetem32cmd.exa - mysq -uroot -pmicrosoft vindqs 6*76011版權(quán)所有 2009 midrocoft corpavation 保留所有權(quán)利.c: us&rs fldrinistrsitqrjinql -uroot -pfnter pssvord: *u畤igoe 十訃七hr my靠ql nnnit7n. cnnmand彩日nd wit:7) , o q.vour mysql connffction id ia t?serv


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