



1、What引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句What引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句What引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句基本結(jié)構(gòu)有兩種情況(一)What + 一般疑問句? (二)What+名詞+一般疑問句?(what后面跟上名詞時,what起形容詞作用)具體地說:系動詞做謂語: What + 系動詞 + sb / sth? What + 名詞 + 系動詞 + sb / sth?情態(tài)動詞做謂語:What + 情態(tài)動詞 + sb / sth + 實義動詞? What + 名詞 + 情態(tài)動詞 + sb / sth + 實義動詞?行為動詞做謂語:What + 助動詞 + sb / sth + 實義動詞? What + 名詞 + 助動詞 + sb /

2、 sth + 實義動詞?助動詞不能單獨做謂語。一、系動詞做謂語:(一)What + 系動詞 + sb / sth?詢問“是什么”?What is it / this / that? It is an eraser.What are they (物)/ these / those? They are foxes. What is between the buildings? There are some trees.Whats this in English? Its an orange. 詢問姓名?What is your name? My name is Amy. 詢問某人的職業(yè)?What

3、are you? Im a teacher.What is he? Hes a doctor.What are they(人)? They are students.(句型:疑問詞+be動詞+主語+ 注意理解下面的句型變化。)陳述句: Hes a doctor. 轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧洌?Is he a doctor? 特殊疑問句,對doctor 提問: What is he? 詢問愛好之最?What is your favorite fruit? I like watermelon. (My favorite fruit is watermelon.) (Watermelon.) (相當(dāng)于:Whi

4、ch fruit is your like best? I like watermelon best.)類似的還有:What is your favorite color? I like pink and blue.What is your favorite sport? I like play basketball.詢問電話號碼What is Amys telephone number? 83162548.詢問日期?What is (Whats) the date today? It is January 1st today.詢問天氣情況What is the weather like (i

5、n winter) (in Beijing)? It is cold and windy.詢問某人的外貌特征What is she like? She is tall and thin. (She is like her mother. )注釋:這里的like是介詞,表示“像”“如.一樣”。用于要求別人描述某人/某物或者給出他們的意見。詢問運算結(jié)果What is ten plus seven? It is seventeen。(二)What + 名詞 + 系動詞 + sb / sth?詢問星期幾?What day is today / tomorrow? (What day is it tod

6、ay / tomorrow?)Its Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday.詢問鐘點?What time is it? 幾點了? It is 8:00. (eight.)(8:00.)(8 oclock.)詢問顏色What color is your shirt?It is pink.詢問存在范圍What class / grade are you in? We are in class two / grade three.二、情態(tài)動詞做謂語:詢問能力What can you do at hom

7、e? I can sweep the floor. (I can wash the clothes.)What can you see on the desk? I can see some erasers.詢問意愿?What would you like to do? I would like to have a picnic. What would you like for lunch? I would like some green beans.注釋:would like to do = want to do 這里的like是行為動詞,意思是“喜歡”。三、行為動詞做謂語:(一)What

8、+ 助動詞 + sb / sth + 實義動詞?詢問正在干什么?What are you doing? I am making a birthday card.What are you doing? We are studying hard.What are the elephants doing? They are sleeping.注釋:這里的are是助動詞,而不是系動詞。它跟doing一起構(gòu)成現(xiàn)在時時態(tài)。詢問將要干什么?What are you going to do next weekend?We are going to our grandparents.What are you g

9、oing to be?I am going to be a teacher.注釋:這里的are是助動詞,而不是系動詞。它跟going to一起構(gòu)成將來時時態(tài)。詢問某人的職業(yè)?What do you do? I am a policeman.What do you do? We are teachers.詢問生活習(xí)慣?What do you (usually) do on the weekend? I often go hiking.詢問一日三餐What do you have for dinner? I have beef and rice.詢問課程?What (classes) do you

10、 have on Wednesday? We have English and Art.(二)What + 名詞 + 助動詞 + sb / sth + 實義動詞?What classes do you have on Wednesday? We have English and Art.What sports do you like?(對賓語提問)I like basketball.四、常用的特殊句型:What about you?詢問情況或打聽消息。當(dāng)對方談的事情不明確,需要詢問清楚時,也可用這一句型。如:Id like a cup of tea. What about you? 我想喝杯茶

11、,你呢?寒暄時用作承接上下文的轉(zhuǎn)折語。如:Im a student. What about you? 我是學(xué)生,你呢?初探what引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句以what引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句是英語中常見的一種疑問句,現(xiàn)在我們來看看它的一些簡單用法。what一詞的意思為“什么”,單獨使用用來詢問某物是什么。例如課文Starter部分Unit 2中的“Whats this in English?”句式就是這類問句,回答用 “Its + a / an + 名詞單數(shù)”。如: Whats this in English? 這個用英語怎么說?Its an orange. 這是一個橘子。 Whats that in Engl

12、ish? 那個用英語怎么說?Its a map. 那是一張地圖。 若要詢問某些物體是什么,可用“What are these / those in English? 這(那)些東西用英語怎么說?”句式提問?;卮鹩?“Theyre +名詞復(fù)數(shù)”。如: What are these in English? 這些東西用英語怎么說?They are rulers. 它們是尺子。 What are those in English? 那些東西用英語怎么說? They are pens. 它們是鋼筆。 what和一些名詞搭配可用來對多種情形提問。例如:what color 用來問顏色;what time用來問時間;what size用來問尺寸;what kind用來問種類等等。如: 1. What color is the key? 這把鑰匙是什么顏色?Its yellow. 它是黃色的。 2. What time is it


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