2、2015Global Practice EducationEast Asia and Pacific RegionThis document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization.CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS(Exchange Rate Effecti
3、ve August 2014)Currency Unit=LAKLAK 8,000=US$1FISCAL YEAROctober 1September 30ASLOAssessment of Student Learning OutcomeGPE IISecond Global Partnership for EducationBEQUALBasic Education Quality and Access in Lao PDRICBInternational Competitive BiddingCBCCommunity-Based Contracting for School Constr
4、uctionIDAInternational Development AssociationCDCoordinating DepartmentIFRInterim Financial ReportCIEDCommunity Initiative for Education DevelopmentINGOInternational Non-Governmental OrganizationCQSSelection Based on Consultant QualificationsISMImplementation Support MissionDADesignated AccountIECIn
5、clusive Education CenterDESBDistrict Education and Sports BureauJICAJapan International Cooperation AgencyDOFDepartment of FinanceLCSLeast Cost SelectionDOIDepartment of InspectionLEGLocal Education GroupDOPDepartment of PersonnelMDGMillennium Development GoalDPDepartment of PlanningM&EMonitoring an
6、d EvaluationDPPEDepartment of Pre-Primary and Primary EducationMoESMinistry of Education and SportsDTTEDepartment of Teacher Training EducationMPIMinistry of Planning and InvestmentECUESDP Coordination UnitMOFMinistry of FinanceEDP IISecond Education Development ProjectMTRMid-Term ReviewEFA-FTIEduca
7、tion for All Fast Track InitiativeNCBNational Competitive BiddingEGRAEarly Grade Reading AssessmentNSEDPNational Socio-Economic Development PlanEGDPEthnic Group Development PlanOAOperating AccountEMISEducation Management Information SystemPAFPerformance Assessment FrameworkEQSEducation Quality Stand
8、ardsPESSProvincial Education and Sports ServiceESDPEducation Sector Development PlanPRSOPoverty Reduction Support OperationESITCEducation Statistics and Information Technology CenterRIESResearch Institute for Educational ScienceESWGEducation Sector Working GroupSBGSchool Block GrantEQACEducation Qua
9、lity Assurance CenterSBMSchool Based ManagementEUEuropean UnionSDPSchool Development PlanFAMFinancial and Administration ManualSOEStatement of ExpendituresFRSFinancial Reporting SystemSSMESnapshot of School Management EffectivenessGDPGross Domestic ProductQCBSQuality and Cost Based SelectionGPEGloba
10、l Partnership for EducationVEDCVillage Education Development CommitteeRegional Vice President:Axel van TrotsenburgCountry Director:Ulrich ZachauGlobal Practice Senior Director:Claudia CostinPractice Manager:Harry Anthony Patrinos Task Team Leader:Pedro Cerdan-InfantesLAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICS
11、ECOND GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR EDUCATION PROJECTTABLE OF CONTENTSPageI.STRATEGIC CONTEXT1A.Country Context1B.Sectoral and Institutional Context2C.Higher Level Objectives to which the Project Contributes8II.PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES10A.PDO10B.Project Beneficiaries10C.PDO Level Results Indicators10
12、III.PROJECT DESCRIPTION11A.Project Components11B.Project Financing15Lending Instrument15Project Cost and Financing15C.Lessons Learned and Reflected in the Project Design15IV.IMPLEMENTATION16A.Institutional and Implementation Arrangements16B.Results Monitoring and Evaluation17C.Sustainability17D.Gend
13、er and Disability18V.KEY RISKS AND MITIGATION MEASURES19A.Risk Ratings Summary Table19B.Overall Risk Rating Explanation20VI.APPRAISAL SUMMARY20A.Economic and Financial Analysis20B.Technical21C.Financial Management21D.Procurement22E.Social (including Safeguards)23F.Environment (including Safeguards)2
14、3Annex 1: Results Framework and Monitoring25Annex 2: Detailed Project Description30Annex 3: Implementation Arrangements50Annex 4: Operational Risk Assessment Framework (ORAF)64Annex 5: Implementation Support Plan70Annex 6: Output and Results of the EFA-FTI Program (2011 2014)74Annex 7: Economic and
15、Financial Analysis81Annex 8: Expected Foreign Investment Flows in the Education Sector92PAD DATA SHEETLao Peoples Democratic RepublicSecond Global Partnership for Education Project (P149130)PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT.EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC09057Report No.: PAD1055.Basic Information Project IDEA Catego
16、ryTeam LeaderP149130B - Partial AssessmentPedro Cerdan-InfantesLending InstrumentFragile and/or Capacity Constraints Investment Project FinancingFinancial Intermediaries Series of Projects Project Implementation Start DateProject Implementation End DateJuly 15, 2015July 15, 2019Expected Effectivenes
17、s DateExpected Closing DateJuly 15, 2015July 15, 2019Joint IFCNoPractice ManagerSenior Global Practice DirectorCountry DirectorRegional Vice PresidentHarry PatrinosClaudia CostinUlrich ZachauAxel van Trotsenburg.Borrower: Lao Peoples Democratic RepublicResponsible Agency: Ministry of Education and S
18、portsContact:ESDP Coordination UnitTitle:Telephone No.:(856-21) 243-672Email:edpiimoe.Project Financing Data(in USD Million) Loan XGrant GuaranteeCredit IDA Grant OtherTotal Project Cost:16.80Total Financing:16.80Financing Gap:0.00.Financing SourceAmountBORROWER/RECIPIENT0.00Global Partnership for E
19、ducation16.80Total16.80.Expected Disbursements (in USD Million)Fiscal Year20162017201820192020Annual2. Development Objective(s)The objective of the project is to support the Government of Lao PDR in improving pre-primary and primary education quality
20、.ComponentsComponent NameCost (USD Millions)Component 1: Strengthening School-Based Management12.7Component 2: Improving Reading Outcomes and Assessment Capacity2.5Component 3: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation1.6.Institutional DataPractice Area / Cross Cutting SolutionEducationCross
21、Cutting Areas Climate Change Fragile, Conflict & Violence X Gender Jobs Public Private Partnership.Sectors / Climate ChangeSector (Maximum 5 and total % must equal 100)Major SectorSector%Adaptation Co-benefits %Mitigation Co-benefits %EducationPre-primary education10EducationPrimary education90Total
22、100 I certify that there is no Adaptation and Mitigation Climate Change Co-benefits information applicable to this project.ThemesTheme (Maximum 5 and total % must equal 100)Major themeTheme%Human developmentEducation for all100Total100.Compliance PolicyDoes the project depart from the CAS in content
23、 or in other significant respects?Yes No X .Does the project require any waivers of Bank policies?Yes No X Have these been approved by Bank management?Yes No Is approval for any policy waiver sought from the Board?Yes No X Does the project meet the Regional criteria for readiness for implementation?
24、YesXNo .Safeguard Policies Triggered by the ProjectYesNoEnvironmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01XNatural Habitats OP/BP 4.04XForests OP/BP 4.36XPest Management OP 4.09XPhysical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11XIndigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10XInvoluntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12XSafety of Dams OP/BP 4.37XProjec
25、ts on International Waterways OP/BP 7.50XProjects in Disputed Areas OP/BP 7.60X.Legal CovenantsActionResponsible partyDue DateWithin six months of project effectiveness date recruit two accounting assistants with terms of reference and qualifications acceptable to the World Bank MoES December 15, 20
26、15Prior to financing school block grants under the Project, adopt school block grant guidelines detailing the eligibility criteria, and approval and administration arrangements for provision of grants MoESDecember 1, 2015NameRecurrentDue DateFrequencyProject institutional arrangements XContinuousDes
27、cription of CovenantObligation of the Recipient to maintain, at all times during the implementation of the Project, the Project steering committee, advisory council, working group, coordination unit and coordination department teams, all with functions, composition, staffing and resources satisfacto
28、ry to the Bank.NameRecurrentDue DateFrequencyProject Implementation ManualXContinuousDescription of CovenantObligation of the Recipient to carry out the Project in accordance with the Project Implementation Manual. NameRecurrentDue DateFrequencyEnvironmental and Social SafeguardsXContinuousDescripti
29、on of CovenantObligation of the Recipient to ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Ethnic Group Development Plan and Environmental Code of Practice. NameRecurrentDue DateFrequencyEnvironmental and Social SafeguardsXContinuousDescription of CovenantThe recipi
30、ent shall collect, compile and submit to the Bank on a six-monthly basis consolidated reports on the status of compliance with the ECOP and EGDP.NameRecurrentDue DateFrequencyAnnual work Plans and BudgetsXAnnualDescription of CovenantObligation of the Recipient to prepare and furnish the Bank no lat
31、er than March 31 of each year during the implementation of the Project a consolidated Annual Work Plan and Budget containing all eligible Project activities and expenditures. .Conditions: Source Of FundNameTypeGPE GrantWithdrawal of the Proceeds of the GrantCondition of DisbursementDescription of Co
32、nditionNo disbursements may be made for school block grants unless the Recipient has adopted the school block grants guidelines, in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank.Bank StaffNameTitleSpecializationUnitPedro Cerdan-Infantes Education EconomistCo-Task Team LeaderGEDDROmporn RegelSenior Ope
33、rations OfficerCo-Task Team Leader GEDDRCarmenchu D. Austriaco Finance Analyst Finance ManagementCTRLN Boun Oum InthaxoumOperations OfficerEducationGEDDRSatoshi IshiharaSenior Social Development SpecialistSocial Development GURDRManush HristovSenior CounselCountry LawyerLEGESRoch LevesqueSenior Coun
34、selCountry LawyerLEGAMMyrna Machuca-SierraEducation SpecialistLiteracyGEDDRBoualamphanh PhouthavisoukTeam AssistantAdministrative and Client SupportEACLFChau-Ching ShenSenior Finance OfficerDisbursementCTRLNSirirat SirijaratwongProcurement SpecialistProcurement GGODRSiriphone VanitsavethFinancial Ma
35、nagement SpecialistFinancial ManagementGGODRNon-Bank StaffNameTitleOffice PhoneCityKatheryn BennettFirst Secretary (Development Cooperation),Australian EmbassyVientianeEloise SaifSecond Secretary (Education),Australian EmbassyVientianeEmmanuelle AbriouxChief of Education, UNICEFVientianeAndrew HillP
36、rograms Director,Plan InternationalVientianeNorkham SouphanouvongCountry Director,Room to Read LaosVientianeJoel BachaS.E. Asia Program Manager, Room to ReadVientianeKeiko MizunoPolicy Advisor, MOES (Senior Advisor, JICA HQs) VientianeMasako IwashinaChief Technical Advisor, CIED 2/JICA VientianeJean
37、-Bernard de Milito Cooperation Attach,European UnionVientianeChindavanh VongsalyProgram Officer, European UnionVientianeSandra BeemerEducation ConsultantWashington, D.C.Grayson ClarkeEducation ConsultantKuala Lumpur Achariya KohtbantauEducation ConsultantBangkokAmanda SeelEducation Consultant Bangko
38、k.LocationsCountryFirst Administrative DivisionLocationPlannedActualCommentsLao PDRNationwidexI. STRATEGIC CONTEXT A. Country Context1. With a Gross National Income per capita of US$1,460 in 2013, Using Atlas method. up from US$280 in 2000, the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is undergoing
39、 a sustained economic expansion. The country is richly endowed with natural resourcesespecially land, forestry, water, mineralsand is in the midst of a fast growing region. This combination of comparative advantages, along with targeted policies to utilize them, has yielded an average real Gross Dom
40、estic Product (GDP) growth rate officially estimated at close to 7.5 percent per year for the past 15 years, moving Lao PDR from lower-income to lower middle-income status. Despite these positive long-term trends in growth, the current macroeconomic situation invites some caution in the short term.
41、Growth is projected to moderate slightly from 8.1 percent in 2013 to 7.5 percent in 2014. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2012/13, the fiscal deficit widened markedly due mainly to large increases in public sector wages and benefits. As a consequence, slower growth in public spending is expected in the medium t
42、erm.2. Despite impressive growth, Lao PDR is still one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. The country remains in Least Developed Country status and reducing poverty remains a high priority. The preliminary analysis of the most recent household survey The fifth Laos Expenditure and Consumpti
43、on Survey in 2012/13. The survey has been carried out every five years. The data for the survey just became available at the time of the CPSPR preparation therefore, the analysis presented is still preliminary. shows that the national poverty headcount halved from 46 percent in 1992/93 to 23 percent
44、 in 2012/13. Despite such decline, the poverty rate in rural areas, where nearly three-fourths of the countrys 6.7 million people live, is still high (28.6 percent) almost three times the rate in urban areas (10 percent). Poverty rates have declined in most provinces over the last five years, but it
45、 has increased in others, especially in the southern region. Substantial disparities remain across ethno-linguistic groups, with the Lao-Tai group having much lower poverty rates (15 percent) than the other three groups (an average of close to 40 percent). 3. Sustaining inclusive growth and accelera
46、ting poverty reduction hinges partly on achieving significant improvements in access and quality of education, since the low skills of the labor force are slowing down economic transformation and preventing large segments of the population from benefiting from economic growth. There is evidence that
47、 the low level of basic skills in the adult population (starting with literacy) is constraining the move of workers from subsistence agriculture to more productive sectors and jobs, Lao Development Report, 2014, World Bank thus slowing down economic growth and poverty reduction. The poor are much mo
48、re likely to be illiterate (30 percent of poor are illiterate versus 13 percent of non-poor), especially poor women (42 percent of them are illiterate), which prevents them from accessing the higher productivity and wage jobs that are opening up in non-agricultural sectors. This circle of poverty is
49、 unlikely to break if access to education and quality of service provision does not improve for the poor. Almost one fourth of poor primary school aged children are not enrolled in school. More importantly, their progress over the last five years has been slower than for the non-poor, thus widening
50、the gap in educational achievement. Improving access to and quality of education for the poor and in rural areas is, thus, fundamental for reducing poverty and sharing economic prosperity more widely. B. Sectoral and Institutional Context4. Lao PDR has recognized education as a fundamental priority
51、in its medium and long-term development plan and is taking important steps to implement a coherent sector strategy. Improving access to and quality of education are key goals of the 7th National Social and Economic Development Plan (20112015) which centered around achieving the Millennium Developmen
52、t Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and graduating from Least Developed Country status by 2020. These goals are formalized in the Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) 20112015, which serves as the overarching framework for sector policies and guides both government policies and programs and development partn
53、ers support. The ESDP and its policy planning matrix consist of three pillars: (i) expanding equitable access; (ii) improving quality and relevance; and (iii) strengthening planning and management, and outlining a detailed sector plan of 19 key policies and 96 strategies with targets, costing, legis
54、lative requirements and central level responsibilities, based on a set of goals, policy directions and objectives. The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has played a vital role in supporting the implementation of the ESDP, especially through the “Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI
55、) Catalytic Fund” program. Henceforth referred to as “EFA-FTI program”. It was co-financed by GPE (US$30 million) and Australia (AUD 20.26 million). The World Bank-financed “Second Education Development Project/Additional Financing” (US$15.5 million) was implemented in parallel and supported similar activities. The GPE also support
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