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1、畢業(yè)論文淺析放松活動(dòng)在體育課中的重要性以攀枝花市第18中小學(xué)為例摘 要在學(xué)校體育教學(xué)過程中,忽視放松活動(dòng)有很多方面,首先是大部分體育教師的不重視,其次是學(xué)生自己沒有意識(shí)到放松活動(dòng)的重要性。放松整理活動(dòng)是消除學(xué)生在體育教學(xué)中產(chǎn)生的“運(yùn)動(dòng)狀態(tài)”,促進(jìn)體力和精力恢復(fù)的一種有效手段。做好充分的放松整理是取得良好的訓(xùn)練效果及預(yù)防運(yùn)動(dòng)損傷的主要手段之一。因此,在體育課結(jié)束部分的放松整理活動(dòng)中,針對(duì)教學(xué)內(nèi)容的運(yùn)動(dòng)量和強(qiáng)度選擇合理安排放松整理活動(dòng),從而能及時(shí)的清除疲勞,恢復(fù)機(jī)體的機(jī)能達(dá)到放松的效果。關(guān)鍵詞:體育課 放松活動(dòng) 合理安排abstractignore the relaxation activitie

2、s, first of all, most of the physical education teachers do not attach importance to the process of school physical education, followed by the students themselves do not realize the importance of relaxing activities. relax organize activities to eliminate the state of motion generated by the student

3、s in physical education teaching, an effective means to promote physical strength and energy recovery. do a good job full relaxation finishing is one of the primary means to achieve good training and prevention of sports injuries. therefore, the activities of physical education to the end part of th

4、e relaxation finishing, physical activity and intensity of choice for teaching content reasonable arrangements to relax organize activities to timely remove fatigue and restore the bodys functions to achieve the relaxing effect.key words:physical education relaxation activities reasonable arrangemen

5、ts1研究背景與意義 一堂完整的體育課包括準(zhǔn)備部分、基礎(chǔ)部分和結(jié)束部分。結(jié)束部分是體育課不可缺少的組成部分,而放松活動(dòng)又是結(jié)束部分的一項(xiàng)內(nèi)容。放松活動(dòng)的主要任務(wù)是使學(xué)生在課中上升了的身體機(jī)能逐漸下降,恢復(fù)到相對(duì)安靜的狀態(tài),輕松愉快地結(jié)束體育課。在體育課的結(jié)束部分進(jìn)行放松活動(dòng),可使人體更好地由緊張的運(yùn)動(dòng)狀態(tài)逐步轉(zhuǎn)入到相對(duì)安靜狀態(tài)的各種緩和運(yùn)動(dòng),使心血管系統(tǒng)和呼吸系統(tǒng)保持在一定高度的水平,有利于償還運(yùn)動(dòng)時(shí)欠下的氧債??梢苑乐挂蛲蝗混o止下來而妨礙劇烈呼吸動(dòng)作和血液回流的影響,放松活動(dòng)還有利于使肌肉放松和肌肉的代謝過程,放松活動(dòng)質(zhì)量如何直接關(guān)系到運(yùn)動(dòng)水平、技術(shù)提高和課堂教學(xué)質(zhì)量,以及學(xué)生的身體、心里的

6、健康發(fā)展。但在實(shí)際教學(xué)中很多教師容易忽視放松活動(dòng)的重要性,如果每堂課的結(jié)束部分不充分做好放松活動(dòng),勢(shì)必會(huì)影響學(xué)生的課堂學(xué)習(xí)效果,影響學(xué)生上體育課的積極性,甚至?xí)?duì)接下來其他課的課堂學(xué)習(xí)效果產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響。2研究對(duì)象與方法2.1研究對(duì)象選取攀枝花市第18中小學(xué)中的360名學(xué)生為研究對(duì)象2.2研究方法221文獻(xiàn)資料法通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)查閱有關(guān)放松活動(dòng)的文章。閱讀體育社會(huì)學(xué)、社會(huì)學(xué)研究方法、社會(huì)調(diào)查法等方面的書籍,獲取價(jià)位系統(tǒng)的基礎(chǔ)理論知識(shí),為本課題的研究打下了理論基礎(chǔ)。222訪談法 通過面談、電話等方式對(duì)攀枝花市第18中小學(xué)相關(guān)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)進(jìn)行訪談,著重了解放松活動(dòng)在體育課課程的開展情況,咨詢他們對(duì)所存在的問題的建

7、議和意見。223問卷調(diào)查法 根據(jù)研究目的,遵循社會(huì)學(xué)問卷制定原則設(shè)計(jì)問卷,問卷由兩部分構(gòu)成,第1部分是學(xué)生的基本情況;第2部分是學(xué)生對(duì)放松活動(dòng)的認(rèn)識(shí)、放松活動(dòng)的時(shí)間和頻率、參加放松活動(dòng)的因素的情況。 調(diào)查樣本的選取采取分層抽樣的方法,依照它們的年級(jí)分類,按比例進(jìn)行抽樣,在全校9個(gè)年級(jí)中進(jìn)行調(diào)查,隨機(jī)向?qū)W生發(fā)放問卷360份。 表1調(diào)研年級(jí) 序號(hào) 年級(jí) 問卷數(shù)量 1 一年級(jí) 40 2 二年級(jí) 40 3 三年級(jí) 40 4 四年級(jí) 40 5 五年級(jí) 40 6 六年級(jí) 40 7 七年級(jí) 40 8 八年級(jí) 40 9 九年級(jí) 40 問卷在2012年9月至10月間發(fā)放與回收完畢。學(xué)生問卷總計(jì)360份,回收34

8、3份,回收率95.3%,其中有效問卷336份,有效率93.3%。表2 問卷統(tǒng)計(jì)發(fā)放問卷 回收問卷 回收率 有效問卷 有效率360 343 95.3% 336 93.3%3研究結(jié)果與分析3.1學(xué)生對(duì)放松活動(dòng)的認(rèn)識(shí)調(diào)查311學(xué)生對(duì)放松活動(dòng)的態(tài)度 緊張與放松是一對(duì)矛盾。兩者必須松緊有度,張弛得法,體育課進(jìn)行放松活動(dòng),就是為了解決教學(xué)中身心活動(dòng)的張弛矛盾,求得二者的統(tǒng)一,使體育教學(xué)功效充分體現(xiàn)出來。通過問卷調(diào)查了解79.2%的學(xué)生認(rèn)為課后放松活動(dòng)很重要,17.3%的學(xué)生認(rèn)為課后放松活動(dòng)無所謂,只有6.5%的學(xué)生認(rèn)為不重要。 表3 學(xué)生對(duì)體育課后放松活動(dòng)的態(tài)度態(tài)度 很重要 無所謂 不重要 比例 79.2

9、% 17.3% 6.5% 這說明學(xué)生還是很重視課后的放松活動(dòng),能認(rèn)識(shí)到放松活動(dòng)的重要性。還有就是51.6%的學(xué)生認(rèn)為教師安排的放松活動(dòng)不夠,說明好多教師安排放松活動(dòng)時(shí)隨意性很大,盡管學(xué)生知道放松活動(dòng)的重要性,但是教師的不安排也導(dǎo)致了學(xué)生對(duì)放松活動(dòng)的敷衍了事。312學(xué)生上體育課疲勞程度的調(diào)查研究表明學(xué)生放松活動(dòng)做得很少或者不足,身體系統(tǒng)功能未能得到完全恢復(fù)就進(jìn)入下一次課的訓(xùn)練,容易產(chǎn)生疲勞的積累,相對(duì)進(jìn)入工作狀態(tài)的時(shí)間加長(zhǎng),影響技術(shù)水平的提高。問卷調(diào)查表明有11.3%的學(xué)生在上完體育課后覺得非常疲勞;54.5%的學(xué)生感覺疲勞;31.5%的學(xué)生感覺一般;只有2.7%的學(xué)生沒有感覺。表 4學(xué)生上完體

10、育課后的疲勞程度調(diào)查疲勞程度 人數(shù) 比例非常疲勞 38 11.3%感覺疲勞 183 54.5%感覺一般 106 31.5%沒有感覺 9 2.7%這說明教師沒有對(duì)體育課后的放松活動(dòng)引起重視,導(dǎo)致學(xué)生課后的疲勞度比較高,在今后的體育教學(xué)中要重視放松活動(dòng),選用各種放松方法減輕學(xué)生的疲勞程度。3.2放松活動(dòng)的時(shí)間和頻率分析 一節(jié)40分鐘的體育課,其放松活動(dòng)的時(shí)間約占6-9分鐘,這樣的放松時(shí)間才可以使人更好地從緊張的運(yùn)動(dòng)狀態(tài)逐漸過渡到相對(duì)的安靜狀態(tài),并可消除機(jī)體內(nèi)的代謝產(chǎn)物,減輕肌肉酸痛和消除疲勞。問卷調(diào)查表明不是所有學(xué)生在體育課后都能進(jìn)行放松活動(dòng),僅有13.4%的學(xué)生基本每次都進(jìn)行了放松活動(dòng);偶爾進(jìn)行

11、放松的學(xué)生占了51.2%;從沒有進(jìn)行過放松活動(dòng)的學(xué)生占了35.4%。 表5學(xué)生放松活動(dòng)頻率調(diào)查放松活動(dòng) 每次 偶爾 沒有頻 率 比例 13.4% 51.2% 35.4% 在參與了放松活動(dòng)的學(xué)生中,大部分學(xué)生放松的時(shí)間主要集中在9分鐘以下,只有13.7%的學(xué)生放松活動(dòng)在9分鐘以上。這說明學(xué)生雖能意識(shí)到放松活動(dòng)的重要性,但是實(shí)施起來還有一定的困難,需要教師的督促和延長(zhǎng)放松的時(shí)間。3.3體育課中影響學(xué)生參加放松活動(dòng)的因素 從問卷調(diào)查的結(jié)果來看,體育教學(xué)中影響學(xué)生參加放松活動(dòng)的因素是多方面的,體育課中大部分教師選擇放松活動(dòng)內(nèi)容形式單一、僵化,脫離了學(xué)生心理特點(diǎn),形成教師強(qiáng)令,學(xué)生盲目服從,以至于達(dá)不到





16、009(3).10陳龍.如何組織體育課的放松活動(dòng)j.林區(qū)教學(xué),2003(9).11彭長(zhǎng)湘.教學(xué)訓(xùn)練中不可忽視放松活動(dòng)j.田徑,1998,(1):39.12王步標(biāo).人體生理學(xué)m.北京:高等教育出版社,210.13曲綿域等.是用運(yùn)動(dòng)醫(yī)學(xué)m.北京:北京科技出版,1996.511-51414張鐵明.淺析放松活動(dòng)對(duì)體育教學(xué)的作用j.河北體育學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),1999,13(3).15先世友.體育實(shí)踐課放松活動(dòng)的種類和方法j.陜西國(guó)防工業(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),2007,6(2).致 謝 詞 在論文即將圓滿完成之際,也意味著四年的大學(xué)生活即將結(jié)束。在這短暫的四年時(shí)光里,我擁有了充實(shí)而快樂的人生。 在此,首先要感謝的是我

17、的導(dǎo)師楊映蓮副教授。導(dǎo)師對(duì)我傾注了寶貴的心血,不僅在學(xué)術(shù)上悉心指導(dǎo)和不斷鼓勵(lì)。楊映蓮老師淵博的學(xué)識(shí)、嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)膽B(tài)度、高尚的人格、大氣的胸懷深深的影響著我、改變著我,是我一生學(xué)習(xí)的榜樣。非常感謝楊映蓮老師對(duì)我的付出,我一定不會(huì)辜負(fù)您的期望。 感謝西昌學(xué)院所有幫助過我的老師們,感謝攀枝花市第18中小學(xué)學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)對(duì)我的幫助,特別是西昌學(xué)院體育學(xué)院的各位老師,感謝你們的培養(yǎng),感謝你們無私的奉獻(xiàn),感謝你們對(duì)學(xué)生的關(guān)懷,感謝你們對(duì)我論文提出寶貴的意見。 最后,再次感謝每一個(gè)人,有了你們的幫助,我會(huì)突破一切艱難險(xiǎn)阻,在前進(jìn)的道路上走的更加堅(jiān)定。 獨(dú) 撰 聲 明我聲明,本論文(設(shè)計(jì))是由本人在指導(dǎo)教師的指導(dǎo)下獨(dú)立完

18、成的,在完成論文(設(shè)計(jì))時(shí)所利用的一切資料均已在參考文獻(xiàn)中列出。 姓名:張曉艷 2012年5月20日翻 譯 資 料對(duì)小學(xué)體育課放松活動(dòng)的合理性 科學(xué)性的初步研究遼寧省凌海市松山小學(xué) 王 寶一、問題的提出放松活動(dòng)是體育課結(jié)束部分的主要內(nèi)容。其目的在于降低大腦皮層的興奮性,放松肌肉,使肌體逐漸恢復(fù)到相對(duì)安靜狀態(tài)。對(duì)學(xué)生的身心健康起著積極的作用??墒?,當(dāng)前一些學(xué)校體育課的放松活動(dòng)搞得并不好,主要表現(xiàn)在:第一,一部分教師輕視,甚至根本不做整理活動(dòng)的現(xiàn)象還時(shí)有發(fā)生。原因是部分教師對(duì)放松活動(dòng)缺乏科學(xué)的認(rèn)識(shí),認(rèn)為放松活動(dòng)不起多大作用。第二,一部分教師只是把放松活動(dòng)作為一種“差事”,來應(yīng)付了事。原因是課前不做




22、、深呼吸、動(dòng)物模仿動(dòng)作、自我按摩、歌舞練習(xí)和活動(dòng)性游戲等。3方法:首先,測(cè)。隨機(jī)測(cè)量課中即刻心率。課后5 分鐘、8 分鐘的心率。其次,看。觀察學(xué)生外部表現(xiàn),詢問學(xué)生自我感覺情況,了解學(xué)生心理變化情況。第三,分類。(1)各項(xiàng)主教材練習(xí)負(fù)荷分類,即刻心率均值在160180次分之間的教材,稱之為高強(qiáng)度教材。如耐久跑、對(duì)抗競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的比賽類、慢快跑類等教材;即刻心率均值在140160 次分之間的教材。稱為中強(qiáng)度教材;如跳躍類、體操中的技巧、支撐跳躍等教材。即刻心率均值在124140次分之間的教材,稱為低強(qiáng)度的教材。如投擲類、武術(shù)類和韻律活動(dòng)等教材。(2)放松活動(dòng)內(nèi)容強(qiáng)度分類。迪斯科舞蹈、慢跑步等放松練習(xí)的即

23、刻心率均值在115130 次分之間,稱a 強(qiáng)度的放松練習(xí);輕松的歌舞、動(dòng)物模仿動(dòng)作及游戲時(shí)的即刻心率均值在100115 次分之間,稱b 強(qiáng)度的放松練習(xí);深呼吸和自我按摩以及相互按摩的即刻心率均值在90100 次分之間,稱c 強(qiáng)度放松練習(xí)。四、實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果與分析1選用c 強(qiáng)度放松練習(xí)低強(qiáng)度的主教材通過c 強(qiáng)度放松練習(xí),課后五分鐘心率接近安靜水平;高強(qiáng)度的主教材通過c 強(qiáng)度放松練習(xí),課后五分鐘心率高于安靜水平。到課后八分鐘還未恢復(fù)。出現(xiàn)上述情況的原因,一是放松練習(xí)強(qiáng)度不合適,二是練習(xí)中血液大量流入四肢,引起大腦大量缺血,出現(xiàn)一絲不良反應(yīng)。2選用b 強(qiáng)度放松練習(xí)高、中強(qiáng)度的主教材,通過b 強(qiáng)度的放松練習(xí)

24、,學(xué)生反應(yīng)良好;低強(qiáng)度主教材通過b 強(qiáng)度放松練習(xí),心率稍高,沒有出現(xiàn)不良反應(yīng)現(xiàn)象。3選用a 強(qiáng)度的放松練習(xí)高、中強(qiáng)度的主教材通過a 強(qiáng)度的放松練習(xí),學(xué)生的心率接近安靜水平,學(xué)生感到良好;低強(qiáng)度教材通過a 強(qiáng)度的放松練習(xí),課后學(xué)生心率偏高。造成的原因,主要是放松練習(xí)強(qiáng)度沒有合理搭配而出現(xiàn)反?,F(xiàn)象。綜上所述,放松活動(dòng)的內(nèi)容和主教材的性質(zhì)有一定的關(guān)系。五、結(jié)論與建議1放松活動(dòng)的強(qiáng)度應(yīng)根據(jù)課的主教材的練習(xí)強(qiáng)度而定,強(qiáng)則大,弱則小。2放松活動(dòng)的內(nèi)容要根據(jù)課的主教材性質(zhì)選擇,多勞部位多放松,全身活動(dòng)全身放松。3放松活動(dòng)的手段、方式要根據(jù)學(xué)生的年齡、性別等特征選擇,多采用學(xué)生感興趣的游戲等放松練習(xí)。4有針對(duì)

25、性的放松活動(dòng)能幫助學(xué)生消除疲勞,促進(jìn)體力恢復(fù),提高學(xué)生下節(jié)文化課的學(xué)習(xí)效率。5有針對(duì)性的放松活動(dòng)。能預(yù)防學(xué)生運(yùn)動(dòng)后的不良反應(yīng)及運(yùn)動(dòng)損傷,保證學(xué)生的身心健康。a preliminary study of the rationality of scientific relaxation activities of primary school physical educationlinghai matsuyama elementary school in liaoning province, wang baofirst, the problemthe relaxation activity is

26、physical education to the end part of the main content. its purpose is to reduce the cerebral cortex, the risefen, relax the muscles, so that the body gradually restored to the state of relative quiet. on students physical and mental health plays aan active role.however, some schools pe relaxation a

27、ctivities made is not good, mainly in:the first part of the teachers in contempt, or simply not to organize the activities of the phenomenon have occurred. original some teachers in relaxing activities to the lack of scientific understanding that the relaxation activities can not afford much.second,

28、 some teachers just relaxing activities as a job to deal with the matter. original due before class, do not do careful preparation, only going through the motions, seek practical results.third, some teachers arrangements relaxing activities arbitrary, without regard to the basic content of the textb

29、ooks, think what, what results is often counterproductive.in summary, the reasonableness of the relaxing activities of school physical education, scientific research has become when pressing problem of the former physical education reform.this paper attempts an early from a physiological point of vi

30、ew on the reasonable and scientific activities of the primary school physical education relax further explore in order to facilitate to improve the effect of relaxing activities, to increase students physical and mental health.second, the experimental theoretical basistheoretical basis for this arti

31、cle only from the physiological angle, relaxing activities.1. the role of mitigation of cardiac ischemic complete the basic task of teaching students the physical exertion, there will be varying degrees of physical and mental fatigue. especially in high-intensity physical activity practice, most of

32、the bodys blood distribution in the limbs and brain, the heart may be severe ischemia. suddenly stop exercising will make the difficulties in venous return, broken bad and normal blood circulation and may cause dizziness, nausea, severe cases can produce vomiting. especially in the hot in the summer

33、, and sometimes can also cause gravity shock. these phenomena are particularly prevalent in the long-distance teaching. because this, after the sport, the need to do some minor finishing activities as soon as possible to help the bodys blood reflux and heart blood of normal output, eliminating the b

34、ad feelings.2. the role of oxygen debt repayment practice has proved that some of the physiological changes caused by the movement of the body, not with the movement to stop the same disappear when. in the movement, the organism often adhere to the work in the absence of oxygen, regardless of the br

35、eathing how to add, can not meet the needs of the movement of oxygen. in this case, the internal organs have to exercise following the lack of oxygen in the continued extraordinary work to compensate for movement, if not in time to do relaxing activities, and suddenly at the in the stationary state.

36、 making body at rest to hinder a strong role in breathing, affect the bodys demand for oxygen, affect both the venous blood return and the role of cardiac output, blood is correspondingly reduced, causing blood pressure to drop low, resulting in temporary cerebral insufficiency may occur a series of

37、 bad feeling, and even lead to re-the force of the shock, etc. therefore, relaxation activity is not optional things.3. the role of the elimination of lactic acid practice has proved that: in the absence of oxygen, strenuous exercise, the muscles in the sugar can not be completely oxygen of the rele

38、ase of energy, it will produce large amounts of blood lactate. when the blood lactate accumulation in blood and muscle to reacha certain extent, the muscles can produce transient fatigue. so, how to make the lactic acid produced in the movement movement as soon as possible after the oxidation or dec

39、omposition? lactic acid in the blood to do relaxing activities that students can eliminate rapid on the contrary, is slower.third, the experiment1. objects: a group of fifth-grade experimental class, classes, control classes. each class were randomly selected physical medium all five of the level of

40、 students as a track sampling the determination of the object.2. means: relaxed walking, jogging, take a deep breath, animal imitation of action, self-massage, dance exercises and active games.3. methods:first of all, measured. random measurement lesson in the immediate heart rate. after school five

41、 minutes, eight minutes of heart rate.secondly, to see. observation of students external performance, ask students to feel the situation, to understand the students mentalthe changes.third, the classification. (1) the main textbook exercise load classification, immediate heart rate average at 160 18

42、0 beats / min between the materials, called high-strength materials. such as durable running game against the competition class, slow run and other materials; immediate heart rate average between 140 to 160 beats / min textbooks. called the strength to teach material; such as jumping classes, gymnas

43、tics skills, support jumps and other teaching materials. immediate heart rate average at 124 to 140 beats / min between the materials, known as low-strength materials. such as throwing the teaching of classes, martial arts classes and rhythm activities materials. (2) relaxation activities strength c

44、lassification. disco dance, slow jogging, and other relaxation exercises instantly heart rates average between 115 to 130 beats / min, said the strength of a relaxation exercises; easy song and dance, animal modelsimitation of action and the immediate heart rate when the game mean that relaxation tr

45、aining of strength b between 100 to 115 beats / min, learning; take a deep breath and self-massage and mutual massage immediate heart rate, mean 90 100 times / per, said c intensity of relaxation exercises.fourth, the experimental results and analysis1. select c intensity relaxation exercisesthe low

46、 intensity of the main textbook by c intensity relaxation exercises, after-school five minutes the heart rate close to the quiet level;high-strength materials by c intensity and relaxation exercises, after-school five-minute heart rate higher than the quiet level. to classafter eight minutes not yet

47、 recovered.the reason for the above situation, one relaxation exercise intensity inappropriate exercise blood a large number ofinto the limbs, the brain caused by a large number of ischemia, there a trace of adverse reactions.2. selection of b intensity relaxation exerciseshigh in the intensity of t

48、he main materials, through the strength b relaxation exercises, good response from the students; low-intensity the main teaching materials relax by b-intensity exercise, heart rate slightly higher, there is no adverse reaction phenomenon.3. a strength used relaxation exerciseshigh, the main textbook

49、 of moderate intensity exercise, the intensity of relaxation a students heart rate close to the quiet level. students feel good; low strength materials by strength a relaxation exercises, after-school students heart rate high. buildinto the main reasons for the anomaly relaxation exercise intensity

50、is not a reasonable match.to sum up, relax the content and nature of the main materials have a certain relationship.fifth. conclusions and recommendations1. relax the intensity of activities should be based on the exercise intensity of the course materials may be strong, weak small.2. relaxation act

51、ivities according to the class main textbooks nature of choice, the more you work, parts and more relaxed, the body the activities of the body to relax.3. a means of relaxing activities, methods to be selected according to students age, gender and other characteristics, the use ofstudents interested in games and other


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