



1、優(yōu)美英語散文詩帶翻譯【篇一】優(yōu)美英語散文詩帶翻譯醉花陰To the Tune of Intoxicated Under the Shadow of FlowersThe Double Ninth FestivalLight mists and heavy clouds,melancholy the long dreary day.In the golden censerthe burning incense is dying away.It is again timefor the lovely Double-Ninth Festival;The coolness of midnightpen

2、etrates my screen of sheer silkand chills my pillow of jade.After drinking wine at twilightunder the chrysanthemum hedge,My sleeves are perfumedby the fragrance of the plants.Oh, I cannot say it is not endearing,Only, when the west wind stir the curtain,I see that I am more gracilethan the yellow fl

3、owers.醉花陰薄霧濃云愁永晝,瑞腦銷金獸。佳節(jié)又重陽,玉枕紗櫥,半夜涼初透。東籬把酒黃昏后,有暗香盈袖。莫道不消魂,簾卷西風(fēng),人比黃花瘦!【篇二】優(yōu)美英語散文詩帶翻譯初相遇 The Frst EncounterThe Frst EncounterThe lyric lad intones under the moonCan I have a chance to meet you, I croonIf it were a love from the love divineI would cherish you, and cherish you fineI read your solitude

4、 in your heart soleI see your loneliness deep in your soulIf I were in my former lifeA lilac in the rainI drooped low, for youIf I were in my present lifeA poplar in the windI stood high, for youShould mountains have no peeksShould terrains have no cracksI would not part from you初相遇月下吟詩的少年怎會讓我遇見你若是上

5、天的旨意我會好好珍惜你讀你的寂寞在心底懂你的孤獨(dú)于魂里若前世我是一株雨中的紫丁香憂郁,為你若今世我是一棵風(fēng)中的小白楊挺拔,為你哪怕山無棱角哪怕地?zé)o裂痕也不與你別離【篇三】優(yōu)美英語散文詩帶翻譯我怕背叛 但我更怕真情I Fear True Love More Than Betrayal典裘沽酒by Dianqiu Gujiu我怕背叛,但我更怕真情背叛僅僅一把刀子它能殺死一頭豬最多只能砍斷我的一只手擘I fear betrayal yet I more fear true lovebetrayal is just a knife that can kill a pigand at most can only cut one of my arms我怕背叛,但我更怕真情因為真情是一個陷井能陷進(jìn)一頭猛獸也能陷進(jìn)我的全部I fear betrayal yet I more fear true lovef


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