



1、常見(jiàn)包裝英語(yǔ)大全常見(jiàn)包裝英語(yǔ)大全aluminum Bottle 鋁瓶 amp(o)ule 安瓿 (藥針支) bale 捆,包 bale cargo capacity 包裝容積bales off 散包basket 籠、簍、籃、筐 block 塊bobbin 繞線(xiàn)筒 bolt(piece) 匹Bottle 瓶 bundle (Bd) 捆(包裝單位)bottom 下端,底部,底層braid 瓣bundle 捆 cartridge container 尾管case(-s) 一件(貨物/行李)casing 套(罩)container 集裝箱,盂,箱copper Pot 銅壺 degree 度denomi

2、nator 分母depth 深度dozen 打drum 桶fraction 分?jǐn)?shù)gross 籮hard 硬的height 高度in the form of a fraction 分?jǐn)?shù)形式kilogram 公斤 length 長(zhǎng)度nailed on 釘上numerator 分子package 一件(貨物/行李)piece 件、支、把、個(gè)ream 捻,令roll(reel) 卷set(kit) 架、臺(tái)、套sharp 鋒利的 side of a case 箱子的一面thick 厚 thickness 厚度unit(cart) 輛water tight 水密width 寬度yard 碼packing

3、material 包裝材料adhesive tape 壓敏膠帶backing 緩沖襯板 bales 包件bamboo batten 竹條bamboo skin 竹篾batten 狹木條bituminous Kraft paper 地瀝青牛皮紙brass wire 銅絲buckle 扣箍buffer 緩沖材料 bulrush mat 蒲、葦by pattern, by stencil 按圖安板canvas cloth 防水布,粗帆布canvas sheet 防水布,粗帆布cardboard paper 厚板紙cargo compressor 貨用壓縮機(jī)cargo lashing chain 貨物

4、捆綁鏈cellophane 玻璃紙cloth, canvas 粗麻布coated paper 涂層紙container loader 裝箱機(jī),集裝箱裝箱機(jī)container moulding apparatus 容器成型裝置container sealing compound 容器封口膠compressed gas 壓縮氣體container boar 盒紙板container board 盒紙板container material 容器材料cord 繩子,繩索cushioning material 襯墊材料 film 薄膜,膠片film membrane 薄膜Flexible Contain

5、er 集裝包/集裝袋 foamed plastics 泡沫塑料foamed rubber 泡沫橡膠foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋foil 箔紙heat seal 熱封口indelible paint 不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料iron Rod 鐵條iron Wire 鐵絲Kraft paper 牛皮紙lead Pot 鉛壺metal strap 鐵箍metal tag 金屬標(biāo)牌non returnable container 一次用包裝old gunny bag 舊麻袋packet (pkt.) 包裹,封套,袋packing case 包裝箱,包裝件packing cloth, pa

6、cking canvas 包裝用的粗麻布packing cord 包裝用的細(xì)繩packing paper 包裝紙packing string 包裝用的繩子,運(yùn)單packing, package 包裝,包裝材料packing supplies 包裝材料paint 顏料,油漆,涂料pallet 托盤(pán)pallet 卡板palletizer 堆卡板機(jī)paper 紙paper scrap 紙屑paper slip 紙條paper tag 紙標(biāo)簽paper tape 紙帶paper wool 紙層paperboard 紙板partition 隔板patter, template, stencil 圖案板p

7、lastic foam 泡沫塑料 plywood 膠合板poly foam(snow box) 保麗龍(泡沫塑料)polyethylene film 聚乙烯薄膜polythene 聚乙烯preservative 防腐劑 press packed bale 緊壓包reusable tare 多次使用的包皮satin-covered 緞包裝的seal 封口second-hand case 用過(guò)的箱子silk ribbon 綢帶single sound bag 單層完整袋子size of a case 箱子的大小strap 帶,鐵皮帶 staple U型釘 stencil 印上油墨tarpaulin

8、 防水布,粗帆布throwaway tare 不能繼續(xù)使用的包皮transparent paper 透明紙twine, string, pack thread 繩子,繩索.used gunny bag 舊麻袋vial 玻璃小瓶 kind of packing 包裝種類(lèi)bag container packing 集裝袋裝bare in loose 裸裝can 罐裝,聽(tīng)裝card board package 硬紙盒包裝collective packing 組合包裝container packing 集裝箱裝consumer packing 消費(fèi)包裝customary packing 普通包裝, 習(xí)

9、慣包裝flexible container packing 集裝包裝/集裝袋裝flexible package 軟包裝hinge cover container 掛式包裝homogeneous cargo bagged for stowage purpose 同類(lèi)散貨壓艙包裝,同類(lèi)散貨袋用壓包in aluminum foil packing 鋁箔包裝in block 塊裝in bulk 散裝in bundle 捆(扎)裝inner packing 內(nèi)包裝,小包裝in nude 裸裝in slice 片裝in spear 條裝interior packaging 內(nèi)部包裝 moisture pr

10、oof packaging 防潮包裝 neutral packing 中性包裝nude parched 裸裝outer package 外包裝 outer packing 大包裝,外包裝packing exterior 外部包裝packing for export goods 出口商品(貨物)的包裝packing interior 內(nèi)部包裝packing of nominated brand 定牌包裝palletizing 托盤(pán)包裝paper packing 紙包裝plastic packing 塑料包裝prepackaging 預(yù)包裝 regular packing for export 正規(guī)出口包裝rustproof packaging 防銹包裝 sales package 銷(xiāo)售包裝,內(nèi)包裝seaworthy packing 海運(yùn)包裝sellers usual packing 賣(mài)方習(xí)慣包裝single packing 單件包裝shipment packing 運(yùn)輸包裝shock proof packaging 防震包裝 tin 罐裝,聽(tīng)裝transparent package 透明包裝 transport package 運(yùn)輸


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