外研版初中英語八年級上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教學設計_第1頁
外研版初中英語八年級上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教學設計_第2頁
外研版初中英語八年級上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教學設計_第3頁
外研版初中英語八年級上 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use 教學設計_第4頁




1、module 12 help unit 3 language in use 基 本 信 息課型外研版 八年級上 module 12 unit 3 language in use (revision and grammar)本 節(jié) 課 內(nèi) 容 in this unit, the students should review the words and expressions they have learnt in unit 1 and unit 2; they are supposed to understand how to use the imperative and the modal v

2、erbs. whats more, there is listening, reading and writing in this lesson.教 學 目 標to review the words and expressions they have learnt;to summarize and consolidate the use of imperativedo sth; do not do sth; lets do sth;to summarize and consolidate the use of modal verbs-must, mustnt, can, could;to ge

3、t instructions on self- protection in disasters or accidents 教學重點和難點to summarize the use of imperative and modal verbsto guide the students how to use imperative and modal verbs情 感 教 育to teach the students how to do on self-protection in disasters or accidents;to teach the students should help each

4、other in our daily life教 學 過 程step 1 greeting show the students the flash of if you are happy. ask them to sing the song and do some actions together. ( 設計意圖:調(diào)動學生興致,融洽師生關(guān)系)step 2 lead-in and words revision show some pictures and the words to the students. ask them to go through them quickly; then ha

5、ve a memory competition between two teams. (設計意圖:復習unit 1 和unit 2 所學過的詞匯,為下面的活動做準備)step 3 listen to a story happened in an earthquake. show some pictures about the earthquake, then get the students to listen to the passage and complete the sentences. (設計意圖:本課的語法學習是以地震為主線,通過地震引出祈使句和情態(tài)動詞動詞的使用);step4.

6、guide the students to understand the use of imperative for instructions and suggestions. 1) watch a video about the earthquake. have the students to understand what they should do and shouldnt do in an earthquake.2) complete the poster about earthquake by using the imperative.3) choose the correct f

7、irst aid instructions.4) summarize the use of imperative for instructions and suggestions5) play a game “miss liu says” to consolidate the use of imperative(設計意圖:通過視頻和快速練習讓學生盡快領悟祈使句的用法,運用游戲讓學生進一步加深鞏固)step5. guide the students to understand the use of modal verbs-must, mustnt, can and could.1) rewrit

8、e the imperative (positive form and negative form) by using must and mustnt2) show some pictures and have the students to complete the sentences with could, must and mustnt3) summarize the use of modal verbs4) enjoy some pictures and express the meaning of them by using the modal verbs (設計意圖:通過改寫祈使句

9、過度到情態(tài)動詞的運用,讓學生更加容易理解;通過大量的圖片展示,讓學生進一步懂得在不同的場合使用情態(tài)動詞)step6. discussion and giving report. six students work together. read and discuss the passage in the paper. later, choose one student to give a report. try to use the imperative and modal verbs, such as must, mustnt, can, could, do sth. or dont do

10、sth. (設計意圖:通過四個不同的話題(地震、校園安全、食品安全和道路安全)材料的閱讀,讓學生進一步運用祈使句和情態(tài)動詞)step7. fast-reading read a passage quickly and get the general idea. let the students know what they can learn from the passage. (設計意圖:情感升華。讓學生懂得在突發(fā)事件中懂得自救和互相幫助的道理)step8. summary how to use the imperative (祈使句), do sth. or dont do sth. ho

11、w to use the modal verbs(情態(tài)動詞), such as must, mustnt can, could.step 9. homework : 1. review the usage of imperative and modal verbs. try to make some sentences.2. finish the exercises in act.4 & act. 5 on page 101. 教學反思:module 12unit 3 language in use 學案 姓名_一. sing the song together二. listen and co

12、mplete the sentences.1. we were having _ at home when the earthquake happened.2. the room started to _.3. father shouted to everyone to get under the _.4. we could not get out of the room because the _ would not open.5. my father called for help on his _.6. people came to help us and we left our _.三

13、 complete the poster about earthquakes.do not use hide under keep leave stay away when there is an earthquake.1. _ from the windows.2. _ a table.3. _ the lift.4. _ the building quickly when the ground stops shaking.6. _ calm.四. choose the correct first aid instructions.1. get / do not get medical he

14、lp immediately.2. ask / do not ask them where the pain is.3. lift / do not lift them because you may drop them.4. keep / do not keep them warm. 五rewrite the sentences with must or mustnt.(1) get medical help immediately.(2) ask them where the pain is.(3) do not lift them because you may drop them.(4

15、) keep them warm.六 complete the sentences with could, must or mustnt.1. it is dangerous. you _ keep out.2. these stairs are not safe. you _ use them.3. the rocks are falling down. you _ get hit.4. the river is too deep. you _ swim in it.5. betty _ know what to do because she did some basic medical t

16、raining.七 read the passage and choose the correct answer.a ten-year-old girl saved about one hundred tourists in 2004 by warning them that a tsunami, a huge ocean wave, was on its way across the sea. she knew what was happening because she learnt about underwater earthquakes at school only a few wee

17、ks earlier, a newspaper reported. i was on the beach and the water started to go funny,” tilly smith told the reporter from the newspaper. “there were bubbles and the water went back suddenly. i knew there was going to be a tsunami. i told mum,” she said.tillys mother and the hotel workers acted qui

18、ckly. they cleared people from the beach just minutes before a huge wave reached the land. luckily, no one die. tillys teacher was very proud of her. “shes a very clever girl. it is very lucky that our class were learning about this kind of tsunami just two weeks before christmas,” he told the newsp

19、aper.1. whats the best title for this passage? a) 2004 asian tsunami. b)a girl saves tourists from tsunami. c)underwater earthquakes.2. what did tilly notice?a) water coming to the beach. b) people watching the water. c) bubbles in the water.3. what does her teacher think of tilly?a) shes lucky. b)

20、she doesnt do silly things. c) shes a clever student.group work:six students work together. read and discuss the passage in your paper. later, choose one student to give a report. try to use the imperative(祈使句) and modal verbs(情態(tài)動詞), such as must, mustnt, can, could, do sth. or dont do sth. earthquakeas we know, earthquake can do a lot of harm to us. and it always happens suddenly. so it is difficult to warn people about the earthquakes. usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake, so here is some advice:if youre in a


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