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1、8090吃文iwidezuo.coni本文首先分析傳統(tǒng)的灌輸式教學(xué)的弊端,引岀啟發(fā)式教學(xué)并闡述其優(yōu)點(diǎn)。通 過資料收集,結(jié)合對(duì)本院非英語(yǔ)專業(yè)學(xué)生的口語(yǔ)教學(xué)調(diào)查,發(fā)現(xiàn)存在的問題,從 教師、教材、學(xué)生、教學(xué)方法等方面進(jìn)行敘述。針對(duì)這些問題,提出自己的想法 和建議。最后介紹啟發(fā)式教學(xué)原則和模式,提出教師應(yīng)學(xué)會(huì)積極引導(dǎo),發(fā)動(dòng)學(xué)生 思維積極性,促進(jìn)互動(dòng),用精彩導(dǎo)入、巧妙設(shè)疑、精講點(diǎn)評(píng)、扼要總結(jié)開展口語(yǔ) 教學(xué)。希望木文對(duì)大學(xué)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)教學(xué)有所幫助。關(guān)鍵詞:?jiǎn)l(fā)式教學(xué);問題和解決方法;原則和模式8090吃文iwidezuo.coniabstractthis paper analyzes the disadvan

2、tages of traditional cramming teaching methods to elicit heuristic teaching and then introduces its advantages the paper discusses the problems by consulting materials and conducting a survey on non-english majors in our university from the aspects of teacher, textbook, student and teaching approach

3、es, suggesting some corresponding solutions. finally the paper introduces some principles and models of heuristic teaching in the hope of offering some help to college oral english teachers by wonderful lead-in, witty suspense setting, to-the- point comments and brief summary to get students fully i

4、nvolved and make their minds well activated.key words: heuristic teaching ; problems and solutions; principles and modelss刖ote文contents1. introduction512. the social factors and background of heuristic teaching5221 the disadvantages of traditional cramming teaching methodology522.2 the origin of heu

5、ristic teaching542.3 the superiorities of heuristic teaching623 problems of current college students9 oral english56the problems of college students' oral english57the survey of our university students584. application of heuristic teaching in oral english teaching604.1 the solutions to the probl

6、ems604.2the principles of heuristic teaching in oral english624.3 the main models of heuristicteaching645> conclusion66ac kno wledgeme nts67references681 introductionenglish which plays a very important role in chinese education , is regarded as a universal language in the world. traditional cram

7、ming methodology has produced more and more containers and mugs which waited to be filled with information instead of students9 seeking knowledge by themselves .the side effect has become prevalent among students who can be manifested by learning without thinking, thinking without suspecting and sus

8、pecting without questioning. besides, the teaching method makes the students feel bored and loses their interests in learning easily .how to make teaching more interesting and attractive for the students is a relatively difficult problem .the education of liberal arts undertake the important task of

9、 improving the quality of the whole nation and has the function of enlightening the truth .goodness and beauty .as a teacher, should we present the inexhaustible knowledge to the students or guide them in the way of creative thinking ? it was confucius who put forward the importance of combining lea

10、rning and thinking in the history of chinese education. numerous researches have been done on heuristic teaching at home and abroad, but not much done on spoken english teaching. my paper aims at doing some researches on heuristic teaching models and principles. what are problems existing in current

11、 spoken english teaching and what are possible solutions? by consulting some theories and surveys, i hope that my paper will give a clear picture of what the present situation of college spoken english teaching is and what suppose to be better teaching approaches 2. the social factors and background

12、 of heuristic teachingheuristic teaching originated from socrates who initiated the teaching mode of "teachers ask, students answer”. a distinctive feature of this mode was that teachers, who were the decisive factor in the process of teaching and learning, who raised the questions at the very

13、beginning and gave conclusions in the end. on the contrary, oriental style of heuristic teaching method based itself on the principle that students put forward their puzzles and then asked the teachers for advice .nowadays, a new trend is that western educators regard confucius as their icon .what a

14、ttracts western educators most must be the humanism manifested in confucius' thinking and the spirit of confucius' heuristic method of teaching: that is student is the main actor and creator.1116according to confucius, the teacher does not have to meddle into students' affairs too much.

15、instead, he should give the students enough time to reflect by themselves. confucius only enlightened his students when they were on the edge of knowing it, because he thought most teaching would be of little use if those who get it were not ready for it.the disadvantages of traditional cramming tea

16、ching methodologyfirst, the classroom is missing "people?5 "people refer to the students and teachers. in other words, students9 dominant positions are totally deprived in the learning process, and teacher's initiative is basically stifled in the teaching process. so, we'll often r

17、egard it as a common phenomenon: in class, we often take it for granted that the so-called knowledge completely turns into the absolute power which dominates all things. the teacher plays monologue and few students involved in class. the teacher acts like a person giving water, and the students serv

18、e as a pail ready to accept everything. second, the classroom is missing “l(fā)ove: "love,refers to three-dimensional target of new curriculum, "feelings, att讓udes, values95 in the true feelings of communication between teachers and students. ideal classroom should be passionate classroom; stu

19、dents must dedicate themselves to activities in class with emotion, enthusiasm and passion. however, in traditional cramming teaching, teachers teach the originally colorful knowledge by fixed model which lead to tie up the students with no distinct character. therefore emotional and intellectual im

20、pact of interaction cannot be found in such classroom. third, the classroom is missing “root "roof5 refers to the original knowledge, the process of development, focusing on the "process and method of new curriculum. special emphasis is laid on the new curriculum reform process in impartin

21、g knowledge to students' subjective initiative into full play, and guiding students to their own hands, to the occurrence and development of knowledge through the whole process of perception and experience to take the initiative. much attention is paid to teaching, exam which is regarded as the

22、sole purpose of learning therefore, knowledge of classroom, teachers often ignore the fresh produce and the development of process with the rhythm of life experience but went straight to the results of teaching activities ,the so-called for the results of intensive teaching . fourth, the classroom i

23、s missing "authenticity. uauthenticity means that the teaching approach should be true. the classroom is the park where teachers and students seek the truth, any formalism, and superfluous, false "prosperity are harmful. new curriculum will be innovative and practical as an important pursu

24、it of teaching; both creative spirit and practical ability of the process, means, methods and outcomes should be true rather than false. traditional cramming teaching is often stolen of authenticity under the cover of "improving quality". even the result is false; the students learned only

25、 'tote memorization of knowledge.the origin of heuristic teachingthe word heuristic comes from the same greek root as "eureka",which means "i have found,; an exclamation of triumph at any discovery. heuristic teaching refers to "a particular method of teaching allowing the st

26、udents to learn by discovering things by themselves and learning from their own experience, rather than by telling them things. 118students will be encouraged to propose any idea to try to solve the problems through critical thinking and reasoning. by this way, the problem will be solved through the

27、 discussion among students and the help of the instructor. heuristic teaching is the art and science of discovery and invention heuristic teaching indicates a problem-solving approach characterized by exploration and trial and erro匸 it encourages a person to learn, to discover, to understand, or to

28、solve problems on his or her own, as by experimenting, evaluating possible answers or solutions, or by trial and error. in class we do not have to explain those intriguing questions, figures and significance, but only throw those questions to students and employ proper method to enlighten them to fi

29、nd the answe匚 every time we can follow such an order of listing questions, providing possible answers, eliciting questions, analyzing and debating, and finally recommend reference books for the students to read after class.heuristic teaching is the valuable treasure in the history of human education

30、, and it is one of the most important ways of teaching in china, it is confucius who put forward the thought of heuristic teaching and scrates is the originator in the west. the theory of heuristic teaching is continuously enriched and improved during the long time of educational practice, though it

31、 is a new concept with long history, it is full of vigor.two thousand years later, we are still trying to do the same by our heuristic teaching. heuristic teaching can effectively activate the circumstance of class, arousing the enthusiasm of students for study by activating the thinking of students

32、. western heuristic teaching method was originated from socrates who initiated the teaching mode of "teachers ask, students answer9'. a distinctive feature of this mode was that teachers were the decisive factor in the process of teaching and learning, who raised the questions at the very b

33、eginning and gave conclusions in the end、on the contrary, oriental style of heuristic teaching method based itself on the principle that students put forward their puzzles and then asked the teachers for advice nowadays, a new trend is that western educators regard confucius as their icon. what attr

34、acts western educators most must be the humanism manifested in confucius9 thinking and the spirit of confucius,heuristic method of teaching: that is student is the main actor and creator. according to confucius, the teacher does not have to meddle into students affairs too much. instead, he should g

35、ive the students enough time to reflect by themselves. confucius only enlightened his students when they were on the edge of knowing it, because he thought most teaching would be of little use if those who get it are not ready for it. however, i bet confucius enjoyed the ease of teaching since most

36、of the time is left to the students to look for a question to think and struggle over the question by painful thinking. what if the question is an easy one that you do not have to waste too much time on it if the teacher points it out directly? to some degree, it contradicts with his principle of te

37、aching his disciples in accordance with their aptitude. apparently, enlightening reflection is not universal for every student. confucius5 way of enlightening met its demands in ancient times, especially for the top students like zi lu, zi gong, etc. but for the average students, what if they could

38、not find the question and take everything for granted? confucius, enlightening reflection points out the importance of the teachers9 guiding role in the process of learning and puts forward some strategies for the teacher to take, however, these are too general to be put into practice, thus how to r

39、ealize the saying “never enlighten a disciple unless he wants very much to get it in his mind and yet he cannot. never initiate his thinking unless he wants very much to speak and yet cannot find his tongue is still a question waiting to be answered.confucius9 way of enlightening has its own demerit

40、s because of the limit of his era. since confucius is an idealist, his theory is based on subjective thinking. for better or worse, it has achieved its historic mission and produced 72 prominent figures. however, the most important of all is that it shed lights on heuristic teaching methodology in m

41、odern times.2.3the superiorities of heuristic teaching in oral englishheuristic teaching nominally refers to teaching pedagogy. in fact, it is a learning method-heuristic learning (discovery learning). the most obvious feature of heuristic teaching is that teachers only provide the learning environm

42、ent for students to recognize the facts, to understand the problems, to analyze the relationship, finally learning by themselves and finding the answers. there are three superiorities of heuristic teaching: 111,6first, it guides the students to actively learn in heuristic teaching "discovered t

43、est method, students can acquire not only knowledge, but also the initiative to learn to adapt to the plight of issue of attitude, way of thinking and problem solving skills. this is the most important education value.second, it contributes to migration. students acquire knowledge and skills from he

44、uristic teaching activities .on one hand; it can be kept long, on the other hand it can be easy to produce learning migration.third, it is easy to maintain motivation. in heuristic teaching, student motivation comes from intrinsic motion; they can be satisfied by finding out the result with their ow

45、n hand. therefore, heuristic teaching can not only achieve external incentives but also achieves the purpose of instruction.3 problems of current college students9 oral englishamong the 4 kinds of language skills of chinese learners of english, oral skills are found to be the weakest, which are cert

46、ainly incompatible with the demands of the increasingly growing intercultural communication.3.1 the problems of college students9 oral englishfirst, teaching mode the current teaching is not conducive to oral teaching. with the continuous expansion of university, it is evident that colleges are shor

47、t of english instructors. according to the national college english teaching steering committee of the statistics, english teachers and students have reached the 1:130 ratio.17111 as the number of students is increasing, some schools even reach the class size to 200 300 students. in such a large cla

48、ss, the teacher can only talk about grammar, translation, and then talk about the texts and written exercises. it's difficult to teach spoken language. this mode of teaching will result in boring english class, less interest in learning englishsecond, the influence of exam-oriented education. ex

49、aminations at all levels are mainly written forms of english門 they are not sufficient to test students9 practical ability. many universities and colleges attach great importance to pursuing passing rate and ignore the students5 real acquisition of the language. as a result, just as some students say

50、, after learning so many words and grammar, they cannot use, understand, or speak english. they do not really master the language skills, even unable to combine relatively simple english words into a cohesive sentence. if we want to learn english, memorizing and mastering a large number of words is

51、necessary, but we should emphasize the application of 1,000 to 2,000 skilled uses of high frequency words. from high school to colleges, students have been trained to be good at doing multiplied choices without thoroughly understanding the meanings of words, implied meanings, grammatical structure a

52、nd the structure of the article. with words in mind, it is also important to know how to combine them cohesively.third, teaching material. there are thousands of universities and colleges across the nation, but few colleges have in-depth study on basic rules and features of spoken english teaching a

53、nd establishing effective model theories.istrictly speaking, discussion of the rich features of spoken english is currently in the ”blind region.11 now flooding the market of oral teaching theory books, are mostly meant for the english majors, but rare for non-english majors. we can say it is diffic

54、ult to find a fairly good spoken english textbook.fourth, the teache匚 although english is the one of basic courses in college, many universities do not give the fair status for english teachers. with heavy task and poor welfare, it is difficult for universities to attract talented teachers. most of

55、the teachers involved in english teaching have not been abroad themselves and have not experienced culture and religion of other countries, which to some extent,constraints their teaching ability.fifth,the student. any effective teaching must be involved in active students. affected by different hig

56、h school education and individual factors, students vary in their ability to speak english. many students keep their mouth shut, and are afraid to make mistakes, especially the introverted students. at the same time, some students who are good at spoken english will reduce their speaking time to avo

57、id other students5 saying that he is good at showing off. this psychology makes poor students dare not speak; well-based students not want to speak. this vicious cycle is not helpful to teaching college english3.2 the survey of our university studentsthrough years of development, considerable progre

58、ss has been made in oral english teaching. many educators have undertaken extensive research. these studies on the development of oral teaching all play a role in promoting oral english. many of the problems have not yet been solved; effective teaching and learning new ideas and new methods are stil

59、l inadequate at present what is the problem of college spoken language teaching? how can the society cultivate high-quality oral talents? so i made a survey and investigated 200 non-english major students. 75% boys and 25% girls accepted the investigation. the survey involved more than 15 non -english majors of our university, such as marketinglogistics, international economy and trade, mathematics, clothes technique designing, vehicle engineering, city planning, german, civil engineering, electrical engineering and automation and so on. the survey covers various aspe


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