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1、六年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ)第五單元測(cè)試聽力部分 (30 分) 一、聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的單詞或詞組。(聽一遍)(10分)()1.a. sing b. sign c. smoke ()2.a. meet b. me c. mean ()3.a. litter b. listen c . little ()4.a. dance b. desk c. danger ()5.a. spell b. smell c. still ()6.a. fashion b. find c. floor ()7.a. around b. about c. ago ()8.a. take into b. turn into c.

2、 go into ()9. a. go on b. walk on c. hold onto ()10. a. no parking b. no smoking c. no drinking 二、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇合適的答句。(聽兩遍) (5 分)( ) 1. a. yes, i can t. b. yes, i do. c. no, i can t. ( ) 2. a. it means we can t smoke here. b. it means we cant eat here. c. it means we can t litter here. ( ) 3. a. no, i

3、 don t. b. yes, it is. c. three. ( ) 4. a. no, it isn t. b. yes, it does. c. yes, they are ( ) 5. a. i was on outing. b. he walked on the mountain. c. he is looking for his bananas. 三、聽錄音,給下列圖標(biāo)號(hào)。 (聽兩遍) (5 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、聽錄音,填入所缺單詞。 (聽兩遍)(10分)a: hi, look, there are a lot of_ here. b: yes. _

4、are public signs. a: what does this _? b: it _“ no _ ”.a: i am _. can i _ some juice? b: no, you _. look at that sign. we _ eat or drink here. a: ok. ! 筆試部分( 70 分)一、英漢詞組互譯。(10 分)1.在購(gòu)物中心 _ 2.當(dāng)心_ 3. 禁止停車 _ 4.小心地滑 _ 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 頁(yè),共 6 頁(yè) - - - - - - - - -5. 繼續(xù)走路 _ 6. t

5、ake some drinks into the restaurant 7.尋找他的風(fēng)箏 _ 8.the signs around the lake_ 9. 樹下的標(biāo)識(shí) _ 10.answer questions about signs_ 二、選擇題。(10 分)( ) 1. - what does this sign ? - it you cant walk on the grass.a. mean; mean b. means; means c. mean; means d. means; mean ( ) 2. the boys in the restaurant now. a. is

6、looking b. are eating c. are seeing d. is watching ( ) 3. we should in the library. a. smoke b. litter c. laugh d. not eat or drink ( ) 4. its time for class. we play games. a. don t b. would like c. can t d. should ( ) 5. - can i pick up the flowers now? - no, you . a. can b. cant c. should d. shou

7、ldn t( ) 6. do you want juice? no, i dont want drinks. a.some, some b. any , some c. some, any d. any ,any ( ) 7.you can see the sign in the library. a. b. c. d. ( ) 8.-what you do last sunday? - we were on an in the forest. a.do,outing b. did, picnic c. did, outing d.do, picnic ( ) 9.there are many

8、 monkeys around _, they are looking at _bananas. a.they,our b. they them c. them, their d.them, them ( ) 10.the floor is wet, we should _here. a.run b. be careful c. eat or drink d. walk on 三、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 (10 分)1.what_(do) this sign mean? 2.look, someone_(do) in the restanrant now. 3.would you like

9、 _(take) your juice into the shop? 4.did you _(see) a sign on the tree two days ago? 5.sam _(bring) a lot of bananas to the monkeys yesterday. 6.“no smoking ” means we shouldn t _(smoke) here. 7.what did you do yesterday? i _(be) on an outing in the froest. 8. mike s grandpa likes _ (listen) to the

10、radio. 9. jim and i _ (be) in the same (同樣的) cals s two years ago. 10.these tigers are walking (careful) in the forest. 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 頁(yè),共 6 頁(yè) - - - - - - - - -四、從左欄中選出右欄中句子的答語(yǔ),將序號(hào)填入括號(hào)。(5 分,每空 0.5 分)( ) 1. why did you call me? a. i often go skating. ( ) 2. did you wa

11、ter flowers this morning? b.no, i can t. ( ) 3. how did you get to the park? c. last sunday. ( ) 4. was it rainy yesterday? d. it means“danger”. ( ) 5. can you see the sign? e. on foot. ( ) 6. dont climb up the hill. f. because i wanted to play with you. ( ) 7. how do you spend your weekend? g. yes,

12、 he was. ( ) 8. when did you go to the museum? h. all right. ( ) 9. what does it mean? i. no, i didnt.( ) 10. was your father at home yesterday? j. no, it was cloudy. 五、根據(jù)中文完成句子。 (7 分,每空 0.5 分)1.這個(gè)標(biāo)志是什么意思?它的意思是你不可以在這兒大聲喊叫。this mean? it you can not here. 2.它的意思是你不可以在這里停車。it you your here. 3.我可以在這兒吸煙嗎

13、?不,你不可以。i here? no, you_. 4. 危險(xiǎn)!你不應(yīng)該在這兒游泳。! you shouldn t here. 六、按要求完成句子。(8 分,每空 0.5 分)1. it means we should be quiet. (改一般疑問句并作否定回答)_ it _ we should be quiet? no, it _. 2. it means be quiet. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)what _ it _? 3. i am looking for my bananas. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)_ _ you looking for? 4. he sees some public

14、signs in the park.(改為否定句)he _ _public signs in the park. 5. it means “ no smoking .(改同義句)it means we _ _ here. 6. i did my homework yesterday. ( 改成否定句 ) i _ _ my homework yesterday. 7. noodles, eating, restaurant, are, the, in, they, some (連詞成句)_(1分) 七、完形填空。(10 分)an old woman 1 a cat. the cat 2 very

15、 old. it 3 run fast and it couldnt catch mice(老鼠 ). when the old cat 4 a mouse, it tried to (盡力)5 it, but the mouse could 6 run away. the woman was very 7 about it. then she had a good idea. she 8 a new cat to catch mice. now the 9 cat have a rest. 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 頁(yè),共

16、 6 頁(yè) - - - - - - - - -( )1. a.have b.has c.is having d.had ( )2. a.is b.was c.looks d.feels ( )3. a.could b.couldn t c. can d.cant ( )4. a.sees b.saw c.see d.is seeing ( )5. a.catch b.caught c.catches d.catching ( )6.a.sometimes b.often c.always d.usually ( )7.a.happy b.angry(生氣)c.good d.cold ( )8.a

17、.buy b.buys c.bought d.brought ( )9.a.new b.old c.big d.small ( )10.a.could b.couldn t c. can d.cant 八、閱讀理解。(10 分)a ) this is a picture. a classroom is in it. it is big and clean. you can see a teachers desk, five desks and six chairs. you can see a girl a boy in it, too. three books are on the teac

18、hers desk. a pencil case is on a desk. two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case. a schoolbag is behind a chair. a ball is in the floor. the girl is lucy. she is eleven. the boy is mike. he is twelve. they are in class two, grade one. they are good friends. their teacher is miss green. she is n

19、ot here. ()1. what picture is it ? it is_. a. boy and girl b. desks and chairs c. pens and pencils d. a classroom ()2. where are the two pens? they are _. a. in the pencil case b. on the teachers deskc. behind the chair d. on the floor ()3. who is eleven? _. a. lucy b. lily c. mike d. i dont know ()

20、4. who is their teacher? _ . a. mrs green b. mr green c. miss green d. miss gao ()5. are they good friends? _ . a. they are b. yes, they are. c. they re d. yes, theyre. b)nancy has got a fever. ben and yang ling are going to the hospital to see her. they get some fruit for nancy. in the hospital, be

21、n sees a lot of signs on the wall, “ no parking” , “ be quiet” . yang ling sees a special( 特殊的 ) sign on the door. she doesn t know the sign. she asks a nurse near the door about it. the nurse tells her that it means “ no entry” . the sign means other people shouldn t go inside( 里面 ) the room except

22、( 除了 ) the doctors and nurses. at last(最后) , ben and yang ling find nancy. they hope she will get better soon(很快) . ( )1.where is nancy? a. she s at home. b. she s at school. c. she s ill in the hospital. ( )2.what do ben and yang ling get for nancy? a. some flowers b. some fruit c. a lot of signs (

23、 )3.which sign is not on the wall in the hospital? a. no parking b. be quiet c. no entry ( )4.who tells them the meaning (意思)of the sign? a. nancy b. a doctor. c. a nurse ( )5. what does the sign “ no entry” on the door mean ? a.保持安靜b. 閑人免進(jìn)c.禁止吸煙精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 頁(yè),共 6

24、頁(yè) - - - - - - - - -譯林版六年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ)第五單元測(cè)試(一)聽力材料和答案一、聽錄音,找出你所聽到的內(nèi)容。 (聽一遍)1. sigh 2. mean 3. litter 4. danger 5. spell 6. find 7. about 8. turn into 9. walk on 10. no smoking 二、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇合適的答句。(聽兩遍)1. can you see the sign? 2. what does the sign “no littering”mean? 3. how many signs can you see? 4. does i

25、t mean “no parking”? 5. what did tom do yesterday? 三、聽錄音,給下列圖標(biāo)號(hào)。 (聽兩遍) (5 分) 1. theres a sign. it means ”no eating or drinking ”.2. what does the sign mean? it means “danger”.3.what does the sign mean? it means “no parking ”.4.this sign means ”wet floor ”. 5. what does the sign mean? we shouldnt smo

26、ke here.四、聽錄音,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。 (聽兩遍)a: hi, look, there are a lot of signs_ here. b: yes. _they_are public signs. a: what does this mean_? b: it _means_“ no _ _smoking_ _”.a: i am _thirsty_. can i _drink_ some juice? b: no, you _can t_. look at that sign. we _shouldn t_ eat or drink here. a: ok. _sorry_! 譯林版六年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ)第五單元測(cè)試(一)聽力材料和答案一、聽錄音,找出你所聽到的內(nèi)容。 (聽一遍)1. sigh 2. mean 3. litter 4. danger 5. spell 6. find 7. about 8. turn into 9. walk on 10. n


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