高中英語跟蹤檢測及答案(二十二) Great Scientists_第1頁
高中英語跟蹤檢測及答案(二十二) Great Scientists_第2頁
高中英語跟蹤檢測及答案(二十二) Great Scientists_第3頁
高中英語跟蹤檢測及答案(二十二) Great Scientists_第4頁
高中英語跟蹤檢測及答案(二十二) Great Scientists_第5頁
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1、高中英語跟蹤檢測及答案 (二十二)Great Scientists.教材基礎回扣()用所給詞的適當形式填空1 In China, large _ (quantity) of parents leave their children at home in order to earn a living.2 The soldier _ (escape) from the enemy's prison on a snowy night.3 The directors were trying to get rid of her, but her staff all _ (support) her

2、.4 _ (original), the building had a chimney, which was destroyed in a fire in 1704. 5However, until now, scientists have been unsure what actually causes the _(explode)6 After reading the book, he _ (replace) it on the shelf.7 He was _ (educate) in England when he was young.8 George is a well- known

3、 professor in our university. He has _ (publish) several books.()完成句子1 He _ (被撫養(yǎng)大) in a remote village.2 When he was very young, his parents _ ( 讓一位老 奶奶照顧) him.3 Li Ming _ (表明) that he would like his parents to accompany him.4 No one can _ (逃脫懲罰) if he breaks the law.5 When they heard the news, they

4、 returned home at once,_ (決定 永遠不留下他) at home again.()聯(lián)句成篇(選用練習 ()、()中的句子,根據(jù)語篇中的提示加以改寫,完成語篇翻 譯)在中國,許多父母為了謀生而把孩子留在家中。李明就是其中的一例。他是在一個遙遠 的小山村被撫養(yǎng)長大的。在他很小的時候,他父母讓一位老奶奶照顧他因為他們不得不去大 城市工作來養(yǎng)家(用原因狀語從句)。李明多次表明他很想讓父母陪伴他,但他們總告訴他說 不能。一天,李明出了一次車禍,幸運的是九死一生。聽到這個消息(用非謂語動詞作狀語), 他父母立刻趕回了家,決心再也不把李明留在家里了。()課文縮寫語法填空Yuan Lo

5、ngping is a leading figure in the rice- growing world, born and _ (bring) up in China. When he was a boy, he _ (educate) in many schools, and was given the nickname, “the student _ asks questions.”He was interested in plants from an early age, and he studied agriculture in college. As a young teache

6、r, he began experiments in crop breeding. He thought there was only one way _ (have) more rice quickly. That was _ (cross) different species of rice plant. Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male and sterile. When the _ (nature) sterile male rice plant was discov

7、ered in 1970, it was _ breakthrough. As a result, China's rice production rose _ 47.5% in the 1990's. And 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields _ (convert) to growing vegetables and other cash crops. _ (follow) this, Yuan Longping's rice was exported to some other countries.能力演練提升

8、()完形填空(2014· 貴州湄潭中學模擬)We were experiencing one of the worst winters in years.It was very cold and the _1_ was deep, and Mary, my neighbor, _2_ that all was not well with our new neighbor Sabina.So we put on our winter coats and snow boots and _3_our way to visit the family in the dark. Mary was

9、 right.Sabina was _4_ in bed and her two pre- school children were sitting around _5_.The dishes and laundry hadn't been _6_ for many weeks.We didn't know if the children had been fed.We had no idea how to _7_ her husband but we knew she was in a serious depression (憂郁癥)We fed the children,

10、washed the dishes and did the _8_.Hours later, as we walked home, we _9_ that she needed professional help so we made some _10_.The next day, a social _11_ came to help her.Sabina told me later that week that she would be going to a hospital for _12_.We told her we would look after the children whil

11、e she was _13_.Mary and I each brought back a child to our own houses.The children _14_ quickly in the stable and happy homes.Soon after that, their _15_ father came to visit us.He told us he would be _16_ the children to another country of their grandparents and that his _17_ would also move there

12、when she recovered.Mary and I were both happy to be _18_ when Sabina and the children needed help.I am positive that it was something in our heart that _19_ us to see her that evening.So when God impresses you to help someone in need just do it.Perhaps he has put you in a _20_ or workplace for “such

13、 a time as this”1.A.fog BwaterCsnow Dwell2A.confirmedCwondered3A.ledCdrove4A.sickCpainful5A.freelyCpeacefully6A.brought upCwashed away7A.surpriseCreach8A.dinnerClaundry9A.foundChoped10A.callsCpreparations11A.doctorClawyer12A.medicineCoperations13A.recoveringCcuring14A.escapedCgrew15A.hopefulCgratefu

14、l16A.payingCflying17A.neighborCparents18A.availableCfriendlyBdecidedDsuspectedBmadeDtookBasleepDbreathlessBhelplesslyDangrilyBlooked afterDchecked upBsendDaskBhouseworkDfavorBdoubtedDagreedBdecisionsDchangesBeditorDworkerBtreatmentsDexaminationsBdyingDrelaxingBlearnedDadaptedBcrazyDsatisfiedBleaving

15、DgivingBchildrenDwifeBattractiveDconsistent19A.showedCselected20A.neighborhoodCchanceBdirectedDneededBsituationDnight()閱讀理解(2014· 黑龍江鶴崗一中模擬)Humans: it's time to abandon Earth or race extinction.It could be the plot of a summer blockbuster ( 大片), but this prediction isn't science fiction

16、. It's a glimpse of the future, according to famous British scientist Stephen Hawking.“I see great dangers for the human race ,” he said in an interview with global forum Big Think. “There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go.”“I believe t

17、hat the long-term future of the human race must be in space ,” he said.“ It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million.”Hawking, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom last year, has recently voiced many c

18、oncerns about the future of life on Earth.“If aliens visited us, the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans ,” he said. “Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads (游牧民), looking to conquer and colonize whatever plan

19、ets they can reach.”But Hawking says he's still hopeful for the future of humanity. He told Big Think, “We've made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space.”Getting to another planet will prove a challenge

20、, not to mention colonizing it for humanity. Katherine Freese from University of Michigan told Big Think, “ the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away. That means, if you were traveling at the speed oflight the whole time, it would take 4.2 years to get there rocket

21、science.” or about 50,000 years using current1Humans are advised to abandon Earth mainly because _. Aaliens will take up our home planet soonB it was discussed in the forum Big ThinkC many scientists like Hawking are concerned about itD many disasters will happen on Earth2Thinking about the future o

22、f humans, Hawking feels that _. Ahumans can't live on Earth any longerB Earth will not be habitable for humansC other planets are ready for humans to reachD aliens are the biggest future threat to humans3What is the writer's key point in the last paragraph?A It is impossible to get to anothe

23、r planet in space.B It is urgent for Hawking to develop the space science. CThe near future can't see human's move to another planet. DThe planet Proxima Centauri is far away from Earth. 4This passage is most probably taken from _.Aa conference interview Ca history bookBa science fiction Da

24、forum report答案.()1.quantities 2.escaped3supported 4.Originally 5.explosion6replaced 7.educated 8.published()1.was brought up 2.kept a granny taking care of 3.made it clear 4.escape punishment/being punished 5.determined never to leave him()In China, large quantities of parents leave their children a

25、t home in order to earn a living and one of the examples is Li Ming. He was brought up in a remote village. When he was very young, his parents kept a granny taking care of him because they had to go to a big city to support their family. Li Ming made it clear that he would like his parents to accom

26、pany him but they told him they couldn't. One day, a traffic accident occurred and luckily he had a narrow escape. Hearing the news, his parents returned home at once, determined never to leave him at home again.()brought was educatedwho/that to have to crossnaturally a by were convertedFollowin

27、g.()語篇解讀:本文為一篇夾敘夾議文。寒冷的雪夜里,“我”和朋友一起去看望新鄰居,她病得非常嚴重。我們伸出援助之手,使她得到了及時的救治,與此同時,還幫她照顧了孩子。于是, “我”不禁感嘆:這也許是冥冥之中上天讓我們?nèi)椭切┬枰獛椭娜税桑? 選 C 根據(jù)下文“So we put on our winter coats and snow boots and _ our way to .”可知,此處指的是雪很深。2 選 D confirm“確定”;decide“決定”;wonder“想知道”;suspect“猜想,覺得”。由語境可知,Mary 感覺到“我們”的新鄰居狀況不好,因此決定去看看他

28、們一家。3選 B 根據(jù)上文可知,“我們”深夜前往去看望新鄰居一家。make one's way to 意為 “前往,設法進入”,符合語境。4 選 A根據(jù)上文 “.all was not well with .” 及第二段中的 “she was in a seriousdepression (憂郁癥)”可知,Sabina 病了。5 選 B freely“自由地”;helplessly“無助地”;peacefully“平靜地”;angrily“生 氣地”。根據(jù)語境可知,母親病了,孩子們無助地坐在她旁邊。6 選 B bring up“養(yǎng)育”;look after“照顧”;wash away“

29、沖走,洗掉”;check up“檢 查”。由語境可知,由于母親病了,碟子和衣服好長時間都沒人管過。7 選 C 由語境可知,“我們”不知如何能聯(lián)系到她的丈夫。reach 意為“取得聯(lián)系”, 符合語境。8 選 C 根據(jù)上文“The dishes and laundry hadn't been _ for many weeks.”可知, 我們幫助她洗了盤子和衣服。9 選 D find“發(fā)現(xiàn)”;doubt“懷疑”;hope“希望”;agree“同意”。根據(jù)語境可 知,“我們”一致認為她需要專業(yè)的幫助。10 選 A make calls“打電話”;make decisions“做決定”;make

30、 preparations“做準備”;make changes“做修改”。根據(jù)下文“The next day, a social _ came to help her.” 可知,“我們”打電話進行了聯(lián)系,才有人第二天過來幫助她。11選 D 根據(jù)上下文語境可知,第二天,一名社會工作者來幫助她。故 D 項正確。12 選 B medicine“藥”;treatment“治療”; operation“手術(shù) ”; examination“檢查,考試”。根據(jù)第二段中的“she was in a serious depression ( 憂郁癥)”可知,Sabina 得了 嚴重的憂郁癥,所以她要去醫(yī)院進行治

31、療,而不是去手術(shù)或檢查。13 選 A recover“恢復”;die“死亡”;cure“治愈”;relax“放松”。句意:我們 告訴她,在她治療恢復期間,我們將幫她照顧孩子。根據(jù)句意可知,A 項正確。14 選 D escape“逃離”;learn“學會”;grow“成長”;adapt“適應”。根據(jù)下文 “in the stable and happy homes”可知,孩子們很快就適應了新環(huán)境。15 選 C hopeful“有希望的”;crazy“狂熱的”;grateful“感激的”;satisfied“滿 意的”。根據(jù)語境可知,對于“我們”所做的一切,孩子的父親應是感激的。16 選 C根據(jù)上下文語境可知,他將把孩子們送到祖父母身邊去。根據(jù)下文中的“another country”可知,孩子們的父親是要乘飛機將他們送走。17 選 D 由下文“when she recovered”可知,she 指代的


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