



1、精品文檔六班級英語期中試卷一.寫出以下字母的小寫形式。1 X10=10分 1.D 2.Q 3.H 4.K 5.R 6.M 7.S 8.N 9.W 10.E 二.選出與其他三個不同類的單詞。2 X 5=10分(   ) 1. A. bus       B. ship           C. book(   ) 2. A. red light   B .traffic light    &

2、#160;C .green light (   ) 3. A. go    B. Canada     C. England   (   ) 4. A. morning   B .afternoon        C. week(   ) 5.A.hospital B .fast C. museum三.選擇最正確答案2 X 10=20分   1. 

3、I go to school _ foot. A . be         B  .by      C . on      2 .Its in front _ the hospital. A  .for   &

4、#160;    B . of       C  .at     3. The hospital is _ the right. A  .in         B . on        

5、C . of     4.  _ at a red light. A . Stop       B  .Wait     C  .Go     5.  Excuse me, where is the cinema? Its eas

6、t _ the post office. A.  for        B.  of       C . in      6. Turn left _ the cinema.  A.  of     

7、    B  .on      C . at      7.  _ are you going to do this evening? Im going to  the library. A.  Where       B

8、0;.What       C .When    8. Im going to buy a magazine _ plants. A  be          B.  on         C .about   

9、; 9.  _ are you going? Im going at 4 oclock.A  When      B  What      C Where     10. Where are you going this afternoon?  _A 

10、0;Im going to buy a book.         B  Im going to the bookstore.           C  Im going at 3 oclock. 四.情景交際。(1 X 10=10分) &

11、#160;  1.當(dāng)你想跟別人問路時,可以說: ASorry. B. Excuse me. C. Thank you!     2.當(dāng)別人向你問路時,你也不知道,你可以說: A. Thank you. B. Sorry, I dont know ,Ill ask. C. You can go now.     3.早上見到老師,你可以說. : A. Good morning! B. Good evening C .Good night!     4.你想用英語表達(dá)“跟我走吧,可以說: A. Te

12、ll me ,please! B .Follow me ,please! C. Show me ,please!    5.跟伴侶道別時,你可以說: AHow are you ? B. Thank you. C. Good bye!五.把以下短語正確的漢語意思的序號寫在括號中1 X 10=10分    1. get  to              A.向左轉(zhuǎn)     2 .t

13、urn left                 B. 去看電影    3. take a trip                  C.  直走    4. go straight   

14、          D.  郵局    5. post office                E.  下周    6. a pair of           &#

15、160;   F.  去旅行    7. see a film        G. 乘出租汽車    8. by taxi            H.  來自 ,從 來    9. come from      

16、0;    I.  到達(dá)    10.next week J. 一雙六.中英文配對2 X 5=10分 ( )1.How do you go to school? A.祝你生日歡快! ( )2.Stop at a red light. B.我怎么才能到博物館? ( )3.Excuse me.Where is the library? C.紅燈停。 ( )4.How can I get to the museum? D.對不起請問,圖書館在哪? ( )5.Happy birthday to you! E.你怎么上學(xué)去的

17、?七.依據(jù)問句找出正確的答語,把序號填在括號里2 X 5=10分    1. Where is the library?         A. Thank you.(    ) 2. Thank you.              

18、0;  B .Im 12. (    ) 3.When are you going?         C .Its near the hospital    (    ) 4. Happy birthday!       

19、;      D. This morning. (    ) 5.How old are you?            E .Youre welcome. 八.連詞成句。2 X 5=10分1.do how to you go school ?2. foot I to usually school go on  .3.

20、 a at light stop red .4.am to I bookstore going the .5.a have time good !9. 閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。將其編號寫在題前的括號里。2 X 5=10分 Hi, Im Lily. Im from Canada. But now Im studying in China. Im a university student. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Im going to buy many gifts for the happy day in the supermarket this afternoo

21、n. Next week, Im going to take a trip. Im going to see the snow. I like snow. I am going to Harbin. Its north of China .Im going there with my classmates by plane. We are going to have a nice trip.(    ) 1. Lily is from_.       A. Canada       B. England    C. China(   ) 2. Its _ now in China.       A. spring       B. summer    C. winter(   )3. Lily is going to _ in the supermarket.       A. take a trip


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