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1、廣東省廣州市從化第二中學(xué)(從化二中)高三英語上學(xué)期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. people are living in_ world where mouse clicks rule our life, so online searches have become_ must.   a. the; /        b. /; a        c. a; a      &#

2、160; d. a; the 參考答案:c2. it is unwise for some people to drive and talk on a cell phone._. its very dangerous.a. i couldnt agree more   b. not really     c. good idea     d. thats great參考答案:a3.        you treat others sho

3、ws what kind of person you areahow                                        bwhom    &#

4、160;                      c that                           &

5、#160; d what參考答案:a 4. in students' eyes, a good teacher should have many good virtues, but _, he or she should be knowledgeable.  a. above all       b. after all        c. first of all       

6、  d. in all 參考答案:a5. donald. j. trump insists that he _ the phone in his government office all the time, instead of his own cellphone and that the new york times _ the fake news.a. uses; stops    b. use; stopsc. uses; stop    d. use; stop參考答案:c【詳解】考查insist的用法。句意:do

7、nald. j. trump堅(jiān)稱他一直在使用政府辦公室的電話,而不是自己的手機(jī),并且堅(jiān)持要求紐約時(shí)報(bào)應(yīng)該停止報(bào)道虛假信息。第一個(gè)insist表示“堅(jiān)持說”, insist表示“堅(jiān)持說”“堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為”,從句所指的通常是已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事或已存在的狀態(tài),謂語一般用陳述語氣,本從句根據(jù)主句用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。第二個(gè)insist表示“堅(jiān)持要”后接賓語從句,賓語從句通常用虛擬語氣(即should+動(dòng)詞原形),should可以省略。故c選項(xiàng)正確。【點(diǎn)睛】insist其后可接that-從句,但要根據(jù)意思的不同而分清兩種情況:(1)表示“堅(jiān)持要”“一定要”,從句所指的一般是尚未實(shí)現(xiàn)的事實(shí),此時(shí)謂語通常用虛擬語氣(即shou

8、ld+動(dòng)詞原形),而且引導(dǎo)詞that一般不省略(尤其是當(dāng)已經(jīng)省略 should 時(shí))。(2) 表示“堅(jiān)持說”“堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為”,從句所指的通常是已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事或已存在的狀態(tài),謂語一般用陳述語氣,引導(dǎo)詞 that 可省略。根據(jù)句子的語境以及句意,可以判斷出insist后接了兩個(gè)賓語從句,insist第一個(gè)意思是表示“堅(jiān)持說”,所以從句用陳述性的語氣,且句子為一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),所以用uses。而insist第二個(gè)意思表示“堅(jiān)持要”,所以從句謂語動(dòng)詞用虛擬語氣(即should+動(dòng)詞原形),所以用use。綜上所述,c選項(xiàng)正確。6. -im going to san francisco for a couple of

9、 days.-_. i wish i could get away for a while.a. it doesnt matter                   b. i cant agree more                c. i really env

10、y you   d. forget it參考答案:c考察交際用語。前者說自己要去舊金山幾天。后者說自己也想去,那么c項(xiàng)符合要求,表示很嫉妒對(duì)方有這樣的機(jī)會(huì)。7. once _, the book will surely attract readers attention since it is related to peoples health.a. publishing      b. having published    c. published   

11、0;   d. to publish參考答案:c考查非謂語動(dòng)詞的用法。句意:一旦出版,這本書就會(huì)吸引人們注意,因?yàn)樗c人們的健康有關(guān)。once表示“一旦”,引導(dǎo)狀語從句也可與分詞連用作狀語,book和publish為被動(dòng)關(guān)系,應(yīng)用過去分詞。故選c。8. only with the greatest of luck _ to escape from the rising flood waters.a. managed she        b. she managed     

12、    c. did she manage     d. she did manage參考答案:c9. have you ever visited the opera house? yes. when i was in sydney, i _ it twice.a. have visited          b. visited          

13、0;   c. had visited             d. would visit 參考答案:b10. _ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.a. hadnt it been  b. had it not been         c. was it not 

14、;                   d. were it not 參考答案:b11. this kind of animals has never been protected from being killed _there are fewones left in the world.a. after          &

15、#160;        b. until                        c. unless                

16、 d. when參考答案:b略12. -do you know anything new about the incident?-a working party       to look into the problem.a. was set up        b. has been set up     c. has been setting up     d. is setting up參

17、考答案:b略13. he sat there with his attention _ on the famous picture.a. absorbed  b. occupied    c. fixed     d. devoted參考答案:c14. mr white _his racing bicycle by himself yesterday, but im not sure  whether it is readya. repaired   b. had repaired&#

18、160; c. was repairing   d. would repair 參考答案:c15. why do some governments spend billions of dollars on military expansion _ the people of these countries are still suffering from starvation and poverty?a. whether  b. though   c. unless   d. when參考答案:d16. what is really

19、_to me is the gentle way he  speaks  and  acts .a  necessary  b  attractive  c curious  d  attracted 參考答案:b17. look at the terrible situation i am in! if only i _ your advice.  a. followb. would followc. had followedd. have followed參考答案:c18. mum, its

20、 hopeless to improve my english because of my failure in this english test again. _.  go on trying , and youll do better next time.  a.  dont lose heart                      &

21、#160;   b.  thats rightc.  its just like you                         d.  you are really a wet blanket參考答案:a19. before its first voyage,   &#

22、160;     that the ship titanic was the most advanced and safest one in history       athis was declared     bthey were declared cit was declared       dthat declared參考答案: c二、 書面表達(dá)20. 請認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,并按照要求用英

23、語寫一篇 150 詞左右的文章。the palace museum, as known as the forbidden city, began selling souvenirs and other peripheral  ( 周邊的 )  products  on  alibabas taobao in october 2010. the latest statistics show sales reached 1.5 billion yuan in 2017, said shan jixiang, the former museum curator

24、 (館長).meanwhile, the number of cultural and creative products available for sale at the palace museum increased from 195 in 2013 to 9,170 in 2016.“the income from the cultural and creative industries made it possible for the palace museum to hold 62,000 educational activities in 2018, bringing more

25、visitors to our museum,” shan added.the number of visitors (million per year) 【寫作內(nèi)容】1. 用約 30 個(gè)單詞概括圖表及文字的內(nèi)容;2. 用約120個(gè)單詞發(fā)表你的觀點(diǎn),內(nèi)容包括:(1)故宮推出文化創(chuàng)作產(chǎn)品的意義(不少于兩點(diǎn)(2)你想為故宮文化創(chuàng)作推出一款什么樣的產(chǎn)品(上圖僅供參考)并作簡要說明?!緦懽饕蟆?.表明個(gè)人觀點(diǎn),同時(shí)提供理由或論據(jù);2.闡述觀點(diǎn)或提供論據(jù)時(shí),不得直接引用原文中的句子;3.文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校名稱;4.不必寫標(biāo)題?!驹u(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】 內(nèi)容完整,語言規(guī)范,語篇連貫,詞數(shù)適合_參考

26、答案:the palace museum has witnessed a sharp rise in the sales of its cultural and creative products.meanwhile, the number of visitors has increased dramatically in the past few years as well. (32w) the benefits we enjoy from promoting cultural products far exceed our imagination. firstly, these inven

27、tive art works function as ambassadors to spread our splendid culture, extending chinese cultural influence and building up our cultural confidence. in addition, profits gained from the sales of artistic souvenirs can be spent on the restoration of cultural relics and the organization of educational

28、 activities which in turn will attract more visitors.to jump on the bandwagon of promoting chinese culture, i will design a set of bookmarks with images of palaces or emperors on them. it not only is of practical use but also serves as a reminder of sweet memories at the palace museum. i hope my des

29、ign will be a useful addition to those cultural and creative art works.( 127w)【分析】這是一篇應(yīng)用文寫作。【詳解】第1步:根據(jù)提示可知,本篇為一封說明文;1. 用約 30 個(gè)單詞概括圖表及文字的內(nèi)容;2. 用約120個(gè)單詞發(fā)表你的觀點(diǎn),內(nèi)容包括:(1)故宮推出文化創(chuàng)作產(chǎn)品的意義(不少于兩點(diǎn));(2)你想為故宮文化創(chuàng)作推出一款什么樣的產(chǎn)品(上圖僅供參考)并作簡要說明。第2步:根據(jù)寫作要求,確定關(guān)鍵詞(組),如:the palace museum(故宮),the number of(總數(shù)),exceed our imag

30、ination(超出想象),inventive art works(別出心裁的藝術(shù)作品);splendid(燦爛的;輝煌的)等。第3步:根據(jù)提示及關(guān)鍵詞(組)進(jìn)行遣詞造句,注意主謂一致和時(shí)態(tài)問題。第4步:連句成文,注意使用恰當(dāng)?shù)倪B詞進(jìn)行句子之間的銜接與過渡,書寫一定要規(guī)范清晰,保持整潔美觀的卷面是非常重要的?!军c(diǎn)睛】范文內(nèi)容完整,語言規(guī)范,語篇連貫,詞數(shù)適當(dāng)。作者在范文中使用了較多高級(jí)表達(dá)方式,如the benefits we enjoy from promoting cultural products far exceed our imagination.運(yùn)用了主語從句;in additio

31、n, profits gained from the sales of artistic souvenirs can be spent on the restoration of cultural relics and the organization of educational activities which in turn will attract more visitors.運(yùn)用了定語從句。全文中沒有中國式英語的句式,顯示了很高的駕馭英語的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、層次分明,上下句轉(zhuǎn)換自然,為文章增色添彩。三、 閱讀理解21. sydney-visitors to an austra

32、lian tourist hotspot have been advised to use umbrellas to protect themselves against dingo attacks, according to a research.fraser island, off the coast of queensland, offers a rare opportunity to observe the native wild dogs, but people can occasionally meet dingoes acting in a threatening or aggr

33、essive manner toward them, resulting in human injury and, in one tragic case, death, according to a research paper published on thursday in the pacific conservation biology scientific journal.reviewing a wide range of measures to help manage wild animals, the researchers said moves to minimize harm

34、from dingoes have included electric fencing and warning signs. however, “strong umbrellas” and “mild chemical irritant (刺激性的) sprays” could also offer personal protection.australian dingoes, which feature ratably in native culture but are also viewed as a threat to livestock in some areas, are liste

35、d as an endangered species by the international union for conservation of nature. the medium-sized dogs have broad heads, pointed muzzles, and red or yellow coats, and are found across the country except tasmania, according to government agency tourism australia.fraser island, stretches over 123 kilometres in length and 22 kilometres at its widest point. wit


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