



1、2013 高考英語杭州市二輪復(fù)習(xí)完形填空每天一練(12)(答案)B2 【夾敘夾議文】-B22012 ·湖北卷 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個選項(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Itend to acceptany idea put forwardby expertson TV. One day, a sociologistproposed that the_31_society has been consuming modern humans little bylittle. For fear that I would become a victim

2、 of the consumer society, I _32_hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood._33_the shopkeeper Mr. Johnsonwas selling me the bicycle, he said,“This is the best thing you_34_havedone. Life has become hopelessly _35_. A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you_36_ things: fresh air, sunshine and exerc

3、ise,” I agreed. Happy as a child, Igot on the bicycle andheaded out onto the streets. After some time, I_37_ atthe other end of the town. I was _38_that this simple vehicle could let me_39_long distances in a fairly short time. But how_40_ did I really go?Since I hated to be _41_, I went back to Mr.

4、 Johnson and asked him to_42_ an odometer (里程表 ) on my bicycle. He agreed, but_43_, “An odometerwithout a speedometer (速度計 ) is like a_44_without a knife.” Iadmittedhe was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (裝置 ) were _45_to thehandlebars of my bicycle.“What about a horn?” he then asked.“Lo

5、ok, this hornis no larger than a matchbox and has many_46_. ” Attracted by these functions,I bought the horn.“You can't leave the back part _47_” noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal boxwith buttons _48_ the seat, and said,“Is there anything better than this ovenwhen you feel _49_ on your way? I

6、can give you a special discount,” I was notstrong enough to _50_ the offer.“I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done.”said Mr. Johnson in the end.31 A.adultB humanCconsumerD bachelor32 A.eventuallyB immediatelyCreluctantlyD gratefully- 1 -33 A.AlthoughB BecauseCAsD Un

7、less34 A.wouldB shouldCmustD could35 A.boringB complicatedCstressfulD tough36 A.naturalB mysteriousCcomplexD unique37 A.gave upB broke downCcalmed downD ended up38 A.amazedB amusedCconfusedD concerned39 A.marchB driveCcoverD measure40 A.farB longC fastD deep41 A.unreliableB impracticalCunpreparedD i

8、naccurate42 A.fixB checkCrepairD lay43 A.sworeB addedCrepliedD concluded44 A.pencilB forkCboxD cake45 A.distributed B convertedC appliedD attached46 A.shapesB sizesCfunctionsD models47 A.looseB blankCbareD incomplete48 A.besideB beforeCbelowD behind49 A.sickB hungryC hotD thirsty- 2 -50 A.considerB

9、withdrawCmakeD resist【要點綜述】作者相信電視上專家的建議,不想陷入現(xiàn)代消費社會的種種陷阱,成為現(xiàn)代消費行為的受害者。而作者購買一輛自行車的事與愿違的經(jīng)歷,又讓我們啼笑皆非,不禁感嘆現(xiàn)代消費者要想掌控自我消費行為是何其的艱難!31 C與此空后面一句For fear thatof the consumer society 相呼應(yīng),因此選C項。32 B“我”應(yīng)該是產(chǎn)生了一個念頭,不想被復(fù)雜的現(xiàn)代生活所累,決定立刻行動去買一輛簡單的自行車,其他均不符合題意。33 C當(dāng)老板在向“我”推銷自行車的時候,他對“我”說,“這可能是你做過的事中最好的 ( 或者最正確的) 事?!?as“當(dāng)時

10、,與同時”,所以C 正確。34 Dcould have done意思為:可能做過( 某事 ) 。對過去的一種推測。其他不符合情景。文章最后一句 the best thing you could have done也是提示。35 B( 現(xiàn)代 ) 生活已經(jīng)變得令人絕望的復(fù)雜,( 而 ) 自行車是件簡單的東西。此處的complicated與后面的simple形成對比。其他選項的含義均與此不符。36 A騎上自行車能感受到清新的空氣,和煦的陽光,同時還能鍛煉身體,這些都是很自然的東西,所以A 正確。37 D一會兒工夫之后,“我”就騎車來到了小鎮(zhèn)的另一頭。end up 到達或來到某處,所以 D正確。38

11、A“我”吃驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)用如此簡單的工具自行車就能讓“我”在相對不長的時間里走完這么長的距離。所以此空填amazed。39 Ccover 行走 ( 一段路程 ) 。40A但此時一個問題 ( 在“我”的腦海 ) 浮現(xiàn)了: “我”到底走完了多遠的距離呢?far符合情景。下文的 an odometer( 里程表 ) 也是提示。41 D“我”是一個喜歡精確的人, hate to be inaccurate不喜歡模棱兩可。42 A在車把手上安裝一個里程表。 fix “安裝”,符合題意,其他選項不能表達與此相呼應(yīng)的含義。43 B但是他補充說。 add“補充說”,符合題意。44 B安裝了里程表而沒有速度計就像吃飯

12、有了叉而沒有刀一樣。fork 符合題意。45 Dattach sth to sth將系或縛到上。 attach 為最佳選項。46 C“看,這個喇叭只有火柴盒大小,但它有很多功能。”“我”最終被它的功能吸引,買了喇叭。其他選項不符合題意。47Cbare 赤裸的,光禿的。此時店老板又說服“我”不要讓車后邊空蕩蕩的,應(yīng)該裝點什么。只有C項符合題意。- 3 -48D他在座位后邊安裝了一個帶有按鈕的金屬盒子。后備箱應(yīng)安裝在座位后面。behind在后面。49B在路上感到饑餓的時候,沒有什么比車后面的烤箱更實用了。hungry 饑餓的。其他幾個選項不能表達與此相符的含義。50 D“我”的內(nèi)心被說動了,無法拒

13、絕他的提議,因此選D 項。*結(jié)束When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-Astudent, I believed I could_36_tough subjects and really learn something. Onesuch course was WorldLiteraturegivenby ProfessorJayne.I was extremelyinterestedin the ideas he37in class. When I took the first

14、 exam, I was38to find a 77,C-plus, on my test paper,39English was my best subject. I went to ProfessorJayne, who listened to my arguments but remained_ 40.I decided to try harder, although I didnt know what that41because schoolhad always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got ano

15、ther 77.Again, I42with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldntchange his43.One more test before the final exam. One more44to improve my grade. So Iredoubled my efforts and, for the first time,45the meaning of the word“thorough ”. But my46_did no good and everything47as before. The

16、lasthurdle( 障礙 ) was the final. No matter what48I got, it wouldnt cancel threeC-pluses. I might as well kiss the49goodbye.I stopped workinghard.I felt Iknew thecourse materialaswellas Ieverwould.The night before the final, I even50myself to a movie. The next day I decidedfor once Id have51_ with a t

17、est. A week later, I was surprised to find I got anA. I hurried into Professor Jaynes office. He52_ to be expecting me.“If I gaveyou the as you53, you wouldnt continue to work as hard.”I stared at him,54 that his analysis and strategy(策略 ) were correct. I hadworked my head55,as I had neverdone befor

18、e. Iwas speechlesswhen my coursegradearrived:A-plus.Itwas theonlyA-plusgiven.The nextyearI receivedmy scholarship.- 4 -I ve always rememberedProfessor Jaynes lesson: you alone must set your ownstandard of excellence.36.A. takeB. discussC. coverD. get37.A. soughtB. presentedC. exchangedD. obtained38.A. shockedB. worriedC. scaredD. anxious39.A. butB. soC. forD. or40.A. unchangedB. unpleasantC. unfriendlyD. unmoved41.A. reflectedB. meantC. improvedD. affected42.A. quarreledB. r


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