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1、B. $?9. 18.C. $?9. 15.C. Rainy.C. It s?roman.ticC. Write?a?book?review.C. Friday.C. Smoked sea fish and?cola.C. By?online means.C. Annoyed.C. Go?camping.C. $200.安徽省合肥市 2018 年高三第一次教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)試題(考試時(shí)間: 120 分鐘 滿分: 150 分)第一部分 聽力 (共兩節(jié) , 滿分 30 分 )做題時(shí), 先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。 錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后, 你將有兩分鐘的時(shí)間將試卷上的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5?小題;每小題1

2、.5?分, 滿分7.5?分)聽下面5?段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題, 從題中所給的 A、 B 、 C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。聽完每段對(duì)話后 , 你都有10?秒鐘的時(shí)間來(lái)回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。例: How?much?is?the?shirtA. $?19. 15.答案是 C。1. What?will?the?weather?probably?be?like?tomorrowA. Sunny.B. Windy.2. What?does?the?woman?think?of?the?movieA. It s?wonder.fulB. It s?viole. nt3. Wha

3、t?does?the?man?advise?the?woman?to?doA. Record?the?lecture.B. Watch?the?lecture?online.C. Attend?the?lecture?in?the?flesh.4. What?are?the?speakers?mainly?talking?aboutA. Weekend?plans.B. Cooking?skills.C. Green?lifestyles.5. Where?are?the?speakersA. In?a?hotel.B. In?a?driving?school.C. In?a?police?s

4、tation.第二節(jié) (共15?小題;每小題1.5?分, 滿分22.5?分 )聽下面5?段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C?三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。聽每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前, 你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題 , 每小題5?秒鐘;聽完后, 各小題將給出5?秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第 6 段材料 , 回答第 6、 7?題。6. What?did?the?professor?expect?Meg?to?doA. Prepare?for?a?test.B. Do?more?practice.7. What?day?is?it?when?the?conversation

5、?takes?placeA. Tuesday.B. Thursday.聽第 7 段材料 , 回答第 8、 9 題。8. What?does?the?woman?orderA. Shellfish?and?soup.B. Steak?and?juice.9. How?will?the?woman?pay?for?the?mealA. In?cash.B. By?credit?card.聽第 8 段材料 , 回答第 10?至 12 題。10. How?did?the?man?feel?when?his?shoes?broke suddenlyA. Embarrassed.B. Surprised.

6、11. What?will?the?man?do?next WednesdayA. Go?hiking.B. Run?a?marathon.12. How?much?will?the?man?pay?with?his?member?cardA. $170.B. $190.聽第9段材料,回答第13?至16題。13. Why?did?the?man?travel?to?ItalyA. To?watch football?games. B. To?improve?his?Italian. C. To?do?some?sightseeing.14. Which?place?did?the?woman?

7、visit?in?ItalyA. The?Milan?Cathedral. B. The?city?of?Venice. C. The?University?of?Milan.C. Accommodation.C. Rewarding.C. 80%.C. In?2017.C. Social?media.15. W?hat?did?the?man?find?the?most?difficult?in?ItalyA. Courses.B. Transportation.16. w?hat?does?the?man?think?of?his?trip?to?the?Leaning?TowerA. T

8、iring.B. Challenging.聽第10段材料,回答第17?至20題。17. What?percentage?of?American?people?only?read?paper?booksA. 6%.B. 40%.18. W?hen?did?the?sales?of?paper?books?begin?to?fallA. In?2009.B. In?2010.19. W?hat?might?cause?the?decrease?of?the?sales?of?e-booksA. Digital?problems.B. High?price.20. What?is?Doctor?Sa

9、m?Roberts?talking?aboutA. The?trend?of?reading.B. The?influence?of?social?media.C. The?difference?between?e-books?and?paper?books.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40分)閱讀下列短文,從 A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。Top Hotels in SydneyHotelLocationHotel Features(特色)Room FacilitiesShangri-LaHotel SydneyThe hotel is located

10、 in the Rocks district, a charming historic area north of the Central Business District and northwest of Circular Quay. It ' s only-minute walk to the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor BridgeThe hotel has several meeting rooms. It has two bars, two restaurants, a peaceful indoor pool, and

11、 a modern fitness center. It also offers free laundry and babysitting service.The 565 rooms are among the most spacious(寬敞的)in the city. Free WiFi is provided.Rydegs SydneyAirport HotelSituated in Mascot, this hotel is 4.6km from Marrickville Metro and about 10km away from the University of Sydney a

12、nd Marrickville Market.This smoke-free hotel has a restaurant, a 24-hour health club and a coffee shop. It also has a 24-hour business center, which provides busy travellers with an “office away from the officeAll 318 rooms offer free WiFi and free wired Internet.The TankStreamLocated in Sydney Cent

13、ral Business District, this hotel is within a 10-minute walk of Pitt Street Mall. It' s nSydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, about 20 minutes' walk.A restaurant, a gym and a coffee shfap 1aomavailable at this hotel. It also has a parking lot(fee required).All 280 soundproof rooms h

14、ave free WiFi and coffee makers.QT SydneyLocated in Sydney Central Business3 restaurants and a health club areAll 200 soundproofDistrict, this hotel is about a 15-minute walk to Sydney Opera House.available at this smoke-free hotel.It has car parking facilities(charges apply).rooms have free WiFi. F

15、or a bit of entertainment, Flat-screen TVs come with digital channels.21. Which hotel is nearest to the Sydney Opera HouseA. QT Sydney. B. Shangri-La Hotel Sydney. C. The Tank Stream. D. Rydges Sydney Airport Hotel.22. W hat is special about Rydges Sydney Airport HotelA. It offers office service. B.

16、 It has a coffee maker in each room.C. It provides laundry service. D. It has the best restaurant in Sydney.23. What can we learn about the hotels mentioned in the textA. They have smoke areas. B. They have sporting facilities.C. They have free parking lots. D. They charge the Internet users.BMy nam

17、e is Matthew. I m not someone who has many secrets because ImtheterrboneOrugutsecret that I kept for years I failed my driving test. I had never failed a test before, and had never even come close. Driving made me anxious, but my parents told me I had to. They signed me up for driving lessons. I had

18、 gotten a perfect score for my written permit exam, but getting behind the wheel was a different story.But when October 30th rolled around, my pride set in. I wanted to be like everyone else at my school, showingoff the brand new license theyd gotten. Looking back on that special daymecanbner if I w

19、asnervous. What Ido remember is starting the test, pausing at a stop sign after a few seconds, and being asked by the instructor to pull over. I had received an auto-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and not a real stop. I wasn' t upset thatleaving without a license, but I was scared everyo

20、ne would know that I had failed. So when I got to class , I told everyone I didn ' t want to take thesteon my birthday.One Friday a month later, I went to the test spot again and passed. Later that night I drove for the first time by myself, which brought to me an amazing feeling I' ve nevee

21、xlerieln teobouldn ' t imagine ever tellinganyone the truth. So I didn ' t . Itunas midway through college that I came clean. It turned out plenty of my college friends had failed too! And I gathered enough courage to speak the fact out. Yes, I had also failed.Now I realize failure and imper

22、fection are two things everyone has to experience, without which one couldn ' t make a true man.24. What can we learn about MatthewA. He relied heavily on his parents.B. He was bored with telling lies.C. He was a slow learner of driving.D. He was afraid of taking exams.25. Why did the instructor

23、 ask Matthew to pull overA. To put an end to his test. B. To check his parking skills.C. To give him a second chance. D. To show him a better way of driving.26. What made Matthew feel extremely worried after his first attemptA. Failing to get a driving license. B. Missing his birthday celebration.C.

24、 Making his parents disappointed. D. Losing face before his classmates.27. What did Matthew learn from his ow n experienceA. Failure is a way to grow up. B. Honesty is the best policy.C. Truth stands the test of time. D. Imperfection is another form of perfection.CAlthough onions taste delicious , w

25、atering eyes come with the process when you cut them up. Thankfully, GoodHousekeeping has suggested some tips to prevent yourself from crying while trying to cut up an onion.According to the findings from the Institute, putting onions in a fridge 30 minutes before cutting can prevent the annoying hu

26、rt, as the cold stops tear-jerking(催淚的)gas from being produced.Another way to reduce the gas released by the onion is to put it in water for a while. Good Housekeeping recommends: " Cut the end off the onion and then put it straight into a bowl of water. The water will draw out the acid making

27、you tear up less when you cut it.”When an onion grows, it mixes with sulfur ( 硫)in the soil to create a special mineral acid. When the onion is cut into pieces, it reacts and creates a gas. As it reaches your face, this annoying gas causes the eyes to produce tears.The root is where the gasses are m

28、ost concentrated, so it is recommended that this part of the onion be left on as you cut it to avoid uncomfortable eyes. Do this by cutting the vegetable in half down the middle, then cut off part of one side to create a flat surface. Then , place the onion with its flat surface down and cut it towa

29、rds the root.Also, to reduce the gas ' s effect on your eyes , cut it next to a window or near a fan so theisgasown away from your face. And take care to use a sharp knife; this will make it easier to move through the vegetable, causing fewer cells to be broken and less gas to be released as a r

30、esult.28. Refrigerating the onion before cutting can .A. change its taste B. make it easier to cut upC. avoid generation of the gas D. help the gases mix more quickly29. From the fourth paragraph, what happens when the onion is cut upA. Some acid mineral is lost. B. The tear mixture is created.C. Th

31、e sulfur inside it pours out. D. A chemical reaction produces a gas.30. What does the underlined word" this " in paragraph 5 refer toA. Producing more tears. B. Leaving the root uncut first.C. Promoting concentration. D. Making the onion more tasty.31. The main purpose of the text is to.A.

32、 advise and explain B. examine and analyze C. argue and discuss D. present and compareDDo you have a younger brother Does he always get in trouble w ll, there might be some science behind that.According to a report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, second-born boys are more likely than

33、 first-borns to behave badly, which could be why you from time to time consider your younger brothers or sisters sprites.re the s-bcondchild you mayResearchers, who explored data from tens of thousands of sibling( 兄弟姐妹)pairs from Denmark and Florida, found second-born boys are 20 to 40% more likely

34、to have behavioral problems. If you want to have a little chat with your parents. The reason why second-born siblings may be worse behaved than first-borns is that parents tend to pay less attention to them.“Secon-born children tend to have less attention from the mother than their older siblings be

35、cause first-born children experience their mother' s maternityUa vers(tborns enjoy the rewards of not only their own timewith mum following their birth, but the time mum takes off with younger siblings, too, " the authors explain.It ' s not just about the parents, however. Speaking to N

36、RP, couthor Joseph Doyle said,first-bThe has rolemodels, who are adults. And the second, later-born children have role models who are slightly unreasonable 2-year-olds, you know, their older siblings. The difference of parental investments and the sibling influences probably contribute to these diff

37、erences we see in the labor market and what we find in behaviors against regulations, even against laws. It ' s just verytdisfepatate those two things because they happen at the same time.The results , the authors argue, have an important effect on social policy.32. What does the underlined word

38、 a sprites " in paragraph 2 probably meanA. Losers. B. Troublemakers. C. Close companions. D. Parents p6ts.33. According to the report, what influences the second- born children ' s behaviorA. Challenges of their elder siblings. B. Fewer chances of talking with others.C. More family problem

39、s they are faced with. D. The amount of attention they receive from parents.34. Joseph Doyle holds the opinion that the older siblings .A. have the same role models as their younger onesB. are not to blame for their younger siblings' failC. are partly responsible for their younger siblings'

40、problemsD. affect the parental investment and the labor market participation35. Which of the following can be the best title for the textA. Why the second-born tend to be misbehaved B. How parents improve family relationshipsC. Social policy guides family education D. Parents prefer first-born kids

41、第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。Art is for everyone and it exists everywhere. When it comes to appreciating an art painting, there is no right or wrong way. 36Know the artist. To know the artist is the first step towards appreciating any art painting.37 Onceyou get fami

42、liar with the paintings from a particular artist, you will start relating to their unique style.This is really tough. There are different styles and types of art mediums, realism, surrealism, and impressionism, to name but a few. So for beginners, itable to keep thiangsisimple. Try to understand if

43、the artyou see is a watercolour, oil painting or acrylic( 丙烯酸顏料 )or sketch (速寫)on paper. You also need to figure out the styles of the work figurative (形象的)or abstract.Try and find a meaning. To read between lines and colors and understand what the artist mean can be very difficult. 39 So here '

44、 s a simple guide. Figurative paintings are easy becausthey are an honest description of emotions on the canvas(油畫布).Still , it doesn' t t meaderotamding is the same as the artist' s. Abstractattempt to create magic with shapes, lines and colors and their meaning is different for everyone wh

45、o sees it.Search for Emotions. Not every work of art v ill catch your eyes or emotions at first sight. 40 Explore the art work with your eyes.Once you are aware of these things, you will be able to break the ice with art.A. Discover your taste and styles.B. Know the type of art and medium used.C. So

46、me of these art works will take time to reach you.D. You just might find that art changes the way you see the world.E. Learning something about the artist adds to the appreciation of art.F. A simple art painting might be understood otherwise for different people.G. The following ideas may help you j

47、oin in the conversation between you and the artist.第三部分語(yǔ)言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A.、B.、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。About six years ago I was going through a tough time, trying to work two jobs to afford my rent. On a coldSunday morning, I went to GameStop

48、a video game retailer (零售商),to 41 the game I ' d reserved. A woman in a car parked outside called me when I 42 the store. Though it was in broad daylight, I was 43 about it and kept some distance when I walked over. She said she couldn ' t walk and 44 me to purchase a Kinect, a popular game,

49、 for her as her 45 Christmas gift. Due to her leg disease it was 46 for her to move around.She called ahead but the employee wasn ' t willing to 47. She gave me about $100 in cash AND her creditcard.I walked back in and bought the Kinect. Then it occurred to me that this woman, a complete strang

50、er, 48 me. What was it that stopped me from lying about the payment method and just49 her cash She couldnknow I wasn ' t a 50; and how could she possibly have so much 51 someoneI handed her the cash back, 52 I had to pay with her card it was above $100 at the time, and handed over the 53 and her

51、 credit card. This is what my son 's been longing for. Thank you! By the way, just from54 atyou , I know you are the one who' ll be a friend to someone . You have a face of an angel !said. Sheegave me $10 and 56 to take it back. Then she 57, saying “Merry Christmas! ”She had no idea how much

52、 of a 58 even $10 made. I was able to buy a few cheap groceries for the week and it really made a 59 time in my life a little better. She may think I helped her ;60 I trulyfeel like the one who was being gifted something amazing.41. A. donateB. cancelC. winD. return42. A. keptB. approachedC. decorat

53、edD. exited43. A.shyB. crazyC. disappointedD. positive44. A. forbadeB. encouragedC. requestedD. allowed45. A. painfulB. employer'sC. husband'sD. son's46. A. painfulB. convenientC. funnyD. secure47. A. orderB.shareC. helpD. pay48. A. fooledB. trustedC. inspiredD. annoyed49. A. throwingB.

54、tearingC. pocketingD. losing50. A. video makerB. porterC. game sellerD. cheat51. A. patience withB. faith inC. respect forD. mercy on52. A. arguingB. lyingC. promisingD. explaining53. A. gameB. chequeC. ticketD. change54. A. laughingB. glancingC. yellingD. pointing55. A. in needB. in publicC. in ret

55、urnD. in danger56. A. offeredB. managedC. refusedD. decided57. A. came overB. drove awayC. fell downD. pulled up58. A. differenceB. livingC. bargainD. profit59. A. happyB. carefreeC. confusingD. hard60. A. finallyB. thereforeC. howeverD. otherwise第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確

56、形式。The Water Splashing (潑)Festival of the Dai ethnic minority( 少數(shù)民族)falls on April 13th to April 16th. It is the most important festival 61 (observe) by the Dai people in the Dehong area of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. It is the New Year for the Dai, a festival to send off theold and greet the ne

57、w.During the festival, 62 lasts three or four days, people are dressed in their best clothes and participate in a variety of rich and colourful 63 (activity). Dragon boat racing, firework displays and other performances such as Peacock dance_64(hold) on the first day. And the most popular event _65-

58、 (be) water-splashing on the second day. People splash water on each other, hoping to take away sickness and disasters. The wetter you get, the_66 (lucky) you will be. The last day is usually for the young people to play games as a way 67 (express) their love for each other.The Water Splashing Festival 68 (vi


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