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1、英語構(gòu)詞法在高考中的應用本課要點:1.各類詞性的正確使用及轉(zhuǎn)化2. 運用構(gòu)詞法知識猜測語境中詞的語義3. 通過理解和掌握構(gòu)詞法擴大詞匯量考情分析:1. We drank together and talked erry) till far into thenight.( 07 高考)proverb is say ing we have to let thi ngs go in their(n ature) course.( 08 高考)Jane knew from past experie nee that her _ (choose) of ties hardlyever pleased h

2、er father.( 09 高考)teacher took a deep drink, smiled (warm), and thanked his studentvery much for the sweet water.(10 高考)考點精講:Frie ndships cha nge as our n eeds and lifestyles change. Don t trouble trouble un til trouble troubles you.They watched the train un til it disappeared in the dista nee.英語構(gòu)詞法

3、主要有三種方法:- 一.合成(Compounding):由兩個或更多的詞合成一個詞eg. house( 房子)+ wife( 妻子)-housewife(家庭主婦)二.轉(zhuǎn)化(Con versi on):由一個詞類轉(zhuǎn)化為另一個詞類eg. water ( n.) 水-water ( v.) 澆水三.派生(Derivatio n): eg. happy- un happyhappy- happi ness通過加前綴或后綴構(gòu)成另外一個詞:加前綴一般不改變原詞的 ,只改變加后綴改變了原詞的 一.合成法:Yet, shopkeepers may have to spe nd extra hours to

4、deal with problems, such as shoplifters, who always take away things from the shop without pay ing for them.What does the word“shoplifter ” mean?A.商店里的小偷B.商店里的推銷員C.商店里的老客戶 D.商店里的搬運工注意:請你猜一猜下列劃線的詞的詞義。them, play ing well and winning are ofte n life-a nd-death affairs. spirit is a necessity. Sharp word

5、s from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming stude nt down-to-earth.a time we wrote, and her letters were the highlight of those terrible en dless years.二轉(zhuǎn)化法:He is a man with broad shoulders .We will shoulder the responsibilities at any time.Nobel arra nged in his will to give the largest part

6、of his money to establish the Nobel prizes.(08 高考)觸類旁通:feed cause use fly native major mail empty cheat free三派生法(重點):(一)前綴1. 否定前綴:il- im- in- ir- dis- mis- un- non請為下列單詞找出適當?shù)姆穸ㄇ熬Y。bala neeconcernactivelegal luckypatie ntpossibleun dersta ndpolite regular agree use hon est fairadva ntage stopsmoker2.請

7、找出下列單詞的前綴,并討論前綴所含意義retellrepayan tiaircraftcoeducati onoversleepoverlooksuperma nsubway subtitle intern ati onal in terview enl arge tran sport 歸納:鞏固練習:1 It would be easy for some on eto misprese nt himself on line because you can t see him. Thus some on ewho says that “ she is a 12-year-old girl. ”

8、 could really be an old man.What does the word“ misprese nt ” mean?a wrong judgme nt aboutsomebody wron glya wrong descripti on ofa wrong opinion about 2 .The computer also counts the loads and gives a sig nal by phone whe n the box is full. And a special piece of equipment breaks up the non recycla

9、bles.3.Another myth about eyes is that they can be transplanted. It is quite difficult to connect an eyeball to a new brain(二)后綴1. 常見的名詞后綴A:表示人的后綴:B:其它常見的后綴: 技巧點撥: 動詞、介詞、冠詞、物主代詞等詞后一般接 _或動名詞,如果所 給單詞是其它詞類,就要將其改為并注意名詞數(shù)的變化。動詞,名詞,形 容詞時都有可能會考否定形式,一定要根據(jù)語境來判斷。(1) His(careful) resulted in the terrible accide

10、nt(2) He was one of the (visit)who thought highly of Tom, theirguide.2. 常見的形容詞后綴-al ; - an ; - ern; -ble ; - ish ; - ive; - y; -ful ; - less - ly;-ous 表示具有的性質(zhì),或與有關(guān)practical , American, southern , possible, foolish, native, rainy, careless , careful3. 常見的副詞后綴:-ly 表示方式,程度:freely , happily -ward (s)表示方

11、向:westwards技巧點撥:動詞前后、形容詞前后可有 ,這時,如果所給詞為形容詞,則需將其變?yōu)楦痹~。如果所給詞為名詞或動詞,可先將其變?yōu)樾稳菰~,再加后綴 -ly。另外,在答題時還要考慮副詞級的變化。名詞前面一般可有形容詞修飾語,連系動詞后接形容詞作表語。如果所需詞為形容詞時,還要考慮形容詞級的變化。 如:(1) The little girl is (extreme ) eager to know the result of the exam.(2) What,s the (length)river in the world?(3) The(stren gth)we become, the

12、 more modest we should be.4. 動詞后綴:-fy (使化);-ize ( 使成為);-en(使)寫出下列單詞的動詞形式。beautymoder n deep rich real quick技巧點撥: 動詞是句子的靈魂,在確定語法填空的答案時,要考慮句子中是否 有謂語動詞,如果 謂語動詞,需將所給詞通過加前綴或后綴變成動詞。兩個 en含有使動用法:en -(enrich) -en (widen)易錯點most aircraft fly highly.2. They can watch lively broadcast ball games at home.3. ” We

13、 really did very well, ” cried the fairy, in a pleasing voice, for I found little un happ in ess among the childre n this morning.強化訓練a word, to save time is(lo ng) life. to len gthe nthe trip I thought we were rich but today I learnt who is(true)rich. race gave a great deal of(please).(惠一調(diào))4. It wa

14、s his ninth year of school and his academic career seemed to be in ruins, so I was full of(an gry).(惠二調(diào))5. and viruses, so I mvery careful not to give out myin formatio n.( 惠三調(diào)) this the boy got up and walked away, leaving comfortable sofa, totally(speech).(7. Mr Chen has taught me Englishsince(appr

15、eciate) I decided to get her a prese nt.8.(pers on)his father sitting on their 廣一模)Junior 1, and to show my(廣州二模)(fortunate), I then noticed that I had (09廣州二模)just10 minu tes to complete the rest.9. Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grewa bit (patie nee).(深一模)10. “Thirty

16、-five cents, ” she said (rude).11. I must know how to care for othersand try not tothem. 12.you have done well and made great achievement(en terta in) field.( 惠一模)13. These people have made greattheir work.(茂名二模)14. . The storm damaged several_ 州二模)(09深一模)(un dersta nd)in the(con tribute) to Chi na

17、with(n ew) built buildi ngs.very15. . Numerous studies haveshow n that free play is(benefit). It can help children become creative(四校聯(lián)考)16. .they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, notto men ti on the latest (excite) football match.(東莞一模)解題心得小結(jié):介詞,冠詞,所有格后接 ;形容詞修飾;副詞修飾熟悉四會單詞的意義、拼寫

18、和詞性 .、八1. 在做語法填空時,一定要善于根據(jù)上下文分析句子結(jié)構(gòu),句子成分,平時要多積累相關(guān)的單詞,熟悉其詞性,并利用好構(gòu)詞法等技巧。2. 最后,要檢查一遍,大小寫問題,單復數(shù)問題,字母是否缺漏,單詞是否要雙寫(.runner )不斷地通過分析句子來檢驗自己的答案。3. 平時注重培養(yǎng):閱讀、理解語篇的能力;分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)的能力;熟練運用語法的能力。實戰(zhàn)演習I hated(1)(wait) for her for hourswithout(2)(know)when on earth she would come. Onher(3)(arrive),she would always hugged

19、 me,promisingnever to be late again.I used to stare at herin(4)(an gry),telli ngher fran kly that her(5)(arrive)late mademea ngry and that I wan ted to end our(6) (relate).However, she neverseemed tobe(7)(angrily).She toldme that she always thoughtof me as one of her best(8)(frie ndly)a nd if I left

20、her, that would be a severe(9)(puni sh)toher. Fin allywe reached an(10)(agree)that we would still be goodfriends, but she mustn,t be late again.(2) Ann walked out of the chemical factory,a nno yed at her1(pleasa nt) in terviewwith Jack,the vice gen eral man ager of thewas told the factory had been p

21、ouring waste water directly into the river,making the water 2 (suit)to thoughtit was herduty to_3_(close)the matter and had it reported in thealso thought it was 4 (responsible)JP3 for the factoryto do thought it was 5 (proper)and6 (legal)for Annto report the whole thing in public without telling th

22、em in advanee.However,Ann regarded it most important to ensure the residents n ear the factory to drink7 (polluti on) told Jack if hisfactory kept on polluting the river,he was sure to answer for what he had done one day.(3)It was a(1)(sno w)w in ter Sun day. Jane sat in her(2) (gloom) room, staring

23、at thetelephone(3) (sad), waiting(4)(eager)for a phon ecallher un cle pomised her if he could man age to find her a job. Itwas almost 11 o , clock, but the phone still remained(5)(silence).Sheonce told herself that herun cle could do no thi ng to help her and she thought she had some(6)(predict)powe

24、r about such kind of things.However, she still felt it(7)(bear)whe nshe assumedher prediction came true, so she couldn,t help weeping. Justthen, the teleph one ran g. It was her un cle, telli ng her the man ager of his compa ny agreed to give her a cha nee because he thought Jane was a(8)(compete)gi

25、rl to do the workwell. Imagi ne how happy Jane was at the good n ews.(4)Afterthe engineer waited for two hours to have theplan(1)(approve),he walked out of the mayor ,s officeinto the narrow street, thinkingthat the administrativeformalities must(2)(simple)to make things easier,the n arrow streets o

26、f the city should(3)(wide) andano ther theater should be built (4)(rich)peoples life after work. More money should be spend(5)(in dustry)thecity. Besides it wasimportant(6)(deep)and(7)(wide) the river sothat there would be less flood. Just then, he smelt a delicious smell out of a restaura nt and he

27、 realized he had n,t had anything for ten hours. He then said to himself,“Whyshould I think ofall this ? Ami the mayor? The most important thing I should do now is to eat someth ing. ” He(8)(quick)his stepstowards the restaura nt.(5)Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these

28、(1)(fail)as a n ecessary part of the lear ningprocess. But all too often(2)pare nts and teacherswe do not allow our children to have the same right. We convey either by words(3) by actionsthat failure issomething to be ashamedof, and that nothing but top performanee meets with our(4)(approve).Whe n

29、I see a child subject to this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie. He was a shy, n ervous perfecti oni st. His fear of failure(5)(keep)him from classroom gamesthat otherchildrenplayed with joyous abandon. He seldom answeredquestions for fear that he would be wrong. He seldom finished his work becaus

30、e he repeatedly checked with me to be sure he hadn,t made a(6)(mistaken).l tried my best to buildup hisself-c on fide nee.And I repeatedly asked Godfor(7)(direct).Butno thi ngcha ngedun tilmidterm,(8) Mary Anne, a young student teacher, wasappo in ted to our classroom. She was young and pretty, and

31、she lovedchildre n.Manystude nts,Donnie(9)(in clude),adoredher.Withher(10)(en courage),D onnie became con fide nt.(6)A father sat at his desk looking at and carefullystudyinghis1(month)billwhen his young son rushed in andannounced, “ Dad,because this is your birthday and you are 55 years old,I mgoin

32、g to give you 55 kisses,one for each year! ” But the father exclaimed, “Oh,Peter,don t do it mtoo busy!”The boy immediately fell from his big blue eyes.“ You can finish later.2 (silence)as tears rolled dow n3 (apologize)the father said,The boy said nothing but 4 (quiet)walked away, 5(disappoi nt)wri

33、tte n over his evening the father said,“ Comeand finish the kisses now,Peter! ” But the boy didn t respond.6(fortunate),theboy had an accidentand washeartbroke n father wrote,“ If on ly I could tell him how muchI regret my 7 (thought)words and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is achi ng. ”Love is a two-way lovi ng act must be 8 (warm)accepted or it will be taken as 9 (reject)and can leave a is more 10(importance)thanresponding with love to the cry for love fromthose who are n ear and precious to us.英語構(gòu)詞法在高考中的應用參考答案:考情分析 1. merrily 2. n atural 3. choice考點精講:合成法 轉(zhuǎn)化法


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