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1、一、按要求改寫單詞1 heavy (比較級(jí))2. big (比較級(jí))3 have(第三人稱單數(shù))4. bought(原形)5.、is (過去式)二、Read and choose.(讀一讀)選擇正確答案)(5少)()1 .Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him.一 How tall is Ted?A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm()2 My throat sore, my nose.A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C ? is hurts()3?did you go on your holiday?

2、 ? Shanghai?()4. We books last night.A. read B. reads C . readed()5、Did you went swimming last weekend?A Yes ,l didnt B No ,l didnt C No ,l did()6.How are you, Mike? You look so.Its raining outside. I cant play football.A. happyB. excitedC. sad()7. Sam is 160cm tall ? Ted is 10cm shorter than him. H

3、ow tall isTed?A. 150cmB. 160cmC. 170cm()8.Whats the matter?My leg .A. hurtsB. sore C. is hurts()9.did you go on your holiday?Shanghai.A. What B. Where C. How()10. Did you pictures yesterday?A. take B. took C. taking三、根據(jù)句意,用單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:(5*)1. ? He is(young) and stronger than me ?2. I (buy ) presents on

4、 my holiday ?3. What(do) you do last weekend ?4. She(see) the elepha nts last Mon day .5. Sarah(feel) sad, because she failed her math test.四、Make sentences.連詞成句(5八)1 you, am, than, I stronger 。2 、 matter, with ,your ,whafs ,the ,sister?3 did, last, read, you, weekend, books, ?4. my, I, holiday, ele

5、phants, saw, on5、the do you what on weekend do?五、閱讀理解,判斷正誤。(5少)Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui.What did we buy?

6、We bought a doll for her. Because she told me 1 have nt got a lovely doll. When she gotour present she looked eXcitedhe was very happy. We wentto the zoo. We saw elephants ? We wanted to row aboat in Daming park, but it was later, we had togo home ? We had a good time on that day.()1. Xiaohui is tal

7、ler than me.()2. I bought a doll for Xiaohui.()3. We went to a shop last mon th.()4. They had a good time on Xiaohui Js birthday.()5. We rowed a boat in the park.六、閱讀填空:(5*)I am Sandy. Tomorrow is Saturday. I am going to the Tai Mountains with my good friends. We are going to meetat 6:00 in the morn

8、ing. The mountains are far from our home ? We are going by bike? We are going to have apicnic there. Amy my little sister likes flowers ? So Im going to pick some beautiful flowers for her. Themountains are very beautiful, I take my camera, and Lmgoing to take some pictures there.1 ? What is Sandy g

9、oing to do on Saturday?2. When is Sandy going to meet with his friends?3. Are the mountains near Sandys home?4. Who is Amy? What does she like?5? What is Sandy going to do on the mountain?七.Read and choose.(讀一讀f選擇正確答句)10分 ()1. Does she teach math?A. I am 160 cm tall.()2? How tall are you?B. I feel s

10、ick.()3. How do you feel?C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.()4. What did you do last weekend? D. I visited my grandparents.()5. How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? E. Yes, she is.()6. What day is it today?F. Its Wednesday.()7. Where did you go yesterday? G. Its on January 1st ()8. Is she playing

11、the violin now? H. Come in, please.()9. May I come in?1.1 we nt to Shanghai yesterday ?()10. When is your birthday?J. Yes, she does.八、Reading.(閱讀短文,按要求完成題目)10分Hi, Fm Jenny. Last weekend I visited my uncle and aunt in Hangzhou. I went there by bus. I got to Hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning. The

12、n my aunt, my cousinTony and I took a taxi tothe West Lake (西湖). We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver. We rowed the boat on the lake ?Then we went to the Taiziwan Park on foot. It was a hot day ? The sun was shining in the sky.We felt hot and hungry. We sat under a big tree and

13、had our Iunch. We ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas ? Tony saw a fish in the water. So we fed (feed JI畏養(yǎng))the fishwith bread ? More and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths. We fed them. We were very happy that day.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷正誤。(正確的打5,錯(cuò)誤的打X)()(1) Tony lives in Hangzhou.

14、()(2) Jenny went to the West Lake by train.()(3) They had lunch under a big tree.()(4) They fed fish in Taiziwan Park.( )(5) Jennys father is a taxi driver.九、寫作:寫一篇小短文,介紹你清明假期的活動(dòng)。注意時(shí)態(tài),不少于 10句話(-)將下列字母重新組合成正確的單詞:l.garyn(生氣的)2. idtecx(興奮的)3. e h r a e v i (更重的) 4. r h t u (疼痛)5. r d o e I (年齡更大的) 6 p

15、a p y h (高興的)(二)寫出下列形容詞的比較級(jí):1. thin 2. happy 3. angry 4. heavy 5. short 6. old7. long 8. sad 9. small 10. big(三)閱讀理解My name is Nick. F m 12 years old. F m 141 cm. I feel happy every day. I like winter very much, because I can make a snowman .It s very interesting. My friend Mike is 1 year youn ger t

16、ha n me, but he is 5 cm taller than me ? He likes win ter, too. Today I feel sick. I have a cold and have afever. So I stay in bed ? Mike comes to see me. He looks excited because he is going to Harbin tosee the snow in north of China with his parents.When I am better, I am going to Harbin, too.()1. Nick is 1 year than Mike.A. older B. younger C. same()2. 一 How tall is Mike?


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