



1、本文格式為word版,下載可任意編輯初一英語短文帶翻譯閱讀:初一英語短文閱讀 對于英語學習來說,的重要性不言而喻,由于是英語語言學問輸入的一個重要環(huán)節(jié),是語料采集的主要方式。我細心收集了初一英語短文帶翻譯,供大家觀賞學習! 初一英語短文帶翻譯篇1 元宵節(jié)英語日記 in the morning, i was produced crackling of guns to awaken, turns out today isthe lantern festivalah, i climb up quickly, and her mother went homes feast. 早晨,我被噼里啪啦的炮聲驚

2、醒了,原來,今日是元霄節(jié)啊,我飛速的爬起來,和媽媽去姨姨家過節(jié)。 in the homes, my mother and i spent a happy day. 在姨姨家,我和媽媽度過歡樂的一天。 go home at night, fresh out ofs home, my mother and i were sudden sound of guns surrounded, mother scared to cover your ears hiding in a small car back, and i was excited straight forward blunt, when

3、guns small bit of time, my mother just slowly explore successful in career, i a pull a mothers hand to the gate ran, and made an effort, we just escaped from the gun battalion, we took a taxi, this just breathe a sigh of relief. 晚上回家時,剛走出姨姨家,我和媽媽就被突然響起的炮聲包圍了,媽媽嚇得捂住耳朵躲在一輛小車的后面,而我卻興奮地直往前沖,當炮聲小一點的時候,我媽

4、媽才漸漸地探出頭來,我一把拉住媽媽的手向大門跑去,費了好大功夫,我們才逃出炮的包圍圈,我們坐上一輛出租車,這才松了一口氣。 the lantern festival is really exciting! 啊!這個元霄節(jié)過得真刺激呀! 初一英語短文帶翻譯篇2 關于助人為樂 helping others has always been a virtue in traditional chinese culture. but whats strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in nee

5、d. i would like to elaborate my views on this issue. 樂于助人在中國傳統(tǒng)文化中始終是一種美德。可是很驚奇的是,現(xiàn)在的人都不敢伸出援手去關心那些需要關心的人 firstly, i think peoples moral sense has degraded. when egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn o

6、ut to be traps by people with evil intentions. so common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits. 首先,我認為人們的道德意識已經退化。當利己主義獲得了上風,很多人覺得越來越難去關心別人。其次,毫無疑問一些不幸的大事結果證明是有著不良目的的陷阱。因此,老百姓變得越來越有危機意識而陷阱和騙局也變得越來越謹慎。 in general, i contend the idea that we should be warm-hear

7、ted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived. 總的來說,我主見應當熱心腸,我認為我們應當熱心供應關心同時也留心潛在危急,以免被騙。 初一英語短文帶翻譯篇3 電腦能代替紙筆嗎? people often say we have entered the electronic age. computers have become the center of life. no one can live and work without computers. in the fu

8、ture, everyone can work and study at home before a pc. there wont be piles of files. instead, a disc is ok enough. with the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. and since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively mov

9、ing things from different sides in the same picture. it is true that with the developmem of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work. but the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. at least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on. 人們總是說我們已經進入到了電子時代。電腦已經成了我們生活的中心。沒人能夠離開電腦生活和工作。將來,每個人可以在家在電腦前工作和學習。再也沒有積累成山的文件。取而代之的是一個磁盤就足夠了。隨著打印機的消失,筆變得沒以前重要了。自從電腦的消失,紙也漸漸的讓位于屏幕了,由于屏幕可以向人們活敏捷現(xiàn)的展現(xiàn)同一張圖片的不同角度。是這真的,隨著科學的進展,像電腦、打印機這樣的產品將會是我們將來生活、工作中的辦法工具。但是,


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