高一英語下學期 Unit15 The necklace詞匯解析_第1頁
高一英語下學期 Unit15 The necklace詞匯解析_第2頁
高一英語下學期 Unit15 The necklace詞匯解析_第3頁




1、高一下學期詞匯解析Unit15 The necklaceWords and expressionsmystery n. something hard to understand, a secret謎;神秘的事物 It is not a mystery to me. 這對我來說不是什么奧秘。 mysterious adj. strange, that you do not know about or understand神秘的The story goes that a mysterious animal lives in the mountain. 據(jù)說山里有一個神秘的動物。footprint

2、n. mark that your foot made when you walked on soft ground腳??;足跡They discovered suspicious footprints in the snow. 他們在雪地上發(fā)現(xiàn)了可疑的足跡。ladder n.c tall thing made of wooden or metal poles with steps between for climbing梯子 Jim went up the ladder to mend the roof. 吉姆從梯子爬上去修理屋頂。 scary adj. 嚇人的 a scary movie 恐

3、怖電影 dormitory n.c big bedroom for a lot of people集體寢室;宿舍 Boys who live at school sleep in a dormitory. 住校的男生在宿舍里睡覺。 recognize vt. know someone when you see him again; know something because you have seen it, heard it, etc. before 認出;識別 I recognized his voice. 我認出了他的聲音。 surely adv.一定;確實He will surely

4、 succeed. 他一定會成功。 Surely Ive heard you say so. 的確, 我聽過你這樣說。 diamond n.c bright, precious stone鉆石The ring has a diamond in it. 戒指上鑲著一塊鉆石。 explain v. to make something clear, so that it can be understood解釋;說明 I didnt understand the question, but the teacher explained it to me. 我本來不懂這個問題,后來教員給我解釋了。ball

5、 n. big party where people dance舞會 For the first time in our lives we were invited to an important ball. 那是在我們一生中第一次應邀參加一個重要舞會。 jewellery =jewelryn.u necklaces and other ornaments with jewels in them珠寶;珠寶飾物 I have no jewellery. 我沒有首飾。 franc n.c a unit of money used in France, Belgium, Switzerland, e

6、tc.法郎(法國、比利時、瑞士等國的貨幣單位) She had about four hundred francs. 她大約有四百法郎。 continue vt. to go on; to start again繼續(xù);重新開始 He ate lunch and then continued his work. 他吃完飯繼續(xù)工作。 vi. go on doing something and not stop 連續(xù) The rain continued all day. 雨連續(xù)下了一整天。 call on visit訪問;order; invite號召We can call on our form

7、er teacher tomorrow. 我們明天可以去拜訪過去的老師。lovely adj. giving pleasure because it looks or sounds good, etc.好看的;可愛的 The lovely girl is planning to be a nurse. 那個漂亮的小女孩打算當護士。 bring back 拿回來;使恢復day and night 日日夜夜地pay off pay the whole amount of (a debt); settle還清 After all these years, weve at last paid off

8、all our debts.經(jīng)過這么多年,我們總算把債還清了。 debt n.c money that you must pay to someone債務;欠款 I must pay him a debt of ¥5. 我得還他五塊錢的債。precious adj. very valuable寶貴的;貴重的 Time is so precious that you must make full use of it. 時間很寶貴,你必須充分利用它。 at most not more than 至多We can stay for two days at most. 我們最多能呆兩天。 positi

9、ve adj. 肯定的;積極的 positive criticism 建設性的批評 attend v. to go to (a meeting, etc.);to be present at出席;參加;上(大學等) Who attended the meeting? 誰出席了會議? Our teacher suggested that he attend a technical school. 我們的老師建議他去上技校。rehearse vt. 預演,排演earn vt. to get money by working 掙得 He earns twice as much as I do. 他掙

10、的錢是我掙的兩倍。 lecture n.c planned talk to teach a group of people something演講;講課 He gave a lecture on physics. 他講授了一堂物理。 silly adj. foolish; stupid傻的;愚笨的 Oh, how silly you all are! 喔,你們都那么傻。 mosquito n. flying insect that bites people and drinks blood蚊子 A mosquito will do harm to your health. 蚊子對人身體有害。

11、bat n. small animal like a mouse with wings, which comes out at night蝙蝠 Why the bat comes out only at night? 為什么蝙蝠只在夜間出來? n. piece of wood for hitting the ball in a game, etc球拍 author n. someone who writes books, stories 作者;作家 Dickens was the author of Oliver Twist. 狄更斯是霧都孤兒的作者。 act out explain some

12、thing by representing it; going through its movements again 以表演來說明;把表演出來He acted out how the bank had been robbed for the police. 他把銀行被搶劫的經(jīng)過以表演來向警察說明。 besides adv. in addition 此外I have many more besides. 除此之外,我還有更多。 prep. as well as; if one does not count; in addition t o除之外(還有) There are many other

13、s besides me. 除我以外,還有很多人。 alien n. someone from another country or outer space外國人;外星人outline n.c line that shows the shape of something輪廊 We could see the outline of the castle through the fog. 霧中我們能看見城堡的輪廊。n.c the general idea of something提綱;要點 I have prepared my speech in outline. 我已準備了我的發(fā)言提綱。 plot n. what happens in a story or play情節(jié);結構 The plot thickens. 情節(jié)漸漸復雜起來了。quality n. chara


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