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1、專題形容詞和副詞考點(diǎn)一形容詞、副語(yǔ)的句法功能形容詞和副詞都是起修飾作用的詞。它們各自的功能如下:詞類功能例句形容詞定語(yǔ)Han Mei is a beautiful girl.韓梅是,個(gè)美麗的女孩。表語(yǔ)The meal is very delicious .這頓飯很美味。賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)We must keep the classroom clean . 我們必須保持教室清潔。副詞狀語(yǔ)Bill gets uplate on weekends比爾在周末起得晚。后置定語(yǔ)Life here is rich and interesting. 這里的生活既富裕又有趣。表語(yǔ)Class is over.放學(xué)了??键c(diǎn)

2、二形容詞的排列順序不少學(xué)生對(duì)如何排列形容詞的詞序頗感困惑。在此,我們向同學(xué)們介紹一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)易的記憶方法。請(qǐng)你記住“限觀形齡色國(guó)材”,如果這幾個(gè)字不好記,你就記“縣官行令謝國(guó)財(cái)”??谠E說(shuō)明例詞縣(限)代表限定詞,包括冠詞、指示代詞、 形容詞性物主代詞、名詞所有格、數(shù) 詞等。the , this , that , my, Tom's, two官(觀)代表觀點(diǎn)的描述性形容詞。fine , beautiful , interesting行(形)代表表示大小、長(zhǎng)短、高低及形狀的 形容詞。small , tall , high , round令(齡)代表年齡、新舊的形容詞。young, old , n

3、ew謝(色)代表顏色的形容詞。red , black , white國(guó)代表國(guó)籍、地區(qū)、出處的形容詞(或 名1司)OEnglish , American財(cái)(材)代表中心名詞構(gòu)成材料的形容詞。wooden, stone , plasticThere is a fine old stone bridge near the village.村子附近有一座漂亮的古代石橋。I bought a cheap blue plastic pencil box yesterday.昨天我買了 一個(gè)便宜的藍(lán)色塑料鉛筆盒。They have got such a round brown wooden table.他們

4、有一張褐色的木制圓桌??键c(diǎn)三形容詞變副詞的方法1 .大多數(shù)形容詞在詞尾加-ly。careful carefully , quick quickly , bright brightly2 .以“輔音字母+ y”結(jié)尾的形容詞,把 y變成i ,再加-ly。easyeasily , happy happily , lucky luckily3 .以“元音字母+ e”結(jié)尾的形容詞,去 e再加-ly。true truly4 .以le結(jié)尾的形容詞,去 e再加-V。terrible terribly , simple simply , possible possibly考點(diǎn)四 形容詞、副詞的比較等級(jí)1 .形容

5、詞和副詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)的概念和構(gòu)成:英語(yǔ)中的形容詞和副詞常用三種形式來(lái)表達(dá)事物的等級(jí)差別,分別是原級(jí)、比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)。大部分形容詞和副詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)是在詞尾加-er/ - est或在詞前加 more/most ,屬于規(guī)則變化,但也有少數(shù)是不規(guī)則的變化。(1)規(guī)則變化情況構(gòu)成方式原級(jí)比較級(jí)最tWj級(jí)一般情況力口- er或-estold舊的 fast快的older fasteroldest fastest以e結(jié)尾的詞力口- r或-stlate晚的laterlatest =以“輔音+ y”結(jié)尾的雙 音節(jié)詞變y為i ,再加-er 或-estearly早的 happy局興的earlier happ

6、ierearliesthappiest多日ij詞和部 分雙音節(jié)詞在其前間加more 或 mostuseful有用的 carefully 仔 細(xì)地more usefulmore carefullymost useful most carefully重讀閉音節(jié)的 詞末尾只什- 個(gè)輔音字母先雙寫輔音.字 母,再加-er 或-estbig大的 hot熱的 thin瘦的 fat胖的bigger hotter thinnerfatterbiggest hottest thinnestfattest(2)不規(guī)則變化原級(jí)比較級(jí)-最局級(jí)good/wellbetterbestill/bad/badlyworsew

7、orstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther furtherfarthest furthestoldolder/elderoldest/eldest2 .形容詞/副詞比較等級(jí)的基本用法級(jí)用法比較級(jí)A和B兩者 相比較結(jié)構(gòu)例句A>BA+謂語(yǔ)+比較級(jí)+ than + BWho/Which+謂語(yǔ)+比較級(jí),Aor BTom is taller than Bill.湯姆比比爾高。Which do you like better , apples or pears蘋果和梨你更喜歡哪 一種A= BA+謂語(yǔ)+ as +形容詞/副詞原 級(jí)+ as+ BTom

8、runs as fast as Jim.湯姆跑得和吉虬-樣 快。A<BA+ (否定)謂語(yǔ)+比較級(jí)+than + BA十 (否定)謂語(yǔ)+ as/so +原 級(jí)+ as+ BA+謂語(yǔ)+ less +原級(jí)+ than + BAlice isn't older than Ann.艾呢斯不如安大。Bob isn't as tall as Nick.鮑勃不如尼克局。Ann is lessbeautiful than Lucy.安小如露四漂鳧。最高級(jí)表小二者 或二者以 上的比較, 表小其中 一個(gè)在某 一力卸超 過(guò)其他幾 個(gè)。后面用 in或of短 語(yǔ)來(lái)說(shuō)明 比較的范 圍。Wh計(jì)be +

9、the +形容詞的最高級(jí),A、B or CWhich + be+ t/e +形容詞的 最局級(jí),A B or CA+謂語(yǔ)+ the +形容詞/副詞的最局級(jí)+表小范圍的短語(yǔ)(of/in. )Who is the tallest,Tom, Bill or Jim 湯姆、比爾、吉姆誰(shuí) 最tWjBob is the shortest in his class.鮑勃在他的班里最 矮。3 .形容詞和副詞比較級(jí)的特殊用法(1)比較級(jí)的特殊用法比較級(jí)+ and +比較級(jí)"越來(lái)越"("more+原級(jí)”構(gòu)成的比較級(jí)用more and more+原級(jí))China is becoming

10、stronger and stronger.中國(guó)正變得越來(lái)越強(qiáng)大。the +比較級(jí).,the+比較級(jí).,“越,就越”The more we do for the people , the happier we'll be.我們?yōu)槿嗣褡龅迷蕉?,我們就越幸福。句中如果有?of the two ”短語(yǔ)時(shí),比較級(jí)前加the ,表示兩個(gè)中的一個(gè)更/較Bill is the taller of the two boys.比爾是這兩個(gè)男孩中較高的那一個(gè)。(2)最高級(jí)的特殊用法one of + the +形容詞的最高級(jí)+復(fù)數(shù)名詞China is one of the largest countrie

11、s all over the world.中國(guó)是世界上最大的國(guó)家之一。the +序數(shù)詞+形容詞的最高級(jí)The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黃河是中國(guó)第二長(zhǎng)河。(3)比較級(jí)表示最高級(jí)含義 形容詞/副詞的比較級(jí)+ than + any other +單數(shù)名詞Wang Fang studies better than any other student in her class.王芳比她班上的其他任何一個(gè)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)都好。形容詞/副詞的比較級(jí)+ than +the other +復(fù)數(shù)名詞Wang Fang studies bette

12、r than the other students in her class.王芳在她班中學(xué)習(xí)最好。4 .比較級(jí)、原級(jí)的修飾語(yǔ)(1)當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)比較的程度時(shí),可以在形容詞或副詞的比較級(jí)前使用much, a little , even,still , a lot , far , any, no 等。I t is much hotter today than it was yesterday.今天比昨天熱得多。My apple is a little smaller than yours.我的蘋果比你的小點(diǎn)兒。Meimei does even worse than Lucy.梅梅做得甚至比露西更糟。(2

13、) very , quite , too , so常用來(lái)修飾原級(jí),不能修飾比較級(jí)。湯姆比我高很多。(x) Tom is very taller than me.(V) Tom is much taller than me.1 .T2012湖南衡陽(yáng)中考,A. expensiveB.2 . (2012湖南郴州中考,will make.31) The price of the sweater is very can't afford it.cheapC. highA.fewB. fewer30)The more careful you are , themistakes you3.A.(20

14、12湖南湘潭中考,22)4.easyB. easierC. fewestI think Chinese is C. easiestthan any other subject.(2012湖南岳陽(yáng)中考,25)WembleyStadium (溫布利大球場(chǎng))is one of thesoccer fields in the world. It will be the place for soccer matches during the Olympics next month.A.5.famousB . more famousC. most famousA.6.(2012湖南衡陽(yáng)中考,careful

15、ly(2012湖南懷化中考,23) Lucy does homeworkB. more carefulthan Tim.23)-Who runsC. more carefully ,Nick and Harry Nick.A.fastB. fasterC. fastest7.A.8.(2012四川涼山中考,25)goodB. well(2012湖北恩施中考,23)Mike always does his homework as C. betterFarmers have becomeas the exams.in our hometown in recentyears.A.9.Tonymore

16、 and more rich(2012福建泉州中考,32)B. richer and richerC. more rich and more rich-Who gets up of you all in the dormitory.E Jimmy does.A. earlyB . earlier10. Our school is one ofC . earliest schools in Hunan.A. goodB . betterC . the best11. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky moneyduring the Spring

17、Festival.A. finallyB . luckilyC. especially12. Don't worry. He is A. carefully enough13. You must driveA. more carefully14. 一 Who did it better 一I think Bill did justto look after little Betty.B. enough carefulC. careful enoughA. as well as15. Weshould to them.A. fewer next time .B . carefully ,

18、Bill or Henry _ Henry.B . as good as,or there may be another accident.C. carefuluseplasticB . more16. Of the two Australian studentsbags to helpC. theas better as environment. Let's say goodbyeC.lessMasha isthink you can find hereasily.A. tallestB . the taller17. Jack writes than he did before.C

19、. tallerA. much carefullyB. more carefulC. much more carefully18. If you like the chicken , you may have as as you can.A. muchB . manyC . more19. He didn't sing that night as he usually did.A. so wellB . so betterC . more better20. 一 Which one of those two houses would you buy-I would buy the on

20、e , because I have a big family.A. largerB . largestC . smaller21. It is to teach a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directly.A. helpfulB . more helpfulC . the most helpful22. 一 How often do you go to a concert一 ever. I'm not interested in that at all.A. UsuallyB. Hardly

21、C. Almost23. I have r to tell you. Maybe you will be in it.A. interestingsomething;interestedB. somethinginteresting;interestingC. somethinginteresting;interested參考答案形容詞和副詞專題提升演練1. C形容物品的價(jià)格用高(high )低(low)。由“我買不起它?!笨芍@件毛衣的價(jià) 格應(yīng)該是很高。2. B “the +比較級(jí),the +比較級(jí)”表示“越,就越”,故選 B項(xiàng)。3. B由than可知應(yīng)該用比較級(jí)。4. C "on

22、e of the +最高級(jí)+復(fù)數(shù)名詞”表示"最的之一”。5. C由than可知應(yīng)該用比較級(jí),修飾謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞does應(yīng)該用副詞,故選 C項(xiàng)。6. B由比較的范圍是兩者可知用比較級(jí)。7. B as.as 中間跟原級(jí),修飾 does用副詞well ,故選B項(xiàng)。8. B "比較級(jí)+ and +比較級(jí)”表示“越來(lái)越”。9. C比較的范圍是all (三者或三者以上),故用最高級(jí)。10. C "one of the +最高級(jí)”意為"最之一",故選C項(xiàng)。11. C finally "最終地";luckily "幸運(yùn)地";especially"尤其是"。句意:在中國(guó)給孩子們壓歲錢,尤其是在春節(jié)期間,是一個(gè)習(xí)俗。故答案為C項(xiàng)。12. C句意:別擔(dān)心。他照顧小貝蒂足夠細(xì)心。enough應(yīng)該放在所修飾的形容詞和副詞的后面,因此可以排除B項(xiàng),再由空格前為be動(dòng)詞,因此可以確定應(yīng)該用形容詞作表語(yǔ)。13. A句意:下次開車你必須更認(rèn)真,否則可能還會(huì)出事故。drive 是實(shí)義動(dòng)詞因此用 carefully進(jìn)行修飾,carefully的比較級(jí)為 more carefully


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