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1、|八年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)期中測試(考試時(shí)間:100分鐘,滿分:120分)題號(hào)AW第二部分第三部分總分InmwVinmwinm得分第一部分聽力(25分)I .聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(5分)B. Sure.B. Certainly. Go ahead!C. P. E.C. It's a bad habit.C. Not at all.(5分)n .聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(5分)()6. A. I ' m sorry tor theat.C. I hope so.()7. A. No, thanks.C. Sorry, I won't.()8. A.

2、Chinese food. B. Basketball, of course.()9. A. All right.B. Good idea.()10. A. That ' rishtll B. Very good.m.聽對(duì)話和問題,選擇正確答案。每組對(duì)話和問題讀兩遍。()11. A.Go to the park.B. Go to school.C. Finish her homework.()12. A.A worker.B.A farmer.C. A doctor.()13. A.Because he was ill. B. Because he got up early.C. Be

3、cause he went to bed too late.()14. A.By bike.B.On foot.C. By bus.()15. A.Always.B.Twice a week.C. Never.W.聽短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容給下列句子排序。短文讀兩遍。 (5分)A. The most serious problem is that smoking can cause cancer.B. But in fact smoking is bad for our health.C. They think smoking looks cool.D. Our teeth will become

4、yellow and our lungs will be bad.E. Now many students learn to smoke.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.( .聽短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。短文讀兩遍。(5分)( )21. Adamcomes from a big city.( )22. Adamlikes sports very much.( )23. Adam' s father is an Englishteacher.( )24. Adamand his family live on theeleventh floor in a tall building

5、.( )25. Adam hopes to be a good player.第二部分基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(65分)I .單項(xiàng)選擇。(15分))1. You ' dtbetA. not eat)2. Jim would like to findA. atoo much meat. You are much too fat.B. eat otherC. not to eatD. don ' t eatjob because he doesn 't want to work here.B. the otherC. oneD. another)3. The summer holida

6、y is coming. We 're going to haveholiday.A. a two-monthB. a two-monthsC. two monthsD. two-months)4. Sally sings prettyA. well; welland she is alsoB.good;goodat dancing.C. good; wellD. well; good)5. It ' s hot heease keep the windowsA. closing)6. YouA. mayB.openC. closedD.openedwash your hand

7、s before meals. It is good for your health.B. canC. have toD. must)7. Mr. Hu, can you tell us how to learn swimming well? Sure. But remember we can learn nothing well hard work.A. with)8. Do you preferA. skateB. after?B. skatesC. withoutC. skatingD. atD. skated)9.I borrow your English book? Yes, of

8、course youA. Could; couldB. Must; can)10. Excuse me, can you give me a Sure.C. Could; can ?D. Can; couldA. handB. helpC. ballD. save)11. Whose model plane is it?It's Jack's. He made it byA. heB. himC. his)12. I have some problems with my health. Can you give me someD. himself?A. adviceB. mes

9、sagesC. suggestionD. information)13. Therea football match this evening.Exciting news.A. are going to be B. is going to be)14. I thinkA. this; have)15.一cannecessary for you B. that; to have I keep the books?C. is going to have breakfast.C. it ; to SaveD. will haveD. it's; have Two weeks.A. How l

10、ongn .情景交際。(10分)(A)閱讀下面對(duì)話,從方框內(nèi)B. How oftenC. How farD. How soon7個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇5個(gè)恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥油瓿纱藢?duì)話。't you?A: Jim, you said you would not stay out late after school, didn B: Yes, mom, I did.A: But it ' s 10 o ' clock now.B: Sorry. I ' ve been to the hospital.A: What? 17B: No. I sent Jack to the hospi

11、tal.A: Oh, really? 18B: He had a terrible headache on the way home.A: Is he better now?B: 19A: Good for you, my dear! I' m very glad you can help others.B: 20A. What should I do?B. Thank you, mom.C. Where have you been?D. Yes, he is.E. What was wrong with him?F. Were you sick?G. Where is the hos

12、pital?16. 0.(B)在下列橫線上填入適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。A : Hello, Michael. This is Kangkang speaking. 21.B : I'd love to, but I 'm afraid I 'll have to go to the library.A: 22.B: I think I 'll be free next Saturday. Let's go hiking then.A: 23.B: Let's make it half past six.A: 24.B: At t

13、he school gate.A: OK. 25.B: See you.m.完形填空。(10分)There was a football game on our school football field last week. We played 26 a team from a country school. They didn't come 27 the last minute. They looked worse than we thought. They were wearing 28 clothes and looked like farm boys. We were sur

14、e we must be the 29 because we were always the best.We found in 30 that they did much better than us after the game began. They 31 their best and they always played as a team. But we didn 't. Finally, we _32_ the game and we all felt unhappy.We thought much 33 the game. We 're too proud ( 驕傲

15、).We 're good players, but we can't 34 win. For us, the most important 35 is: One can judge (判斷)a person only by his clothes. We 'll never forget the game! ()26. A.forB.withC.betweenD.against()27. A.afterB.untilC.as soon asD.while()28. A.newB.oldC.beautifulD.nice()29. A.winnersB.losersC.

16、playersD.stars()30. A. surprisingB. surprisedC. surpriseD. stars()31. A. triedB. tryC. doD. doing()32. A. wonB. lostC. missedD. caught()33. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. as()34. A. neverB. oftenC. usuallyD. always()35. A. matchB. gameC. lessonD. resultw.閱讀理解。(30分)(A、B兩篇每小題1分,C;、D兩篇每小題2分)(A)36-40是5段電視節(jié)目

17、內(nèi)容的解說詞,A-H是與其相對(duì)應(yīng)的節(jié)目名稱(其中有三項(xiàng)是多余的),請(qǐng)為每個(gè)電視節(jié)目選擇最合適的名稱。A. )36. When you need help with your homework, go to the library. You may find magazines,newspapers, and big dictionaries. They can always help you.B. )37. For families with children, an important problem is getting the children away from thetelevisi

18、on to do their homework.C. )38. Even if you could buy the world, you couldn 'bu y a happy family, good friends, orknowledge.D. )39. The Lost World is an exciting American film. People, especially school students, maylike it.E. )40. People might grow plants and vegetables in about 50 years.A. The

19、 Importance of Knowledge (A talk between a famous teacher and some students.) B. Money isn 't Everything(A talk about money with young people. )F. American Film (An introduction to new American films. )G. Today's News (It will tell the important events around the world every day. )H. Study T

20、ools (The famous teacher Lin Hui will tell you about some useful study tools. )I. Farms in the Future (A program about science in the future.)J. Popular Songs (A program in which you can enjoy some very popular songs. ) H. Popular Talks (A discussion with parents who have trouble with their children

21、. )(B)There is a famous English saying“ You are what yout emeans what ynd put in yourmouth will become part of you. Many experts ( 專家)use it to tell people it's important to have a good eating habit. For example, too much sweet food makes a person overweight (超重).To avoid being fat, kids are tol

22、d to keep off sweet food. But, a team of American scientists have found something new about eating sweet food.“When we say some peoplewe>wnsstn; they are kind and friendly to us. Perhaps( 許)thisword can help us learn more about people's feelings and acts." said Brian Meier, a scientist f

23、rom thstudy team. "Taste is something we experience every day. What we have done is to find wheteer w can know someone's character(色)and behavior行為)depending on their taste. ”In one of their experiments(實(shí)驗(yàn)), students were asked questions about their character whether, for example, they were

24、 soft-hearted or not. Then they were asked to make a list of their favorite food. According to their answers, the scientists found that the students who liked sweet food were nicer.In their another experiment, the scientists found that people who preferred sweet food such as cookies and chocolate we

25、re more willing to help other people in need, and those who atenon-sweet food such as chips weren't. For example, people with a sweet tooth were more likely to volunteer to clean up their city, visit sick children in the hospital and so on.The result of the experiments is that people ' helpf

26、ulness or being nice has something to do with their taste for sweet food. So eating sweet food is a useful way to make people nice and helpful. Next time, try some ice-cream.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。()41. The underlined word "it" refers to A. the sweet foodB. the eating habit C. the American team D.

27、the English saying ()42. According to the result of the experiments, sweet food makes people A. overweightB. excitedC. relaxedD. friendly()43. The scientists found that the people who preferred _ were less helpful.A. ice-creamB. chocolateC. chipsD. cookies()44. According to the passage, which of the

28、 followings is NOT true?A.There is some relationship between someone ' s character and their taste.B.Kids are told to keep away from sweet food to be fat.C.What you put in your mouth will show your character.D.If people want to be kind or friendly, they can try some sweet food. ()45. It can be l

29、earnt from the passage thatA. scientists asked college students questions about their futureB. scientists told college students not to eat sweet foodC. people with a sweet tooth are more willing to help othersD. people's character has nothing to do with their taste(C)Teeth are important. Strong

30、, healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼)foods that help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes ,they help you look best. Here are some tips for you to take care of your teeth:1. Brush your teeth the right way.Brush your teeth at least twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brus

31、h after lunch or after sweet snacks, too. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend time brushing teeth along the sides and back of your mouth. Spend at least three minutes each time you brush. Play a song you like to help pass the time. Get a new toothbrush every three months. When yo

32、u buy toothbrush, be sure it has soft bristles(鬃毛).2. Learn how to floss (用牙線清潔牙齒)your teeth.Flossing is a very important way to keep your teeth healthy. Food may hide between two teeth. Flossing can help get rid of it. You' ll need to floss your teeth at least once a day.3. Have good eating hab

33、its.You need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Eating sugar is a major cause of tooth decay(蛀牙).Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda (蘇打).()46. How many times at least should we brush our teeth a day?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4()47. What is the major cause of tooth decay?

34、A. Not brushing teethB. Not changing toothbrushC. Eating sugarD. Not flossing teeth()48. How often should we change our toothbrushes?A. neverB. three times a monthC. every three monthsD. every month()49. The bristles of the toothbrush must beA. hardB. softC. expensive D. not mentioned()50. Which is

35、the right way to take care of teeth?A. Only brush front teeth.B. Not brush teeth before sleeping.C. Spend at most three minutes to brush teeth each time.D. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda.(D)Wang Fei is a twelve-year-old boy. He is lovely and smart. He is always the

36、 best in his class. But his classmates wouldn't like to play with him because he has AIDS ( 艾滋病)like his parents. Even some teachers always keep away from him. Wang Fei felt sad.One day he returned home with tears. He told his mother he fought with a boy because the boy said something bad about

37、his family. His mother cried,“What did my son do? Why?" Now many people are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it. It is not so dangerous as we think.(B) Safe, and, to eat, it's, play with them, in fact. They need our love and understanding because they are the same as us.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,

38、完成任務(wù)。任務(wù)一:根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷正( T)誤(F)。()51. Wang Fei fought with a boy because Wang Fei did something wrong.()52. Wang Fei and his parents have AIDS.任務(wù)二:將處畫線句子翻譯成中文。53. 任務(wù)三:將處斜體部分組成一個(gè)句子。54. 任務(wù)四:回答問題。55. What should we do for the AIDS patients?第三部分寫作(30分)1 .詞匯。(10分)(A)根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞。1. To be a scientist is my

39、d job when I was a kid.2. 一 Would you m teaching me English? Not at all.3. Tom, staying up late is bad for your h, so go to bed early next time.4. I ' m feeling t. I cough day and night.5. The doctor gave me some m for my stomachache.(B)根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填空。6. Getting up early is a good(習(xí)慣).7. We'd b

40、etter(遠(yuǎn)離)the crowded people.8. He isn't at school now.(或許)he is at home.9. Li Lei( 打破)the school records last week.10. We sleep(至少)8 hours every day.n.用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(5分)11. The baby is very young. He has no(tooth) now.12. Yang Liwei is one of the(hero) in my heart.13. Smoking can bring us many

41、 kinds of(ill).14. He spends two hours(exercise) every day.15. He did his homework all by(him) yesterday.m.書面表達(dá)。(15分)(A)按下列表格填空,至少 5句。(5分)Good HabitBad Habitget up earlykeep long fingernails(B)請(qǐng)根據(jù)上面表格提示以How to Keep Healthy為題寫一篇80詞左右的短文。(10分)How to Keep Healthy聽力材料期中測試1 .聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。1. Tom 

42、9; shet is a dentist.2. Bob has a bad headache.3. Staying up late is bad for our health.4. I think fruit and vegetables are very good for our health.5. Smoking is bad for our lungs.n .聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。6. Li Lei had an accident yesterday.7. May I open the door?8. What ' s your favorite sport?9.

43、 I often go to school without breakfast.10. Would you mind teaching me?m.聽對(duì)話和問題,選擇正確答案。每組對(duì)話和問題讀兩遍。11. W: Daddy, tomorrow is Sunday. Let' s go to the park.M: All right. But you have to finish your homework first.Q: What does the girl want to do?12. W: What ' s your trouble, young man?M: A bik

44、e hit me and hurt my left foot.W: Let me examine you.Q: What ' s the womsrjot)?13. W: Hi, Li Lei! You look tired. What' s the matter?M: Nothing serious. I just went to bed too late last night.Q: Why does Li Lei look tired?14. W: Do you often walk to school, Li Lei?M: No, I ride to school ins

45、tead.Q: How does Li Lei often go to school?15. W: I swim twice a week. What about you, Tom?M: Never.Q: How often does Tom swim?W.聽短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容給下列句子排序。短文讀兩遍。Now many students learn to smoke. They think smoking looks cool. And some students think smoking can help them relax after working hard. But in fac

46、t smoking is bad for our health. Their teeth will become yellow and their lungs will be bad. The most serious problem is that smoking can cause cancer. I hope the students can stop smoking as early as possible.V .聽短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。短文讀兩遍。Adam comes from a small town. He likes sports very much. He' s

47、 tall and strong. Now hfather teaches English in a middle school in the city. The boy and his mother come here, too. They live in a tall building. They live on the twelfth floor. After school, the boy often finishes his homework first and then goes out to play football with his friends. He plays wel

48、l and he is on the school team. He hopes to be a good player.參考答案及解析期中測試第一部分聽力1.1. B 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. C n . 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C m. 11. A12. C13. C14. A15. CW. 16. E17. C18. B19. D20. AV. 21. F22. T23. T24. F25. T第二部分基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用I . 1. A had better (not)+動(dòng)詞原形,故選 A。2. D根據(jù)句意“他不想在這兒工作,那么再找的一定是另一份工作”,而a

49、nother是“另一,又一”的意思,故選 D。3. A根據(jù)“數(shù)詞一名詞單數(shù)”做定語是固定結(jié)構(gòu),故選 Ao4. D well在這里修飾 sing, be good at .擅長,故選 D。5. B keep+名詞(代詞)+形容詞,open在此作形容詞,故選 B。6. D must表示主觀上必須做的事情,故選 D。7. C根據(jù)句意“沒有艱苦的努力我們將什么也學(xué)不成”可知,故選Co8. C prefer doing sth.,故選 C。9. C根據(jù)Could開首表“禮貌請(qǐng)求” ;can表示“許可”可知,故選 C。10. A give sb a hand “幫某人一個(gè)忙”,故選 A。11. D根據(jù)do

50、 sth. by oneself是固定短語可知,故選 D。12. A根據(jù)句意空格處是“建議”之意,又因advice不可數(shù)名詞,suggestion可數(shù)名詞,故選A。13. B There is going to be .不能與 have 連用,故選 B。14. C因?yàn)镮t's+形容詞+for sb. +to do sth.是固定句型,故選 C。15. A how long就一段時(shí)間提問,故選 A。n. (A)16. C 17. F 18. E 19. D 20. B(B)21. Would you like to go hiking with us this Saturday?22.

51、When will you be free?23. When shall we meet?24. Where shall we meet?25. See you then.出.26. D根據(jù)play against是"和比賽,對(duì)決”之意,故選D。27. B根據(jù)句意“直到比賽最后一分鐘他們才到”可知此處用到“直到才”,而notuntil正表此意,故選 B。28. B根據(jù)句意“對(duì)方是來自農(nóng)村的一支球隊(duì)”,用推理可知,故選 Bo29. A根據(jù)句意“我們一直都是最棒的相信這次也一定是獲勝者”可知,故選 Ao30. C根據(jù)in surprise “吃驚地”是固定短語可知,故選 C。31. A根據(jù)try one's best是固定短語,本句又是過去時(shí)可知,故選 A。32. B根據(jù)句意“我們輸?shù)袅吮荣愇覀兒懿桓吲d”可知,故選 Bo33. B根據(jù)句意“賽后我們想了很多”可知,故選 Bo34. D根據(jù)句意“我們是好球隊(duì)但也不能總是會(huì)贏”可知,故選 D。35. C根據(jù)句意“最重要的教訓(xùn)就是不能以貌取人,lesson有課,教訓(xùn)”之意,故選C。M (A)36. E此


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