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1、新課標(biāo)初中英語(yǔ)詞匯表說(shuō)明:1.本表共收約2000個(gè)單詞2.本詞匯表不列詞組和短語(yǔ)3.本詞匯表不列語(yǔ)法術(shù)語(yǔ)4.部分可根據(jù)構(gòu)詞法推導(dǎo)出的副詞、名詞等不單列Aa (an art.ability nable aabout prep & ad. above prepabroad a & ad absent aaccent naccept vaccident nache nachieve vacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nadd vaddress n advantage n advertisement n advice n

2、advise vafford vafraidafter ad , prep & conj afternoon nagain adagainst prepage nago adagree v agreement nair nairlineairplane nairport nalive aall a & pronallow valmost adalone aalong ad & prepaloud adalready adalso adalthough conjalways adAmerica nAmerican a & namong prepancient aa

3、nd conjangry aanimal nanother a & pronanswer n & vant nany pron & aanybody pronanyone pronanything pronanyway adanywhere adappear vapple nApril nareaarm narmy naround prep & adarrive vart narticle nas ad, conj & prepAsia nAsian a & nask vasleep aat prepAtlantic n & aatten

4、tion nAugust naunt nAustralia nAustralian a & nautumn navailable aavoid nawake vaway adBbaby nback ad & nbackground nbad ( worse, worst abag nball nballoon nbamboo nbanana nbank nbaseball nbasic abasket nbasketball nbathroom nbe (is, am, are, was,were, being, been auxvbeach nbear nbeat v &am

5、p; nbeautiful abecause conjbecome (became,becomevbed nbedroom nbee nbeef nbefore prep, ad & conj begin (began, begun vbehaviour nbehind prepbelieve vbell nbelow prepbeside prepbesides prep & ad between prepbeyond prepbig abike =bicycle nbill nbird nbirth nbirthday nbiscuit nbit nbitter ablac

6、k a & n blackboard nblind ablood nblow (blew, blown v blue n & aboard nboat nbody nbook nboring aborn aborrow vboss nboth pron & abottle nbottom nbowl nbox nboy nbrain n brave abread nbreak(broke, brokenv & nbreakfast nbreath nbreathe vbridge nbright abring (brought, broughtvbrother

7、nbrown n & abrush v & nbuild (built, built vbuilding nburn (-ed, ed/burnt,burntvbus nbusiness nbusy abut conjbutter nbutterfly nbuy (bought, boughtvby prepbye interjCcabbage ncake ncall v & ncamel ncamera ncamp n & vcan modal vCanada ncancel vcandle ncancer ncandy ncap ncapital ncapt

8、ain ncar ncard ncare v & ncareful acareless acarry vcat ncatch (caught, caughtvcause n & vCD nCD-ROM n.ceiling ncelebrate vcent ncentre ncentury ncertain achair nchairman/woman nchalk nchance nchange vchant n & vcheap acheat vcheck n & vcheer n & vcheese nchemistry nchess nchest

9、nchicken nchild (pl. children nChina nChinese a & nchocolate nchoice nchoose (chose, chosenvchopsticks nChristmas nchurch ncinema ncircle n & vcity nclap v & nclass nclassmate n classroom nclean a & vclear aclever aclimb vclock nclone vclose v & aclothes ncloud ncloudy aclub ncoa

10、ch ncoal ncoast ncoat ncoffee ncoin ncoke ncold a & ncollect vcollege ncolour (Am color n & vcome (came, come v comfortable a common a communicate v communication n company n compare v competition n complete a & v composition n computer nconcert ncondition n conference n connect vconside

11、r vcontinue vcontrol vconversation ncook v & ncooker ncool acopy n & vcorner ncorrect v & acost v & ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal vcount vcountry ncountryside ncouple ncourage ncourse ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrayon ncrazy acreate vcross v & ncruel acry n &

12、vculture ncup ncut (cut, cut v & nDdad (daddy ndaily a, ad & ndance v & ndanger ndangerous adare v & aux vdark a & ndate ndaughter nday ndead adeaf adeal vdear adeath nDecember ndecide vdecision ndeep a & addegree ndelicious adentist ndepend vdescribe vdesk ndevelop vdevelopm

13、ent ndialogue (Am dialogndiary ndictionary ndie vdifference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig (dug, dug vdinner ndirect a & vdirection ndirector ndirty adiscover vdiscovery ndiscuss vdiscussion ndisease ndish ndismiss vdisturb vdivide vdo (did, done vdoctor ndog ndoll ndollar ndoor ndouble

14、a & ndoubt n & vdown ad & prep downstairs addozen ndraw (drew, drawn v drawer ndream (-ed,-ed/dreamt, dreamt v & ndress n & vdrink (drank, drunk v &ndrive (drove, driven v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndry v & aduck ndumpling nduring prepduty nDVD nEeach a & prone

15、ar nearly a & adearth neast n, a & ad easy aeat (ate, eaten v edge neducation neffort negg neight numeighteen numeighth numeighty num either a , conj & adelder aelectric aelephant neleven numelse ae-mail n & vempty aencourage vend n & venemy nenergy nengineer nEngland nEnglish n

16、& aenjoy venough a & adenter venvironment neraser nespecially adEurope nEuropean a & neven adevening never adevery aeverybody proneveryday aeveryone proneverything proneverywhere adexam =examination nexamine vexample nexcellent aexcept prepexcite vexcuse n & vexercise v & nexpect

17、 vexpensive aexperience nexperiment nexplain vexpress veye nFface n & vfact nfactory nfail vfair afall (fell, fallen vfamily nfamous afan nfantastic afar(farther,farthest/further, furthesta & adfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfat afather nfavourite ( favorite a&nfear nFebruary nfeed (fed, f

18、ed vfeel (felt, felt vfeeling nfestival nfetch vfever nfew pron & afield nfifth numfifty numfight (fought, fought v&nfill vfilm nfinal afind (found, found vfine afinger nfinish vfire nfirst num, a & adfish nfisherman nfit a & vfive numfix vflag nflat nfloor nflower nflu nfly1 (flew,

19、flown v fly2 nfollow vfood nfoot (pl. feet n football nfor prepforce vforeign aforeigner nforest nforget (forgot, forgot v fork nform nforty numforward adfour numfourteen numfourth numfox nfree afreeze (froze, frozen vfresh aFriday nfridge (=refrigerator nfriend nfriendly a friendship n frog nfrom p

20、repfront a & nfruit nfull afun nfunny afurniture nfuture nGgame ngarden ngate ngeneral agentleman ngeography ngesture nget (got, got vgift ngiraffe ngirl ngive (gave, given vglad aglass nglove ngo (went, gone vgoat ngod ngold n & agolden agood ( better, best agoodbye (bye-bye interjgoose (pl

21、. geese ngovernment ngrade ngrammar ngrandchild ngranddaughter ngrandma = grandmotherngrandpa = grandfatherngrandparent ngrandson ngranny ngrape ngrass ngreat agreen a & ngreeting nground ngroup ngrow (grew, grown vguard nguess vguest nguitar ngun ngym = gymnasium nHhabit nhair nhalf a & nha

22、ll nham nhamburger nhand nhandbag nhandsome ahandwriting nhang (hung, hung vhappen vhappy ahard ad & ahardly adhat nhate v & nhave ( has, had, had vhe pronhead nheadache nhealth nhealthy ahear (heard, heard vheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheight nhello (hi interjhelp v & nhelpful ahen nher

23、pronhere adhero nherself pronhide (hid, hidden v high ahill nhim pronhimself pronhis pronhistory nhit (hit, hit vhobby nhold (held, held v hole nholiday nhome n & ad hometown n homework nhonest ahonour (Am honor n& vhope n & vhorse nhospital nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousework nh

24、ow adhowever ad & conj huge ahuman a & n humorous a hundred num hungry ahurry vhurt (hurt,hurt vhusband nII pronice nice-cream nidea nif conjill aillness nimagine vimmediately adimportant aimpossible aimprove vin prepinch ninclude vincrease v & nIndia nIndian a & nindustry ninfluence

25、 ninformation nink ninside prepinsist vinstead adinstruction nintention ninterest ninteresting ainternational nInternet ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce vintroduction ninvent vinvention ninvite viron n & visland nit prop.its pronitself pronJjacket nJanuary nJapan nJapanese n & ajeans n

26、job njoin vjoke n & vjoy njuice nJuly njump vJune njust a & adKkeep (kept, kept vkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo = kilogram nkilometre nkind akind nking nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife (pl. knives nknock v & nknow (knew, knownvknowledge nLlab = laboratory n labour

27、(Am labor n lady nlake nlamb nlamp nland n & v language nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlaugh n & vlaw nlay (laid, laid vlazy alead (led, led v leader nleaf (pl. leaves n learn (learnt, learnt v least nleave (left, left vleft a & nleg nlemonade nlend (lent, lent v lesson nlet (let,

28、let vletter nlevel nlibrary nlicense nlie1 (lay, lain vlie2 v & nlife nlift vlight n, v & alike v & prepline nlion nlist n & vlisten vlittle alitter (less, least v & nlive vlively alock n & vLondon nlonely along alook v & nlose (lost, lost vlot nloud alove v & nlovely

29、 alow a & adluck nlucky alunch nMmachine nmad amadam = madame nmagazine nmagic amail nmain amake (made, made vman (pl. men nmanage vmanager nmany ( more, most pron& amap nMarch nmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmaster v & nmatch v & nmath(s = mathematicsnmay modal vMay nmaybe a

30、dme pronmeal nmean (meant, meantvmeaning nmeat nmedical amedicine nmeet (met, met vmeeting nmember nmemory nmend vmention n & vmessage nmenu nmetal n & amethod nmetre (Am meter nmiddle nmight modal vmile nmilk nmind n & vmine pronminute nmirror nmiss1 nmiss2 vmistake (mistook,mistaken v

31、& nmodel nmodern amom (Am mum nmoment nMonday nmoney nmonitor nmonkey nmonth nmoon nmore a , ad & nmorning nmost a & admother n motorcycle n mountain nmouse (pl. mice n mouth nmove vmovie nMr. (mister nMrs. (mistress n Ms. nmuch amurder vmuseum nmusic nmust modal vmy pronmyself pronNname

32、 nnational anatural anature nnear anearly ad necessary aneck nneed modal v, v & n neighbour (Am neighbor nneither anervous anever adnew anews nnewspaper nnext a & adnice anight nnine numnineteen numninety numninth num no ad & anobody n & pronnod vnoise nnone pronnoodle nnoon nnor con

33、jnormal anorth a & nnorthern anose nnot adnote n & vnotebook nnothing pronnotice n & vNovember nnow adnumber nnurse nOOK adobject nocean nOctober nof prepoff prep & adoffer v & noffice nofficer noften adoil nold aon preponce n , ad & conjone num & prononeself prononly ado

34、pen a & voperation nor conjorange a & norder v & nother pron & aour pronourselves pronout adoutside n , ad &prepover prep & adovercoat nown a & vowner nPP.C. =personal computernP.E. =physical educationnPacific n & apackage npage npaint npair npalace npale apancake npa

35、nda npaper npardon nparent npark1 npark2 vpart nparty npass vpassage npassenger npassport npast n , a & preppath npatient1 npatient2 apay (paid, paid vpeace npear npen npence npencil npenny npeople npercent nperfect aperhaps adperiod nperson npersonal apet nphone = telephone v & nphoto = pho

36、tograph n physics npiano npick vpicnic npicture npie npiece npig npilot nping-pong npink n & apioneer npity nplace n & vplain a & nplan n & vplane nplanet nplant v & nplastic n & aplate nplay vplayground n pleasant aplease vpleasure nplenty npocket npoem n point v & npoli

37、ce npoliceman (policewomannpolicy npolite apond npool npoor apop = popular apopular apopulation npork nposition npossible apost vpostcard npostman npotato npound npractice npractise (Am pratice vpraise n & vprepare vpresent npresident npretty aprevent vprice npride nprimary aprint vprison npriso

38、ner nprivate aprize nprobably adproblem nproduce vprogramme (programnprogress n & vpromise n & vpronounce vpronunciation nproper aprotect vproud aprove vprovide vpublic a & npull v & npunish vpupil npurple a & npurpose npurse npush n & vput (put, put vQquarter nqueen nquestio

39、n nquick a & adquiet aquite adRrabbit nrace nradio nrailway nrain v & nraincoat nrainy araise vrapid arat nrather adreach vread (read, read vready areal arealise (Am realize vreally adreason nreceive vrecent arecite vrecord v & n recorder nred a & nrefuse vregard vregret n & vrel

40、ation nrelax vremain vremember vrepair n & vrepeat vreply v & nreport n & vrequire vresearch nrest n & v restaurant nresult nretell vreturn vreview v & nrice nrich aride (rode, ridden v riddle nright n & aring (rang, rung v & nrise (rose, risen v risk nriver nroad nrobot

41、nrock nrole nroom nrope nrose nround ad , prep & a row vrubber n rubbish nrule n & vruler nrun (ran, run vrush vRussia nRussian n & aSsad asafe a & nsafety nsail n & vsalad nsale nsalt nsame n & asand nsandwich nsatisfy vSaturday nsausage nsave vsay (said, said vscarf nschool

42、 nschoolbag nscience nscientist nscore n & vscreen nsea nsearch n & vseason nseat nsecond num, a & nsecret nsecretary nsee (saw, seen vseem vseldom adsell (sold, sold vsend (sent, sent vsense nsentence nseparate v & aSeptember nserious aservant nserve vservice nset (set, set v &

43、nseven numseventeen numseventh numseventy numseveral pron & ashake(shook, shakenvshall (should aux &vshame nshape n & vshare vshe pronsheep (pl. sheep nshelf (pl. shelvesn.shine (shone, shone vship nshirt nshoe nshop nshort ashorts nshould modal vshoulder nshout n & vshow (showed, sh

44、ownvshower nshut (shut, shut vshy asick aside nsight nsilence nsilent asilk nsilly a silver n similar a simple a since prep, conj & ad sing (sang, sung v single a sir n sister n sit (sat, sat v situation n six num sixteen num sixth num sixty num size n skate v skill n skirt n sky n sleep (slept,

45、 slept v & n sleepy a slow a & ad small a smart a smell (-ed, -ed/smelt, smelt n & v smile n & v smoke v & n smooth a snake n snow v & n snowy a so ad & conj soap n social a society n socks n sofa n soft a soldier n solid a& n some a & pron somebody pron someone p

46、ron something pron sometimes ad somewhere ad son n song n soon ad sorry a sort v&n sound v&n soup n sour a south n&a southern a space n spare a speak (spoke, spoken v speaker n special a speech n speed n&v spell (-ed, -ed; spelt, spelt v spend (spent, spent v. spirit n spoon n sport

47、n spread (spread, spread v spring n square n stairs n stamp n stand (stood, stood v standard n&a star n start v state n station n stay n & v steal (stole, stolen v - 11 - steel n step n& v stick (stuck, stuck v & n still ad stomach n stone n stop n&v store n & v storm n story

48、 n strange a stranger n strawberry n stream n street n strict a strong a student n study v & n stupid a n subject succeed v success n successful a such ad, pron & a sudden a sugar n suggest v suggestion n summer n sun n Sunday n sunny a supermarket n supper n supply v & n suppose v sure

49、a & ad surface n surprise n & v sweater n sweep (swept, swept v sweet n& a swim (swam, swum v swimming n swing n symbol n T table n table tennis n tail n take (took, taken v tale n talk v tall a tape n task n taste n & v taxi n tea n teach (taught, taught v teacher n team n technolog

50、y n telephone n & v television = TV n tell (told, told v temperature n ten num tenth num tennis n tent n term n terrible a test v&n text n than conj thank v&n that a, pron & conj the art. theatre (Am theatre n their pron them pron themselves pron then ad there int, n & ad these p

51、ron they pron thick a thin a thing n think (thought, thought v third num thirsty a thirteen num thirty num this a & pron those a & pron though conj thought n thousand num thread n three num through prep & ad throw (threw, thrown v Thursday n ticket n tidy a tie v & n tiger n till conj & prep time n tiny a tired a to prep today ad & n together ad toilet n tomato n tomorrow ad & n ton n tongue n tonight ad too ad tool n tooth (pl. teeth n toothache n toothbrush n toothpaste n - 12 - top n total a&n touch v&n tour n tourist n toward(s prep


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