模板02 - 誠信宣言-中英文摘要_第1頁
模板02 - 誠信宣言-中英文摘要_第2頁
模板02 - 誠信宣言-中英文摘要_第3頁




1、誠信宣言(四字之間空一格,三號黑體、加粗、居中、與內(nèi)容空一行我,王麗英,鄭重宣布:除了參考文獻所標明引用的資料和內(nèi)容之外,本論文中不包含有任何已經(jīng)被其他高等教育機構(gòu)所接受的學位或?qū)W歷論文資料,也不包含有其他任何人已經(jīng)正式出版的資料內(nèi)容。(四號宋體簽字:日期:年月日Declaration(Times New Roman、三號加粗、居中、與下文內(nèi)容空一行 I, Wang Liying, the undersigned, hereby declare that this dissertation does not contain any material which has been accepte

2、d for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutions of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this dissertation does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the dissertation

3、.(內(nèi)容采用Times New Roman四號字體Signed:Date:注: 1. 本頁頁眉標注的頁碼為I。中文簽字日期為:2010年5月28日;英文為:May 28, 20102. 詳細說明見指導手冊。打印時請刪除紅色字體。(“摘要”之間空兩格,三號黑體、加粗、居中,與下面內(nèi)容空一行本文從跨文化語用學角度對中英公共標識的翻譯進行研究。論文首先對公共標識進行系統(tǒng)的研究,從定義、分類、中英文公共標識的語言特點三方面做出總結(jié),本文將公共標識定義為出現(xiàn)在公共場合的具有指示性、提示性、限制性、強制性特點的文字或圖案,定義范圍廣,為進一步研究提供充足的實例。在此基礎上歸納了目前公共標識漢譯英翻譯的研究

4、方法,包括音譯、直譯、意譯、直譯加注釋、和等效翻譯等五種,發(fā)現(xiàn)大多是從純翻譯角度展開的,較少涉及到跨文化語用學研究。跨文化語用學作為語言學一個新興的學科,目前國內(nèi)外還沒有完整的著作問世,其定義也多種多樣,為方便比較,本文采用的定義為來自英漢兩種不同文化背景的人交流時產(chǎn)生的語用問題。本文運用跨文化語用學研究中常用的方法比較法,從文化載體語用手段層面、文化蘊含語用環(huán)境層面、文化策略語用主體層面三個層面逐層深入對公共標識的翻譯進行具體分析, 這三方面緊密相連成為一個系統(tǒng),其中文化載體反映文化蘊含;文化策略是最高層次,作用是在文化主體和文化客體(本文中為文化蘊含之間達成統(tǒng)一;文化策略決定文化載體和文化

5、蘊含,反過來又受到它們的制約。最后對論文研究做出總結(jié)。該研究具有一定的創(chuàng)新性。(內(nèi)容采用小四、宋體、行距20磅關(guān)鍵詞(小四、黑體、頂格:跨文化語用學;公共標識;翻譯(小四、宋體、分號注: 1. 本頁頁眉標注的頁碼為II2. 中文摘要字數(shù)不應少于350字3. 打印時請刪除紅色字體。(Times New Roman、三號加粗、居中、與下文空一行 This paper examines the translation of public signs in the perspective of intercultural pragmatics, and proposes a new approach

6、to translating public signs, which is developed in three aspects of intercultural pragmatics.The thesis starts with the studies of public signs, including definition, classification, and the comparison of language features between English and Chinese public signs. The thesis defines public signs as

7、words or pictures appearing in public for instruction, reminders, restriction, and prohibition. So the thesis is supported with enough cases. Then the thesis gives a literature review of the recent researches on the translation of public signs, finding that most of them have been done purely in tran

8、slation techniques, such as transliteration, literal translation, free translation, word-for-word translation plus annotations, and equivalent-effect translation. Few of them deal with the translation from the perspective of intercultural pragmatics.There are even few works on intercultural pragmati

9、cs at home and abroad, since it is a newly-built branch of linguistics. In order to make clear comparison, intercultural pragmatics is defined as a study which emphasizes the pragmatic problems occurring when people from Chinese and English cultures communicate with each other. Based on my study of

10、public signs and translation techniques, I put forward a suggested approach to the translation in three aspects: culture carrier-the aspect of pragmatic means; culture implication-the aspect of pragmatic environment; and culture strategy-the aspect of pragmatic subject. They should be taken into con

11、sideration as a whole in the course of translation. The relationship between culture carrier and culture environment is that of form and content. Culture carrier represents culture environment. The process of making culture strategy is a process of making agreement between the subjective and culture environment.At last, I hope that this thesis could help translators understand and translate public signs better. However, due to my limitation, theres still much room remained to b


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