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1、咨詢式銷售和溝通Todays Agenda今日事項Consultative Selling A Process咨詢式銷售 一套流程Communication A Plan溝 通 一份計劃2Selling?銷售?How many people here are Sales Professionals?How many people here are Business Owners?How many people here Work for someone else?這里多少人是銷售專家?這里多少人是企業(yè)家?這里又有多少人是為他人工作的?We are all in Sales.我們都在銷售To b

2、e employed, or to have a job, or to own a business required each of us to either sell our skills to an employer, or sell the benefits of your company to another person so they would go to work for you被雇傭的,上班族,自己擁有企業(yè)的,我們每一個人都需要向雇主銷售我們的技能,或者向他人銷售公司的利益,這樣人們才能為你工作3Consultative Selling?咨詢式銷售While the fun

3、damentals of selling may remain constant, we, as sales people, may not!雖然銷售的基本原理是一成不變的,但是我們,銷售的人不是一成不變的We must all continue our pilgrimage “by learning, living, and looking:我們都必須經(jīng)歷我們的人生旅程“繼續(xù)學習,生活并展望:Learning from the past without living there;學習過去沒有經(jīng)歷過的Living in the present by seizing each vital mom

4、ent of every single day; and 活在當下,抓住每一天每一個重要的時刻 ;Looking to the future with hope, optimism and education.”帶著盼望展望未來,樂觀并且不斷學習”-Zig Ziglar -吉格 金克拉4To Win At Sales Requires Effort.努力才能在銷售中取勝What is selling?什么是銷售?The transfer of an idea or thought from one person to another.是一個人的想法或者觀念傳遞給其他人The outcome o

5、f selling is someone is now doing what you asked them, persuaded them, or encouraged them to do, and they are in agreement with you.銷售的結(jié)果是你現(xiàn)在做的,你告訴其他人,說服他們,讓他們這樣去做,并且人們也同意你所說的按你的意思去做。Consultative Selling - A Process咨詢式銷售一套流程5You _, were “Born To Win.” 你_, 是“天生大贏家”But to win please remember that “The

6、 Will to Win Is Nothing Without the Will to Prepare.”但是想贏請記住“沒有準備,何談輸贏”6Consultative Selling A Process咨詢式銷售一套流程Key Words to Know:需要知道的關鍵詞Attention 注意力Interest 興趣Convince 確信Desire 欲望Close 成交78Sell By Design, Not By Chance銷售是精心設計的,不是偶然發(fā)生的Four-Step Formula四步準則Need Analysis 需要分析Need Awareness 需要意識Need S

7、olution 需要解決方案Need Satisfaction 需要滿足9The Successful Sales Formula成功銷售的準則1. Need Analysis需要分析Customer-driven (wants) and need-oriented (needs) selling begins with the sales 通過客戶驅(qū)動(希望)和需求導向(需求)的營銷進行銷售professional probing to understand the prospects wants and needs.探討了解專業(yè)客戶的期望和需求10The Successful Sales

8、Formula成功銷售公式1. Need Analysis需要分析Customer-driven (wants) and need-oriented (needs) selling begins with the sales professional probing to understand the prospects wants and needs.通過客戶驅(qū)動(希望)和需求導向(需要)的銷售開始探討理解客戶的期望和需求。During Need Analysis, the sales professional will “X-ray” the prospect.在需要分析過程中,專業(yè)的銷售

9、人員需要對前景進行X光式的掃描11People buy what they want when they want it morethan they want the money it costs.人們購買他們所需求的東西,當他們覺得他們需要的東西比錢更重要時,他們會舍得花錢。12The Successful Sales Formula成功銷售公式1. Need Analysis需求分析Customer-driven (wants) and need-oriented (needs) selling begins with the sales professional probing to u

10、nderstand the prospects wants and needs.通過客戶驅(qū)動(希望)和需求導向(需要)的銷售開始探討理解客戶的期望和需求。During Need Analysis, the sales professional will “X-ray” the prospect.在需要分析過程中,專業(yè)的銷售人員需要對前景進行X光式的掃描Professional probing is done with questions.專業(yè)的調(diào)查需要用問題來完成131. Need Analysis需求分析1. The Proper Questions Enable You to Gain t

11、he Prospects Trust.合適的問題會使你得到客戶的信任2. To Combine Emotion and Logic:把情感和邏輯結(jié)合起來Use “Thinking” and Feeling” Questions.使用“思考”和“感覺”問題Use the “Choice” Close.使用“選擇”成交Use a “Talking Pad” so the Prospect Can “See” the Idea使用“思考墊”,這樣客戶能“看到”這個主意3. The Successful Sales Professional is a Word Merchant and a Pictu

12、re Painter.成功的專業(yè)銷售人員是文字的商人和畫家141. Need Analysis需要分析4. Probe the Prospect with Three Kinds of Questions使用三種問題調(diào)查客戶Open Door Questions開放式問題Closed Door Questions封閉式問題Yes or No Questions是或不是問題5. The Least-Developed Tool of the Professional Salesperson is the VOICE. To Develop this Important Tool:專業(yè)人員最未開發(fā)

13、的工具是他們的聲音Practice, Practice, and Practice.練習,練習,再聯(lián)系Read and Record Your Presentation.閱讀,并錄制你的演示W(wǎng)arm Up Before Presenting.演示之前熱身Exaggerate Opening Your Mouth.夸張式張開你的嘴Smile!微笑!1516One more time we are changing everything再一次,我們改變著一切cell phone video add手機視頻添加18The Successful Sales Formula成功銷售公式2. Need A

14、wareness需要意識To See, To Know去看,去了解To Comprehend去理解The “l(fā)ight” of Understanding must go on理解之“光必須持續(xù)下去192. Need Awareness需要意識1. Need Awareness Means:需要意識是指:The Sales Professional Understands the Prospects Wants and Needs.專業(yè)的銷售人員了解客戶的期望和需求The Prospect Understands their Wants and Needs客戶了解他們的需求和需要。2. To

15、Make the Light Go On for the Salesperson and the Prospect持續(xù)地為銷售人員和客戶提供幫助。Probe for Areas to Differentiate.調(diào)查劃分區(qū)域Show the Imbalance to the Prospect.對客戶展示不平衡202. Need Awareness需求意識3. To Discover Areas which Differentiate, Learn Everything Possible About:發(fā)現(xiàn)差異區(qū)域,盡可能了解以下方面:Your Product.你的產(chǎn)品You Industry.你

16、的行業(yè)Your Pricing.你的價格Your Products Application/Use.你們的產(chǎn)品應用或使用。Your Competition.你的競爭4. People Dont Care How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You CareAbout Them.人們不關心你知道多少,直到他們知道你有多關心他們。5. Your Most Powerful Weapon at Proving Imbalance Is The “Tough” Question. Earn The Right To Ask.證明不平衡的最有力的武器是你

17、的“刁鉆”的問題。去贏得問問題的權利21The Successful Sales Formula成功銷售公式3. Need Solution需要解決方案A. Lead with need.需求引導B. Prospects dont buy products; they buy what the products do for them.客戶不買產(chǎn)品,他們買的是產(chǎn)品能為他們做什么C. Remember: WII-FM = Whats In It For Me? (the prospect). 記?。篧II-FM=產(chǎn)品里有什么對我有用?(預期)22Need SolutionNeed Analysi

18、s需求分析Prospects “Ask”客戶“問”Free Phone免費電話Pay $41 /month每月付41美金No increase in expense for phone service電話服務費沒有增加Need Awareness需求意識Who all do you call?你都給誰打電話?How do you use your phone?如何使用你的電話?Do you call:你給他們打電話嗎?Friends朋友Family家人Work工作單位23Need Solution需要解決方案How to Connect?如何聯(lián)系?How to See Grandkids?如何

19、看孫子輩的孩子?How to share photos?如何分享照片?How to see live pictures of children?如何看孩子們的現(xiàn)場照片?Need Solution需要解決方案Need Analysis需要解決方案Prospects “Ask”前景“問”Free Phone免費電話Pay $41 /month41美金/每月No increase in expense for phone service電話費用沒有Need Awareness需求意識Who all do you call?你都給誰打電話?How do you use your phone?如何使用你

20、的電話?Do you call:你給他們打電話嗎?Friends朋友Family家人Work工作單位24Need Solution需要解決方案How to Connect?如何聯(lián)系?How to See Grandkids?如何看孫子輩的孩子?How to share photos?如何分享照片?How to see live pictures of children?如何看孩子們的現(xiàn)場照片?The Sale:銷售Free Phone免費電話$41 /month每月41美金The Sale:銷售Free Phone免費電話$41 /month每月41美金The Sale:$498 Phone$

21、82/month“Theirs.”他們的“Ours.”我們的25Handling Objections目標處理Listen to the Objection.傾聽目標Say it Back to the Prospect。展望前景Explore the Reasoning.探索原因Answer the Objection.回答目標Address their concern談論他們的關心See it from their point of view從他們的觀點看問題Relieve their fears釋放他們的恐懼Check Back with the Prospect核對前景Redirect

22、 the Conversation重新指導談話26The Successful Sales Formula成功銷售模式4. Need Satisfaction 需要滿足感27Become a quick-change artist成為一個快速變化的藝術家“You think you understand the situation, but what you dont understand is that the situation just changed.”“你認為你了解當前的形勢,可是形勢已經(jīng)變了?!?An Investments advertisement一投資廣告28The Succ

23、essful Sales Formula成功銷售公式4. Need Satisfaction需要滿足A. A.A.F.T.S. = Always Ask For The Sale經(jīng)常問銷售B. Belief in your product or service DEMANDS that you ask for the order相信你的產(chǎn)品或服務.需要你要求訂單C. When the selling professional satisfies needs and wants, repeat business and new clients are guaranteed!當專業(yè)的銷售人員滿足了

24、客戶的需求及愿望,重復的生意及新的客戶就得到了保障。294. Need Satisfaction1. A.A.F.T.S. = ALWAYS ASK FOR THE SALE總要問銷售問題2. The Choice Close or Assumptive Close選擇封閉式或想當然封閉式問題“Can you see where my product or service would_?” (The primary benefit that would cause the prospect to buy goes on the line.)“您能看到我的產(chǎn)品和服務會-?”(能引起客戶購買的主要

25、利益點是在網(wǎng)上)“Are you interested in _?”“您對-感興趣嗎?“When do you think would be the best time to start?”“你認為什么時候是開始的最佳時間?”304. Need Satisfaction需求滿足3. The Probability Close helps the prospect understand how close he is to making the purchase:概率的接近幫助客戶了解他們離購買還有多近“On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 meaning you are

26、 ready to place your order, where would you stand right now?”“分值為1-10,10分意味著你就要下訂單了,你現(xiàn)在準備站在哪里?”“What would it take to move you to a 10?”“什么會帶你去站到10分那里?4. The Summary Close may seem basic, but dont be fooled by simplicity:總結(jié)看起來是基礎,但是別被簡單所愚弄了Summarize all the needs the prospect has given you for buyin

27、g and ASK FOR THE ORDER!總結(jié)所有客戶給你的購買需求并要求下訂單Relight the fire and desire through summarizing!通過總結(jié)重新點燃烈火和欲望31The Finish Line.終點32Sell By Design, Not By Chance根據(jù)設計而不是依據(jù)機會銷售Four-Step Formula四步公式Need Analysis需要分析Need Awareness需要意識Need Solution需要解決方案Need Satisfaction需要滿足33CommunicationA Plan溝通-一個計劃Question: What Shape Is Your Personality?問題:你的個性是什么形狀的?34A Susan Dellinger SeminarCommunication


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