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1、Unit 4 He lives in a villagePart C陜旅版陜旅版五年級(jí)下冊(cè)五年級(jí)下冊(cè)Review在農(nóng)場(chǎng)在農(nóng)場(chǎng)和我一起去和我一起去 鐘樓鐘樓捉魚捉魚 充滿愛充滿愛野生動(dòng)物野生動(dòng)物許多種花許多種花年復(fù)一年年復(fù)一年成長(zhǎng),長(zhǎng)大成長(zhǎng),長(zhǎng)大 the Bell Towergo with me many kinds of flowerson the farmwild animalsyear after year full of love grow up catch fish句型:句型:1. 詢問對(duì)方是否住在某一個(gè)地方的句型及回答:詢問對(duì)方是否住在某一個(gè)地方的句型及回答:Do you live

2、in a? 你住在你住在嗎?嗎?No. I live in a far from the. 不。我住在離不。我住在離很遠(yuǎn)的一個(gè)很遠(yuǎn)的一個(gè)里。里。2. 談?wù)摼幼〉厍闆r的句子:談?wù)摼幼〉厍闆r的句子: Is the village big? 村莊大嗎?村莊大嗎? No. It is small, but very beautiful. 不。它很小,但是非常美麗。不。它很小,但是非常美麗。3. 描述一個(gè)人居住情況的句子:描述一個(gè)人居住情況的句子: Lele and his parents live in They 樂樂和他的父母住在樂樂和他的父母住在他們他們Listen and circle1234A

3、sk and answer, then reportQuestions:Where do you live?Is it big/small/beautiful?Is there a river/lake?Whats in the city/village?Do you love it?How can I get there?Where do you live?I live in a village far from the city.Is it big?No, it isnt. Its small but very beautiful.Is there a lake?Yes, the lake

4、 is big. Do you love it?Yes, I love it very much.How can I get there?You can go there by train.Kitty lives in a small village far away from the city, its very beautiful. There is a big lake. She loves the village very much, we can get there by train.ReportRead and number1. A: Can you see the birds?

5、B: No. They are singing in the tree. But I cant see them.2. It is near our village. Fish live happily in the water.3. A: What is your father? B: He is a farmer. He plants potatoes, tomatoes and many fruits with my mother.231Read and complete Mr. Smith has a _ near a _. He grows _ , _ and other vegetables. He plants trees and _ on the farm, too. The trees are homes for _ and somefarmrivertomatoespotatoesflowersbirdswild animals. In _ , summer and _ , he can see rabbits, _ and even _ . In the _ , he can catch fish. Mr. Smith lives happily there.springautumnsnakesmonkey


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