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1、人教版八年級英語上冊人教版八年級英語上冊Unit10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time !What are they doing? Unit10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time !Period1 SectionA 1a1c學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)(學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)(Learning goals):1)通過示例、觀察和口語練習(xí),認(rèn)識、理解通過示例、觀察和口語練習(xí),認(rèn)識、理解if引導(dǎo)的條件引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句;狀語從句;2)通過對話和小組活動能用通過對話和小組活動能用if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句簡單描引導(dǎo)

2、的條件狀語從句簡單描述事情的結(jié)果;述事情的結(jié)果;3)通過正確完成課本通過正確完成課本1b的聽力練習(xí)能進(jìn)行口語交際。的聽力練習(xí)能進(jìn)行口語交際。課前預(yù)習(xí)檢測:課前預(yù)習(xí)檢測:一、你知道下列詞組的意思嗎,趕快檢查一下吧!一、你知道下列詞組的意思嗎,趕快檢查一下吧!1. have a great time=have fun =enjoy oneself _ 2. be late _ 3. stay at home _4. wear jeans _ 5. let sb. in _6. take the bus=by bus _玩得開心遲到待在家穿牛仔褲讓某人進(jìn)入乘公交車二、 你知道以下句子中“if”的用法

3、嗎?試著觀察之后寫寫吧!1. If you go to the party, youll have a great time !2. If you get the answer, you will be happy.3. He will bring a gift, if he goes to the party.4.They will sing and dance, if they have enough time.總結(jié)語:總結(jié)語:以上句子中以上句子中“if”意為意為_,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,主句用主句用_時態(tài),時態(tài),if從句用從句用_時態(tài),簡稱時態(tài),簡稱“主將從現(xiàn)主將從現(xiàn)”;i

4、f引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句既可放在主句之前引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句既可放在主句之前, 也可放在主句之后;放在主句之前時,也可放在主句之后;放在主句之前時, 要用要用_號號與主句隔開。與主句隔開。如果如果一般將來一般將來一般現(xiàn)在一般現(xiàn)在逗逗If I have 100 yuan, I will課中活動開發(fā)(一):課中活動開發(fā)(一):Whats your idea for the party?Look and say:different ideas in 1aI think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Anna. Look and say:differe

5、nt ideas in 1aI think Im going to wear jeans to the party. Look and say:different ideas in 1aI think Im going to take the bus to the party. Look and say:different ideas in 1aI think Im going to stay at home. Match the statements with the pictures a-d. 1a1. _ I think Ill wear jeans to the party.2. _

6、I think Ill stay at home. 3. _ I think Ill take the bus to the party.4. _ I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna. acbdListen and complete the responses in 1a. 1bIf you do, the teachers wont _If you do, youll _If you do, youll _If you do, youll _have a great time.be late.let you in.be sorry.

7、Match the statements with responses.1. I think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Anna.2. I think Im going to wear jeans to the party.3. I think Im going to take the bus to the party.4. I think Im going to stay at home.a. If you do, the teachers wont let you in.b. If you do, youll be late.c.

8、 If you do, youll be sorry.d. If you do, youll have a great time.Read andremember!Are you going to the party tomorrow night?Yes, I am.1cLook at the pictures and make conversations. Who will you go with?I think Ill go with Karen and Anna. If you do, youll have a great time. Im happy. I will sing and

9、dance.if 連連看:連連看: If I am happy, I will sing and dance.It will be sunny tomorrow.They will have a trip. If it is sunny tomorrow, they will have a trip.He works hard. He will get good grades.If he works hard, he will get good grades.Super show:eg. If I go to the party, I will take the bus; If I take

10、the bus, I will be late; If I am late, my friends will be unhappy. 你的小組成果:你的小組成果:If I play computer games for too long this evening, _; _; _;_;_.課堂檢測:課堂檢測:一、從一、從B欄中選出與欄中選出與A欄相應(yīng)的答語,試試看吧!欄相應(yīng)的答語,試試看吧!A( )1. I think I am going to get a part-time job.( )2. I want to eat too much meat and ice cream.( )3.

11、I hope I will be an actor in the future.( )4. I think I am going to buy a new bike.( )5. I think I am going to play computer games every night.Ba. If you do, you will have a stomachache.b. If you do, you will be very famous.c. If you do, you will have more money.d. If you do, you will look cool.e. I

12、f you do, your mother will be mad at you.cabde課堂檢測:課堂檢測:二、用二、用if合并下列句子,相信你能行!合并下列句子,相信你能行!1. I will go to Beijing. I will meet many foreigners. I _ _ many foreigners _ I _ to Beijing.2. Study hard, and you will go to college. _ _ study hard, you _ _ to college.3. It wont rain tomorrow. They are going to swim. _ it _ _ tomorrow, they are going to swim.4. Be quick please, or you will be late for school._ you _ quick, you will be late for school.willifmeetIfgoyouwillgoIfdoesntrainIfarentMoral aims情感目標(biāo)情感目標(biāo)Whatever happens, try ou


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