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1、WORD資料.可編輯參考答案15 ACBCB610 CBABC11 15 ACBAB1620 AABCA音頻與考點分布信息音頻信息語音總字數(shù)語速美首900高考正常 速度考點分布信息事實細節(jié)推理判斷主日人息觀點態(tài)度12512原文與單題解析Text 1找鋼筆;29詞M: I can ' t find my pen anywhere. It was on the desk with my book a moment ago. W: Look! Here it is. You left it by the phone.1. What is the man looking for?A. His

2、pen.B. His book.C. His phone.【解析】 事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)材料中男士的話“I can' t find mypen anywhere. 可知男士正在到處找他的鋼筆,故選 A。Text 2 外出需加衣服;29詞W: Can I go out with friends, Dad?M: Yes, Carol, but you can ' t go out in those clothes. It ' s freezing today.W: Okay, Dad. I ' ll wear something warmer.2. What does

3、Carol ' s father ask her to do?A. Talk with her friends.B. Go out with him.C. Put on warm clothes.【解析】 推理判斷題。根據(jù)材料中男士的話“ but you can' t go out in those clothes. It ' s freezing today. ”和女JL回答 “I' ll wear something warmer.” 可推知男士讓女兒穿上暖和點的衣服,故選 CText 3 研究小組的人數(shù);22詞M: How big is your rese

4、arch group, Alice?W: Well, there were six of us to begin with. Then two people left.3. How many members are there in Alice ' s group now?A. Two.B. Four.C. Six.【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)材料中女士的話“ there were six of us to beginwith. Then two people left. ”可以簡單地計算出女士的小組現(xiàn)在有 4名成員, 故選BoText 4讓孩子在廚房幫忙;40詞M: Do you oft

5、en ask your kid to help in the kitchen?W: Yeah, Sarah enjoys pouring, mixing, and serving her creations to family members.M: Good! According to an article I ' ve just read, that encourages healthy eating in kids.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. Ways of cooking.B. Healthy food for kids.C

6、. Kids helping in the kitchen.【解析】主旨大意題。該材料主要是圍繞讓孩子們在廚房里幫忙所展開的一段討論,材料中第一句話 “ Do you often ask your kid to help in the kitchen? 直接引入主題,故選CoText 5賓館服務;25詞W: Front Desk. Can I help you?M: Oh, may I ask for a wake-up call, please?W: Yes sir, what time do you want?5. What is the woman?A. She ' s a sh

7、op assistant.B. She ' s a receptionist.C. She' s a secretary.【解析】推理判斷題。根據(jù)材料中關鍵詞 Front Desk和wake-up call可知說話者對話的場所是賓館,而女士的身份則是賓館的前臺工作人員,故選Bo專業(yè)技術.整理分享Text 6 關于去海外學習;119詞M: Lily, don ' t you think the scholarship from New York University is somethinggreat? Why did you decline this offer?W:

8、I do realize the value of the scholarship. But, if I could explain, my mother doesn' t want me to go overseas.M: Why?W: You know, I ' m the only child in the family. My mother will be living alone most of the time for three years in my absence. She cannot even think of it.M: Nobody to take c

9、are of her?W: My father travels a lot to many countries and he is doing business in Dubainow. I have to do a lot for my mom at home.M: Oh, I see. You are very considerate.6. Why does the man sound surprised?A. Lily rejected a job offer.B. Lily was absent from school.C. Lily turned down a scholarship

10、.【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)材料中男士的話“don' t you think the scholarship from New York University is something great? Why did you decline thisoffer? ”可知男士語氣中透露出驚訝的原因是女士拒絕了紐約大學的獎學金,故選C這里有信息轉述:" decline ”轉述為:“turn down ”7. What has Lily decided to do?A. Travel to Dubai.B. Stay with her mom.C. Start a business.【

11、解析】 事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)材料中女士的話“ I have to do a lot for my mom at home. ”可知女士最終決定在家鄉(xiāng)陪伴她的母親,故選B。Text 7 擔心妹妹;117詞M: Annajust emailed to say that the managers' meeting is put off till next Monday.Will you have everything ready by then, Sabrina? Hey, Sabrina, what' s wrongW: I ' m so worried. I haven &#

12、39; t heard from my sister for two weeks.M: How often do you call each other?W: Normally at least once a week, but she' s now a volunteer teacher at a mountain village in Africa. I can only write her.M: The mail can be really slow sometimes. I ' m sure you' ll hear from her soon.W: I hop

13、e so.M: You know t he saying, “no news is good news. " If something were wrong someone would have called you.W: Maybe you' re right. Thanks, Jason.8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Relatives.C. Classmates.【解析】推理判斷題。根據(jù)材料中男士的話“ Anna just emailed to say

14、 thatthe managers ' meeting is put off till next Monday.” 可知說話者討論的是工作上的事,由此可以得知兩人可能是同事關系,故選Ao9. What is Sabrina ' s sister doing?A. Touring in Africa.B. Teaching in a village.C. Working in a company.but she ' s now a volunteer可知女士的妹妹現(xiàn)在正在一個小【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)材料中女士的話teacher at a mountain village

15、 in Africa.村莊里教書,故選Bo10. How can Sabrina reach her sister now?A. By phone.B. By email.C. By letter.【解析】 事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)材料中女士的話“ I can only write her. ”和男士 的話“ The mail can be really slow sometimes. ”可知女士現(xiàn)在要聯(lián)系到她的 妹妹只能通過寫信的方式,故選 CoText 8 湯沒味道;104詞W: I ' m not sure about this soup, Carl. It has no taste.M

16、: No! I don ' t think so, Maria. It tastes fine to me. We' ve been to this placebefore, and I don ' t feel the soup tastes any different.W: Well, I still think it needs something. Salt?M: No, certainly not. What about pepper? If anything, I think it could use a little more of that.W: Now

17、you' re talking. That' s exactly what it needs. And howabout somemore onions too?M: I don' t know about that. You seemto be starting to like food with strong tastes recently.W: Oh, really?11. What does Maria think of the soup?A. Tasteless.B. Just fine.C. Thick.【解析】 觀點態(tài)度題。根據(jù)Maria說的“I '

18、; mnot sure about this soup, Carl. It has no taste. ” 和 “I still think it needs something. Salt?” 可知她感覺味道不足,故選A12. What does Carl say can be added to the soup?A. Salt.B. Onions.C. Pepper.【解析】 事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)Maria上文所說湯的味道不足,Carl說“Whatabout pepper?”可知Carl想讓Maria加點胡椒粉,故選C。13. Where are the speakers?A. At home

19、.B. At a restaurant.C. At a friend ' s house.【解析】 推理判斷題。根據(jù) Carl所說的“We ve been to this place before, and I don ' t feel the soup tastes any different.” 可知他們曾來過這個地方吃飯,由此推斷出說話者應該在餐館,故選 BoText 9 租房;215詞M: Good morning, I ' m one of the students who rented your flat. It' s 55 Park RoadW:

20、Oh, yes. Everything all right?M: Not exactly. I ' m afraid there are a couple of problems.W: Oh! I ' m sorry to hear that. What kind of problems?M: Well, we h aven' t had any hot water for a couple of days now. I wonder if you could send someone to have a look at it.W: Of course. I '

21、 ll get someone to come around at the weekend.M: Well, could he come around a bit sooner? I don ' t think we can manage until the weekend.W: I see. Okay. I ' ll send someone over this afternoon then.M: There ' s also the matter of the fridge. We all assumed there would be one in the flat

22、 when we movedin, because that ' s what we read from the advertisement in the newspaper.W: Ah, yes. Sorr y about that. I got rid of the old fridge, but I didn' t get aroundto ordering a new one yet. I ' m really sorry. I ' ll order one today and get it delivered to you tomorrow.M: We

23、 bought one on the Internet actually. But could you pay us back?W: Of course. Just tell me how much you paid for it.M: It ' s 260 pounds. Thank you.14. When will someone come to check the hot water?A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow.C. At the weekend.【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)女士所的“I ' ll send someoneover this

24、 afternoon then. ”可知女士會安排人今天下午去檢查熱水供應問題,故選A。15. How did the students know about the flat?A. From a friend.B. From a newspaper.C. From a house agency.【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)男i說的“ Weall assumed there would be one in the flat when we moved in, because that ' s what we read from the advertisement in the newspa

25、per. ”可知學生在報紙的廣告上得知這個公寓的 情況,故選Bo16. What will the woman do to settle the problem about the fridge?A. Pay the students for the new one.B. Get someone to fix the old one.C. Order one on the Internet.【解析】 事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)上文內容和男士說的“Webought one on the Internet actually. But could you pay us back? ” 和女士說的 “ Of c

26、ourse. Just tell me how much you paid for it. ”可知女士要支付新冰箱的錢,故選A。Text 10 談對巴黎的印象;200詞M: Hello everyone! I ' m very happy to be invited to this program today. I' dlike to share with you my impression of Paris. Actually, there ' s something interesting to see in every corner of Paris: the o

27、ld buildings, neighborhoods, and the historical monuments. The weather' s been great too, cool and dry. Someaspects of life here are different from those in the United States. The most obvious thing is that there is much more activityin the streets than in a typicalUS city. Peoplegather together

28、 in open markets, caf e s, parks, and squares. The n, of course, there ' s the food. Food seems to be more important here. It' s beautifully shownin windows and markets. Everything is fresher and better tasting than at home. I ' ve gained five pounds since I arrived. There are a few thin

29、gs that bother me though.I ' m still having a hard time with the language. People speak very fast and it'hard to get them to repeat things. People, in general, are less warm here and it ' s hard to make friends. I guess that can be true in any big city in a new country, but the French do

30、 seem to be less friendly than the people back home.此段獨白以第一人稱陳述自己在巴黎的感受, 語言材料真實,語言結構簡單,容易理解。17. Who is the speaker?A. An invited guest.B. A news reporter. C. A radio host.【解析】 推理判斷題。根據(jù)男士說的“ Hello everyone! I ' mvery happy to be invited to this program today. ”可知男士被邀請參加今天的節(jié)目。因此可以 推斷出他是被邀請的客人,故選 A

31、o18. In what way has the speaker changed?A. He speaks faster.B. He becomes heavier.C. He cooks more often.【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)男士說的“ I' ve gained five pounds since Iarrived. ”可知男士到巴黎后重了 5磅,故選B。止匕題中有信息轉述:"I' ve gained five pounds” 轉述為:“Hebecomesheavier19. What is difficult for the speaker to get

32、used to?A. The food.B. The weather.C. The language.【解析】事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)男士說的“ I ' mstill having a hard time with thelanguage. People speak very fast and it ' s hard to get them to repeat things. ”可知男士聽不懂這里的語言,故選C。此題需要理解較多信息,男士感覺天氣好,食物新鮮,味道好,就是語言不通, 他最為不習慣。20. What does the speaker think of the French

33、 people?A. A bit cold.B. Generous.C. Easy-going.【解析】觀點態(tài)度題。根據(jù)男士說的“People, in general, are less warmhere and it ' s hard to make friends. ”可知男士感覺這里的人不熱情,不容易交 朋友,故選Ao此題中有信息轉述: " less warm and it is hard to make friends ” 轉述為: “a bit cold ”答案與解析21. B 推理判斷題根據(jù)第二段 Mrs. Stanley talked mostly about

34、her dead husband, "Mr.Stanley and I went shopping this morning, " she' d say.可推模U,作者第次聽至UMrs.Stanley說這話時是極為震驚的。22. B 推理判斷題根據(jù)第三段 Dad said she was probably lonely, and that I ought tosit and listen and nod my head and smile,可知,作者傾聽 Mrs. Stanley 說話是為了幫助她。23. A 詞義猜測題根據(jù)第三段最后一句 After a while

35、 she seemed content to leave herhusband over at the cemetery ( 墓地).可知,Mrs. Stanley看來已從失去丈夫的悲痛中走了出來,說明畫線部分描述的是她可能的目的“消除自己的悲傷情緒”。24. D 推理判斷題根據(jù)最后一段 You find it whenever people ask how you ' re doingbecause they care, and not because they ' re getting paid to do so , 以及本文所講 的故事:作者以前關心Mrs. Stanle

36、y ,后來又被自家的送報員所關心,由此可推斷作者想要表明的觀點:社區(qū)鄰里間應該互相關心。25. C 主旨大意題根據(jù)第二段一 but can the clothes actually change cognitiveperformance or is it just a feeling及下文所做的實驗可知,本文主要講述著裝對人認知的影響。26. C 事實細節(jié)題 根據(jù)第三段 Adamand Galinsky tested the effect of simply wearing a white lab coat on people ' s powers of attenti on.及第四段

37、 Indeed, on the Stroop Test (one way of measuring attention). 可知,Adam和 Galinsky 的實驗是測試著裝對人 們注意力的影響。27. B推理判斷題作者全文在講述著裝影響人的認知表現(xiàn)這一理論,最后一段作者說自己以后要穿白大褂上班編輯文章,以減少打字錯誤。他希望讀者也能穿上學位服閱讀PsyBlog的文章。由此可推斷出作者是用一種幽默的語氣調侃著裝認知理論。28. D 事實細節(jié)題根據(jù)第二段 Buckminster Fuller 的話:Pollution is nothing but theresources we are not

38、 harvesting. Weallow them to be left around because we' ve been ignorant of their value. 可知,他認為污染只不過是我們沒有收獲的資源。由于我們對 它們的價值一無所知,因此讓它們白白浪費。故選 D項。29. C事實細節(jié)題根據(jù)第四段 But in all, only 150 cans will be used up over thecat' s lifetime可以推斷出,循環(huán)經濟下,要養(yǎng)活一只存活15年的貓需要用掉150罐。30. A寫作目的題文章通過養(yǎng)貓喂食的例子,用數(shù)字對比了循環(huán)經濟和一次

39、性經濟消耗資源的不同結果,目的是宣傳推廣回收利用的理念。答案與解析31. D該空白后的內容為:你可能剛剛讀過某篇文章,但卻對文章所傳達的思想,概念以及形象等一片茫然。接下來作者給出了幾條能記住所讀內容的方法。D項說明了閱讀有時很讓人棘手,與空白后所表述含義一致,故為正確選項。32. A本段主要說明能記住所讀內容的前提是讀懂,這就需要首先通過查字典等辦法掃清生詞障礙。由confusing 及don' t understand等詞可推知答案為 A。33. F該空白后的內容為將正在閱讀的內容與已有知識之間建立聯(lián)系。有些書的內容會讓你立即產生這種聯(lián)想,因此推斷該空白處的內容也是與建立聯(lián)系有關,

40、F選項含義為“其他書則更多地需要你自己努力了”,與上下文順暢連接,另外other books也與空白前的somebooks相對應。34. G本段給出的方法是要求讀者能全身心投入到所讀內容中去,列舉了狄更斯的例子旨在說明這種方法的可行性,因此讀者也可以使用這種方法記住所讀內容,G項符合文意。35. B空白前提到了將閱讀作為一種日?;顒樱瞻滋巹t說明了這樣做的好處。由此可推知,該空白處內容與經常閱讀相關,選項 F (熟能生巧)符合語境。答案與解析36. A 本題所在句子提到巴士司機心臟病發(fā)作了,再根據(jù)第二段描述的當時的場景可知, 司機趴倒在方向盤上,失去了知覺,無法再操控巴士了,因此這位英語老師即

41、后面提到的 Harvold 控制了 巴士。take control of sth "控制某物"。37. B 句中from Gatwick airport說明這些學生和另外三位課程主管是從機場坐的巴士,四個選項中 picked sb up "接載某人"符合語境。taked in "理解、領會";trackeddown "追蹤到";helped out "幫分擔工作“。38. D本題所在句子的下文提到這些學生是去英國伯恩茅斯一家語言學校學習語言的,因此他們乘坐巴士去他們的寄宿家庭與房東見面。meet在句中表示

42、“初次與人結識;見面”。39. C文中出現(xiàn)的人物有學生、老師、課程主管,地點有ABC語言學校,因此可推測,這些學生是要去語言學校上課的。take a course 意為“上課”。40. D根據(jù)第一段第一句提到的A young English teacher saved the lives of 30students以及下文的信息可知,這位英語老師正是Harvold 。41. C根據(jù)最后一段最后一句提到的駕校給Harvold提供學車的課程可以判斷他還沒有通過駕照考試。42. A Harvold和學生們一起乘坐巴士去寄宿家庭,根據(jù)這一情景可知speaking to 符合語境。當時他正和學生們在車上

43、交談。43. B Harvold正和學生們交談的時候,巴士失控撞到了路旁的樹上,這時, Harvold應當 是朝著司機的方向看過去,所以 noticed符合語境。44. C本題所在句子的下一句提到司機不省人事,因此選項C符合句意。45. D上文提到巴士撞到了路邊的樹木,根據(jù)本題所在的句子可知巴士的前玻璃因撞擊而破碎了,因此hit符合語境。46. D上文提到Harvold救了 30個學生的性命,因此可判斷他成功控制了已失控的巴士。manage to do sth 意為"設法做成某事”。47. C Harvold成功控制了失控的巴士,避免了更糟糕的局面,警察對此行為應當是贊揚 的,因此p

44、raised符合語境。48. B在巴士失控的危機關頭,需要的是快速反應,因此 reacted符合語境。49. B失控的巴士如果不盡快得到控制會造成更嚴重的事故,因此選項B符合語境。50. C本題所在的句子提到,老師和學生對這位巴士司機評價很好。因此可推斷,他經常和這個學校合作。51. A學生們安然無恙,作為老師,Harvold應當是感到高興的,所以happy符合語境。52. A 上文提到巴士司機沒能蘇醒,還是遇難了。本題所在的句子的后半句表達了Harvold的愿望,希望這位司機能活下來就好了。因此 survive符合語境。53. B 根據(jù)本題所在句子中的thanking him可知學校獎勵了

45、Harvold ,四個選項中只有trip符合語境。54. A根據(jù)上文可知,Harvold在危急關頭,快速反應,避免了更糟糕的事故的發(fā)生,因此這是一次勇敢的行為。55. D根據(jù)本題所在句子中的also可知,駕校也對 Harvold的英勇行為給予了獎勵,因此free符合語境。考點分析 答案與解析56. an【冠詞】由語境可知"和生活中許多事情一樣,積累詞匯也是一個不斷發(fā)展的過程”,因此用不定冠詞 an表示泛指。57. which【定語從句關系詞】分析句子結構可知,57 means you' ll空白處所填的詞指代逗號前的 there' s enough room for

46、improvement , which在句中為關系代 詞,引導非限定性定語從句,并在句中作主語。58. months1名詞單復數(shù)】 month為可數(shù)名詞,且由 a few可知month應用復數(shù)形式。59. for【介詞】be enough for sth 對已足夠。60. effective【詞性轉換】此處要表達的是“有效的方法之一”,因此填 effective 。61. really 【詞性轉換】此處應用副詞修飾不定式to read ,因此填really 。62. sounds【謂語動詞】本句意為“這件事并不像聽起來那么難”,描述的是一般事實,且主語為it ,因此用sound的一般現(xiàn)在時第三

47、人稱單數(shù)形式。63. reading【非謂語動詞(現(xiàn)在分詞)】邏輯主語you與動詞read為主動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞reading .作狀語;也可視為狀語從句while you are reading.的省略形式。64. their【代詞】此句意為“另一個好處是你不知不覺中學習到了新詞和它們的用法”,use在此處是名詞,故用形容詞性物主代詞their作定語。65. learned / learnt【非謂語動詞(過去分詞)】learned / learnt作后置定語修飾 words, 表示“已學過的詞”,words與learn是被動的關系,因此用過去分詞。命題趨勢本次高考書面表達與 6月份高考考查

48、的體裁一樣, 要求考生寫邀請信,邀請外教一起過 春節(jié)(仍屬節(jié)假日及活動 范疇)。近年來,書面表達的考查越來越貼近中學生的日常生活, 尤其重視傳統(tǒng)文化,考查學生對語言的綜合運用能力,回歸了英語作為語言功能的本質。因此,在備考時,要集中看一些與日常生活和傳統(tǒng)文化相關的話題,如學校生活、興趣愛好、體育運動、語言學習、節(jié)假日及活動 等,并密切關注社會時事,按照話題網絡化復習(可參考新方略系統(tǒng)進行復習),效果會更佳。內容分析語言分析參考范文Dear Mr. Hall,I ' m writing to invite you to come to my home to celebrate the S

49、pring Festival on January 19. It ' s traditionally a time for family reunion , so my parents and mybrother will all be there. We ll makedumplings together and have a big dinner . We ll also play card games and watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV You may even get a gift from my parents. If you&#

50、39; re able to come, I ' ll goand pick you up at your place.Best,Li HuaDear Mr. Hall,I ' m writing on behalf of my whole family to invite you to join us for dinner at 6:30 pm, Feb.13 at my house for the Spring Festival- the most importantfestival for Chinese people,during which we will put u

51、p various decorationsto increase atmosphere of holiday, especially red paper-cutting with the character "fu" , meaning blessing.What' s more, you can also try the local food at dinnerand there will be your favorite dumplings.Only in this holiday can my entirefamily get together. Your p

52、resence is highly expected.We are looking forward to your reply.Yours, Li HuaDear Mr. Hall,I am writing to invite you sincerelyfamily for I ' ve heard you aretime scheduled is at 6:30 pmactivities will be well-prepared,to spend the Spring Festival with my not going back to your hometown.ThePrior

53、 to the Spring Festival, lotsofoff fireworks.such as making dumplings and settingIt would be a great pleasure if you could come and have fun withus. My parentsand grandparents are expecting your arrival with sincerity.Ifyou' d like to participate, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

54、Yours sincerely,Li Hua題型解讀讀后續(xù)寫既考查學生對所學語言知識的運用能力,又考查學生的發(fā)散思維能力和創(chuàng)造力。該題型要求考生首先要讀懂已有信息,不僅能讀懂字面含義,還要理清文章的脈絡和關系。續(xù)寫這篇短文時,考生需要明白故事的發(fā)展進程、前因后果、地理位置變化、人物特征 和情感等。在此基礎上,考生順著文章的思路,根據(jù)線索,發(fā)揮想象,對其后的情節(jié)進行合 理預測,并用英語表達出來。同時,在組織語言時,切記使用5個以上給出的提示詞。讀后續(xù)寫表面看來難度不小,但在平時教學過程中,若能抓好詞匯教學,注重詞匯運用能力的培養(yǎng),寫出好的續(xù)寫篇章是不成問題的。至于發(fā)散思維的培養(yǎng),在 高考備考階段

55、, 如果能按話題進行詞匯復習,將孤立的詞匯通過話題聯(lián)系起來,必然能起到事半功倍的效果。 續(xù)寫分析 前文提要: 第一段:童年有趣,總是充滿驚喜和歡樂,皆因母親可愛又迷糊健忘的性格。第二段:準備出游,萬事俱備,但出發(fā)兩小時后又返回家中,因為媽媽忘了錢包等。第三段:兄弟倆對母親的粗心大意可謂是心有余悸,生怕媽媽把他們落在加油站的廁所里獨自上路,以至于上廁所要輪流“放哨”。第四段:媽媽是善良的,自然認為所有人都和自己一樣善良,所以在找不到有空房的酒店時,媽媽才提議去別人的院子里搭帳篷。兄弟倆很緊張,還好爸爸否決了這個提議。最終一家人還是住進了酒店。 續(xù)寫線索:第一段所給首句:The next day

56、we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought withus.本段開頭與前文銜接不太自然,卻也就給考生提供了更為廣闊的想象空間。既然記起了帳篷,那么可以圍繞帳篷展開段落,可以體現(xiàn)母親的“健忘”,也可突出母親的“善良”, 落腳在一些比較有趣的事上,與第一段"surprise and amusements ”呼應。第二段所給首句:Wedrove through several states and saw lots of great sights alongthe way.與前文“意外不斷”不同,本段畫風突變,轉而寫風景,續(xù)寫可往心情愉悅的

57、方面寫。此處可以用一些描述景色環(huán)境的表達來烘托氛圍,最終可把故事的落腳點放在“親情” “生活的樂趣” “母親的趣事”等方面。續(xù)寫詞匯已給提示詞匯:absent-minded, forgetful, trip, David, camping, tent, Mom, Dad, trouble, nice 話題激活詞匯:情感:happy, glad, wonderful, terrific, great動作:laugh, smile交通、旅行: drive, pull over, set the brake, set out, set off, trip, journey 環(huán)境:scenery, mountain, range, valley, river, lake, forest, sun, set, wind, blow Possible versions:1.Paragraph 1:The next day we rememberedthe brand-new tent we had brought with us. But then we were half


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