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1、短文改錯 - 第三講實戰(zhàn)訓練-載自雙博士網(wǎng)站- 第三講實戰(zhàn)訓練-熱點試題PASSAGE 1When some nineteenthcentury New Yorkers said“ Harlem ” ,they meant almost all of Manhattan above Eighty-sixth Street.Toward the end of the century, however, a groupof citizens in upper Manhattan-want perhaps, to shape a closer 1._and more precise sense of

2、 communitydesignated a section thatthey wished to have known as Harlem. The chosen area was theHarlem which Blacks were moving in the first decades of the 2._new century as they left their old settlements on the middle andlower blocks of the West Side.As the community became predominantly Black, the

3、 veryword “ Harlem ” seemed to lose its old meaning. At time it was 3._easy to forget that“ Harlem ” was originally the Dutch name“ Harlem ” ; the community it described had been founded by 4._people from Holland; and that for most of its three centuries itwas first settled in the sixteen hundredsit

4、 had been preoccupied 5._by White New Yorkers.“ Harlem ” became synonymous to 6._Black life and Black style in Manhattan. Blacks living thereused the word as though they had coined it on themselvesnot 7._only to designate their area of residence but to express theirsense of the various qualities of

5、its life and atmosphere. As theyears passed,“ Harlem ” asserted an even larger meaning. In 8._the words of Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., the pastor of theAbyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem“ became the symbol of libertyand the Promised Land to Negroes everywhere” .By 1919 Harlems population had grown by s

6、everal thousand.It had received its share of wartime migration from the South,the Caribbean, and parts of colonial Africa. Some of thenew arrivals merely lived for Harlem; it was New York they had 9._come to, looking for jobs and for all the other legendary opportunitiesof life in the city. To other

7、s who migrated to Harlem, NewYork was merely the city in which they found themselves:Harlem was exactly what they wished to be. 10._注釋 1. want wanting該句的謂語動詞在破折號之后,即“designate ”,因此有必要將前一動詞變成分詞形式。2. Harlem whichto黑人們搬進了Harlem ,因此這里Harlem 是先行詞,關系代詞應當表示地點,即可以是where ,也可以是“介詞+which3. time times“ at a tim

8、e ”是“一次”的意思,而“at times4.Harlem; the communitythat“ forget ”后面引導的是三個賓語從句,在這種情況下,“that ”通常不能省略。5.preoccupied occupied“ be preoccupied with sth.”指“忙于某事”?!皁ccupy ”是“占領”之意。6 to with“ by synonymous with”是“與 等同”“與 意義相同”的意思,與 synonymous搭配的是介詞 with 。7.on “ by themselves ”或“ on their own ”都表示“他們自己”的意思,“coin ”

9、8.assertedassumed“assert ”是“肯定,斷定”,“assume ”指開始具有某種( 品質(zhì)或形象等 )9.for in由下文“ it was New York they had come to標是整個紐約城,他們只是居住在Harlem”可知這些人并非是為Harlem而活著,因為他們的目10.what where本段中 Harlem 還是作為一個地區(qū)名存在,相關的思想意義并不多。熱點試題PASSAGE 2The white House began to be built in 1792, but it was notcompleted until ten years late

10、r. Every American president livedin it except for George Washington, although he did have a 1._majority part in designing it.2._The government held a competition to choose the bestdesign for the presidents house. The winner was a young man of 3._South Carolina, James Hoban. His design was a three-le

11、velhouse of stone. And President Washington made some changesin the winning design. He made the house long and wider, and 4._changed it into a two-storied house instead of three.The second president, John Adams, was first to live in the 5._White House. When he and his wife moved onto the new house 6

12、._in November, 1800, work was still going on, although the mainlive area was completed. The whole work did not finish until the 7._administration of the 3rd president, Thomas Jefferson.Twelve years later, the British army invaded Washingtonand burned the White House. The fire completely destroyed th

13、einside of the building and experts said the White House was so 8._dangerous to live in. Later on workers rebuilt the inside of theWhite House. More offices were added, most of which underground. 9._None of the work, however, changed the appearing of 10._the building. Many people asked why the presi

14、dents house iscalled the White House. Historians say it has been so calledsimply because it was painted white.注釋 1.for在句子中說明前后兩個相等成份的關系時用除了喬治華盛頓,都曾在白宮居住過,“為對等成分,故應去掉 forexcept ,否則用 except for 。本句是說每位美國總統(tǒng), Every American president ”與“ George Washington ”2.majority majormajority 意為“大多數(shù)”、“半數(shù)以上”,一般后接復數(shù)名

15、詞,而major 則為“主要的”。本句意為“華盛頓在設計白宮中起了主要作用”,故應用major3.offrom要表示一個人的家鄉(xiāng)在哪里,介詞應為from 。4.longlonger本句意思是說華盛頓把白宮設計得比原來更長,更寬了一些。與原來作比較,long當然應用比較級,而且and連接的兩個形容詞也應為對等成分,既然wider是比較級,long5. wasfirstthethe +序數(shù)詞具有名詞意味,在這里the first即表示the first president。6. ontointo“搬進新居”應為“ move in ”或“ move into ”,move on 意為“繼續(xù)前進”,而

16、“ move onto ”則是不存在的。7.live livinglive (a) 意為“活著的”,而“l(fā)iving ”則是“適于居住的”、“生活的”。the living area意為“適8. so too原文說,戰(zhàn)火把樓房的內(nèi)部完全燒毀了,專家們說白宮太危險了,不能居住了,所以后來工人們才又重修白宮內(nèi)部。“太 太 ”應為“tootoo9. whichundergroundwere或 whichthem本句有兩種改法,若想使這部分成為非限制性定語從句,則which引導一個句子,后面應加一個“ were ”;若想使這部分為獨立成分,則改which為 them10. appearingappea

17、rance原句意思是說,重建白宮的工作并未改變它的外貌。appearing為appear(出現(xiàn) )的v. + ing形式,appearance意為“外觀,外貌”。熱點試題PASSAGE 3There are great many reasons for studying what philosophers 1._have said in the past. One is that we cannot separate thehistory of philosophy from which of science. Philosophy is 2._large discussion about m

18、atters on which few people are quite 3._certain, and those few hold opposite opinions. As knowledgeincreases, philosophy buds off the sciences.For an example, in the ancient world and the Middle Ages 4._philosophers discussed motion. Aristotle and St. ThomasAquinas taught that a moving body would sl

19、ow down until a force 5._were constantly applied to it. They were wrong. It goes on movingunless something slows it down. But they had good arguments ontheir side, and if we study these, and the experimentswhich proved them right this will help us to distinguish truth 6._from false in the scientific

20、 controversies of today.7._We also see how different philosopher reflects the social 8._life of his day. Plato and Aristotle, in the slave-owning societyof ancient Greece, thought man s highest state was contemplationrather than activity. In the Middle Ages St. Thomasbelieved a regular feudal system

21、 of nine ranks of angels. Herbert 9._Spencer, in the time of free competition between capitalists,found the key to progress as the survival of the fittest. Thus 10._Marxism is seen to fit into its place as the philosophy forthe workers, the only class with a future.注釋 1. are great aa great many為固定搭配

22、,修飾可數(shù)名詞,意為“很多,大量”,后面的名詞用復數(shù)形式。2. which thatthat 這里做代詞, 指代前文已經(jīng)提到的“history ”一詞, 而 which 可做疑問代詞或定語從句的引導3. largelargelylargely 這里是副詞,意為“在很大程度上”,如果有人打算把容詞,那么,前邊勢必加冠詞a 或 the, 但沒有 large discussionlarge 考慮成修飾discussion的形的說法,所以這里只能把large 改換成副詞.4. an /for example是固定搭配,意為“例如”,中間不加不定冠詞an5. until unlessuntil 常和 n

23、ot 連用,形成notuntil 句式,所以not 是檢驗 until 是否用對的一個標志。這句在說:“亞里士多德和圣托馬斯阿奎那都認為一個運動的物體除非給它不停地使力,否則它就會停下來”。 unless6. right wrong這句話說“但是他們那一方面有很好的論證。如果我們研究這些論述和證明這些說法是錯誤的那些實驗,那么我們就會辨清今日科學糾紛的真與假”。根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里應是wrong 。7. false falsehood這里需要一個名詞,因此把false 改為 falsehood8. differentevery這句謂語動詞和主語均為第三人稱單數(shù),而用different修飾的名詞

24、一般用復數(shù)形式,因此需要改變different。再看下文,列舉了諸位哲學家,因此可把different改為every ,既不妨礙句子意思,9. believed a inbelieve in意為“相信”,后常接名詞,而believe則為“相信或認為”,后常接從句,因此加上一個介詞in10. as in此句意為“斯賓塞在資本主義自由競爭時期,發(fā)現(xiàn)進步的關鍵在于適者生存”,此句的另一表達方式為“ Spencer, in the time of free competition between capitalists, found the survival of the fittest as the

25、 key to progress. ”而按現(xiàn)有語序,需把 as 改成 in。熱點試題PASSAGE 4Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did to heaven, for 1._He was a brisk, lovely young hunter. She abandoned her residenceat Olympus and took to the woods, where she dressedherself up like a huntress and kept the youth companion all day 2._long. Wi

26、th him she roved through bushy grounds and groves andover hills and dales, cheering hounds and pursuing game of aharmless sort. They had a great time together. However, shewarned him many times to chase wild beasts like lions and 3._wolves, but the young man just laughed at the idea.One day, after w

27、arning him thus, she left to Olympus in 4._her chariot. Quite by chance Adonis hounds found a boar, that 5._roused Adonis to enthusiasm. He hit the beast with a dart, and 6._the boar, turning on him ,buried its white tusk deep into histender side and trampled him to death.When Aphrodite came back to

28、 find her lover cold in death,she burst into a passion of tears. Unable to wrest him back fromthe low world, she sprinkled nectar on Adonis blood and 7._turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower.Aphrodite was, therefore, still inconsolable. In grief and 8._despair she flew to Zeus and implored him to restore Adonis toher. Though she had Zeus sympathy, Hades was by no meansprepared to comply with her request. After the much dispute a 9._compromise was worked out under which Adonis was to spendhalf the year above ground with Aphrodite, but the rest six 10._months in the Elysian Fields


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