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1、Im Anna.2/23/2022Everyday English1.Whats new? 有什么新鮮事嗎? 2. Count me on . 算上我。 3. Feel better? 好點(diǎn)了嗎? Lesson 113Small changeconductor kndkt n. 售票員售票員fare fe n.車(chē)費(fèi),車(chē)票車(chē)費(fèi),車(chē)票change tend v. 兌換(錢(qián))兌換(錢(qián))note nt n. 紙幣紙幣passenger psnd n. 乘客乘客none nn pron. 沒(méi)有任何東西沒(méi)有任何東西New words and expressionsneither na adv. 也不也不g

2、et off 下車(chē)下車(chē)tramp trmp n. 流浪漢流浪漢 except ksept prep. 除除外外New words and expressionsNew words and expressions conductor kndkt n. 售票員售票員 conduct v. 引領(lǐng),帶領(lǐng),控制引領(lǐng),帶領(lǐng),控制 conductive adj. 傳導(dǎo)的傳導(dǎo)的 n./v.+er/or=n.worker farmer teacher cookerdriver visitor collector runner fare fe n.車(chē)費(fèi),車(chē)票車(chē)費(fèi),車(chē)票New words and expressio

3、nsa bill of fare 菜單,節(jié)目單菜單,節(jié)目單 a taxi fare 出租車(chē)費(fèi)出租車(chē)費(fèi)a single fare 單程票價(jià)單程票價(jià) farewell n./adj. 告別告別, 再會(huì)再會(huì)New words and expressionschange tend v. 兌換(錢(qián))兌換(錢(qián))small change 零錢(qián),閑話零錢(qián),閑話o/in. 把把變成變成change ones mind 改變主意改變主意change oneself 換衣服換衣服change upchange downchange back加速加速減速減速變回變回New words and ex

4、pressionschangepricefeefare兌換的錢(qián),找回的零錢(qián)兌換的錢(qián),找回的零錢(qián)商品的價(jià)格商品的價(jià)格上學(xué),醫(yī)用的費(fèi)用上學(xué),醫(yī)用的費(fèi)用旅行時(shí)的車(chē),船等費(fèi)用旅行時(shí)的車(chē),船等費(fèi)用 詢(xún)問(wèn)價(jià)錢(qián)詢(xún)問(wèn)價(jià)錢(qián) Whats the price of.? How much is/are.?How much do/does.cost?費(fèi)用,錢(qián)費(fèi)用,錢(qián)New words and expressionsnote nt n. 紙幣紙幣 n. 紙幣 =paper money 筆記,便條,通知 v. 記錄,注意 take notes 做筆記New words and expressionspassenger ps

5、nd n. 乘客乘客 passenger plane 客機(jī)passenger traffic 客運(yùn)New words and expressionsnone nn pron. 沒(méi)有任何東西沒(méi)有任何東西none too well 一點(diǎn)也不好none so wise 不怎么聰明none of your business 不關(guān)你的事New words and expressionsneither na adv. 也不也不1)You didnt see him,and neither did I.2)If you dont go,neither do I.3)The first one was not

6、 good,neither was the second one.neither ofeither ofboth ofall ofnone of兩者都不兩者之一兩者都全都(三者或以上)全都不(三者或以上)謂語(yǔ)單復(fù)數(shù)皆可謂語(yǔ)單數(shù)謂語(yǔ)復(fù)數(shù)New words and expressions我們倆都不喜歡英語(yǔ)。我們倆都不喜歡英語(yǔ)。Neither of us likes English.Either of us likes English.Both of us like English.All of us like English.None of us like/likes English.New wo

7、rds and expressions neither nor在連接兩個(gè)主語(yǔ)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng) 詞和鄰近的主語(yǔ)在人稱(chēng)和數(shù)上保持一致。 “就近原則”。 Neither you nor he is right.(這句有兩個(gè)主語(yǔ),一個(gè)是you一個(gè)是he 由于he最近謂語(yǔ)的位置,所以謂語(yǔ)用is) New words and expressions1. Noneofthereasons was true . 2. Noneofthem have been back yet.none作主語(yǔ)指代三者或三者以上的可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)用單數(shù)也可用復(fù)數(shù),常無(wú)多大區(qū)別;但當(dāng)其意重于“每個(gè)都不”含義時(shí),謂語(yǔ)用單數(shù),當(dāng)其意重于

8、“所有都不”時(shí),謂語(yǔ)用復(fù)數(shù);但用復(fù)數(shù)較為普遍。none指代不可數(shù)名詞時(shí),謂語(yǔ)用單數(shù)。New words and expressionsget on 上車(chē)上車(chē)get off 下車(chē)下車(chē)get upget overget out get back起床起床克服克服出去出去恢復(fù)恢復(fù)get betterget lostget readyget together變好變好迷路迷路準(zhǔn)備好準(zhǔn)備好聚集,團(tuán)結(jié)聚集,團(tuán)結(jié)get a bookget a cardget a coldget a note買(mǎi)一本書(shū)買(mǎi)一本書(shū)收到賀卡收到賀卡感冒感冒留言留言New words and expressions tramp p n.

9、流浪漢流浪漢 v. 踐踏踐踏 這個(gè)流浪漢想要我們給他一些食物。This tramp wanted us to give him some food.New words and expressions except w prep. 除除外外(不包含不包含)besides 除了除了.之外之外 (包含包含) eg:Except Jim we all went to the zoo. Jim 沒(méi)有去 Besides Jim we also went to the zoo. Jim 去了beside=next to=near 在附近,在旁邊在附近,在旁邊New words and expressions

10、besides與與except更多區(qū)別更多區(qū)別 (1) besides常與othermoreelse等詞連用 except常與alleveryeveryonenonenobody everythingnothing等總括詞連用。 He had other people to take care of besides me. All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping. (2) 若句中沒(méi)有實(shí)義動(dòng)詞do的某種形式,except后接動(dòng)詞不 定式,而besides后接動(dòng)詞的-ing形式。 I had no choice

11、 except to obey/besides obeying his order. (3) 若句中有實(shí)義動(dòng)詞do的某種形式,二者后面都可以接動(dòng) 詞原形。 She has nothing to do except/besides go with him. Reviewconductor fare change note passenger none neither get off trampexcept Watch the video then answer the question:Who has got the small change?Who has got the small chan

12、ge? TextCO: Fares, please!MA: Trafalgar Square,please.CO: Im sorry, sir. I cant change a ten-pound note. Havent you got any small change?CO: CONDUCTOR MA: MAN 1P: 1st PASSENGER TO: TWO TRAMPS1P: 1st TRAMPa ten-pound note : 十英鎊的十英鎊的紙幣紙幣 復(fù)合形容詞復(fù)合形容詞 兩個(gè)或多個(gè)詞用連字符連接構(gòu)成兩個(gè)或多個(gè)詞用連字符連接構(gòu)成 只能用原形只能用原形 只用于修飾名詞(定語(yǔ))只用

13、于修飾名詞(定語(yǔ)) eg:He is a three-year-old boy. I heve a second-hand bike.Havent you got any small change?否定疑問(wèn)句,表示人驚奇不滿(mǎn)或憤怒等情緒。否定疑問(wèn)句否定疑問(wèn)句 否定詞開(kāi)頭否定詞開(kāi)頭 難道不難道不. Text no+ n. = not any+ n. no+ n. = not any+ n. ( (所有的東西全然沒(méi)有所有的東西全然沒(méi)有) Ive got no small change. Ive got no small change. = I havent got any small change

14、. = I havent got any small change. 第一句更要強(qiáng)調(diào)第一句更要強(qiáng)調(diào)“沒(méi)有任何一點(diǎn)零錢(qián)沒(méi)有任何一點(diǎn)零錢(qián)”。will 表示臨時(shí)決定表示臨時(shí)決定be going to 表示打算表示打算MA: Ive got no small change,Im afraid.CO: Ill ask some of the passengers. TextCO: Have you any small change,sir?1P: Im sorry.Ive got none.2P: I havent got any either. none 表示沒(méi)有任何人或物,代詞,此處指代不可數(shù) 名詞

15、change none也可指代可數(shù)名詞either 用在否定句中 I havent got any either. = I have got none either. TextCO: Can you change this ten-pound note,madam?3P: Im afraid I cant.4P: Neither can I. afraid adj. 害怕的 be afraid +to do sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid +(that)句子(賓語(yǔ)從句) 害怕做某事 TextCO: Im very sorry,sir. You must get off the bus

16、. None of our passengers can change this note. Theyre all millionaires! get off the bus 下車(chē)get on the bus 上車(chē)get into the car 上小汽車(chē)get out of the car 下小汽車(chē) all 所有人(三個(gè)或三個(gè)以上的人或物)They all like Paris.both 都(用在兩個(gè)人或物中)They both like Paris. TextTT: Except us.1T: Ive got some small change.2T: So have I. except

17、除了(同類(lèi))除了我每個(gè)人都去了圖書(shū)館。Everybody went to the library, except me. except for 要不是(不同類(lèi)) 要不是一些拼寫(xiě)錯(cuò)誤,你的文章還是很好的。Your essay is good except for some spelling mistakes. Now can you answer these questions?Has anyone else in the bus got any small change?Who has got the small change?Books and friends should be few b

18、ut good.讀書(shū)如交友,應(yīng)求少而精。讀書(shū)如交友,應(yīng)求少而精。ReviewCO: Fares, please!MA: Trafalgar Square,please.CO: Im sorry, sir. I cant change a ten-pound note. Havent you got any small change?MA: Ive got no small change,Im afraid.CO: Ill ask some of the passengers.CO: Have you any small change,sir?1P: Im sorry.Ive got none.

19、2P: I havent got any either.ReviewCO: Can you change this ten-pound note,madam?3P: Im afraid I cant.4P: Neither can I.CO: Im very sorry,sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this note. Theyre all millionaires!TT: Except us.1T: Ive got some small change.2T: So have I. Pleas

20、e translate 售票員:請(qǐng)買(mǎi)票! 男 子:請(qǐng)買(mǎi)一張到特拉法加廣場(chǎng)的票。 售票員:對(duì)不起,我找不開(kāi)10英鎊的鈔票。 您沒(méi)有零錢(qián)嗎? 男 子:恐怕我沒(méi)有零錢(qián)。 售票員:我來(lái)問(wèn)問(wèn)其他乘客。 售票員:先生您有零錢(qián)嗎? 乘客 1:對(duì)不起,我沒(méi)有。 乘客 2:我也沒(méi)有。Please translate 售票員:夫人,您能把這10英鎊的鈔票換開(kāi)嗎? 乘客 3:恐怕不能。 乘客 4:我也不能。 售票員:非常抱歉,先生。您必須下車(chē)。 我們的乘客中沒(méi)有人能換開(kāi)這張鈔票。 他們都是百萬(wàn)富翁! 二流浪漢:我們倆除外。 流浪漢 1:我有零錢(qián)。 流浪漢 2:我也有。Lesson 114Ive got none.N

21、ew words and expressionsHave you got any chocolate? TextI havent got any.Ive got no chocolate.Ive got none. TextI havent any either.Neither have I. TextHave you got any envelopes? TextI havent got any.Ive got no envelopes.Ive got none. TextI havent any either.Neither have I. TextHave you got any cak

22、e? TextIve got some.So have I. TextHave you got any biscuits? TextIve got some.So have I. NeithercanI.=Icant.either. 當(dāng)別人說(shuō)的一句否定的話的內(nèi)容也適用于你時(shí),就可以用 這種簡(jiǎn)略的說(shuō)法。 例句: -Idontlikethisbook. -NeitherdoI. -Ihaventgotanymoney. -NeitherhaveI. -Iamnotadoctor. -Neitherishe. 知識(shí)點(diǎn)知識(shí)點(diǎn)-Ivegotsomesmallchange.-SohaveI. 當(dāng)別人說(shuō)的一

23、句肯定的話的內(nèi)容也適用于你時(shí),就可以用這種簡(jiǎn)略的說(shuō)法。 例句:-Ilikethisbook.-SodoI.Sodoeshe.-Ihavegotsomemoney.-SohaveI.-Iamadoctor.-Soishe.知識(shí)點(diǎn)知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié):總結(jié):so和和neither引導(dǎo)的簡(jiǎn)短回答引導(dǎo)的簡(jiǎn)短回答 當(dāng)有人說(shuō)了一句肯定意義的話,其肯定內(nèi)容也適于你 或另外的人或事物時(shí),可以采用這種簡(jiǎn)略的句式。構(gòu)成:肯定句構(gòu)成:肯定句So+be/情情/助助+主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)例如:Lucyisastudent.SoamI./Soarethey./Soisherbrother.Ilikemusic.Sodoesmybrother.

24、/Sodothey.Theywenttotheparty.SodidI.Theywenttotheparty.SodidI. 知識(shí)點(diǎn)知識(shí)點(diǎn) 當(dāng)有人說(shuō)了一句否定意義的話,其否定內(nèi)容也適于你或另 外的人或事物時(shí),可以采用這種簡(jiǎn)略的句式。 構(gòu)成:否定句構(gòu)成:否定句 Neither+ be/情情/助助+主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)例如: Idontlikemusic.Neitherdoesmybrother.知識(shí)點(diǎn)知識(shí)點(diǎn) Theydidntgototheparty.NeitherdidI. 當(dāng)兩個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單句中的邏輯主語(yǔ)是一個(gè)人時(shí)則當(dāng)兩個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單句中的邏輯主語(yǔ)是一個(gè)人時(shí)則不倒裝。不倒裝。例如:Mymotheraskedmetofinishmyhomeworkbefore Iplayedfootballwithmyclassmates,soIdid. Please read Page 231.A Rewrite these sentences. 模仿例句改寫(xiě)以下句子,用no來(lái)表示否定。 Example: There isnt any milk in that bottle. There is no milk in that bottle. 1 There arent any books on that shelf. 2 I havent got any mone


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