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1、Period ThreeTaskPart Language Focus.單詞自測1.relation n.關(guān)系;親戚relate vt.把聯(lián)系起來related adj.相關(guān)的relative adj.相對的;有關(guān)系的;n.親戚;親屬2.conduct vt.實(shí)施;指揮樂隊conduction n.傳導(dǎo)conductive adj.導(dǎo)電的,能傳(熱、電)的3.majority n.多數(shù),大多數(shù)major adj.主要的;多數(shù)的; vi.主修minority n.少數(shù)民族;少數(shù),少數(shù)人minor adj.較小的;次要的4.summary n.總結(jié);概括,概要summarize vt.總結(jié);概括,

2、概要5.consideration n.仔細(xì)考慮;必須考慮的因素;體諒,顧及consider vt.思考,考慮considerate adj.體貼的;考慮周全的6.hunger n.饑餓;饑荒hungry adj.饑餓的7.tasty adj.美味的,可口的8.ordinary adj.普通的,一般的ordinarily adv.普通地,一般地9.reliable adj.可信賴的,可依靠的10.accurate adj.精確的,準(zhǔn)確的accurately adv.精確地,準(zhǔn)確地accuracy n.精確度,準(zhǔn)確性11.brief adj.短時間的,短暫的;簡潔的,簡單的briefly adv

3、.短暫地;簡短地12.actual adj.真實(shí)的,實(shí)際的actually adv.事實(shí)上,實(shí)際地13.confirm vt.& vi.證實(shí),證明;確認(rèn);使確信.短語默寫1.follow in ones footsteps效仿某人2.in summary 總的來說,概括起來3.o consideration 認(rèn)真考慮4.bring up 提出;撫養(yǎng)1.relation n.關(guān)系;親戚語境感悟(1)(教材P56)Public Relations Manager公關(guān)經(jīng)理(2)A relation/relative of mine is coming to stay.我有個親

4、戚要來此暫住。(3)I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.關(guān)于那件事,我有很多話要說。(4)I have no relation to that firm.我與那個公司沒有關(guān)系。歸納拓展(1)in/with relation to關(guān)于;涉及;與相比there is no relation between.兩者之間沒關(guān)系have relation with sb/to sth和有聯(lián)系;與有關(guān)(2)relative adj.有關(guān)系的;相對的;n.親戚;親屬即時跟蹤完成句子這兩件事之間沒有聯(lián)系。Theres no relation betwee

5、n the two things.此項目的費(fèi)用與其成果不相稱。The cost of this project has no relation to the results.Determining where we are our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.A.in contrast to B.in defense ofC.in face of D.in relation to答案D解析句意:在涉及到有關(guān)我們周圍環(huán)境時,如何定位我們自身位置仍然是生存的必備技能。in contrast to與形成對照;in

6、defense of防御;in face of面對;in relation to涉及,與有關(guān)。2.conduct vt.進(jìn)行,實(shí)施;傳導(dǎo);指揮(歌唱或音樂演奏);帶領(lǐng) n.舉止,表現(xiàn)語境感悟(1)(教材P56)I am sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens,it would show that the majority of people would not support this type of scientific research.我確信如果你在英國公民中進(jìn)行一項調(diào)查,結(jié)果會表明大多數(shù)人不會支持這種科學(xué)研究。(2)T

7、o throw further light on this problem,Lyon and Smith conducted an experiment.為了進(jìn)一步闡明這一問題,萊恩和史密斯做了一次實(shí)驗(yàn)。(3)He asked if he might conduct us to the hall which was to bring the proceeding to an end.他問是否可以帶我們?nèi)ノ钑F(xiàn)場,整個儀式將在那兒結(jié)束。歸納拓展conduct an experiment進(jìn)行實(shí)驗(yàn)conduct sb around帶領(lǐng)某人參觀conduct sb to.帶領(lǐng)某人到conduct on

8、eself well/badly.表現(xiàn)好/壞即時跟蹤寫出下列句中conduct的詞性及含義The data came from a survey conducted by the company last fall.vt.進(jìn)行The concert is conducted by John Williams.vt.指揮Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?vt.實(shí)施A guide will conduct us around the museum.vt.帶領(lǐng)A middleaged banker has been fi

9、ned $200 for violent conduct on a train.n.表現(xiàn),舉止Experiments of this kind in both the U.S.and Europe well before the Second World War.A.have conducted B.have been conductedC.had conducted D.had been conducted答案D解析主語experiments與謂語動詞conduct構(gòu)成動賓關(guān)系,謂語應(yīng)用被動語態(tài)。題干中出現(xiàn)的the Second World War是過去的時間點(diǎn),before the Sec

10、ond World War是“過去的過去”,因此用過去完成時。3.summary n.總結(jié);概括,概要語境感悟(1)(教材P56)In summary,I insist that you take the opinions of the people of the UK into consideration,and end this practice immediately.總之,我堅持要求你把英國人民的意見考慮在內(nèi),立即終止這項實(shí)踐。(2)Please write me a summary of this report.請?zhí)嫖野堰@份報告寫一份摘要。(3)To summarize/In sum

11、mary,the campaign has been a great success.總之,這次運(yùn)動是個巨大的成功。歸納拓展(1)a summary of.的摘要/概括in summary總之;總的來說(2)summarize vt.總結(jié);概括to summarize總之注意:表示“總的來說,總之”的其他短語還有:in a/one wordon the wholeall in allin short in brief in general即時跟蹤完成句子總之,我認(rèn)為他是個傻瓜。In a word/In summary/To summarize/In brief,I think he is a

12、fool.The boy is kind,hardworking and rich. ,he is good to marry.A.In advance B.In sightC.In summary D.In high spirits答案C解析in advance預(yù)先,事先;in sight看得見;in summary總之;in high spirits情緒高漲地。由句意可知選C項。4.brief adj.短時間的,短暫的;簡潔的,簡單的語境感悟(教材P57)For example,cloned animals are not very healthythey nearly always li

13、ve brief,painful lives compared with ordinary animals.例如,克隆動物身體不太健康和普通動物相比,它們幾乎都是過著短暫、痛苦的生活。歸納拓展(1)in brief簡而言之,總之to be brief簡單地說;一句話(2)briefly speaking簡而言之即時跟蹤完成句子簡言之,在這兒他不再是個陌生人了。Briefly speaking/In brief,he is no longer a stranger here.簡單地說,我們不能接受這樣苛刻的條件。To be brief,we cant accept such harsh term

14、s.5.confirm vt.& vi.證實(shí),證明;確認(rèn);使確信語境感悟(1)(教材P57)Therefore,we cannot confirm that food from cloned animals is really safe for humans to eat.因此,我們無法證實(shí)來自克隆動物的食品對于人類來說是絕對安全可食用的。(2)Please reenter your password to confirm it is correct.請再次輸入你的密碼以確認(rèn)它是正確的。 (3)His new role could confirm him as one of our l

15、eading actors.他的新角色會確保他躋身我們的一流演員之列。(4)Its confirmed that the railway will extend to our village.鐵路確定將延伸到我們村子。歸納拓展confirm that.證實(shí)confirm sb as.確保某人成為confirm sb in sth使某人確信某事It is confirmed that.確定;證明即時跟蹤完成句子已經(jīng)確定所有的人數(shù)學(xué)考試都及格了。It has been confirmed that all had passed the math exam.最近這一消息使我堅信他該受到責(zé)備。This

16、 latest information confirms me in the belief that he is to blame.Im calling to our lunch appointment.Its tomorrow at twelve oclock,right?Absolutely.A.confirm B.acknowledgeC.determine D.recognize答案A解析句意:我打電話來確認(rèn)我們的午餐約會。在明天12點(diǎn),是嗎?是的。confirm證實(shí),確認(rèn),符合句意,故選A。1.follow in ones footsteps效仿某人語境感悟(1)(教材P56).bu

17、t this does not mean that we should follow in their footsteps.但這不意味著我們要效仿他們。(2)Teachers should develop childrens interest in science step by step.老師們應(yīng)當(dāng)一步步地培養(yǎng)孩子們對科學(xué)的興趣。(3)She wishes to take steps to improve the living conditions of old farmers.她希望采取措施改善老農(nóng)民的生活條件。歸納拓展step by step逐步地take steps采取措施;采取步驟a

18、t every step每走一步mind/watch your step注意腳下;小心行事take the first step邁出第一步;開一個頭即時跟蹤完成句子生活中我們不能跟著別人的腳步走。We cant follow in others footsteps in life.我們應(yīng)該逐步豐富我們的知識,并且每走一步都要做出正確的決定。We should enrich our knowledge step by step and make right decisions at every step.政府要采取措施保護(hù)自然資源,保護(hù)森林就是要邁出的第一步。The government mus

19、t take steps to protect natural resources,and protecting forests is the first step to o consideration把考慮在內(nèi)語境感悟(1)(教材P56)In summary,I insist that you take the opinions of the people of the UK into consideration,and end this practice immediately.總之,我堅持要求你把英國人民的意見考慮在內(nèi),立即終止這項實(shí)踐。(2)In cons

20、ideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appoint you as our agent.考慮到你在這一業(yè)務(wù)范圍的豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn),我們很高興指定你為我們的代理。(3)Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.有幾個提案州議會正在討論中。(4)We must consider what to do next.我們必須考慮下一步怎么辦。歸納拓展(1)in consideration of考慮到;由于;作為對的報酬under

21、consideration在考慮中(2)consider(3)considering prep.鑒于,就而言即時跟蹤一句多譯/完成句子人們覺得他是傻瓜。People consider him (as/to be) a fool.He is considered as/to be a fool.It is considered that he is a fool.我們?nèi)栽诳紤]搬到哪里去。Were still considering where to move to.3.bring up提出;撫養(yǎng),養(yǎng)育;嘔吐語境感悟(1)(教材P57)any concerns your group brought

22、 up in Part D of Step 2在第二步的D部分里你們小組提出的需要引起關(guān)注的事情(2)We should bring in new technology.我們應(yīng)該引進(jìn)新技術(shù)。(3)The plan will bring about good results.這個計劃將會產(chǎn)生良好的效果。歸納拓展bring in引進(jìn);賺錢;領(lǐng)進(jìn)來bring about造成,引起,導(dǎo)致bring out出版;生產(chǎn);闡明bring down打倒;使落下;降低即時跟蹤完成句子你為什么要提錢這個話題?Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?政府希

23、望這些措施有助于減輕通貨膨脹。The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation.The generous donation from China to the quakestricken communities in Nepal has the Chinese peoples unselfishness and internationalism.A.brought out B.brought aboutC.taken on D.taken out答案A.單詞拼寫1.We seek to improve r

24、elations(關(guān)系) between our two countries.2.The food provides all the nutrition(營養(yǎng)) your dog needs.3.Accurate(精確的) records must be kept.4.He suffered a lot from hunger(饑餓) those days.5.Your conduct(行為) is not consistent with what you say.選詞填空in summary,follow in ones footsteps,bring up,o consid

25、eration,insist on1.I do hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration.2.It was raining hard,but he insisted on going out to swim.3.In summary,the two universities have something in common.4.The hunter followed in the bears footsteps and caught it alive.5.Dont bring up that embarrassing questi

26、on.單項填空1.When the headmaster spoke out his plan,the of the students in the class against it.A.majority;were B.most;wereC.most;did D.majority;did答案A解析句意:當(dāng)班主任說出他的計劃的時候,班里大多數(shù)學(xué)生都反對它。most的用法通常是“most of the復(fù)數(shù)名詞”或most直接加復(fù)數(shù)名詞,故排除B、C兩項;固定短語be against表示“反對”,故選A。2.The statement said five people died at the sce

27、ne in this accident,while 15 others,their teacher included,were dead by the afternoon.A.convinced B.describedC.committed D.confirmed答案D解析句意:有報告稱:5人在這場意外事故中當(dāng)場死亡,然而另外的15人,包括他們的老師,截止到下午也被確認(rèn)死亡。此處were confirmed dead意為“被確認(rèn)死亡”。3.You must take everything into when you want to do a difficult task.A.observati

28、on B.regardC.counting D.consideration答案D解析句意:當(dāng)你想完成一項困難任務(wù)的時候,你必須把一切考慮在內(nèi)。o consideration把考慮在內(nèi)。4. that she is interested in children,I am sure teaching is the right job for her.A.To consider B.ConsideringC.Considered D.To be considered答案B解析句意:考慮到她喜歡孩子,我可以肯定教師是很適合她的職業(yè)。considering鑒于,考慮到。5.I cant

29、possibly tell it ,I would like to write the whole thing in detail.A.in silence B.in surpriseC.in brief D.in turn答案C解析句意:我不可能只簡單地敘述此事,我想要把它詳細(xì)地寫下來。in brief 簡言之,符合句意。Part Writing如何寫建議信文體指導(dǎo)建議信是寫信人向收信人就某事提出的建議或忠告。建議可以是寫給個人的,也可以是寫給單位或機(jī)構(gòu)的。這類信往往是就改進(jìn)目前的不合理現(xiàn)狀提出建議或忠告。建議信要寫出提建議的原因、建議的內(nèi)容,以及如果被采納可能會出現(xiàn)的積極結(jié)果。提出理由一定

30、要合情合理,語氣委婉。建議信的寫作要簡明扼要,目的明確,具有合理性和說服力。建議信的寫作步驟:首段:表明寫作意圖。陳述事由,簡單介紹自己。主段:首先肯定對方的優(yōu)點(diǎn),然后再寫需要改進(jìn)的地方或針對具體情況提出具體建議或忠告。千萬注意語氣委婉。尾段:對提出的建議進(jìn)行總結(jié),展望建議被采納后的良好結(jié)果。常用句式1.我寫信的目的是Im writing to.2.很遺憾我聽說/我知道你在方面有困難Im sorry to hear/know that you have some difficulty/trouble/problems with sth/in doing sth3.我的建議是(1)May I s

31、uggest that you can.?(2)I wish.(3)I really hope that.(4)What/How about.?(5)My suggestions are as follows.(6)It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on.(7)If you could take what I suggest seriously,you would.(8)When it comes to such a situation,I would like to suggest that you can.4.如果你采納了我的建議,情況會

32、有所改觀的。The situation is easy to change if you follow/take my advice.5.對某人來說,做是明智的。It is advisable for sb to do.寫作任務(wù)假設(shè)你是高中生李華,有感于校園中存在的隨意涂寫和亂丟垃圾的不文明行為,請用英文給校長寫一封150詞左右的信,信中包括以下內(nèi)容:1.寫信的目的;2.對這些行為進(jìn)行批評;3.提出建議參考詞匯:隨意涂寫scribble;亂丟垃圾litter審題謀篇第一步明確要求1.時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時;2.人稱:第一、三人稱;3.寫作目的:針對現(xiàn)象,提出建議,以維護(hù)校園形象。第二步確定段落1.陳

33、述校園里的不文明行為,及其造成的后果;2.提出自己的建議;3.總結(jié)全文,表達(dá)自己的愿望。第三步詞匯熱身1.吸引的注意力draw.attention to.2.隨意涂寫和亂丟垃圾 littering and scribbling3.對有害 do harm to.4.對某人來說做某事是合適的 be appropriate for sb to do sth5.與此同時 at the same time6.鼓勵某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth7.約束自己 behave oneself8.在的共同努力下 with the joint efforts of9.在不久的將來 in t

34、he near future10.一個更宜人的地方 a more enjoyable place第四步句式升級1.我寫信的目的是請您注意我們校園的一些不文明行為:隨意涂寫和亂丟垃圾。(一般表達(dá))I am writing to let you pay attention to some improper behavior among us students on our campus:littering and scribbling.(高級表達(dá))I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among us stude

35、nts on our campus:littering and scribbling.(draw ones attention to)2.這使得我們的校園臟亂不堪,有損于我們學(xué)校的形象。(一般表達(dá))This makes our school a dirty and unpleasant place to study in and does great harm to the image of our school.(高級表達(dá))This makes our school a dirty and unpleasant place to study in,which does great harm

36、to the image of our school.(which引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句)3.一個學(xué)生亂扔垃圾,亂寫亂畫是很不合適的。(一般表達(dá))To litter and scribble about is clearly not appropriate for a student.(高級表達(dá))It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.(it做形式主語)4.同時,我們應(yīng)該鼓勵學(xué)生養(yǎng)成好習(xí)慣更好地約束自己的行為。(一般表達(dá))At the same time,we should encourag

37、e students to develop good habits and better behave themselves.(高級表達(dá))At the same time,students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.(被動語態(tài))連句成篇Dear Mr Headmaster,I am Li Hua,a student from Class 1,Senior 2.I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavi

38、or among us students on our campus:littering and scribbling,which makes our school a dirty and unpleasant place to study in and does great harm to the image of our school.I always feel ashamed whenever I see this.It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.I wonder if th

39、e school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behavior.At the same time,students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.I believe that,with the joint efforts of both teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable pla

40、ce in the near future.Thank you for your consideration.Yours faithfully,Li Hua.單項填空1.It has been that the gold coin was made five hundred years ago from the date marked on it.A.confirmed B.reportedC.consulted D.concerned答案A解析根據(jù)句意“人們從刻在金幣上的日期確認(rèn)了它是五百年前制造的”可知,應(yīng)選A項,confirm證實(shí),進(jìn)一步確定,it has been confirmed

41、that已確定。it has been reported that據(jù)報道;consult商討,查閱;concern涉及,與有關(guān)。2.The matter your fate cannot be taken for granted.A.relating to B.related toC.relate to D.to relate to答案B解析句意:與你的命運(yùn)有關(guān)的這件事,你不能不把它當(dāng)回事。過去分詞短語related to your fate在句子中作定語,修飾前面的matter;take.for granted意思是“對不重視;不把當(dāng)回事”。3. snacks and drinks,but

42、they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.A.Not only they brought B.Not only did they bringC.Not only brought they D.Not only they did bring答案B解析句意:他們不僅帶了小吃和飲料,還帶了撲克,這樣他們在樹林中野餐時可以娛樂。not only.but also.不僅而且,當(dāng)引導(dǎo)并列分句且not only位于句首時,該句使用部分倒裝語序。4.This treatment is not a

43、vailable in of hospitals.A.most B.majorityC.the most D.the majority答案D解析句意:大多數(shù)醫(yī)院不采用這種治療方法。the majority of hospitalsmost of the hospitals。5.Though his father is successful in his business,he doesnt want to in his footsteps but to set up his own business.A.follow B.queue C.clone D.absorb答案A解析句意:盡管他父親生

44、意很成功,但他不想繼承父親的事業(yè),而是開辦自己的公司。follow in ones footsteps 效仿某人。6.Safe driving is good driving because it takes the lives of other people into .A.imagination B.congratulationC.consideration D.description答案C解析imagination 想象;congratulation 恭喜;consideration 考慮;description 描繪。o consideration 認(rèn)真考慮,符合句意。

45、7.It is acknowledged that an iPhone 8, to be the most useful and fashionable,is what many teenagers are dying for.A.consider B.consideredC.considering D.to be considered答案B解析句子主語iPhone 8和動詞consider是被動關(guān)系,故選B。8.Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000,a(n)

46、of 40,000 per year.A.average B.numberC.amount D.quantity答案A解析句意:去年畢業(yè)時取得駕照的學(xué)生人數(shù)達(dá)到20萬,平均每年40 000人。an average of意為“平均”。根據(jù)題意選A。9.Karl Marx believed that religion was based on superstition,and that it would eventually .A.die from B.die ofC.die out D.die down答案C解析句意:卡爾·馬克思認(rèn)為宗教是以迷信為基礎(chǔ)的,最終會消失。die out意為

47、“逐漸消失”符合題意。10.How can we you for what you have suffered?A.make for B.make upC.make use of D.make out答案B解析句意:我們?nèi)绾窝a(bǔ)償你所遭受的損害?make up意為“彌補(bǔ)”,符合題意。.閱讀理解We dont know how different our future will be in the future.We can only try to imagine it.At first we think about human relationship.In the year 2050,we w

48、ill use computers almost every day.We will be making new friends through the Interneteven our husbands or wives will be met in this way.It will be much faster and easier for us.On the other hand,our relationships with people wont be as important as they are todaywe will feel a little lonely.Computer

49、s will also help us in many other activities in 2050.For example,they will be used by the children at school to make their learning easier.In addition,there will be much more other machines which will play a similar role as computers,like robots which will do the housework for us.Spending holidays w

50、ill also be completely different.Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.Means of transport will,of course,change,too.We will be using solarpowered cars,which will be much more environmentally friendly.We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead

51、 to a more polluted environment.But it isnt true.We will pay more attention to protecting the environment.And,scientists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases,like cancer or AIDS.Therefore,our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition.Although we cant predict the exac

52、t changes which will be made in the world,we often think about them.We worry about our and our childrens future;we have expectations,hopes as well as fears.But I think we should be rather sanguine about our future.We should be happy and believe good things will happen.1.Why will people probably feel

53、 a little lonely in 2050?A.Because the number of people will become much smaller.B.Because there will be less facetoface communication.C.Because people wont like making friends with each other.D.Because people wont communicate with each other much often.答案B解析推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段的內(nèi)容可知,在2050年,人們主要通過電腦進(jìn)行交流,而很少進(jìn)

54、行面對面的交流,人與人之間的關(guān)系也就淡薄了,因此那時的人們會感到有點(diǎn)孤獨(dú)。2.The third paragraph mainly tells us .A.that computers will do all the things for human beingsB.how people will use computers to communicate with each otherC.that machines like computers and robots will help people a lotD.how people will use robots to do the hou

55、sework答案C解析段落大意題。根據(jù)第三段的內(nèi)容可知,計算機(jī)和機(jī)器人等機(jī)器會給人類很大的幫助,故選C。3.According to the passage,which of the following will happen in 2050?A.The relationship between people will be more important than today.B.The way of spending holidays will be the same as that of today.C.It wont be difficult for people to travel to other planets.D.Our environment will be much more polluted with a growing number of cars.答案C解析推理


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