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1、感謝信開頭句式我想在此信中表達(dá)我對您由衷的感激I would like to convey(表達(dá)) in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you .我想借此機(jī)會表達(dá)我的感激I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation .我代表.,向您表達(dá)我真摯的感謝On behalf of . , I would like to extend my sincere gratitude .結(jié)尾句式 非常感激您所做的一切Many thanks for all the good things y

2、ou have done 我真誠的感激是言語所不能表達(dá)的My true gratitude is beyond the word's description.十分感激您的幫助Your help is very much appreciated道歉信開頭句式十分抱歉,我無法.Much to my regret,I am unable to 我寫此封信向您道歉,因?yàn)槲覜]能.(fail to do)I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to我很抱歉的告訴您我.Im terribly sorry to infor

3、m (告知) you that I cant. 結(jié)尾句式 您能夠接受我的道歉嗎? Will you please accept my apology?我很抱歉造成的不便。I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.我真摯地希望你能站在我的角度考慮,也接受我的道歉I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.求助信開頭句式我寫此封信想請您幫我個忙。I am writing this letter

4、 to ask you to do me a favor.    很抱歉打擾您,但我遇到了一些問題希望您能夠幫助我。Sorry to bother you, but I have encountered a problem which I hope you can help me with. 結(jié)尾句式您如果能幫我此忙,我會很感激。I would appreciate it if you could do&#

5、160;me this favor. 希望您能好心幫我 With the hope that you will be kind enough to help me.   希望沒給您帶來太多問題 I wish I hadnt put you too much trouble.  建議信開頭句式 我寫此信表達(dá)我對于.的觀點(diǎn)Im wr

6、iting to express my views on/concerning(關(guān)于)你詢問了我一些關(guān)于.的建議.,我想給你一些建議/幫助You have asked for some advice concerning,Id like to offer you some suggestions中間句式在我看來,你遵循以下建議是明智的In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions:.是可取的(desirable)It is desirable that .我認(rèn)為如果你.會比較好/有用/有益I think/believ

7、e it would be better/very helpful / beneficial if you 結(jié)尾句式我希望你覺得這個提議(proposal)有幫助。I hope you will find these proposals useful我相信你會接受我的建議。I trust you will take my suggestions into account.招聘信 開頭句式我們正在尋找一個.的申請人來填補(bǔ)該職位we are looking for a applicant who is . to fill the post中間句式申請人應(yīng)該具備The applicant is su

8、pposed to / is required to have申請人的主要責(zé)任包括The main responsibilities for the application include.結(jié)尾句式如果你對這個崗位感興趣,請用(電話號碼,郵箱地址).聯(lián)系我們。If you are interested in the post, please contact us at (2556146 or ) 不要再猶豫了,機(jī)不可失,失不再來Dont hesitate anymore, it is now or never. 申請信開頭句式 我寫此信對.做出回復(fù)I am writing in

9、response to . 我想申請刊登在.的崗位I am writing to apply for the post advertised in .自我介紹我對.有很好的掌握I have a good mastery (掌握)of / have a good command(掌握) of 我相信我有資格勝任這個職位(post)I believe that I am well qualified for the post. 結(jié)尾句式 我希望你能夠考慮我的申請(o account 考慮)I hope you would take my application into accou

10、nt. 如果你需要更進(jìn)一步了解我,請聯(lián)系我If you need to know more about me, please reach/contact me at(2024554 or 123.com) 邀請函開頭句式能夠邀請您. 是我極大的榮幸It gives me the greatest pleasure/honor to invite you to.將會有一場.,我們可否有辛邀您一起參加There will be a., may we have the honor to have you there with us中間句式將被舉辦的.是關(guān)于.的,它 .The . to be held

11、 is about ., which .將會在.開始,在.舉行,接下來是.The.will begin at (時間點(diǎn)), taking place in (地點(diǎn)) and it will be followed by(下一個活動 )結(jié)尾句式我希望您能夠來到我們的派對I do hope that you can make it to our party.我希望能在當(dāng)天見到你,請讓我悉知你的決定。I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.如果您能夠大駕光臨我將很開心I should be very pl

12、eased if you could honor me with your presence.祝賀信開頭句式恭喜你在.方面取得成功Congratulations on your success in.請允許我贈與你我由衷(heartiest)的恭喜Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations on .結(jié)尾句式希望你更上一層樓。I wish you further success 再次真摯恭喜。Sincere congratulation again. 愿你好運(yùn)。May you come into a good fortune!咨詢信開頭句式我寫此

13、封信是想問下是否您能夠提供關(guān)于.的信息I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding. 我對.感興趣,所以我想進(jìn)一步咨詢信息Im interested in . , so I want to inquire further information concerning中間句式需要解答的問題如下The questions that need to be answered are listed as follows 首先,其次,最后To begin with . 、 Fur

14、thermore、 Finally. 結(jié)尾句式感謝你及時關(guān)注此信。Thank you for your timely attention to the letter. 如果您能盡早回復(fù)我將十分感謝。I will be grateful if you could response at your earliest convenience. 投訴信 開頭句式抱歉打攪您,但恐怕我得發(fā)起鄭重投訴。I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint.我不愛投訴的,但有件事情讓我特別不爽I re

15、ally hate to complain, but one thing is really disturbing now.我寫此信希望引發(fā)您對我遇到的問題的關(guān)注Im writing to bring your attention to the problems that I have met.結(jié)尾句式我真摯希望這樣的事情不會再發(fā)生。I sincerely hope such things will never take place again. 請讓我知道您打算如何應(yīng)對此事。Please let me know what you intend to do in this matter.寫作高

16、級詞匯替換& 動作類l 碰到meetcome across/ encounter/ run into 我遇到了一些問題,希望你能夠給我一些建議。I have run into some troubles and I hope you will give some advice.l 豐富生活make life colorfulenrich life是書籍豐富了我們的生活。 It is books that enriches our lives. l 培養(yǎng)developcultivate 閱讀能夠陶冶我們的思想。Reading can cultivate our minds.l 導(dǎo)致cau

17、selead to / result in/ trigger 這種現(xiàn)象引起了大家的好奇。Phenomenon like this has triggered everyones curiosity.l 盡力做try ones best tospare no effort to我將盡我所能協(xié)助會議的舉辦。I will spare no effort to assist the meeting. l 獲取getacquire / obtain / have access to目前,大多數(shù)人都能夠獲得網(wǎng)絡(luò)信息。 Nowadays, most of people can have access to

18、Internet information. l 給,提供giveoffer 這是你們給我的最好的禮物。 This is the best gift you have offered me. l 參加join intake part in / participate in / be involved in我寫此封信申請參加你們的活動。 l I am writing this letter to apply for participating in your activity. l 想要做want to do would like to do / long to do(渴望)我想要邀請你來我校參觀

19、。 I would like to invite you to pay a visit to our school. l 喜歡likebe keen on / be fond of我十分喜歡體育,這就是為什么我想?yún)⒓幽愕纳鐖F(tuán)。I am fond of sports, which is why I long to take part in your society. l 對感興趣be interested inhave enthusiasm in / have passion in我對文學(xué)很感興趣,希望能成為你們的一員。 I have a strong passion for literatur

20、e and I hope that I can be a part of you.l 鼓勵encourageinspire / motivate他的行動鼓舞了我為他人服務(wù)。His actions inspired me to serve others. l 考慮think about consider / take sth. into account / take sth. into consideration我希望您能夠考慮我的申請。 I hope you can take my application into account. l 應(yīng)當(dāng) 必須should be supposed to/

21、be expected to 一個學(xué)生所應(yīng)該做的事情就是好好學(xué)習(xí)而已嗎?Is study the only thing a study is expected to do? l 需要,要求needrequire / call for / be in need of社會的發(fā)展需要你這樣的人才。 The development of society calls for a talent like you. l 決定decide:make up ones mind / be determined to我們已經(jīng)決定不再荒廢時間了。We have made up our mind not to wast

22、e time anymore.l 利用useadopt / make the best use of / take full advantage of通過合理利用時間,我們完成了任務(wù)。 We accomplish the task by making the best use of time. l 記住rememberkeep in mind / bear in mind我們應(yīng)該時刻謹(jǐn)記老師的教誨。 We are supposed to bear teachers instructions in mindl 擅長 be good at be proficient in doing /have

23、a good mastery of sth. /have a good command of sth. 我擅長與人交流。 I have a good mastery of social skills. l 贊揚(yáng)praisespeak highly of在場的人都贊揚(yáng)他的勇敢。 People present all spoke highly of his bravery. l 聽說hear thatlearn that/ be informed that我聽說你們正在舉辦一個投票活動。 I was informed that you are holding a voting activity.

24、l 感謝 thankappreciate/ be grateful to / extend gratitude to 我想要寫此信感謝您的關(guān)照。I am writing to extend my gratitude to your care. l 即將到來 is coming soonis around the corner 每年一度的運(yùn)動會即將到來。l 意識到 realize that it occurs to sb that/ it dawns on sb that 我意識到這個機(jī)會是十分難得的。 It dawns on me that it is a very rare opportun

25、ity.l 幫助 helpdo sb a / the favor 如果你能夠幫我這個忙,我感激不盡。I will appreciate it if you could do me this favor. l 有助于 will help to contribute to 這個活動有助于大家提高環(huán)保意識。 The activity will contribute to arouse peoples environmental awareness. l 拜訪 visitpay a visit to / pay sb a visit我希望能在完成比賽后來你那里拜訪。 I hope to pay you

26、 a visit after the competition. l 表達(dá)expressconvey / extend我想在此封信中表達(dá)我由衷的感謝。 I want to convey in this letter my heartfelt appreciation.l 不知道. dont knowhave no idea 我不知道這樣的行為是否應(yīng)該贊同。I have no idea whether the behavior worth approving. l 產(chǎn)生巨大的影響 have great influence onmake a big difference to/ exert a si

27、gnificant impact on我們的小小的善舉對他們會產(chǎn)生巨大影響。Our small acts of kindness will make a great difference to them. l 沒能做到 unable to do fail to 我很抱歉沒能來到現(xiàn)場。I am sorry that I failed to arrive at the scene. l 贊同 supportbe in favor of 我支持他們的做法。I am in favor of their way of doing things. l 使能夠 make sb enable sb. to d

28、o/ allow sb. to do 這個活動是我能夠更好地理解父母的不易。 The activity allowed me to better understand the hardship of parents.& 修飾類l 大量,許多manynumerous / a considerable number of 在山區(qū)還有很孩子人不能夠得到書籍。There are considerable number of children who have no access to books. l 越來越多more and morean increasing number of / in

29、ever increasing number越來越多人開始理解了環(huán)保的意義。People in ever increasing number are getting to understand the meaning of environmental protection. l 大部分most of:a majority of大部分同學(xué)都不贊同這樣的看法。A majority of the classmates object to this opinion. l 很好的goodexcellent / fantastic / perfect我們過著很好的生活,而他們卻不是。We are livi

30、ng a fantastic life while they arent. l 糟糕的badterrible / awful / unsatisfactory我感覺非常糟糕,不知道該怎么辦。I am feeling terrible, and have no idea what to do. l 辛苦的,艱苦的hardtough/painstaking 我知道這份工作很辛苦,但我不會放棄。I know the job will be painstaking, but I am not going to quit.l 非常,十分veryawfully / terribly真的十分抱歉我沒能赴約。

31、I am awfully sorry that I can make it to the appointment.l 明顯的,清晰的clearobvious / apparent顯然,他沒有做到他該做的。 It is apparent that he failed to do what he is expected to do. l 重要的important significant / vital 這對我來說是一個重要的決定。It is a significant decision for me.l 僅僅onlymerely / nothing but我們給予的幫助不僅僅是金錢方面的。The

32、help we offer is not merely money.l 決不never by no means / under no circumstances 我絕不在朋友需要我的時候背棄他們。 Under no circumstances will I turn my back on my friends when they are in need. l 開心的happyglad/delighted您能夠參加我們的活動,我們非常開心。We are delighted that you presented our activity. l 累的 be tired be tired out /b

33、e exhausted / be worn out有這么多的任務(wù)讓我十分累。 I was worn out with so many tasks.l 合適的suitableproper / appropriate有了合適的方法你才能夠高效學(xué)習(xí)。Only with a proper approach can you study efficiently. l 有益的beneficialrewarding我覺得這個活動很值得也非常有益處。I found this activity was worthwhile and rewarding.l 明智的wise advisable / sensible你

34、這樣的做法是不明智的。 It is not sensible that you did it that way. l 美麗的beautiful charming/ fascinating 我們的學(xué)校是一個很美的地方,在這里你可以順便游覽一番。Our school is a fascinating place, where you can do some sightseeing.l is very important/helpful/ useful. be of great importance/help/use你給的建議非常有用,我會采納的。Your advice is of great us

35、e, which I will adopt. & 連接類l 關(guān)于aboutconcerning / with regard to 你提出的關(guān)于校園衛(wèi)生的問題我們會調(diào)查的。We will look into the problems you brought up concerning the school sanitation.l 相反地 insteadin contrast / on the contrary他們沒有足夠的食物,而相反地,我們卻在浪費(fèi)糧食。They have no enough food, on the contrary, we are wasting food. l

36、眾所周知as we all know:it is commonly believed / it is generally held / it is universally acknowledged that眾所周知,奧林匹克運(yùn)動會是一個難得的世界性大事。It is universally acknowledged that the Olympics are major world events. l 坦白說,老實(shí)講to be honestto be frank / frankly speaking坦白說, 我并不贊同你的想法。Frankly speaking, I am not in favo

37、r of your idea. l 在我看來,我認(rèn)為I thinkin my opinion/as far as I am concerned / from my point of view / from my perspective在我看來,這個講座時非常有必要的。From my perspective, the lecture is very necessary. l 比如說 for examplefor instance比方說,很多學(xué)生回到家里什么都不干。Many students, for instance, go home without doing anything.l 一方面,另

38、一方面For one thing. For another. / On one hand. On the other hand.l 因果邏輯關(guān)系詞because: as / since / forbecause of: due to / owing to / on account ofso: thus / therefore/ in view of thisl 序列邏輯關(guān)系詞firstly: first of all / to begin with / to start withsecondly: moreover / in addition / furthermorelastly: fina

39、lly / last but not leastl 總結(jié)邏輯關(guān)系詞in a word: all in all / to sum up / in brief / in summaryl 通常usually more often than not 假如你考試沒通過,通常是由于你的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣問題。 If you fail an exam, it is more often than not due to your study habit.當(dāng).的時候 when sb is doing sth.upon ones sth/ doing sth. 在考試來臨時,我都會很緊張以至于頭發(fā)昏。Upon exams

40、 coming, I will be so nervous that I will feel dizzy. l 與此同時 at the same time meanwhile/ in the meantime 與此同時,你還應(yīng)該注重身體鍛煉。Meanwhile, you should pay attention to physical exercise. l 有時候 sometimes occasionally/ once in a while 有時候,想起你的教導(dǎo),我就打起精神了。Once in a while, I remember your instruction and cheer u

41、p. l 幾天前 a few days ago the other day 前幾天,我從辦公室得知了這個消息。The other day, I learned the news from the office.l 在.期間 duringin the course of . 在這個訓(xùn)練過程中我們應(yīng)該關(guān)注自己的成長。 We should focus on our growth in the course of training.& 名詞類l 能力abilitycapacityl 困難difficultyobstacle常用句法提升& 被動句 漢語偏好人稱作主語,而英語則偏好物作主語

42、,因此英文里會有較多的被動語態(tài)。我們在交流中增強(qiáng)友誼。 中國人翻譯傾向:We strengthen our friendship through communication.英語翻譯傾向: Through communication, our friendship is strengthened. 練習(xí)必須承認(rèn),這種想法不利于我們的發(fā)展。It must be admitted that this idea goes against our development.當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)錯誤時就要改正。Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.It must

43、 be admitted that.必須承認(rèn) It is imagined that.人們認(rèn)為 It can not be denied that.不可否認(rèn) It will be seen from this that.由此可知 It should be realized that.必須認(rèn)識到 It is (always) stressed that.人們(總是)強(qiáng)調(diào) & 雙重否定結(jié)構(gòu)雙重否定表肯定,但其比普通的肯定語氣更強(qiáng)烈,感情更深刻例:好心情能讓我們更高效地做成很多事情。在中國,祖父母為孩子背書包是很常見的。 It is common to see grand parents c

44、arry schoolbag for their grand children.It is not uncommon to see grand parents carry schoolbag for their grand children.盡管這個課題難度很大,大家?guī)缀醵纪瓿闪恕?Hard thought the subject is, few failed to accomplish.& 插入語插入語通常應(yīng)置于句子的主語和謂語之間, 或者謂語和賓語之間。兩邊用逗號隔開。常見的插入語有:however, indeed, actually, especially, undoubtedl

45、y, luckily, thus, finally, in a word, generally speaking, to my surprise, in my opinion, I think, I believe, what is more, to tell the truth等。說實(shí)話, 我并不贊成上太多補(bǔ)習(xí)課。To tell the truth, I do not approve of attending too many extra classes.I, to tell the truth, do not approve of attending too many extra clas

46、ses.但壓力并不像人們通常認(rèn)為的那樣是件壞事。Stress, however, isnt the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. 無疑,大學(xué)是一個我們獲得知識的地方。university, undoubtedly, is a place where one can gain knowledge. 常用成語諺語& 成語類坐失良機(jī)(miss the good/golden chance/ opportunity)一無所有(be absolutely ignorant of)旗鼓相當(dāng)(be equal to)司空見慣(accustomed

47、to seeing such a thing)無懈可擊(invulnerable)引人入勝(attractive)愛不釋手(love sth. So much that one can hardly hear to put it down/part with it/ let go of it)欣喜若狂(go wild with joy)鼎力相助(make the greatest effort/ do ones best/ try every possible means to help)一事無成(achieve nothing)三言兩語(in a few words)固執(zhí)己見(stick t

48、o ones opinion)刮目相看(look at sb. with new eyes)置之不理(turn a deaf ear to)不由自主(cant help)出人意料(beyond all expectations)合情合理(fair and sensible)日新月異(change with each passing day)如出一轍(be exactly the same as)同甘共苦(share happiness and sorrows/hardships)興高采烈(be in high spirits)因人而異(vary from person to person)自始至終(from beginning to end)反之亦然(vice versa)生機(jī)勃勃精力充沛(with vigor)全心全意(heart and soul)毫無怨言(without complaints)半途而廢(give up halfway)志同道合(have a common goal/similar ideals and beliefs)入鄉(xiāng)隨俗(do as the Romans do.)時不我待(time and tide wait for no man)光陰似箭(times flies.)& 俗


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