



1、Section C Using Language ( I )課后篇素養(yǎng)升華基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練I .單詞拼寫1 .A strange idea occurred to him when he was(閑逛)in the street.答案 wandering1.1 remember you showed me some photos on that(主題)every time you visited our school. 答案theme3 .The main square has a(噴泉)that spouts water 40 feet into the air.答案 fountain4 .Whil

2、e you are(騎自行車 )in the street,don' t forget to look at the traffic light.答案cycling5 .Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour(路線)make cycling fun and relaxing.答案route6 .What first attracted me to her was her(難以置信的 )experience of life.答案 incredibleH .完成句子1.In order to see the places of interest in the

3、 city,he decided to(租一 輛自行車).答案 rent a cycle/bike2.If friends can(輪流傾聽 )to each other well,life will be much better.答案 take turns listening1.1 (碰巧知道)the way to the post office,so I showed the man theway.答案 happened to know4 .Cookies shaped like different kinds of animals(吸弓 I) small children.答案 appe

4、al to5 .People saw Carnival as a last chance to(玩得愉快 )at the end of the winterseason.答案 have fun6.I was so(熟悉)him that I recognized his voice the instant I picked up thephone.答案 familiar withm .翻譯句子1 .你能告訴我去地鐵站的路嗎?答案 Can you tell me the way to the subway station?2 .那個噴泉在村莊東面大約500米的地方。答案 The fountain

5、 is about 500 meters east of the village.3 .一直向前走,直到你看到有一座橋。答案 Go straight ahead until you see a bridge.4 .自然博物館就在公園的東邊。答案 The Natural Museum is on the east side of the park.5 .當你看到火車站的時候,你就在郵局附近了。答案 When you see the railway station,you are close to the post office.能力提升IV .完形填空This morning at the lo

6、cal gas station,I experienced a random act of kindness.I went to get gas for my lawn mower(害U草機).Only1 a little,I prepaid $1.50.However,when Igot back to the pump,I saw the 2 shot up to $2.13,and my gas can almost overflowed.Figuring it was just a mistake,I went back to pay for the extra.However,the

7、 cashier said a woman put 2 extra dollars on my pump. 3 ,I asked if she was still there so I could 4 it back to her,but the cashier said she had already 5 .So I got the rest of the change and told the cashier that I would “ 6 it forward " and give those $2 to 7 else.This simple event made me th

8、ink about the concept of practicing Random Acts of Kindness " or Paying It Forward . "I realized this idea of 8 others and doing it anonymously(匿名)can 9 our world in both small and huge ways.If more people practiced this concept 10 :the change would be astonishing.As a 4th grade teacher,I

9、told my students this story and challenge them to do a good deed and not get 11.However,a student commented that if we really wanted to help a 12 person in a nursing home,we should visit them and get to know them.13 with the idea,the students asked if we could try this as a 14 .We actually found an

10、organization that helps 15 students with seniors who need companionship(陪伴).Now we are moving forward to carry out this idea,thanks to the kind student taking this story in a new and powerful direction.【語篇解讀】 本文講述了作者在加油站的一次經(jīng)歷。他從心里感受到了Random Acts ofKindness”這種行為對個人和社會的影響,也借機鼓勵他的學生們?nèi)プ龊檬隆.A.havingB.ne

11、edingC.gettingD.booking答案|b畫根據(jù)a little及$1.50可以推斷,作者只需要一點汽油。2 .A.totalB.priceC.billD.charge答案A畫根據(jù)$2.13可知,油表上顯示已經(jīng)加了$2.13的汽油。3 .A.Surprised B.ExcitedC.SatisfiedD.Embarrassed答案A面不認識的人給自己繳加油費,作者肯定會感到驚訝。4.A.returnB.keepC.giveD.call答案c附析|作者打算把2美兀還給那位陌生的女士,give back歸還。5.A.foundB.forgotC.refusedD.left答案D解析根據(jù)

12、后句口知,作者沒能把錢還回去,由此推斷陌生女士已經(jīng)離開。6.A.driveB.pay答案B解析根據(jù)卜文中的C.see7.A.anyoneD.bringPaying It Forward可知,作者把兩美元留給了下一位來加油站的人。B.everyoneC.someoneD.one答案C,把兩美元留給懈析|作者接受的是 Random Acts of Kindness,所以他也要把這種善意的行為傳遞下去 其他的人。8.A.understandingB.respectingC.appreciatingD.helping答案D解析作者接受了別人的幫助,而且在下文作者鼓勵學生們?nèi)椭鷦e人。9.A.disco

13、verB.createC.changeD.explore答案C10.A.normallyB.regularly而這種行為會感染人們,帶動人們做好事,從而改變世界,讓世界更美好。C.speciallyD.logically答案|b畫如果人們經(jīng)常把這種想法、理念付諸行動,就可以給世界帶來驚人的變化。11 .A.paid backB.involved inC.focused onD.found out答案|d畫根據(jù)上文anonymously及下文學生的評論可知,作者建議孩子們做好事而不要被發(fā)現(xiàn)。12 .A.disabledB.lonelyC.selflessD.tiredHKb解析根據(jù)下文senio

14、rs who need companionship可知,孩子提到的是在養(yǎng)老院里面孤獨的人。13 .A.FilledB.ImpressedC.AssociatedD.Concerned答案|b 解析孩子們對這個建議都很感興趣,認為不錯,be impressed with對印象深刻。14 .A.universeB.expertC.lessonD.class答案d畫作者組織孩子們一起去療養(yǎng)院,所以孩子們想以班級的形式去做好事。15 .A.matchB.assistC.exchangeD.compare答案A解析|作者把孩子們分配到每位需要陪伴的老人身邊,match A with B把A和B搭配起來。

15、V .語法填空There are many great destinations in the UK,one of 1. is the South-West of England.Themost popular regions surrounding the South-West 2. (be) the counties of Devon andCornwall.They are by the coast and known for having some of 3. sunniest weather in the UK.In the heart of the South-West,Dartm

16、oor National Park 4. (vote )the UK ' s favourite in 2016.There are plenty of breathtaking walks to choose from which will lead you 5. (discover) Dartmoor' s ancient and rugged(崎嶇的)charm!In the South-West you will find plenty of attractive and often deserted 6. (beach).Some examples include W

17、hites and Bay in Cornwall and Woolacombe beach in Devon.If you don ' t mind the 7.(slight) cooler temperatures than other beach destinations in Europe,you are in for areal treat!Apart from 8.(surround)by beautiful nature,the South-West is full of urban gems ( 精 華).The city of Exeter in Devon has

18、 great centers,as well as lots of cafes 9. pubs.Cornwall has its own treasures too-pretty villages and towns such as St Ives and Mousehole line the coastline,and make for the perfect locations to spend those 10.(relax) summer afternoons!答案與解析【語篇解讀】 本文是說明文。文章主要介紹了英國西南部的著名景點。1 .which考查定語從句。本句為非限定性定語從句

19、 ,句中缺少賓語,指物,故用which。2 .are 考查主謂一致和時態(tài)。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,本句主語是the most popular regions,故謂語動詞需要用復(fù)數(shù)形式。結(jié)合全文所使用的時態(tài)可知,這里同樣需要用一般現(xiàn)在時對英國西南部的景區(qū)進行客觀介紹。3 .the考查冠詞。根據(jù)后面的sunniest可知,此處是形容詞的最高級,故用定冠詞the。4 .was voted 考查時態(tài)和語態(tài)。特穆爾國家公園位于英國西南部的心臟地帶,2016年被評為英國最受歡迎的公園。根據(jù)句中的時間狀語in 2016可知,此處用一般過去時,由于主語Dartmoor NationalPark和謂語動詞vote之間

20、為被動關(guān)系,故用一般過去時的被動語態(tài)。5 .to discover 考查非謂語動詞。lead sb to do sth意為 促使某人做某事”,這需要與lead to doing這一 結(jié)構(gòu)區(qū)分開來。6 .beaches考查名詞。beach為可數(shù)名詞,由于其前面沒有出現(xiàn)表示單數(shù)概念的冠詞或數(shù)詞,故此處需要用復(fù)數(shù)形式。7 .slightly考查副詞。此處需要用形容詞slight的副詞形式slightly修飾形容詞cooler。8 .being surrounded 考查非謂語動詞。from為介詞,其后需要跟動詞-ing形式作賓語,由于主語the South-West與動詞surround之間構(gòu)成被動

21、關(guān)系,故用being surrounded形式,根據(jù)空后的介詞 by亦可 知答案。9 .and考查連詞。此處的 cafes和pubs之間為并列關(guān)系,表示有很多的咖啡店和酒吧”,故用and。 10.relaxing 考查形容詞。summer afternoons為名詞短語,需要用形容詞修飾,由于表示 物“,故用動 詞-ing形式的形容詞。VI .概要寫作閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容寫一篇 60詞左右的內(nèi)容概要。There have been big changes in the attitudes of most parents over the last few years.Physical pu

22、nishment is banned in schools in most countries,and in many countries,there are moves to ban all physical punishment of children even at home.However,many parents still believe that they have the right to use some physical punishments to deal with certain misbehavior at certain ages.It' s easy t

23、o find reasons to allow some physical punishments.One issue is that many parents find it very difficult to abandon physical punishment completely.Parents argue that this was the way they were brought up and that it didn ' t do any harm to them.They believe that for the child ' s sake they ha

24、ve the right to discipline the child in any way they consider fit,including using some physical punishments.The other one is that physical punishment can be quick and effective.There is not much point reasoning with a screaming child in the supermarket.However,there are two major reasons why we shou

25、ld stop using physical punishment.One point is that most parents are not trained to deal with misbehaving children.They don ' t have enough resources or choices to handle the situation.As a result,they immediately react by hitting the child even if there are other solutions to the problem.Another point is that unless people are challenged or forced to change their belief,they may keep following negative habits.An example is seat belt use now most people wear seat belts without thinking,while years ago the idea


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