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1、2011 年廣東高考英語聽說考試題型分析及備考策略Part B Role Play 角色扮演一、示例In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks : listen to the speaker ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions情景提示:角色:你是電視訪談節(jié)目的現(xiàn)場觀眾。任務:(1)在現(xiàn)場參與節(jié)目并向嘉賓提問;(2)就所得信息回答你朋友的提問。生詞:deadline 完成期限1 Now please I

2、isten to the speaker (音頻呈現(xiàn))M : Hi , Miss Rowling , how old were you when you started to write?And what was your first book?W: I wrote my first finished story when I was about six It was about a small animal, a rabbit, I mean And I ve been writing ever sinc eM : Why did you choose to be an author?W:

3、If someone asked me how to achieve happiness step one would be finding out what you love doing most Step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing M : Do you have any plans to write books for adults?W: My first two

4、novels which I never tried to get published were for adults I suppose I might write another one But I never really i magine what kind of readers to aim at when I The m writingideas come first So it really depends on the ideas that come to my mind M : Now , could you answer a few questions from the a

5、udience?W: I d love to Please2 Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinesetips (準備時間為每題5 秒鐘,提問時間10 秒鐘 )1) Please get ready to ask the first question in English 中文呈現(xiàn):你寫一本書要花多長時間?學生提問:(How long does it take you to write a book?)錄音回答:Mylastbook the chirdintheHa

6、rry series took about a year to write , which iSpretty fast for me If I manage to finish the fourth Harry book by the summer, which iS my deadline it will be my fastest yet about eight months 2) Please get ready to ask the second question in English中文呈現(xiàn):哈利波特這本書的構(gòu)思從哪里來?學生提問:(Where did the ideas for t

7、he book Harry Potter come from?)錄音回答:I ve no ideas where the ideas came fro m And I hope I 11 never find oFuot rme,finding this out means spoiling my excitement 3) Please get ready to ask the following question in English 中文呈現(xiàn):你是如何給你書中的人物取名的?學生提問:(How did you come up with the names ofthe characters

8、ofyour book?)錄音回答:I invented some of them But I also collected strange names I ve got names fromancient people, maps, dictionaries plants and people I met3 Please get ready to answer five questions in English (準備時間為每題5 秒鐘,答題時間10 秒鐘 )1) Please get ready to answer the first question 錄音問:What was Miss

9、Rowling s first book about?學生答:(It was about a small animal , a rabbit )2) Please get ready to answer the second question錄音問:According to Miss Rowling , what would be step one to achieve happiness?學生答:(It would be finding out what you love doing most )3) Please get ready to answer the third question

10、 錄音問:How long did it take Miss Rowling to write the third book in the Harry series?學生答:(It took her about a year to write it )4) Please get ready to answer the fourth question 錄音問:Miss Rowling doesn t know where her ideas for the book canle from exa, ctldyoesshe?學生答:(No, she doesn t )5) Please get r

11、eady to answer the fifth question 錄音問:Besides ancient people and maps, where else has Miss Rowling got names for thecharacters in her book?學生答:(She has also got names from dictionaries , plants and people she met )二、考試目標角色扮演部分的話題范圍一般界定在廣東省普通高考英語科考試說明附錄5 話題項目表以內(nèi),貼近學生的實際生活,即涉及到個人情況、周圍環(huán)境、日?;顒印W校生活、興趣和愛

12、好等的方面的內(nèi)容語言材料大部分以對話形式出現(xiàn),但也可能是獨白,題目中有簡短的情景提示。語言材料長度一般在280 個單詞左右(包括提問部分的人機對話內(nèi)容)。(一 ) 應試目標:新課標及高考大綱對該題型相應的考察目標主要有以下幾點:1 能聽懂有關熟悉話題的討論和談話并記住要點;2能抓住簡單語段中的觀點;3能在日常人際交往中有效地使用語言進行表達,如發(fā)表意見、進行判斷、責備、投訴等;4詢問或傳遞事實性信息,表達意思和想法;5根據(jù)語音辨別和書寫不太熟悉的單詞或簡單語句。(二 ) 能力目標:具體而言,同學們應培養(yǎng):1 宏觀了解長段話語,建立語境的能力;2 聽懂重要細節(jié)的能力(人物、 事物、 行為、 時間

13、、 對象、 數(shù)字等信息以及信息之間的聯(lián)系); 3 口頭索取信息的能力;4正確理解問題的能力;5口頭傳達信息的能力;6一定的要點記憶能力。三、備考策略本題信息來源于考生所觀看的有聲錄像及電腦對三個問題的回答。同學們要重點記錄這兩部分的重要信息。(一 ) 提問部分備考策略:提問部分側(cè)重考查正確使用語言的能力。提問時,要注意確定用一般疑問句還是特殊疑問句,注意正確使用疑問詞。例 l :住學校宿舍是否較便宜?Is it cheaper to live in the school dormitory?例 2:天氣如何?What is the weather like?例 3:如何從學校到機場?How c

14、an we get to the airport from the school?例 4:最近的地鐵站在哪里?Where is the nearest underground station from here?(二 ) 回答部分備考策略:回答部分側(cè)重考查正確傳達信息的能力?;卮饡r,要符合實際交際,問什么,答什么,不必多答,更不能答非所問。注意:可以簡略回答!例 l : How long does a letter take to reach Japan?About ten days 例2: What are they talking about? Environmental problems

15、 (三 ) 注意事項:1 利用視頻信息幫助理解;2練習用最簡潔的符號記錄信息,例如字母、箭頭、筆劃、漢字、圖形等;3準備提問時,可簡單寫下問句,特別是疑問詞使得真正錄音時能比較順暢;4第一輪提問后聽回答時,作簡單筆記,記錄必要的信息點,如:數(shù)量、時間等;5第二輪回答時,判斷問題所涉及的信息點,根據(jù)所記,做出恰當回答。四、強化訓練題(請使用配套光盤題型訓練部分)In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks : listen to the speaker, ask the speaker thr

16、ee questions and then answer five questions情景提示角色:你是Susan。任務:(1)你和朋友Jim 談論他最近的旅行;(2)向你的其他朋友介紹你了解的信息。1. Now please listen to the speaker.2. Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinesetips.(準備時間為每題 5秒鐘,提問時間10秒鐘)1) Please get ready to ask the first question in

17、English .學生問:你參觀了什么地方?2) Please get ready to ask the second question in English.學生問:有什么收獲?3) Please get ready to ask the third question in English .學生問:你準備把你的收獲寫進新書嗎?3. PJease get ready to answer five questions in English.(準備時間為每題5秒鐘,答題時間10秒鐘)1) Please get ready to answer the first question .學生答:2)

18、Please get ready to answer the second question.學生答:3) Please get ready to answer the third question .學生答:4) Please get ready to answer the fourth question .學生答:5) Please get ready to answer the fiml question .學生答:Part C Retelling the Story 復述故事一、示例你將聽到一段故事,故事播兩遍。聽完故事后用自己的話復述故事。(注意不要背誦故事)1 Listen to

19、the story (音頻呈現(xiàn)兩次)A long time ago , there was a huge apple tree A little boy loved to come and play around it every day He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him Time went by The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree0ne day, the boy came back to the tree and loo

20、ked sad “ Come and play with me, ” the tree asked the boy“ I am no longer a kid I don t playoaurnd trees arymore ” the boy replied “ I want toys I need money to buy them . ”" Sorry but I don ' t have money but you can pick all my apples and sellthem ” The boy was so excited He picked all th

21、e apples on the tree and left happily One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited But the boy said what he needed was a house for his family So the tree offered a11 his branches to him to build a house One hot summer day the boy returned again,saying he needed a boat to go sailing This tim

22、e, he took the trunk of the tree away Finally , years later the boy retumed, old and tired “ Sorry, my boy But I don t have anything for you anymore , ” the tree said with tears “ I just need place to rest ” the boy replied “ Good! Old tree roots are the best place to rest Come and sit down with me

23、” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.2 Now retell the story (準備時間10 秒鐘,復述時間120 秒鐘 )(A long time ago , there was a big apple tree and a boy They loved to play with each other But when the boy grew up,he didn t play with the tree anym oreOne day, the boy came back to the tree

24、 But he said what he needed was some money to buy toys The tree loved the boy so much that he had the boy pick all his apples to sell for money The boy didn t return until hedneed a house for his family The devoted tree had him take away a11 his branches to build that house The third time the boy re

25、turned , asking for a boat, the tree had him take away his trunk Finally , when theboy became old and tired , he came back for a place to rest The tree offered the only thing left to him the roots for the boy to sit , and smiled with tears be cause the boy could finally stay with him )二、考試目標本題型的故事體裁一般為敘事和簡單的夾敘夾議文章,長度在250


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