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1、2013年深圳英語中考沖刺題(三)I .選擇題(20 分)i 詞語釋義(共 5 小題,每小題 1 分)()1. Jack failed the drivi ng test last Sun day.A. fini shed B. took C. enjoyed D. did nt pass()2. This kind of flower is very rare in my hometown.A. unu sual B. cheap C. com mon D. beautiful()3. The doctor advised Lynn to eat more meat and do more

2、exercise to keep fit. _A. keep quiet B. become fat C. turn back D. stay healthy()4. When I noticed the error, I tried to change it.A. stared B. found C. created D. faced()5. - I think this kind of work is too difficult for you. - But I have made it.A. madeit quickly B. madeit easy C. done it success

3、fully D. thought it overii .選擇填空(共 15 小題,每小題 1 分)從下面每小題的 A B、C D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。()6. - Mom, Ive got_ A in my En glish test.- Oh, dear, you really give me_ big surprise.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; theD. a; a()7.How do you go to school, Tony? I usually go to school _bike, but sometimes I go to school _foot.

4、A. with; on B. on; by C. on; withD. by; on()8. -This word is very difficult, is nt it?-Yes._I_David knows how to spell the word.A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Neither; nor()9.Gary, you_ play with the knife. You_ hurt yourself.OK, I wo nt.A. wont; canB. should nt; must C. must nt

5、; may D.must nt; should()10. - Tim n ever does his homework_ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes._. He should make some cha nges.A. as carefully as; So does he B. as carefully as; So he doesC. as careful as; So does he D. as careful as; So he does()11.How many stude nts are there in your school?Its abou

6、t eight hun dred._of them are boys.A. Two thirds B.Two third C. Seco nd thirds D. Seco nd three()12. - _ are you late?-Mybike broke down. I had it _.A. Why; repaired B.What; repaired C. Why; repair D.What;repair()13. - Hi, boys. Youd better_ food to the mo nkeys.- Sorry,we wont do it_ .A. throw; aga

7、 inB. throw; still C. not throw; aga in D. notthrow; still()14. -_beautiful city! -Yes. _ tourists come to visitit every year.A.How; Lots of B.How; Few C. What a; Lots of D. What a; Few()15. - I thi,nk En glish is_ tha n scie nee.-Sorry, I cant_ you. I think they are both importa nt.A. more importa

8、nt; do with B. the most importa nt; do withC. more importa nt; agree with D. the most importa nt; agree with()16. Let mehelp you carry the box, Granny. Its very nice _you_ me.A. of; to help B. for; to help C. of; helpi ng D. for;helpi ng()17. - Good n ews! We will have a_ holiday.-rve heard of it. B

9、ut its coming in_.A. five days; five days B. five days; five daysC. five-day; five days D. five days; five-day()18.Its sunny today. Lets go mountain climb ing,_ ?A. shall we; Good idea B. shall we; It does nt matterC. wont you; Good idea D. wont you; It does nt matter()19. - Could you tell me_Shen z

10、he n? - Last night.A. whe n you reached B. whe n did you reach C.how you came to D. how didyou come to()20. - I will fly to Shan ghai on bus in ess n ext Friday. -_ !A. You are welcome B. Its very nice of you C. Take it easy D. Have a nice tripn.完形填空(10 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的A、B C、D 四個選項中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項。(

11、共 10 小題,每小題 1 分)The famous Chinese dramaTea Housewill soon return to the Chinese stage. It will be show n inShen zhe n, Wuha n and Chongqing. The drama is based on the_ 21_bywell-k nown writer Laoshe. The great novel has already had a large in flue neein some_22_ coun tries.Tea Housewas first_ 23_on

12、 stage in the Beiji ng Peoples Art Theatre morethan half a century ago. Its a social andcultural commentary ( 注釋)_24_ theproblems and changes in China during the early twentieth century.It was also the first Chin ese drama to tour outside of the_25_ .The drama will be show n only in theatres. These

13、theatres are_26_by ChinaPoly Group. It is a cooperati on that the producers pla n to develop_ 27_.ZhangHep ing, the preside ntof Beiji ngPeoples Art Theater, said: We chose towork with Poly Group_ 28_ their experie nee. We are pla nning more tours in theA. Italian impressionist paintingsB. over 120

14、art worksfuture. This is just the begi nnin g.Tea Houseis the Th eatre s most popular show. It has become huge_29_inJapan. Singapore,Canada and the US. But Western European _ 30_ had beenextremely impressed before that in the 1980s. The producers hope that they will fin ally be able torepeat that su

15、ccess on the intern atio nal stage.()21. A. poemB. novel C. book每小題 1 分)An exhibition of fine art can be found in Chinas northern sea port city of Dalian.The citys art exhibiti on hall has just re-ope ned to the public with a greatcollection of Italian impressionist (印象派)paintings. Dalian is also sp

16、reading its tophandwriting artists in Beijing.Over 120 works are on show at the Dalia n Arts Exhibiti on Hall. The collect ion mainly in cludesimpressi onist pain ti ngs. The hall has just had a repair, and the new lighting really improves theexperienee.Its state of the art, and the facilities (設(shè)施)r

17、eally match the exhibits.Visitors will h ave a very new experie nee.Our facilities were all old or no Ion ger in use before the repair, but now itcan meet all kinds of dema nds.First built in 1902, the hall was repaired by the city government with 5 million yua n. Its part of thecitys larger pla n t

18、o in crease its cultural in flue nee.That in flue nee has already made its way i nto Beiji ng. A three-day exhibit of works by modem handwriti ng artists from Dalia n bega n on Sun day. The exhibiti on in cludes140 works by eighty artists, ranging from well-k nown n ames to rising stars. Thisis the

19、first time that handwritingartists from Dalian have held a group exhibitionin the capital.()31. What does the un derl ined word port mean in Chin ese?A.港口B.內(nèi)陸 C. 船舶D.工業(yè)()32. If you go to the Dalian Arts Exhibition Hall, you may NOT be able to seeD. passage()22. A. foreignB. big C. beautifulD. famous

20、()23. A. playedB. looked C. produced D. regarded()24. A. fromB. as C. onD. with()25. A. cityB. countryC. cin emaD. world()26. A. rentedB. borrowed C. owned D. gained()27. A. furtherB. more C. Ion ger D. higher()28. A. even though ofB. eversince()29. A. i nterestB. success C. moveme nt D. pleasure()3

21、0. A. audie ncesB. visitors川.閱讀理解(35 分)i 閱讀下列短文,從下面每小題的C. actorsD. wome nA、B C D 四個選項中選擇最佳選項。(共25 小題,C. the new lighti ngD. many artists from Italy()33. The Beijingsexhibit of works by handwritingartists from Dalian startedon_.A. Sunday B. Mo nday C. Tuesday D. Friday()34. Which of the following is

22、NOT true about the Dalian Arts Exhibition Hall?A. it has bee n repaired B. it was the third time to be repairedC. it was built in 1902 D. the government spent 5 millionyuan repairingit()35. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Han dwrit ing artists B. A collect ion of impressi onist paintingsC

23、. Dalia n Arts Exhibiti on D. Beautiful Dalia nBThe Shan ghai Ani matio n (動畫)Film Compa ny says it will beg in to produce 10movies this year. Several of them will bring some of Chinas most famous cartoon characters back tothe big scree n.Film makers said that the new producti ons are one of their s

24、teps to give thepresent to the 56-year-old company. Starting from this year, the company will remake six classic animated films. The six films in clude The Mon key Kin g, Sheriff (警長)Black Cat and Tales of Ava nti and so on. They will be made with puppets (木偶).Sheriff Black Cat should be the first o

25、f those movies to arrive on the bigscree n n ext year.Yao Guan ghua, Director of Sheriff Black Cat, said. The new film will have anadve nture story. The film will also show the study and life of childre n in the future.In addition to the six remakes, the companys manager says they also plan to produ

26、ce four new animated movies.Qian Jia nping. Preside nt of Shan ghai Ani matio n Film Compa ny, said, We produced originalmovies for many times. Webelieve this is one of the most important works in our bus in ess cha in.Shanghai Animation Film Company is the largest cartoon movie producer in China.()

27、36. How many movies will be produced by the Shanghai Animation Film Company?A. threeB. six C. tenD. sixtee n()37._is NOT included in the six classic animated films that they planto remake.A.Kung Fu Pan daB.Tales of Ava ntiC.The Mo nkey KingD.SheriffBlack Cat()38. Which of the following is NOTtrue ab

28、out the new film Sheriff Black Cat?A. It will have an adve nture story.B. It will be about childre ns love.C. It will show the childre ns study in the future.D. It will show the childre ns life in the future.()39. Whats the main purpose of this passage?A. To in troduceSheriff Black CatB. To introduc

29、e ten films produced by Shanghai Animation Film CompanyC. To in troduce Chin as most famous cartoon charactersD. To in troduce the Preside nt of Shan ghai An imatio n Film Compa ny()40. Where may you read this passage?A. In a scie ntific book.B. On an advertiseme nt.C. From the n ewspaper. D. In a m

30、agaz ine.CSouth Korea n Rapper PsysGangnam Stylehas become a world music. Ano ther“smaller ” person in this music video left a strong impressionon its 1.2 billionviewers. Little Psy says he wants to become more famous than Psy one day.This toothless dance won der has bee n anintern ati onalstar with

31、 thehorse-riding in his way. The 7-year-old Korean boy has already performed in theUS, Viet nam, China, and the Philipp in es.The half-Korean and half-VietnameseHwangMin-woo, dressed in a suit, introduceshimself as Little Psy.Hwa ng Min- Woo, Little Psy, said, YG En tertai nment first saw me at Kore

32、a GotTale nt . They said, wow! He looks a lot like Psy! So whe n they showed my video to Psy, he said,This is it! Lets record in film the day after tomorrow! Andthey called me immediately.Min-woo is a n atural dan cer. Its amaz ing to see so much en ergy come out of al.2- meter-tall child.Little Psy

33、, said, I want to be a world star, more famous than Psy, but I dont want to copy anyon e. Iwant to become a world star on my own.But at home, in his mothers arms, he is only a little boy and a lovely son. When I grow up to be a singer, Im going to give my mom and dad lots of mon ey.Min-woo loves wha

34、t he does, even if it means miss ing out on school and play ing with frien ds.()41. How many people were impressed by Hwang Min-Woo in the music video?A. 1.2 billionB.1.4 billion C.all the people D. mostof people()42. Where is Hwa ng Mi n-Woo from?A. Korea B. Viet nam C. Korea and China D. Korea and

35、 Viet nam()43. Hwa ng Mi n-Woo is_ .A. less tha n one meter tallB.1.2 meter tallC. more famous tha n Psy nowD. n ot a lovi ng son at home()44. Which of the follow ing activities may be Hwang Min-Woos favourite?A. To study at school B. To play games with his friendsC. To copy some one else D. To danc

36、e and sing on his own()45. The passage mainly talks about_.A. the story about Little PsyB. the story about PsyC. the story about PsysGangiam StyleD. the story about HwangMin-Woopare ntsDYugong Yishan is one of hottest music clubs in Beijing. French music is its theme music.Four music groups from fou

37、r differentFrench-speakingcountriesamaze theaudie nee with their differe nt styles.The Belgian duo has worked together for 15 years and just celebrated their tenth anni versary ( 周年紀(jì)念日)last mon th. Their latest CD is called Chi nese girl, soits no surprise that they found a real Chin ese girl to pla

38、y with them.Li Han, an Er-hu player from the Chi na Nati onal Orchestra, has bee n in vited to join them for a dash( 少量)of east-meets-west.Whe n I first saw her play ing that afternoon, I was so impressed that I almostcried. Its won derful.They practiced only o nee before the show, but their perform

39、a nee brings Chin ese and French musicinto this song perfectly.Its an amaz ing experie nee to work with them. Their music is sort of jazzy.By addi ng Chin ese eleme nts, it worked out very well. The cooperati on is joyful.The band says they are looking forward to more cooperation with Chinese musici

40、ans.If she was in Brussels, I would phone her and say come back, well record our music! Because itsreally a won derful in strume nt.The even t is orga ni zed by a n etwork that in cludes the embassies of Can ada, Switzerland,Belgium and the Allianee Francaise (法語聯(lián)盟)in Beijing. They willtour Chin as

41、13 major cities, in cludi ng Macau on March 23rd.()46. The theme music of Yugong Yisha n is_.A. French music B. Chinese music C.Canadian music D. French and Chinesemusic()47. We can know from the passage that Li Han_.A. is an Er-hu player.B. is the producer of the Chi nesegirl.C. knows French music

42、very well:D.invitesthe Belgian duo to China.()48. What did they do before their performa nee?A. They practiced only once before the show.B. They practiced many times before the show.C. They did nt practice before the show.D. They practiced twice before the show.()49. The member of the n etwork does

43、NOT in elude_.A.ChinaB.SwitzerlandC. Belgium D. the AllianeeFrancaise()50. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The audie nee were amazed by the four groups.B.The Belgian duo were very impressed when they first saw Li Hans playing.C. The Belgia n duo will not tour Macau.D.

44、The Belgian duo hopes to have more cooperation with Chinese musicians.EA dog in Auckla nd, New Zeala nd drove a car without help on Mon day. Its trainer said it is theNO.1 in the world.The dog named Monte is one of three dogs that were trained by animal trainer Mark Vet te to drivecars. Monte was fr

45、om an animal shelter in south Auckland. He had bee n trained to lear n how to drivea car in the shelter for two mon ths. After begi nning his training with a mock car, he then graduatedto a real car. There he spent hourspracticing his driving skills with the help of his trainer.However, on Mon day,

46、it was time for Monte to drive the car on his own .It was show n live on NewZeala nd televisi on.So, its a world first. Hes going to drive the car himself, said Vette.Monte seemed to control the mini car easily. The car was modified ( 改裝)fora dog to reach. The speed of the car was also limited for s

47、afety reas ons.Now hes got his foot on the accelerator (力口速器),and his right foot on theaccelerator. Hes directing with his left hand. His left hand is on the directing wheel, and basically, in thisposition hes in the driving way, said Mr Vette, as he watched his dog stude nt slowly movi ng the caral

48、ong a raceway.Mr Vette said that Monte enjoys drivi ng the car, and un dersta nds exactly whatis happe ning.()51._ were trained by Mark Vette to drive cars.A. One dog B. Two dogs C. Three dogs D. Four dogs()52. What is the meaning of the un derl ined word mock in Chin ese?A. 彷制的 B.微型鮑 C. 真正的 D. 巨型的(

49、)53. When Monte practiced his driv ing skills,_ .A. he spe nt hoursB. his trainer not helped himC. he did nt spe nd much time D. he used his mock car all the time()54. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The car seemed to be con trolled easily by Mon te.B. The car was modi

50、fied for a dog to reach.C. The car seemed too big for Monte to drive.D. Thinking of safety the speed of the car was limited.()55. We can know from the passage that Monte_ .A. does nt un dersta nd what is happe ning B. first put his left foot onthe acceleratorC. was trained for one monthD. enjoys dri

51、vi ng the carii .選擇下列詞匯完成下面對話。(共5 小題,每小題 1 分)A. put B. for C. as D. go E. What F. busyA: Hi, Lynn. Nice to see you in the supermarket.B: Hi, Jack. Nice to see you here, too.A: (56)_ are you going to buy?B: Nothi ng. Just walk around. What about you?A: I want to buy a pair of sports shoes (57)_ my so

52、n, but I dont know wherethey are (58)_B: Oh, they are on the sec ond floor.A: Tha nks. Would you like to (59)_with me?B: Sure. Why does nt your son come with you?A: Oh, he is (60)_ with his test tomorrow.iii.選擇下列句子完成下面對話。(共 5 小題,每小題 1 分)A. Why didn t you go to stop them?B. Jim, why do you look so ti

53、red?C. Im going to take an exam.D. Im well prepared for it.E. Are you worry ing about the coming exam?F. The party will last for a long time.G. The party lasted deep into the ni ght.A:(61)_B: I did nt sleep well last ni ght.A: Why? (62)_B: No. I dont worry about the exam. (63)_A: Then whats wrong?B: Three days ago, a young m


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