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1、Unit 5 Good manners知識點:good manners有禮貌bad manners 沒有禮貌manner單數(shù)表示態(tài)度,復(fù)數(shù)表示禮貌manner有復(fù)數(shù),但是是抽象名詞,用 much/little修飾,不用manyIn manner 在性格上;in a manner 或多或少1.行為;舉止manner:(人多習慣行為)behavior:(某特定場合的行為舉止)conduct:(正式用詞人的道德行為)2方法method:(有理論,有系統(tǒng)的方法)manner:(特殊的獨特的方法)way:(一般的方法、個人、特殊方法)means (為達目的,不擇手段)3.態(tài)度Attitude (對人或事

2、物的看法,沒有感情色彩)Manner (某人在某一場合的言談舉止)Air (某人臉上表現(xiàn)出來的心理活動)知識點二:(名詞前;形副后)Enough (adv)足夠地;充分地;相當He is brave enough to face dangerEnough(adj)足夠的I haven t enough time to sleep.Enough (proun.)足夠 I had enough.知識點三:如此.以至于主語+be 動詞 + 形容詞 +enough+to do sth.He is old enough to go to school.主語+實義動詞+enough +to do sth.

3、He ran enough to catch the bus.主語+be +so形容詞+that +句子(常常含有情態(tài)動詞)He is so old that he can go to school.主語+實義動詞+so嗝1J詞+that +句子He ran so fast that he could catch the bus.主語+be +such+a/an轉(zhuǎn)容詞+名詞單數(shù)+that +句子(常常含有情態(tài)動詞)He is such a young boy that he can go to school.主語+be +such+鏘容詞+名詞復(fù)數(shù)+that +句子(常常含有情態(tài)動詞)主語+b

4、e +such+容詞+不可數(shù)名詞+that +句子(常常含有情態(tài)動詞)口訣:名前such,形副soSuch a person 那樣一人,so nice/generous/quickly多多少少也用so so many/much/little/few(與數(shù)量相關(guān))Little屬于特殊記,小用such,少用soSuch little boy那么小的孩子;so little water那么少的水知識點四:cutcut in 超車;插入;插嘴Cut in line 插隊;加塞cut up 切碎cut off 切斷;使 .中斷;停止cut in on sb. 打斷某人cut out 裁剪;停止;切斷Cu

5、t across抄近道知識點五:名言名句1. It s never too old to learn. 活到老,學(xué)到老2. It never rains but it pours. 禍不單行;不鳴則已一鳴驚人3. Many cooks spoil the broth. 人多反誤事4. When in Rome , do as Romans do. 入鄉(xiāng)隨俗5. Rome wasnt built in a day.冰凍三尺非一日之寒6. The grass is always greener on the other sid遮山望著那山高。7. Many hands make light wor

6、k人多力量大8. Actions speak louder than words. 事實勝于雄辯9. No pain,no gain 不勞不獲10. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧11. Burn the candle at both ends. 過度勞累12. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真情13. Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意時14. Not every day is Sunday.好景不長(花無百日紅)15. Better late than never. 遲到總比不到好16. B

7、etter safe than sorry寧求保險,不求后悔17. Love me love my dog. 愛屋及烏18. Like father like son 有其父必有子19. Seeing is believing 眼見為實20. One tree can t make a forest 獨木難成林21. There s no use crying for spilt milk 覆水難收22. Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成知識點六:leave+地點(離開某地)Leave for+目的地(動身去某地)Leave 把東西落下I

8、 left my homework home. 作業(yè)落在家里了Forget 事情忘記I forgot your name.Leave sth to sb. 把 .留給 /托付給 .Leave a message to him 給他留言注意:leave+名詞+形容詞/;使處于某種狀態(tài)(有意識)Leave the door open. 讓門開著Keep珞詞+形容詞;使處于某種狀態(tài)(無意識)Keep the door open 讓門開著注意:leave+名詞+Ving ;使一直處于某種狀態(tài)Leave the tap running 讓水龍頭一直開著知識點 7: drop litter everywh

9、ereDrop (n.)滴;微量;減少A drop of tear 一滴眼淚A drop in the ocean 滄海一粟Drop (v)落下;下降;跌倒;放棄;漏掉;停止;改變(習慣)Drop by +地點 順便訪問某地.Drop in on +sb. 順便訪問某人Drop=fall 下降; (急速向下墜落)Drop 高處下落(重力原因;有意識的下降)Fall 任何下落(不明原因;失去平衡;自然下落)She dropped the cup 她弄掉了杯子She dropped the weapon. 她放下了武器She dropped the habit of smoking 她改掉了吸煙的

10、習慣Drop into 偶然進入;不知不覺變得Drop out 退出;退學(xué);脫離Drop off 減弱;減少Drop from.從 .落下;從.中除去知識點八:queue for your lineQueue(n) 辮子;長隊;行列Queue(v) 排隊(為做某事排隊)Row( 單獨的一列)一排;一行;一列Line 人 /物排成一列或一行Join the queueQueue for +名詞A line of people queue for the bread. 一列排隊買面包的女人He has queued for ten minutes. 他排了 10 分鐘的隊知識點九:obey tra

11、ffic rulesObey=follow 遵從;服從Obey the order 服從命令Disobey 違反;不服從知識點十:push inPush :推;推動;逼迫;敦促;按下Push oneself驅(qū)策自己;發(fā)憤;自強She pushed herself to study.Push for 奮力爭取She pushed for success.Push in 推進;闖入Push into (部隊開進;推進)Push up 增加;提高;向上推Push away 推開Push through 擠著完成;完成Push out 拉出;排除;推出去知識點十一:bump intoBump(v) 碰

12、撞;提高;顛簸而行;Bump(東西有力的碰撞;或碰到困難或障礙Bump into 無意中碰到;遇到WIth a bump 意外地;突然Bump off 干掉Bump against 碰到 當碰到一塊大巖石,他們停了下來。They stopped when they bumped into/against a large rock.Bump (n) 碰撞聲;碰撞;腫塊;鼓包(可數(shù)名詞)She fell down and got a large bump on her head.她摔倒了,頭上鼓起一個大包。知識點十二:excuse (口語) ,抱歉;對不起勞駕一下;到繞一下;(為打擾某人道歉;禮貌

13、地引起某人的注意)Excuse理由;借口;辯解(可數(shù))He always finds excuses for his mistakesf&總是為錯誤找借口Excuse( v)原諒;寬??;使免除;為 .辯解They have excused the naughty boy 他們原諒了這個淘氣的/J、孩Excuse oneself為 自 己辯解Excuse me =Pardon =Pardon me?= I beg your pardon 再說一遍知識點十三:risk( n/v) 冒險;風險;(有可能發(fā)生的危險;碰運氣)Danger (n) 一切危險(遭遇;傷害;不良后果)At risk處

14、于危險中In danger在危險中Some of animals are in danger now.At danger (鐵路信號)示意危險In danger of .處于.危險之中You are in danger of catching a cold.你有患感冒的危險Take the risk /take risks承擔風險;冒險There is no sense in taking risks.冒險無意義。At the risk of.冒著.的風險Risk doing sth.冒險做某事You carft risk going out.你不能冒險出去知識點十四:proper/properlyProper (adj)適宜的;合適的;恰當?shù)?適當?shù)腡wo out of five p


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