



1、1 / 5SharingI閱讀理解(2012 惠州調(diào)研)Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permissionor scan the Website youve visited ,or perhaps someone will casuallyyour credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calli ng habits.矚慫潤(rùn)厲釤瘞睞櫪廡賴(lài)。矚慫潤(rùn)厲釤瘞睞櫪廡賴(lài)賃。In fact , its

2、likely that some of these things have already happened to you.Who would watch youwithout your permission? It might be a spouse, a girl friend , amarketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal.Whoever it is , they will see you in awayyouneverintendedtobeseen the_21st_century_replacement_of_being_caug

3、ht_naked.聞創(chuàng)溝燴鐺險(xiǎn)愛(ài)氌譴凈。聞創(chuàng)溝燴鐺險(xiǎn)愛(ài)氌譴凈禍。Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that its important to revealyourself to friends , family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times.But fewboundaries remain.The digital bread crumbs (碎屑 ) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangersto reconstruct who

4、you are, where you are and what you like.In somecases, a simple Google search can reveal what you think.Like it or not, increasingly we live in a worldwhere you simply cannot keep a secret.殘騖樓諍錈瀨濟(jì)溆塹籟。殘騖樓諍錈瀨濟(jì)溆塹籟婭。The key question is: Does that matter?For many Americans , the answer apparently is“no”W

5、henopinion polls ask Americans about privacy , most say they are concerned about losing it.Asurvey found a strong bad feeling about privacy, with 60 percent ofrespondents saying they feel their privacy is slippingaway, and that bothers me.釅錒極額閉鎮(zhèn)檜豬訣錐。釅錒極額閉鎮(zhèn)檜豬訣錐顧。But people say one thing and do anothe

6、r.Only a tiny part of Americans change any behaviors in aneffort to preserve their privacy.Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths( 收費(fèi)站 ) to avoidusing the EZ- Pass system that can track automobilemovements.And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards.Privacy economist AlessandroAcquisti has ru

7、n a series of tests that reveal people will give away personal information like SocialSecurity numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50- cent - off coupon ( 優(yōu)惠券 ).彈貿(mào)攝爾霽斃攬磚鹵廡。彈貿(mào)攝爾霽斃攬磚鹵廡詒。But privacy does matter at least sometimes.Its like health: Whenyou have it ,you dont notice it.Only when i

8、ts gone do you wish youd done more to protect it.謀蕎摶篋飆鐸懟類(lèi)蔣薔。謀蕎摶篋飆鐸懟類(lèi)蔣薔點(diǎn)?!菊Z(yǔ)篇解讀】 本文主要講述了信息時(shí)代的隱私保護(hù)問(wèn)題。1.What does the author mean by saying“the 21st century replacement of beingcaught naked ?廈礴懇蹣駢時(shí)盡繼價(jià)騷。廈礴懇蹣駢時(shí)盡繼價(jià)騷巹。A. Peoples personal information is easily accessed without their knowledge.煢楨廣鰳鯡選塊網(wǎng)羈淚。煢楨廣鰳

9、鯡選塊網(wǎng)羈淚鍍。B. In the 21st century people try every means to look into others secrets.鵝婭盡損鵪慘歷蘢鴛賴(lài)。鵝婭盡損鵪慘歷蘢鴛賴(lài)縈。C. People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.籟叢媽羥為贍僨蟶練淨(jìng)?;[叢媽羥為贍僨蟶練淨(jìng)櫧。D. Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.預(yù)頌圣鉉儐歲齦訝驊糴。預(yù)頌圣鉉儐歲齦訝驊糴買(mǎi)。2013屆高考英語(yǔ)一

10、輪復(fù)習(xí)課時(shí)知能訓(xùn)練:選修7 Unit 4glance through2 / 5【解析】 句意理解題。 “the 21st century replacement of being caught naked3 / 5這句話(huà)的字面意思是 “相當(dāng)于 21 世紀(jì)被人看到裸體 ”。結(jié)合上下文可知,這句話(huà)意為 “在 21 世紀(jì)信息時(shí)代,個(gè)人信息很容易被人看到,隱私被人窺視,和過(guò)去被人看到裸體一樣?!盇項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法與此一致。B 項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法與 A 項(xiàng)有一定的相似之處,但是B 項(xiàng)強(qiáng)調(diào)有人窺探別人隱私的行為,而原文是強(qiáng)調(diào)隱私被”人看到,突出后果,故 B 項(xiàng)并不準(zhǔn)確。C 項(xiàng)和文意相距甚遠(yuǎn), 而 D 項(xiàng)是對(duì) “be cau

11、ght naked ”詞組的錯(cuò)誤理解。滲釤嗆儼勻諤鱉調(diào)硯錦。滲釤嗆儼勻諤鱉調(diào)硯錦鋇?!敬鸢浮?A2 What would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?鐃誅臥瀉噦圣騁貺頂廡。鐃誅臥瀉噦圣騁貺頂廡縫。A Friends should open their hearts to each other.B Friends should always be faithful to each other.C There should be a distance even between friends.D There s

12、hould be fewer arguments between friends.【解析】 推理判斷題。 根據(jù)第三段的第一、 二句可知, C 項(xiàng)正確。 “.itsimportantto reveal yourself to friends , family and lovers in stages , at appropriate times. ” 這句話(huà)表達(dá)了向朋友、家人、愛(ài)人展現(xiàn)自我的重要性,等同于A 項(xiàng)所說(shuō)的向彼此敞開(kāi)心懷,但要注意句尾的兩個(gè)狀語(yǔ)對(duì) “敞開(kāi)心懷 ”的方式進(jìn)行了限制。整體分析第二個(gè)賓語(yǔ)從句, important 實(shí)際上強(qiáng)調(diào)的是兩個(gè)狀語(yǔ),也就是在 in stages 和 at

13、 appropriate times 的前 提下向朋友敞開(kāi)心扉是重要的,而不是敞開(kāi)心扉本身。由此可知C 項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法更為準(zhǔn)確,而 A項(xiàng)并不是作者的意圖。B、 D 兩項(xiàng)在兩個(gè)賓語(yǔ)從句中都沒(méi)有提到,可以排除。擁締鳳襪備訊顎輪爛薔。擁締鳳襪備訊顎輪爛薔報(bào)?!敬鸢浮?C3 Why does the author say“we live in a world where you simply cannot keepa secret ”?贓熱俁閫歲匱閶鄴鎵騷。贓熱俁閫歲匱閶鄴鎵騷鯛。A Modern society has finally developed into an open society.淚。壇摶

14、鄉(xiāng)囂懺蔞鍥鈴氈淚躋。B People leave traces around when using modern technology.蠟變黲癟報(bào)倀鉉錨鈰贅籜。C There are always people who are curious about others affairs.閆擷凄。買(mǎi)鯛鴯譖曇膚遙閆擷凄屆。D Many search engines benefit from giving away peoples identities.鶘蹤韋轔糴。綾鏑鯛駕櫬鶘蹤韋轔糴飆?!窘馕觥?句意理解題?!皐e live in a world where you simply cannot ke

15、ep a secret ”這句話(huà)是對(duì)上文的總結(jié)。 作者使用了一個(gè)比喻句, 把數(shù)字化操作留下的記錄比喻為數(shù)字面包 屑。第三段僅僅說(shuō)人們進(jìn)行電腦等操作會(huì)泄露信息, 并沒(méi)有說(shuō)現(xiàn)代社會(huì)已發(fā)展成為開(kāi)放的社 會(huì),所以 A 項(xiàng)不正確;B 項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法符合文意,modern tech no logy 是指文中的 digital bread禾口 Google ; C 項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法來(lái)源于 for stra ngers to recon struct who you are” 這一句,這句話(huà)所透露出的信息僅僅是陌生人獲得個(gè)人隱私更加容易,至于是否總會(huì)有人對(duì)別人的事情感興趣則沒(méi)有提到; D 項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法照應(yīng)文中有關(guān) Google

16、 的內(nèi)容,但文中沒(méi)有提到搜索引擎獲 利問(wèn)題,由此排除 D 項(xiàng)。驅(qū)躓髏彥浹綏譎飴憂(yōu)錦。驅(qū)躓髏彥浹綏譎飴憂(yōu)錦諑?!敬鸢浮?B4What do most Americans do as for privacy protection?貓蠆驢繪燈鮒誅髏貺廡。貓蠆驢繪燈鮒誅髏貺廡獻(xiàn)。AThey change behaviors that might disclose their identity.鍬籟饗逕瑣筆襖鷗婭薔嗚。B They use various loyalty cards for business transactions (飩薺齦話(huà)騖。構(gòu)氽頑黌碩飩薺齦話(huà)騖門(mén)。C They rely more

17、 and more on electronic devices.D They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.【解析】 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章倒數(shù)第四段“For many Americans, the answerapparently isho. ”可知,許多美國(guó)人并不在乎隱私被泄露。此后的兩段對(duì)此進(jìn)行了解釋。倒數(shù)第三段講的是美國(guó)人口頭上的說(shuō)法:“most say they are concerned about losingit ”,多數(shù)人表示擔(dān)憂(yōu)隱私泄露。倒數(shù)第二段則講了美國(guó)人的實(shí)際行動(dòng)。只有一小部分美國(guó) 人為保護(hù)隱壇摶鄉(xiāng)囂懺蔞鍥鈴氈 蠟

18、變黲癟報(bào)倀鉉錨鈰贅。 買(mǎi)鯛鴯譖曇膚遙 綾鏑鯛駕櫬鍬籟饗逕瑣筆襖鷗婭薔。交易 ) 構(gòu)氽頑黌碩4 / 5私而改變了自己的行為。 反過(guò)來(lái)說(shuō), 大部分美國(guó)人并沒(méi)有改變什么。 這是典型的言行不一,正如倒數(shù)第二段第一句話(huà) “But people say one thing and do another.”恰好和 D 項(xiàng)的說(shuō)法一致。輒嶧陽(yáng)檉籪癤網(wǎng)儂號(hào)澩。輒嶧陽(yáng)檉籪癤網(wǎng)儂號(hào)澩蠐?!敬鸢浮?D5 According to the passage ,privacy is like health because _.堯側(cè)閆繭絳闕絢勵(lì)蜆贅。堯側(cè)閆繭絳闕絢勵(lì)蜆贅瀝。A people will make every ef

19、fort to keep itB its importance is rarely understoodC it is something that can easily be lostD people dont treasure it until they lose it【解析】 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章最后一段的第二、三句可知,隱私就像健康,我們丟 失掉健康的時(shí)候才知道珍惜。故選 D。識(shí)饒鎂錕縊灩筧嚌儼淒。識(shí)饒鎂錕縊灩筧嚌儼淒儂?!敬鸢浮?Dn.信息匹配請(qǐng)閱讀下列應(yīng)用文和相關(guān)信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是 China Daily 某欄目的廣告:A Want to keep abreast o

20、f the dynamic pulse of Chinas economy? Get a glance at the mostimportant business activities taking place here every day through Business Daily Update.凍鈹鋨勞臘鍇癇婦脛糴。凍鈹鋨勞臘鍇癇婦脛糴鈹。B Our present headmaster has reached retirement age and the board wants to carry out thereplacement in 2012.If you are a quali

21、fied and experienced individual and have the vision ,energy andenthusiasm to lead the school into a new era, pleasewrite for further information.恥諤銪滅縈歡煬鞏鶩錦。恥諤銪滅縈歡煬鞏鶩錦聰。C Want a Mini Cooper but cant fit the family inside? Get one for the kids.They can jump into thisMini car , which comes in hot orang

22、e with a single adjustable seat , and ride away.But it could spoilthem for that used car theyll be driving when they turn 16.鯊腎鑰詘褳鉀溈懼統(tǒng)庫(kù)。鯊腎鑰詘褳鉀溈懼統(tǒng)庫(kù)搖。D Serviced Greenfield sites aplenty.Ready for development.For sale.For business.Forservices.For leisure.Brand new business parks.Four- star conferencefa

23、cilities.碩癘鄴頏謅攆檸攜驤蘞。碩癘鄴頏謅攆檸攜驤蘞鷥。E Today in business fast is no longer fast enough, even faster is still tooslow to keep pace with the incredible demands placed on people and the computers they workwith.Thats one reason why IBM developed P60/D.60MHz 64- bit Pentium Chip computers so fast ,sopowerful.

24、閿擻輳嬪諫遷擇楨秘騖。閿擻輳嬪諫遷擇楨秘騖輛。FIf you want to be a success ,the University of Waikato is right for you.We offer a wide choice ofbachelors degrees for international students ,including Arts , Communication Studies , etc.Tuitionfees are different from department to department ,generally from D|S5,000 to D|S6

25、,000 a year.You canhave a room in a 4- bedroom flat about D|S100 a month.氬嚕躑竄貿(mào)懇彈瀘頷澩。氬嚕躑竄貿(mào)懇彈瀘頷澩紛。以下是個(gè)人的信息,請(qǐng)匹配他們最想了解的廣告。1Austin E Meredith , who graduated from Northwest Normal University in 1985 and has workedfor 14 years and now an expert in a research institute on morality and education in the city

26、.He wroteseveral works concerning about psychological behavior ,issues on educational management ,etc.Hesa scholar full of creativity and passion.釷鵒資贏車(chē)贖孫滅獅贅。釷鵒資贏車(chē)贖孫滅獅贅慶。2Johnson Bolton ,a professor of macroeconomics ,is currently on a tour to Shenzhen,Chinaand is due to give a lecture on the tendenc

27、y of the world economy in Shenzhen Peoples Auditoriumsoon.Hes keen on the information and news about the eastern world.慫闡譜鯪逕導(dǎo)嘯畫(huà)長(zhǎng)涼。慫闡譜鯪逕導(dǎo)嘯畫(huà)長(zhǎng)涼馴。3 Luise Chen, a would - be Chinese senior high school graduate, is longing fora certain international higher education.Shes never been abroad and eagerly know

28、 something aboutinternational recognition,the degree , yearly tuition fees and5 / 5accommodation.諺辭調(diào)擔(dān)鈧諂動(dòng)禪瀉類(lèi)。諺辭調(diào)擔(dān)鈧諂動(dòng)禪瀉類(lèi)謹(jǐn)。4 Philip Wong , a young overseas Chinese as an engineer from a Singapore electroniccorporation , has just arrived in Shenzhen for China Hi - Tech Fair (CHTF),which is now the large

29、st andmost influential in China about technological and technical achievements covering trades ,exhibitions ,forums , technologies and investment projects.嘰覲詿縲鐋囁偽純鉿錈。嘰覲詿縲鐋囁偽純鉿錈癱。5 Patrick Henry ,an energetic teenager aged 16,feels like physics at school , fascinated withautomotive vehicles , especia

30、lly the distinguished British actor Mr.Beans mini cooper.As aconsequence, he teaches himself mechanics andlearn to maintain machines timely.熒紿譏鉦鏌觶鷹緇機(jī)庫(kù)。熒紿譏鉦鏌觶鷹緇機(jī)庫(kù)圓。1 _ 2._ 3._4 _ 5._【答案】 1.B 由 Scholar ,an expert in a research institute禾口 B 中 headmaster ”等關(guān)鍵信息可知答案為 B。鶼漬螻偉閱劍鯫腎邏蘞。鶼漬螻偉閱劍鯫腎邏蘞闋。2A Johnson

31、Bolton 的信息中 “a professor of macroeconomics ”和 A 中 “the dynamic pulseof Chinas economy ”吻合。紂憂(yōu)蔣氳頑薟驅(qū)藥憫騖。紂憂(yōu)蔣氳頑薟驅(qū)藥憫騖覲。3 F Luise Chen 的信息中 “a would - be Chinese senior high school graduate”和F 中的 the University of Waikato , international students” 吻合。穎芻莖峽餑億頓裊賠瀧。穎芻莖蛺餑億頓裊賠瀧漲。4. E 由 Philip Wong 中的 electronicc

32、orporation 和 E 中的IBM developed P60/D”所決定。濫驂膽閉驟羥闈詔寢賻。濫驂膽閉驟羥闈詔寢賻減。5. C Patrick Henry 中的信息 “Mr.Beans mini cooper ”和 C 中的 “Want a Mini Cooper 正好吻合。銚銻縵嚌鰻鴻鋟謎諏涼。銚銻縵嚌鰻鴻鋟謎諏涼鏗。m 讀寫(xiě)任務(wù)閱讀下面的短文,然后按要求寫(xiě)一篇 1 50 詞左右的英語(yǔ)短文。What my mother does drives me crazy.She calls me at 10:30 p. m. every nightto make sure Ive arriv

33、ed home safely.If I accidentallymiss her call , she will keepcalling all my friends and roommates until she“tracks me down ”.擠貼綬電麥結(jié)鈺贖嘵類(lèi)。擠貼綬電麥結(jié)鈺贖嘵類(lèi)羋。specifically designed for single whitecollar workers in Beijing.The interestingpart is that all of the attendees are single peoples parents, eager to look fo


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