七年級英語Unit 8 When is your birthdaySection B 1_第1頁
七年級英語Unit 8 When is your birthdaySection B 1_第2頁
七年級英語Unit 8 When is your birthdaySection B 1_第3頁
七年級英語Unit 8 When is your birthdaySection B 1_第4頁
七年級英語Unit 8 When is your birthdaySection B 1_第5頁
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1、1. 生日聚會生日聚會 _2. 祝生日快樂祝生日快樂! _ 3. 在一月份在一月份 _4. 在二月三日在二月三日 _5. 在今天下午三點鐘在今天下午三點鐘 _birthday partyHappy birthday!in January按要求寫出正確的詞組。按要求寫出正確的詞組。on February 3rdat three this afternoon6. 三月二日三月二日 _ 7. 四月五日四月五日 _8. 五月八日五月八日 _ 9. 六月一日六月一日 _10. 九月十二日九月十二日 _11. 十一月二十日十一月二十日 _12. 十二月二十六日十二月二十六日 _March 2ndMay 8

2、thJune 1stApril 5th September 12thNovember 20thDecember 26thA: How old are you, Grace?B: Im twelve. A: And when is your birthday?B: My birthday is on March 12th. How about you and Tom?A: Well, my birthday is on July 5th, and Toms birthday is in December. Role-play the conversations in 3b. Try to wri

3、te out the words and phrases below._ 測驗;檢查測驗;檢查 _ 旅游;旅行旅游;旅行 _ 英語測試英語測試 _ 學(xué)校旅行學(xué)校旅行_ 聚會聚會 _ 籃球賽籃球賽testtripEnglish testschool trippartybasketball gamebasketball gameschool tripEnglish testparty1. _ English test 3. _ school trip2. _ party 4. _ basketball gamedcba1aMatch the pictures with the events. 1b

4、Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a. Listen again. Fill in Johns calendar. 1c24 25 26 27 28 29 30SEPTEMBER1 2 3 4 5 6 7OCTOBERbasketballgameSallys birthday partyschool tripEnglish testschool tripListen to the tape again and role-play the conversation.John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some ques

5、tions.Sally: Sure, John. John: Where is your birthday party?Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.John: OK, and when is the basketball game?Sally: The basketball game? Oh, its on October 2nd.John: Good. And, umm, how about the school trip?Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th. Jo

6、hn: And when is the English test?Sally: Oh, thats on Friday, September 29th. John: OK. Thank you!1dWhen is Johns school trip?Its on September 26th and 27th.When is the basketball game?Its on October2nd.Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar. When is Sallysbirthday party?Its on October5th.Try

7、to translate the following phrases.soccer game _school trip _ School Day _ book sale _ English Day _ art festival _ Sports Day _ English party _ 足球比賽足球比賽學(xué)校郊游學(xué)校郊游藝術(shù)節(jié)藝術(shù)節(jié)校慶日校慶日圖書降價售賣圖書降價售賣英語活動日英語活動日(學(xué)校的)運動日(學(xué)校的)運動日 英語派對英語派對 soccer game school trip School Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Da

8、y party 2aCheck () the activities youhave at your school. Sports Daybook saleEnglish DaySchool Dayart festivalMake up dialogues using the phrases in the box.Sample A: When is the Sports Day? B: Its September 21st.Read the school notice and answer the question. Dear students,We have some interesting

9、and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school. 2bIs this a busy term?Next month, we have

10、 an art festival. Its on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library. This is a really busy term! Have a good time!Is this a busy term?Yes, it is.閱讀指導(dǎo):閱讀指導(dǎo): 該文是按時間順序,列舉了學(xué)校一學(xué)期該文是按時間順序,列舉了學(xué)校一學(xué)期的大事活動安排。的大事活動安排。 首先,首先,瀏覽表格,確定閱讀任

11、務(wù)。由瀏覽表格,確定閱讀任務(wù)。由Dates和和Activities兩詞可知是找出活動及舉行兩詞可知是找出活動及舉行日期。日期。 然后,然后,帶著任務(wù)快速閱讀短文,畫出關(guān)帶著任務(wù)快速閱讀短文,畫出關(guān)鍵信息。鍵信息。Read the school notice again and list the activities and the dates. 最后,最后,按時間的先后順序,將日期與活按時間的先后順序,將日期與活動一一列出。如:由句子動一一列出。如:由句子“Next month, we have an art festival. Its on November 3rd.”可知,在可知,在Nov

12、ember 3rd這天,舉行的活動這天,舉行的活動是是art festival。 DatesActivitiesSeptember 21stOctober 12thOctober 15thOctober 22ndNovember 3rdNovember 30thDecember 3rdschool tripsoccer gamevolleyball gameSchool Dayart festivalEnglish partybook sale 2cDiscuss the questions with your partner. 1. What activities from 2b do yo

13、u like? 2. What other activities do you like? school tripsoccer gamevolleyball gameSchool Dayart festivalEnglish partybook saleI like I like going to moviesvisiting family1. Next month, we have an art festival. have表示表示“舉行;舉辦舉行;舉辦”,后面跟表示,后面跟表示活動的名詞,指舉辦某種活動。如:活動的名詞,指舉辦某種活動。如: have a class meeting 開班會

14、開班會 have a music festival 舉辦音樂節(jié)舉辦音樂節(jié) have tennis games 舉辦網(wǎng)球賽舉辦網(wǎng)球賽 have a book sale 舉行減價售書活動舉行減價售書活動 歸納歸納 have的其他用法:的其他用法:(1) have 有有“有;擁有有;擁有”之意。如:之意。如: I have three soccer balls, but my brother doesnt. _我有三個足球,而我弟弟沒有。我有三個足球,而我弟弟沒有。(2) have有有“吃;喝吃;喝”之意。如:之意。如: I usually have an apple and a hamburger

15、 for breakfast. _ (3) have用于某些短語中,如:用于某些短語中,如: have a look 看一看看一看早飯我通常吃一個蘋果和一個漢堡。早飯我通常吃一個蘋果和一個漢堡。have a good time也是一個固定詞組,意也是一個固定詞組,意為為“玩得高興;過得愉快玩得高興;過得愉快”,相當(dāng)于相當(dāng)于have fun或或enjoy oneself (oneself 隨主語隨主語的變化而變化的變化而變化)。如:。如:2. Have a good time! 在課文中一個表示在課文中一個表示 祝福的句子,意為祝福的句子,意為“祝你玩得高興!祝你玩得高興!”。Eric has

16、a good time there every day. = Eric _ there every day. = Eric _ there every day. 埃里克在那里每天過得都很愉快。埃里克在那里每天過得都很愉快。 has funenjoys himself一、選擇正確的英語釋義。一、選擇正確的英語釋義。a. School Day b. book sale c. Sports Day d. art festival e. English Day f. basketball gameg. volleyball game h. school trip i. soccer game j. E

17、nglish test k. English party1. 籃球比賽籃球比賽 ( ) 2. 足球比賽(足球比賽( )3. 排球比賽(排球比賽( ) 4. 英語測試(英語測試( )5. 校慶日(校慶日( ) 6. 藝術(shù)節(jié)(藝術(shù)節(jié)( ) 7. 學(xué)校旅行學(xué)校旅行 ( ) 8. 英語日(英語日( ) 9. 英語聚會(英語聚會( )10. (學(xué)校的)運動日(學(xué)校的)運動日 ( )11. 圖書降價售賣(圖書降價售賣( )figjadehkcb二、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示寫單詞。二、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示寫單詞。1. Today is Lindas birthday. She wants to have a bir

18、thday _ (聚會聚會) at home. 2. They have two _ (節(jié)日節(jié)日) this month. 3. Lets go on a _ (旅行旅行) to the park. That sounds great! 4. Alice is very _ (忙碌忙碌) now, so she cant go with us.5. When do we have an English _ (測試測試), Bob? This afternoon. partyfestivalstripbusytest三、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。三、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。1. 這些是簡和琳達(dá)的這些是簡和琳達(dá)的T恤衫。恤衫。 These are _ and _ T-shirts. 2. 藝術(shù)節(jié)在九月九日舉行。藝術(shù)節(jié)在九月九日舉行。 The _ _ is on September 9th.3. 你們學(xué)校舉行足球比賽嗎?你們學(xué)校舉行足球比賽嗎? Do you have a _ _ at your school? 4. 祝你


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