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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上2017-2018學(xué)年英語科初三備考教學(xué)資源(3)后期備考復(fù)習(xí)資料:單詞拼寫與完成句子英語中考題型解讀 單詞拼寫題型突破一、題型分析1. 單詞拼寫主要考查考生對英語單詞的記憶和拼寫能力。這類試題體現(xiàn)了“詞不離句”的特點,往往放在某個具體的文化背景里面進行考查,要求考生注意單詞在句子中的確切含義,而不是孤立地記憶、硬記單詞。這樣把枯燥機械的單詞記憶測試活化為理解、拼寫于一體的綜合性題型。它不僅能達到既定的檢測效果,而且也對考生以后的英語學(xué)習(xí)起到良好的導(dǎo)向作用注重在語境中記憶單詞、應(yīng)用單詞。2. 本題型在考查時給出首個字母作為提示,考生在做題時可以根據(jù)兩個線索:(1)具體

2、的語言環(huán)境或文化背景;(2)單詞拼寫題目不涉及詞形變化,難度不大,所考單詞都是考綱上的高頻單詞,沒有生僻詞。近年來考點多分布在單音節(jié)和雙音節(jié)的高頻基礎(chǔ)詞匯,熱點為名詞、動詞和形容詞等。二、復(fù)習(xí)方法1. 過硬地記好廣州市初中畢業(yè)生學(xué)業(yè)考試指導(dǎo)書(即考試大綱)的詞匯表。要牢牢地記住這些詞匯,打下堅實的基礎(chǔ)。2. 全方位地去記單詞。僅僅記住單詞的拼寫和詞義是遠遠不夠的,還應(yīng)記住它的詞性、發(fā)音和搭配用法。只有這樣才能正確地判斷應(yīng)填單詞的詞性和詞形。3. 熟記常用詞,區(qū)別易混詞。需要特別記憶的常用單詞:星期、月份、四季、數(shù)詞、學(xué)科、國家、樂器、職業(yè)、家人親戚,方位、運動項目、天氣等。(聽取信息題尤其涉及

3、這些單詞)易混詞:invent/invite, tried/tired, fell/felt, ever/even, quiet/quite, cinema/camera, though/through/thought, father/farther, their/there, here/hear, its/its, pass/past, cross/across, fine/find, weather/whether, beside/besides, dear/deer, month/mouth, bought/brought, machine/medicine等三、解題技巧1. 通讀全句,

4、確定意思。在句子缺詞的情況下,如果只是孤立地考慮一個空,不注意對全句的整體把握,就容易出錯。所以這就要求考生在解題時通讀全句,充分利用題干所提供的語言環(huán)境或文化背景,弄懂句子的大意,然后從記憶庫里提取所需要的單詞,確保所填單詞在邏輯意義上與整個句子一致,有時候還要特別注意某些詞的固定搭配。(1)依據(jù)習(xí)慣用法和固定搭配進行填詞。例如:Clowns need to have a great sense of h_ to make people laugh.解析:本題考查名詞。根據(jù)句子意思我們可以得出此處是固定搭配:_。(2)依據(jù)語法知識進行填詞。例如:My family has lived in

5、this village s_ two years ago.解析:本題考查連詞。從句中的has lived可以看出句子用個現(xiàn)在完成時,因此,根據(jù)首字母 “s”和后面的時間點就能得出答案是:_。(3)依據(jù)常識的積累進行填詞。例如:I forgot to take my c_ with me when traveling so I didnt take any photos.解析:本題考查名詞。根據(jù)生活常識我們知道照相用照相機,所以答案是_。(4)依據(jù)上下文的同義詞、反義詞等提示判斷答案。例如:In my opinion, when you feel b_, you can read this i

6、nteresting book.解析:本題考查形容詞。分析句子語境可知,所填的答案與interesting構(gòu)成反義詞,再根據(jù)語法結(jié)構(gòu),確定答案是_。(4)依據(jù)句意理解與邏輯推理進行填詞。例如:They forgot to l_ the door, and a thief went in and stole something valuable yesterday.解析:根據(jù)句意可知,既然小偷進入他們家并且偷走了東西,那就是說明門沒有鎖,所以答案是_。2. 瞻前顧后,確定詞類根據(jù)題意確定所需單詞的意思。確定意思之后,要根據(jù)題意確定所選單詞的詞類。主要分類如下:(1)名詞(一般不考查復(fù)數(shù)形式和所有

7、格)例如:Im going to the school l_ to borrow some books. Would you like to go with me?解析:由前面的冠詞the可以確定此題目考查名詞,再根據(jù)語境推測出答案是_。(2)動詞(一般不考查動詞的變化形式)例如:I couldnt c_ myself when I was angry. What should I do, doctor?解析:根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)可以確定此題考查動詞。由關(guān)鍵詞angry和doctor,結(jié)合首字母c可以判斷,此題正確答案是_。(3)形容詞和副詞:這兩類詞容易混淆,做題時應(yīng)仔細分析,慎重選擇。例如:Was

8、ted water is poured into the river every day so this river smells t_.解析:smell是感官動詞,后面接形容詞。根據(jù)句意,由關(guān)鍵詞wasted water可以推斷出此題的正確答案是_。3. 全面檢查,避免拼寫錯誤。完成單詞的拼寫后,要把句子重讀一遍,檢查句子是否通順,單詞拼寫是否準確無誤,避免由于粗心而引起的筆誤或拼寫丟三落四的現(xiàn)象。專題訓(xùn)練名詞(中考必考2個)1. I stayed up late last night. I really want to take a r_.2. I dont have enough poc

9、ket m_ to buy the latest Nike shoes.3. A healthy d_ should contain enough fresh vegetables and fruit.4. If you dont work hard, how can you pass your final e_.5. The new t_ usually begins in September and ends in February.6. I often correct him, but he always makes this stupid m_.7. I couldnt find a

10、s_ on the bus and had to stand all the way.8. The lawyers f_ was very high, and the poor man couldnt afford that.9. They have the r_ to know what they can choose.10. Summer holiday is coming. Have you got any p_ for this coming holiday?11. Could you give me some a_ on how to keep fit?12. The student

11、s ran into the classroom as soon as the b_ rang.13. In order to keep fit, you should eat less m_ and more vegetables.14. Summer is the beast s_ for swimming. The beaches are very nice and the scenery is beautiful.15. A_ is the season between summer and winter.16 Were home now. Take your k_ out and o

12、pen the door.17. Would you please pass me a k_ to cut the apples.18. Did you hear the w_ forecast on radio this morning? It said it was going to rain.19. Before you go into the cinema, you should buy a t_.20. We can call 110 when we are in d_.21. They communicate with each other by e_ instead of tel

13、ephone.22. Do you agree that s_ comes from hard work?23. She left in a h_, so she forget to take her homework.形容詞副詞(中考必考2個)1. Yao Ming, one of Chinas best ever basketball player, is more than 2meters t_.2. Never cross the street when the traffic light is r_. Wait until its green.3. I miss my family

14、and really feel l_ without any friends in this new city.4. If you are f_ this afternoon, Lets go shopping.5. My sister often helps me with my homework. She is very h_.6. The concert last night wasnt very good. Before it ended, the theatre was almost e_.7. Can you give me a hand, please? The cupboard

15、 is too h_ to move by myself.8. Hurry up, or you will be l_ for school.9. Youd better not eat too fast. Its b_ for your health.10. He n_ gives up and always tries to find ways to deal with the problems.11. China has won 88 medals in the30th Olympic Games. We are all p_ of our country.12. -Jimmy, wou

16、ld you like to help me wash the dishes? -Sorry, Mum. Im b_ doing my homework now.13. You dont need to pay for the book . You can get in for f_.14. Children are not allowed to swim in this river because it is not s_.15. Have you seen the new film? I am d_ moved by it.16. Mike is really a happy man. T

17、hough he lives alone, he doesnt feel l_ at all.17. The exam was so e_ that all of them passed it.18. He looked very t_ because he stayed up late last night.19. Look! How d_ your hands are! Go and wash them right now.20. Be q_, Peter, or well miss the last bus to our school.21. He lives e_ to his sch

18、ool, so he walks to school every day.22. Look! Its getting dark/ Its l_ to rain later.23. You should have an English-Chinese dictionary. Its very u_ for your study.24. Shu-How Lin is one of the most p_ basketball players of NBA this year.25. She is so c_ that she always forgets to bring her homework

19、 back to school.26. The old man is deaf. He can h_ hear anything.27. He now needs time to think about it, just leave him a_.28. There has been no rain these moths and land is very d_.29. Its r_ to interrupt others when they are talking.30. Two years later, the young couple earned e_ money to buy a c

20、ar.31. William Shakespeare was a great writer of plays and poems. Some of his most f_ plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.32. Mum, I feel very h_, please give me something to eat.33. As u_, he gets up at 6:30 and then goes to school.34. She is so shy that she is a_ of making a speech in front of h

21、er class.35. We felt sad because of his death. When he was a_, he always helped us a lot.36. The movie was so b_ that I fell asleep soon after it began.37. She didnt finish her work today because she worked too s_.38. Please keep q_! We are in the reading room. Dont disturb others!39. My cousin was

22、a_ to dress herself when she was 3 years old.40. There is usually p_ of rain in spring in Guangzhou.41. Her class teacher is very s_ with the students.42. If you want to be h_, you should have a balanced diet and do some exercise every day.動詞(中考必考2個)1. H7N9 is horrible. It is said that it has made m

23、ore than 40 people l_ their lives.2. Could you l_ me your bike, Jack? Im sorry. I will use it later in the day.3. Can I borrow these books? Yes. But you must r_ them in a week.4. Our school has built a new hall recently. It is big enough to h_ 500 people.5. I will i_ all my good friends to my birthd

24、ay party.6. She is very polite. Shell s_ to everyone she meets.7. I usually g_ up at 6:30 and then go to school at 7:00.8. We shouldnt l_ at the people who are in trouble. Instead, we should help them.9. Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give dad a c_ to tell him the good news.10. Its

25、quiet warm today. You neednt w_ your jacket, David.11. I dont m_ whether you agree or not. I have decided to go there.12. -Excuse me, would you m_ my smoking there? -Sorry, you cant. Its non-smoking area.13. Good morning, children! Its eight oclock now. Lets b_ our class.14. If I s_ up enough money,

26、 Ill buy a new car.15. I cant b_ the loud noise near my house any longer and plan to move away.16. Have you seen my new watch? I cant f_ it anywhere.17. Before leaving the house, you have to l_ the door.18. Mark is sure to p_ the exam because he works very hard .19. Summer holiday is coming . My dre

27、am to v_ Europe will come true .20. My bike doesnt work well . Can you help me to r_ it after school.21. I heard the shout when I walked p_ the coffee shop this afternoon.22. I think farmers are the most hardworking people in China. Do you a_ with me?23. I have some old photos, let me s_ them to you

28、.24. Come and j_ us in the English Club and you will have lots of fun.25. He is going to s_ his summer holiday in London because of the Olympic Games.26. As gas price is going up, wed better s_ cars with each other.27. Tom, dont t_ any stone at the dog, or itll bite you.28. As New Year is coming, lo

29、ts of clothes in the shops are on s_ these days.29. To improve our spoken English, we should p_ it more after class.30. The beautiful houses b_ to her son. They live in the old house.31. Hurry up, Sam! I dont want to m_ the beginning of the soccer match.32. Please s_ the door, its too noisy outside.

30、33. He hopes that the meeting wont I for too long tomorrow.34. Could you please say it once again? I cant f_ you.35. My daughter likes sleeping with the windows p_ to let the fresh air in.36. When you a_ home, please call me up.37. Please t_ on the radio for me. Id like to listen to the morning news

31、.英語中考題型解讀 完成句子題型突破一、題型分析1. 完成句子是廣州市中考從2008年開始采用的新題型,要求學(xué)生根據(jù)所給的漢語內(nèi)容用英語完成句子,以填空的形式進行考查。此題總共5小題,每小題2分,共10分,每小題一般兩三個空,每空限填一詞。它主要考查學(xué)生綜合運用所學(xué)語法知識和所學(xué)句型來進行語言表達以及翻譯的能力,旨在考查學(xué)生對英語基本句式和初中教材中出現(xiàn)的句型、常用搭配、詞組的掌握情況。近年考查熱點主要集中在高頻短語,常用句型,感嘆句、賓語從句、狀語從句和被動語態(tài)。二、復(fù)習(xí)方法1. 反復(fù)朗讀會考指導(dǎo)書的高頻詞組,并要求背熟。2. 熟練掌握常用詞和詞組的用法,掌握各種句型結(jié)構(gòu),并盡可能運用它們造

32、句。3. 掌握語法知識,將所學(xué)語法知識進行總結(jié)歸納,如不定式、感嘆句、動詞時態(tài)和語態(tài)等。4. 熟讀課文,因為有些題可能會出自課文原文。5. 平時要加強這類題的訓(xùn)練,多做練習(xí)。6. 平時做作業(yè)、考試養(yǎng)成檢查的習(xí)慣,培養(yǎng)自己沉著、認真、細致的心理素質(zhì)。三、解題技巧1. 對比 先讀懂漢語句子,準確理解句子所要表達的意思;然后跳過空格讀一下已給出的英文內(nèi)容,最后對比題目中的英語和漢語句子,并確定用正確的英語句型或詞語來表達題目所要求的漢語意思。(1) 一些常用詞組和短語例1:我們常常在課間休息時下棋。We often play chess _ _.解析:通過對比英語和漢語句子了,此處應(yīng)填寫“_”,所以

33、答案是:_。(2) 一些常用詞語的用法例2:如果他們拒絕收支票,我們將不得不付現(xiàn)金。If they _ _ _ a cheque, well have to pay cash.解析:通過對比英語和漢語句子,我們可得出此處應(yīng)是填寫“_”,因為refuse后面接_,故答案為_。(3)一些常用句型、句式例3:為了找到兒子,她在廢墟里挖了十幾個小時。_ _ _ find her son, she kept digging in the ruins for more than then hours.解析:通過對比英語和漢語句子,我們可以得出此處應(yīng)填寫_,表示_,所以答案是_。例4:這道數(shù)學(xué)題對我們來說太

34、難解答了。The maths problem is _ difficult for me _ work out.解析:通過對比英語和漢語句子,我們可以得出此處應(yīng)填_的簡單句句式,意思是_,所以答案是_。(4)一些語法現(xiàn)象例5:在仔細考慮好之前她不應(yīng)該立刻開始。 She _ _ _ at once before thinking it over.解析:通過對比英語和漢語句子,此處應(yīng)該填_,所以答案是_。2. 分析認真分析句子成份,考慮其時態(tài)、語態(tài)、詞形變化、主語與謂語數(shù)的一致性等問題。通常包括:(1)時態(tài):注意所填動詞的正確時態(tài),如一般現(xiàn)在時、一般過去時、現(xiàn)在完成時等;必須掌握動詞過去式和過去分

35、詞的不規(guī)則變化,尤其注意be動詞的變化。例6:這個小女孩每天晚上睡覺前都會跟父母道晚安。The little girl always _ _ _ her parents before she goes to bed every night.解析:對比中英文可知,此處考查固定詞組_, 由always和后面的goes可知, 時態(tài)應(yīng)該用一般現(xiàn)在時,而主語是_, 第三人稱單數(shù),答案是_。例7:昨天晚上有人闖進他的商店搶東西。Someone _ _ his shop last night and stole lots of things.解析:通過對比中英文可知此處考核固定詞組_, 由漢語句子的_可知時

36、態(tài)應(yīng)用_, 而且除了last night, 所以答案_。(2)詞形變化:一定要注意所填名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)、所填的人稱代詞或物主代詞、不定式或動名詞等。例8:我建議細心工作,否則容易犯錯誤。I suggest _ _ or youll easily _ _.解析:suggest后需要跟_,而且_修飾動詞,所以答案是_。表示犯錯誤,用_,注意mistake的_形式。(3)語態(tài):分析句子是主動式還是被動式,尤其注意用被動語態(tài)的結(jié)構(gòu)的正確運用。例9:在工廠里,水是用來冷卻機器的。Water _ _ _ cool the machine in the factory.解析:此句考查被動語態(tài)。_表示被用來做某事

37、,分析時態(tài),正確答案是_。(4)句型:近些年中考中,除被動語態(tài)是必考之一外,賓從也是必考的,感嘆句和狀從出現(xiàn)的頻率也很高。例10:他想知道他爸爸是否可以買到倫敦奧運會開幕式的門票。He wondered _ his father _ _ the tickets for the opening ceremony of London Olympic Games.解析:根據(jù)中英句子可知此句考查賓從,請根據(jù)它的語序:引導(dǎo)詞+主語+謂語,進行分析,在此句中,引導(dǎo)詞是是否_,主語已經(jīng)給出,謂語是_, 但是主句的謂語是wondered是過去時態(tài),所以_要給出_。所以正確答案是_。3. 檢查將已經(jīng)填好的句子再

38、讀一遍,從時態(tài)、語態(tài)、詞形、數(shù)的一致等方面檢查一下,看看所填答案意思是否完整、通順,所填單詞是否準確無誤,大小寫是否正確。專題訓(xùn)練高頻詞組(中考必考2題)1. 丹尼燒壞了菜,廚房里全是煙。 Danny burned the dishes and the kitchen _ _ _ smoke.2. 你應(yīng)該盡力完成你的家庭作業(yè)。 You should your homework.3. 雖然學(xué)英語有點難,但是我不會放棄的。 Although leanring English is a bit difficult, I wont _ _.4. 他能夠與班上每一位同學(xué)都相處得好。 He is able

39、 to everyone in his class.5. 她說她爸爸對她太嚴格了。She said her father _ very _ _ her.6. 她決不輕易放棄。 She doesnt _ _ easily. 7. 他妹妹每天堅持彈琴。 His sister _ _ the piano every day.8. 空氣污染會更糟糕,除非我們采取行動來保護環(huán)境。 The air pollution will be worse, unless we _ _ to protect the environment.9. 王大明計劃這個夏天去海南旅游。 Wang Daming is plann

40、ing to to Hainan this summer.10. 我們應(yīng)該學(xué)會與動物和睦相處。We should learn to _ _ _ animals peacefully.常用句型(中考必考1題)1. 在最強大腦的電視節(jié)目中,有許多數(shù)學(xué)和記憶天才。_ _ many maths and memory geniuses in the TV program Super Brain.2. 她不僅學(xué)習(xí)努力而且心地善良。 She is _ _ hard-working _ _ kind.3. . 建這座房子花了他們?nèi)齻€月的時間。 them three months the house.5. 這些

41、房子既環(huán)保又智能。 The house are _ green _ smart.6. 天氣如此熱,幾個工人暈倒了。 It was _ hot _ some workers passed out.7. Peter既不喜歡運動也不喜歡看書。 Peter likes _ doing sports _ reading books.8. 對于我們來說,尊敬老師是很重要的。_ _ very important for us _ _ our teachers.9. 看到媽媽,這個寶寶就不再哭了。 When seeing her mother, the baby _ _ _. 10. 在這條河里游泳水夠深嗎?

42、Is the river _ _ _ swim in?11. 遵守規(guī)則,否則會被懲罰的!_ _ _ ,or you will be punished!12. 他夠年齡讀書,但是沒有錢。 He was _ _ _ _ to school but he had no money.13. 我們的課室比他們的大兩倍。 Our classroom is _ _ _ theirs.14. 既然你擅長運動,你可以選擇學(xué)校的足球俱樂部或乒乓球俱樂部。 Since you are good at doing sports, you can choose _ the football club _the tabl

43、e tennis club in our school. 15. 從繁忙的學(xué)習(xí)中放松自己是很重要的。 important ourselves from our busy studies.16. 我認為通過微信聯(lián)絡(luò)朋友是有趣的。 I _ _ _ _ contact friends by Wechat.感嘆句(中考必考1題)1. 今天早上我沒有遇到塞車,運氣真好!I wasnt caught in the traffic jam this morning. _ _ I was!2. 多么激動人心的一場足球比賽??! _ _ exciting football match it is!3. 到處濕漉漉

44、的。天氣真糟糕! Its wet everywhere. the weather is!4. 她好忙,很難有時間跟小孩在一起。 _ _ she is! It is hard for her to share some time with her child.5. 多么精彩的電影?。?_ _ amazing film it is!6. 這是一場多么有趣的游戲!_ _ _ game this is!7. 多有用的建議啊!我該早點來找你。_ _ advice! I should have come to you earlier.8. 我不能相信。這則新聞令人驚訝! I can't belie

45、ve it. _ _ _ it is! 9. 多么可愛的小男孩?。?_ _ the boy is!10. 這是一場多么激動人心的龍舟賽! the Dragon Boat Race is!11. 這里的空氣真清新啊! the air is here!12. 桂林的山真美呀! _ _ mountains Guilin has!被動語態(tài) (中考必考1題)1. 霧霾有害健康,我們必須凈化空氣。 Haze is harmful to our health. Air _ _ _.2. 在廣州越來越多人打網(wǎng)球。 Tennis _ _ by more and more people in Guangzhou.

46、3. 離開之前所有的燈應(yīng)該關(guān)掉。All the lights _ _ _ _ before leaving.4. 他外出旅行時,他的寵物由鄰居照看。While he was traveling, his pets _ _ _ by his neighbor.5. 這些花必須天天澆水,否則就會枯死。 All these flowers every day, or they will die.6. 上學(xué)期我們學(xué)校成功地舉辦了校園英語節(jié)。The School English Festival _ _ successfully in our school last term.7. 智利的森林大火最終在下午5


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