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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 A     AADE American Association of Drilling Engineers     AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists     AAPL American Association of Professional Landmen     AAODC American

2、Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by IADC)     AAV Annulus Access Valve     ABAN Abandonment, (also as AB)     ABSA Alberta Boilers Safety Association     ACHE Air-Cool

3、ed Heat Exchanger     ACOU Acoustic     ACQU Acquisition log     ADEP Awaiting Development with Exploration Potential, referring to an asset     ADROC advanced rock properties report   

4、  ADT Applied Drilling Technology, ADT log     AFE Authorization For Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors     AFP Active Fire Protection     AGRU acid gas removal unit  

5、60;  AHBDF along hole (depth) below Derrick floor     AHD along hole depth     AIRG airgun     AIRRE airgun report     AIT array induction tool     AL appraisal lice

6、nse (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996     ALARP as low as reasonably practicable     ALC aertical seismic profile acoustic log calibration report     ALR acoustic log report    

7、; aMDEA activated methyldiethanolamine     AMS auxiliary measurement service log; Auxiliary Measurement Sonde (temperature)     AMSL above mean sea level     AMI area of mutal interest     AMV an

8、nulus master valve     ANACO analysis of core logs report     ANARE analysis report     AOF absolute open flow     AOFP absolute open-flow potential     APD application for pe

9、rmit to drill     API American Petroleum Institute: both the organisation and measure of oil weight (API gravity) in ºAPI     APPRE appraisal report     APS active pipe support     ARACL array ac

10、oustic log     ARESV analysis of reservoir     ARI azimuthal resistivity image     ARRC array acoustic report     ART actuator running tool     AS array sonic processing log&#

11、160;    ASI ASI log     ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers     ASP array sonic processing report     ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials     ASCSSV annulus s

12、urface controlled sub-surface valve     ASV annular safety valve     ATD application to drill     AUV - authonomus underwater vehicle     AV annular velocity or apparent viscosity   

13、60; AVO amplitude versus offset (geophysics)     AWB/V annulus wing block/valve (XT)     AWO approval for well operation     B     B or b prefix denoting a number in billions   

14、60; BA Bottom Assembly (of a riser)     bbl barrel     BBSM behaviour-based safety management     BCPD barrels condensate per day     Bcf billion cubic feet (of natural gas)   

15、0; Bcfe billion cubic feet (of natural gas equivalent)     BDF below Derrick floor     BDL bit data log     BGL borehole geometry log     BGL below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a w

16、ell)     BGS British Geological Survey     BGT borehole geometry tool     BGWP base of ground-water protection     BH bloodhound     BHA bottom hole assembly (toolstring on co

17、iled tubing or drill pipe)     BHC BHC gamma ray log     BHCA BHC acoustic log     BHCS BHC sonic log     BHCT bottomhole circulating temperature     BHL borehole log 

18、60;   BHP bottom hole pressure     BHPRP borehole pressure report     BHSRE bottom hole sampling report     BHSS borehole seismic survey     BHT bottomhole temperature   

19、  BHTV borehole television report     BINXQ bond index quicklook log     BIOR biostratigraphic range log     BIORE biostratigraphy study report     BIVDL BI/DK/WF/Casing collar locator/gamma

20、 ray log     BLI bottom of logging interval     BO back-off log     boe barrel(s) of oil equivalent     boed barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day     boepd barrel(s) of oil equ

21、ivalent per day     BOB back on bottom     BOD - Biological Oxygen Demand     BOM Bill of materials     BOP Blowout preventer     BOP bottom of pipe    

22、60;bopd barrel(s) of oil per day     BOREH borehole seismic analysis     BOSIET basic offshore safety induction and emergency training     BOTHL bottom hole locator log     BOTTO bottom hole pressure/

23、temperature report     bpd barrels per day     BPH barrels per hour     BPFL borehole profile log     BPLUG baker plug     BPV back pressure valve (goes on the end of coiled t

24、ubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction)     BQL B/QL log     BRPLG bridge plug log     BRT below rotary table (used as a datum for depths in a well)     BS - Bend

25、 Stiffener     BSEE US: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (Formerly the MMS)     BSR blind shear rams (blowout preventer)     BSML below sea mean level     BS&W; basic sediments and w

26、ater     BTEX benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene     BTHL bottom hole log     BTO/C break to open/close (valve torque)     BTU British thermal units     BU bottom up&#

27、160;    BUL bottom up lag     BUR build-up rate     BVO ball valve operator     bwd barrels of water per day (often used in reference to oil production)     bwpd barrels of water p

28、er day     C     C&E; well completion and equipment cost     C&S; cased and suspended     C1 methane     C2 ethane     C3 propane  &

29、#160;  C4 butane     C6 hexanes     C7+ heavy hydrocarbon components     CA core analysis log     CALI calliper log     CALOG circumferential acoustic log  

30、;   CALVE calibrated velocity log data     CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers     CART cam-actuated running tool (housing running tool)     CART Cap Replacement Tool     C

31、AS casing log     CAT - Connector Actuating Tool     CB core barrel     CBIL CBIL log     CBL cement bond log (measurement of casing cement integrity)     CBM choke bridge mod

32、ule XT choke     CBM conventional buoy mooring     CBM coal-bed methane     CCHT core chart log     CCL casing collar locator (in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by corr

33、elation of the casing string magnetic anomaly with known casing features)     CCLP casing collar locator perforation     CCLTP casing collar locator through tubing plug     CD core description     CDA

34、TA core data     CDIS CDI synthetic seismic log     CDU control distribution unit     CDP common depth point (geophysics)     CDP comprehensive drilling plan     CDRCL compens

35、ated dual resistivity cal. log     CE CE log     CERE cement remedial log     CECAN CEC analysis     CEME cement evaluation     CET cement evaluation tool   

36、60; CF completion fluid     CFD computational fluid dynamics     CGEL CG EL log     CGL core gamma log     CGPH core graph log     CGR condensate gas ratio  

37、60;  CGTL compact gas to liquids (production equipment small enough to fit on a ship)     CHCNC CHCNC gamma ray casing collar locator     CHDTP calliper HDT playback log     CHECK checkshot and acoustic calibration

38、report     CHESM contractor, health, environment and safety management     CHKSR checkshot survey report     CHKSS checkshot survey log     CHOPS Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand   &

39、#160; CHP casing hanger pressure (pressure in an annulus as measured at the casing hanger)     CHROM chromatolog     CHRT casing hanger running tool     CIBP cast iron bridge plug     CIDL chemic

40、al injection downhole lower     CIDU chemical injection downhole upper     CILD conduction log     CIMV chemical injection metering valve     CITHP closed-in tubing head pressure (tubing head pressure

41、 when the well is shut in)     CIV chemical injection valve     CL core log     CLG core log and graph     CM choke module     CMP common midpoint (geophysics)  

42、0;  CMR CMR log     CND compensated neutron density     CNFDP CNFD true vertical-depth playback log     CNGR compensated neutron gamma-ray log     CNL compensated neutron log  

43、0;  CNLFD CNL/FDC log     CNS Central North Sea     CNCF field-normalised compensated neutron porosity     CO change out (ex. from rod equipment to casing equipment)     COA Conditions of Ap

44、proval     COC Certificate of Conformance     COD Chemical Oxygen Demand     COL collar log     COMAN compositional analysis     COML compaction log    

45、60;COMP composite log     COMPR completion program report     COMPU computest report     COMRE completion record log     CONDE condensate analysis report     CONDR continuous

46、directional log     CORAN core analysis report     CORE core report     CORG corgun log     CORIB coriband log     CORLG correlation log     COROR cor

47、e orientation report     COXY carbon/oxygen log     CPI separator corrugated plate interceptor     CPI CPI log (computer-processed interpretation)     CPICB CPI coriband log    

48、60;CPIRE CPI report     CRA corrosion-resistant alloy     CRET cement retainer setting log     CRP control riser platform     CRP common/central reference point (subsea survey)    

49、 CRT Clamp Replacement tool     CRT - Casing Running Tool     CsF Caesium formate (coincidentally also an acronym of the sole large-scale supplier of caesium formate brine, cabot specialty fluids.)     CSG - Coal Seam Ga

50、s     csg casing     CSHN cased-hole neutron log     CSI Combinable Seismic Imager (VSP) log (Schlumberger)     CSMT core sampler tester log     CSO complete seal-off 

51、60;   CSPG Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists     CSR Corporate Social Responsibility     CST Chronological Sample Taker log (Schlumberger)     CSTAK core sample taken log     CST

52、RE CST report     CSUG Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas     CT coiled tubing     CTD coiled tubing drilling     CTCO coiled tubing clean-out     CTLF coil tubing lift f

53、rame     CTLF compensated tension lift frame     CTOD crack tip opening displacement     CTRAC cement tracer log     CUT cutter log     CUTTD cuttings description report 

54、    CWOP complete well on paper     CWOR completion work over riser     CYBD cyberbond log     CYBLK cyberlook log     CYDIP cyberdip log     CYDN cyberdon

55、 log     CYPRO cyberproducts log     D     D Development     D&C; drilling and completions     DAC dipole acoustic log     DARCI Darci log &#

56、160;   DAT wellhead housing drill-ahead tool     DAZD dip and azimuth display     DBB double block and bleed     DC drill centre     DC drill collar(s)     DCAL

57、 dual caliper log     DCS Distributed Control System     DD directional driller or directional drilling     DDBHC DDBHC waveform log     DDET depth determination log     DDM D

58、errick drilling machine (a.k.a. top drive)     DDNL dual det. neutron life log     DDPT drill data plot log     DECC Department for Energy and Climate Change (UK)     DECT decay time   

59、  DEFSU definitive survey report     DELTA delta-T log     DEN density log     DEPAN deposit analysis report     DEPC depth control log     DESFL deep induction SFL

60、log     DEV development well, Lahee classification     DEVLG deviation log     DEXP D-exponent log     DF Derrick floor     DFIT Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test  

61、   DFR drilling factual report     DGP dynamic geohistory plot (3D technique)     DH drilling history     DHC depositional history curve     DHSV downhole safety valve   

62、  DHPTT downhole pressure/temperature transducer     DIBHC DIS BHC log     DIEGR dielectric gamma ray log     DIF drill in fluids     DIL dual-induction log     DILB

63、 dual-induction BHC log     DILL dual-induction laterolog     DILLS dual-induction log-LSS     DILSL dual-induction log-SLS     DIM directional inertia mechanism     DINT dip

64、interpretation     DIP dipmeter log     DIPAR dipole acoustic report     DIPBH dipmeter borehole log     DIPFT dipmeter fast log     DIPLP dip lithology pressure log 

65、0;   DIPRE dipmeter report     DIPRM dip removal log     DIPSA dipmeter soda log     DIPSK dipmeter stick log     DIRS directional survey log     DIRSU directio

66、nal survey report     DIS DIS-SLS log     DISFL DISFL DBHC gamma ray log     DISO dual induction sonic log     DL development license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore license issued before 1996

67、0;    DLIST dip-list log     DLL dual laterolog (deep and shallow resistivity)     DLS dog-leg severity (directional drilling)     DM - dry mate     DMA dead-man anchor  

68、   DNHO downhole logging     DOA delegation of authority     DOE Department of Energy, United States     DOWRE downhole report     DP drill pipe     DP dynamic

69、positioning     DPDV dynamically positioned drilling vessel     DPL dual propagation log     DPLD differential pressure levitated device (or vehicle)     DPRES dual propagation resistivity log &#

70、160;   DPT deeper pool test, Lahee classification     DQLC dipmeter quality control log     DR dummy-run log     DR drilling report     DRI drift log     DRLCT

71、drilling chart     DRLOG drilling log     DRLPR drilling proposal/progress report     DRPG drilling program report     DRPRS drilling pressure     DRREP drilling report &

72、#160;   DRYRE drying report     DS Deviation survey, (also directional system)     DSCAN DSC analysis report     DSI dipole shear imager     DSL digital spectralog (Western Atlas) 

73、    DSPT cross-plots log     DST drill-stem test     DSTG DSTG log     DSTL drill-stem test log     DSTND dual-space thermal neutron density log     DSTPB

74、drill-stem test true vertical depth playback log     DSTR drill-stem test report     DSTRE drill-stem test report     DSTSM drill-stem test summary report     DSTW drill-stem test job report/works

75、0;    DSV diving support vessel or drilling supervisor     DTI Department of Trade and Industry (UK) (obsolete; superseded by dBERR, which was then superseded by DECC)     DTPB CNT true vertical-depth playback log   

76、;  DTT depth to time     DWOP drilling well on paper (a theoretical exercise conducted involving the service-provider managers)     DWQL dual-water quicklook log     DWSS dig-well seismic surface log  

77、0;  DXC DXC pressure pilot report     E     E Exploration     E&A; Exploration and Appraisal     E&I; Electrical and Instrumentation     E&P; Exploration

78、 and Production     EA Exploration Asset     EAGE European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers     ECD Equivalent Circulating Density     ECP External Casing Packer    

79、60;ECRD Electrically Controlled Release Tool     ECT External Cantilevered Turret     EDP Exploration Drilling Program Report     EDP Emergency Disconnect Package     EDR Exploration Drilling Report&#

80、160;    EDR Electronic Drilling Recorder     EDS Emergency Disconnection Sequence     EFL Electrical Flying Lead     EFR Engineering Factual Report     EHT Electric Heat Trace 

81、;    EGMBE Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl Ether     ELT Economic Limit Test     EL Electric Log     EM EMOP Log     EMOP EMOP Well Site Processing Log     EMP

82、Electromagnetic Propagation Log     EMG Equivalent Mud Gradient     EMW Equivalent Mud Weight     EN PI Enhanced Productivity Index Log     ENG Engineering Log     ENGF Engine

83、er Factual Report     ENGPD Engineering Porosity Data     Eni Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi S.p.A. (Italy)6     ENJ Enerjet Log     EOFL End of Field Life     EOR Enhanced Oil Re

84、covery     EOT End of Tubing     EOW End Of Well Report     EPCM Engineering Procurement Construction Management     EPCU Electrical Power Conditioning Unit     EPIDORIS Explo

85、ration and Production Integrated Drilling Operations and Reservoir Information System     EPL EPL Log     EPLG Epilog     EPLPC EPL-PCD-SGR Log     EPS Early Production System    &

86、#160;EPT Electromagnetic Propagation     EPU Electrical Power Unit     EPTNG EPT-NGT Log     ER(D) Extended Reach (Drilling)     ERT Emergency Response Training     ESD Emerge

87、ncy Shut-Down     ESP Electric Submersible Pump     ETAP Eastern Trough Area Project     ETD External Turret Disconnectable     ETTD Electromagnetic Thickness Test     ETU Ele

88、ctrical Test Unit     EUR Estimated Ultimate Recovery     EVARE Evaluation Report     EWR End Of Well Report     EXL or XL, Exploration Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued betwe

89、en the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the Sixth (1992)     EZSV EZSV Log     F     FAC factual report     FACHV four-arm calliper log     FANAL formation analysis sh

90、eet log     FAT factory acceptance testing     FBE fusion-bonded epoxy     FC float collar     FCP final circulating pressure     FCVE F-curve log     

91、;FDC formation density log     FDP field development plan     FDS functional design specification     FEED front-end engineering and design     FER field equipment room     FEWD formation evaluation while drilling     FFAC formation factor log     FFM full field model     FGEOL final geological report     FH full-hole tool joint  


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