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1、初一英語單詞競賽試卷寫出下列單詞:(5。分)1.練習(xí) 32.森林 _2.女兒 33.網(wǎng)站 _3.窗戶 34.時刻表_4.黑板 35.黃色的_5.新的 36.連接 _6.歡迎 37.顯示器_7.對不起 38.醫(yī)院 _8.辦公室 39.嘴 9.秘書 40.巧克力_10.正確的 41.歷史 _11.涼爽的 42.通常 _12.四十 43.天氣 _13.伯母 44.軟運動鞋14.胡蘿卜 45.動物 _15.洋蔥 46.歐洲的_16.冰箱 47.檢查 _17.觸摸 48.鍵盤 _18.年輕的 49.熱帶雨林19.操場 50.一半 _20.劇院 51.訪問 _21.地點 52.在這里_22.散步 53.其

2、次 _23.周四 54.西紅柿_24.化學(xué) 55.顏色 _25.完成 56.小說 _26.春天 57.袋鼠 _27.超過-58.更多 _28.從不 59.關(guān)閉 _29.雜志 60.藝術(shù) _30.導(dǎo)游 61.年級 _31.竹子 62.十一 _163溫暖的82一直 64網(wǎng)球 83方框 65工廠 84斑馬 66圖片 85駕駛 67第十二86沙漠 68夏天 87公斤 69蔬菜 88爬 70姑父 89冬天 71姐,妹90最后 72糖果 91信息 73水 92火車 74雞肉 93再一次75明星 94使用 76好極的95首先 77詢問 96跳 78今天 97倫敦 79點鐘98秋天 80住宅 99跳舞 81正

3、餐 100手臂 寫出下列詞組:(5 0 分)1看書 15談?wù)?用英語16休息一下3彈鋼琴17做家務(wù)4騎馬 18做蛋糕5聽音樂19在印度6家譜 20在草原上7一張李小姐本人的照片21遍及全世界8一張講臺22接通,開(電燈、機器等)9電影票23立刻 10在圖畫上24制定旅行計劃11在晚上25最喜歡去的地方12看電影26在飯廳的后面13魔術(shù)表演27他父母的工作14呆在家28一種不健康的飲料29 .上課30 .去公園31 .在周三下午32 .收到一張生日賀卡33 .去聽音樂會34 .保存文件35 .吃面條36 .發(fā)電子郵件37 .和我的朋友交談38 .通過電視39 .生活在北極40 .來自非洲的駱駝4

4、1 .下載音樂42 .去年43 .唱歌唱得很好44 .離開學(xué)校45 .想出46 .吃午飯47 .舉辦一次聚會48 .保持健康49 .上網(wǎng)50 .怎么樣? 詞匯運用:(50分)(根據(jù)句子意思和中文提示寫出單詞,每個空格限填一詞, 其中1 2 5小題已經(jīng)給出首字母)1. There are many b in our school.2. These are my p. I m their son.3. My father is a teacher in a u.4. S is the last day of the week.5. I like English and Chinese very m

5、uch. They 're my favourite s6. He often goes to bed early(早).It's a good h.7. Let's ca present for her birthday.8. We work 8 h a day.9. How do you c it to the computer?10. He is a worker. He p books every day.11. Orange is a k of drink.12. S I go to the cinema on Sunday.13. Do you use a

6、l to write your homework?14. I want to see a film at the w15. His h is playing football.16. Li Ming 's father and mother are factory m.17. Wang Li s at Beijing International School.18. Are there any books in the school l ?19. This isn't a book. It's a d20. We h got any meat.21. Pears and

7、 apples are f22. What's the p of the shoes? 200 yuan.23. We go to the s to watch the match.24. They eat b at six thirty in the morning.25. Australia is a country ofO .26. I have three (雙)ofshoes.27. (跑步)is my favourite sport.28. Shanghai and Beijing are big (城市).29. There are two (科學(xué))labs in our

8、 school.30. I write my homework (用)a computer.31. Have you got any (想法)?32. (這)are my books.33. When is your (游泳)lesson?34. Mary doesn 'tlike meat (和)fish.35. Lesson(開始)at nine o'clock.36. He gets many(禮物)on his birthday.37. She often (穿)jeans.38. Their favourite clothes (be) T-shirts.39. Le

9、t'sgive (她)aCD.40. Mr King has a lot of (錢).41. They are in different(班級).42. Are Li Yuchun and Zhou Jielun (歌手)?43. Twelve (千)people come to Beijing Zoo every day.44. Would you like to (看)The Lion King with me?45. Do the (狼)eatmeat?46. Is it (一頭)African elephant?47. The red (樹葉)is very nice.48.

10、 Thank you for your (邀請).49. Let;s give Tony a computer (游戲).50. This is my (九)birthday.3初一(上)英語單詞競賽試卷及答案森林forest網(wǎng)站website時刻表timetable黃色的yellow連接connect顯示器monitor醫(yī)院hospital嘴 mouth巧克力 chocolate歷史history通常usually天氣 weather軟運動鞋trainer動物animal歐洲的European檢查check鍵盤keyboard熱帶雨林jungle一半half訪問visit在這里here其次n

11、ext西紅柿tomato顏色colour小說novel袋鼠kangaroo更多more關(guān)閉close藝術(shù)art年級grade十一eleven四、寫出下列單詞:(5。分)1. 練習(xí)practise32.2. 女兒daughter33.3. 窗戶window34.4. 黑板blackboard35.5. 新的new36.6. 歡迎welcome37.7. 對不起sorry38.8. 辦公室office39.9. 秘書secratary40.10. 正確的right41.11. 涼爽的cool42.12. 四十forty43.13. 伯母aunt44.14. 胡蘿卜carrot45.15. 洋蔥on

12、ion46.16. 冰箱fridge47.17. 觸摸touch48.18. 年輕的young49.19. 操場playground50.20. 劇院theatre51.21. 地點place52.22. 散步walk53.23. 周四Thursday54.24. 化學(xué)chemistry55.25. 完成finish56.26. 春天spring57.27. 超過past58.28. 從不never59.29. 雜志magazine60.30. 導(dǎo)游guide61.31. 竹子bamboo62.563. 溫暖的warm64. 網(wǎng)球tennis65. 工廠factory66. 圖片picture

13、67. 第十二twelfth68. 夏天summer69. 蔬菜vegetable70. 姑父uncle71. 姐,妹sister72. 糖果candy73. 水 water74. 雞肉chicken75. 明星star76. 好極的 great77. 詢問ask78. 今天today79. 點鐘 o'clock80. 住宅house81. 正餐dinner寫出下列詞組:(50分)1. 看書read books2. 用英語 in English3. 彈鋼琴play the piano4. 騎馬ride a horse5. 聽音樂listen to music6. 家譜family tr

14、ee7. 一張李小姐本人的照片a photo of Miss Li8. 一張講臺a teacher s desk9. 電影票cinema ticket10. 在圖畫上in the picture11. 在晚上in the evening12. 看電影see a film13. 魔術(shù)表演magic show14. 呆在家stay at home82. 一直always83. 方框box84. 斑馬zebra85. 駕駛drive86. 沙漠desert87. 公斤kilo88. 爬 climb89. 冬天winter90. 最后finally91. 信息information92. 火車trai

15、n93. 再一次 again94. 使用use95. 首先first96. 跳 jump97. 倫敦London98. 秋天autumn99. 跳舞dance100. 手臂 arm15 .談?wù)搕alk about16 . 休息一下have a break17 .做家務(wù)do housework18 .做蛋糕make a cake19 .在印度in India20 . 在草原上in the grassland21 . 遍及全世界all around the world22 . 接通, 開 (電燈、 機器等) switch on23 . 立刻 at once24 .制定旅行計劃make travel

16、 plans25 .最喜歡去的地方favourite place to go26 . 在飯廳的后面behind the dining hall27 .他父母的工作his parents jobs28 . 一種不健康的飲料an unhealthy drink29 .上課 have classes/lessons30 .去公園 go to the park31 .在周三下午 on Wednesday afternoon32 .收到一張生日賀卡 get a birthday card33 .去聽音樂會 go to concerts34 .保存文件 save the document35 .吃面條 e

17、at noodles36 .發(fā)電子郵件send emails37 .和我的朋友交談 talk to my friends38 .通過電視 on television/TV39 .生活在北極 live in the Arctic40 .來自非洲的駱駝 camels from Afric41 .下載音樂 download music42 .去年 last year43 .唱歌唱得很好 sing very well44 .離開學(xué)校 leave school45 .想出 think of46 .吃午飯 have lunch47 .舉辦一次聚會 have a party48 .保持健康 stay hea

18、lthy49 .上網(wǎng) go online50 .怎么樣? What about21. Pears and apples are fuit9六、 詞匯運用:(50分)(根據(jù)句子意思和中文提示寫出單詞,每個空格限填一詞,其中1 2 5小題已經(jīng)給出首字母)1. There are many buildings in our school.2. These are my parents . I m their son.3. My father is a teacher in a university.4. Saturday is the last day of the week.5. I like E

19、nglish and Chinese very much. They 're my favourite s ubjets6. He often goes to bed early(早).It's a good habit .7. Let's choose a present for her birthday.8. We work 8 h ours a day.9. How do you c onnect it to the computer?10. He is a worker. He p rints books every day.11. Orange is a ki

20、nd of drink.12. Sometimes I go to the cinema on Sunday.13. Do you use a l aptop to write your homework?14. I want to see a film at the w eekend15. His hobby is playing football.16. Li Ming 's father and mother are factory m anagers .17. Wang Li studies at Beijing International School.18. Are the

21、re any books in the school l ibrary ?19. This isn't a book. It's a dictionary .20. We haven't got any meat.22. What's the price ofthe shoes? 200 yuan.23. We go to the stadium to watch the match.24. They eat breakfast at six thirty in the morning.25. Australia is a country ofO ceania .26. I have three pairs (雙)ofshoes.27. Running (跑步)is my favourite sport.28. Shanghai and Beijing are big cities(城市).29. There are two science (科學(xué))labs in our school.30. I write my homework with(用)acomputer.31. Have you got any ideas (想法)?32. Thes


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