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1、Shylock HolmesBenedict Cumberbatch 柯尼迪克特 康伯巴奇Conan Doyle柯南柯南 道爾道爾Martin Freeman 馬丁馬丁 弗里曼弗里曼(1809-1849)Edgar Allen PoeEdgar Allan PoeA. novelist, poet, critic;B. good at writing Gothic and detective fiction, father of western detective stories;C. His aesthetics has influenced such French symbolists a

2、nd advocates for “art for arts sake” as Baudelaire; D. His writings have influenced such writers as Conan Doyle, T. S. Eliot and William Faulkner.E. Life He lived a short and tragic life.l(1) His childhood was a miserable one. He lost both of his parents when he was very young and then he was adopte

3、d by a wealthy merchant, John Allan. Poes relation with the Allans was unhappy.l(2) He entered University of Virginia and then West Point but did not finish.l(3) He worked as editor and writer ,most of his life and he was always poor.l(4) At 27 he married his thirteen-year-old cousin, whose death in

4、 1847 left him inconsolable.II. Major Works: l Poetry: 1 The Raven (1844) 烏鴉烏鴉2 Annabel Lee 安娜貝爾麗安娜貝爾麗3 The Sleeper 睡美人4 A Dream Within a Dream 夢中夢5 Israfel伊斯拉菲爾6 The Bells 鐘7 Sonnet To Science 十四行詩-致科學(xué)8 To Helen 獻(xiàn)給海倫獻(xiàn)給海倫9 The City in the Sea 海中的城市The Raven 敘述了一位經(jīng)受失親之痛的男子在孤苦無奈敘述了一位經(jīng)受失親之痛的男子在孤苦無奈 心灰意

5、冷的深夜與一只烏鴉邂逅的故事心灰意冷的深夜與一只烏鴉邂逅的故事 基調(diào)凄愴疑懼基調(diào)凄愴疑懼 源于不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的絕望源于不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的絕望 隨著烏鴉一聲聲隨著烏鴉一聲聲“永不復(fù)生永不復(fù)生”而加深而加深 直至絕望到無以復(fù)加的終行直至絕望到無以復(fù)加的終行 “ “永不復(fù)生永不復(fù)生”共重復(fù)了共重復(fù)了1111次次 它是烏鴉唯一的話語它是烏鴉唯一的話語 既是它的名字既是它的名字 也是它對作者每一次詢問的回答也是它對作者每一次詢問的回答 聽起來既答非所問聽起來既答非所問 又覺得非常應(yīng)景又覺得非常應(yīng)景 它把一幕原本荒誕的對話推向了對生存價值的哲理敘述它把一幕原本荒誕的對話推向了對生存價值的哲理敘述 人至愛的一切不正像烏鴉

6、聒噪的那樣人至愛的一切不正像烏鴉聒噪的那樣 一旦逝去便永不復(fù)生嗎?一旦逝去便永不復(fù)生嗎? 1212月的一個深夜月的一個深夜 又黑又冷又黑又冷 這是敘述者凄苦難耐的心理寫照這是敘述者凄苦難耐的心理寫照 正是這種心境引來了烏鴉正是這種心境引來了烏鴉 它枯立在指揮女神的塑像上它枯立在指揮女神的塑像上 一次次地傳達(dá)著冥界的訊息一次次地傳達(dá)著冥界的訊息 一次次地用沙啞刺耳的一次次地用沙啞刺耳的“永不復(fù)生永不復(fù)生”的字眼戳啄著敘述者業(yè)已破碎的心的字眼戳啄著敘述者業(yè)已破碎的心 使他的靈魂沉入低徊飄蕩的陰影之中使他的靈魂沉入低徊飄蕩的陰影之中 To HelenlHelen thy beauty is to m

7、e Like those Nicean barks of yore That gently oer a perfumed sea The weary wayworn wanderer bore To his own native shore. On desperate seas long wont to roam Thy hyacinth hair thy classic face Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome. Lo! in yon

8、 brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah Psyche from the regions which Are Holy Land! l海倫,海倫, 你的美對于我猶如尼薩的船舸,你的美對于我猶如尼薩的船舸, 在往昔,在往昔, 它們滑過芬芳的海波,它們滑過芬芳的海波, 把漂泊者從倦人的旅羈載回故把漂泊者從倦人的旅羈載回故國的陸地。國的陸地。 經(jīng)歷了海風(fēng)多次的吹拂經(jīng)歷了海風(fēng)多次的吹拂 你那風(fēng)信子般的美發(fā),你那風(fēng)信子般的美發(fā), 你典雅的臉龐,你典雅的臉龐, 水仙

9、女的風(fēng)姿,水仙女的風(fēng)姿, 帶我回到希臘的熠熠光華和古帶我回到希臘的熠熠光華和古羅馬的氣魄。羅馬的氣魄。 看看! ! 在一個華美的窗龕你猶如雕像在一個華美的窗龕你猶如雕像那樣佇立,那樣佇立, 瑪瑙明燈擎在手里!瑪瑙明燈擎在手里! 啊,賽琪,你來自彼岸那不可啊,賽琪,你來自彼岸那不可及的圣地!及的圣地! Short storiesl1 MS. Found in a Bottle (1833) 瓶中手稿l2 Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque (1839) 荒誕奇異的故事l3 The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1841) 毛格

10、街血案l4 The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古屋的倒塌l5 The Cask of Amontillado 一桶白葡萄酒l6 Ligeia 麗姬婭l7 The Purloined Letter 竊信案l8 The Man of the Crowd 人群中的人l9 The Tell-Tale Heart 泄密的心l10 William Wilson威廉.威爾遜l11 Black Cat黑貓l12 The Imp of the Perverse變態(tài)的小鬼l13 The Gold Bug金甲蟲l14 The Mystery of Marie Roger 瑪麗.羅熱疑

11、案l15 The Masque of the Red Death 紅色死亡的化妝舞會The Cask of Amontillado阿芒提拉多的酒桶III. Gothic Novel The Gothic novel, or “Gothic romance” flourished through the early nineteenth century. Authors of such novels set their stories in the medieval period, often in a gloomy castle, and made plentiful use of ghost

12、s, mysterious disappearances, and other sensational and supernatural occurrences; their principal aim was to evoke chilling terror by exploiting mystery, cruelty, and a variety of horrors. The term “gothic” has also been extended to denote a type of fiction that a. develops an atmosphere of gloom or terror, b. represents events which are mysterious, horrible, or extremely violent, and c. often deals with abnormal psychological states. IV. Writing Style: Poes style is traditi


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