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1、外研七年級上冊外研七年級上冊MU第一頁,共27頁。第1頁/共27頁第二頁,共27頁。Show a picture of Beijing zoo.Today, Tony and Ling are going to visit the zoo. In order to know more animals, they invite a guide to introduce animals for them.第2頁/共27頁第三頁,共27頁。Prediction:What animals will they meet today?What do they look like?第3頁/共27頁第四頁,共

2、27頁。The first time:How many animals do they meet? What are they?第4頁/共27頁第五頁,共27頁。The second time:Listen and complete the table. AnimalsThings they eatLionsBearsElephantsPandas第5頁/共27頁第六頁,共27頁。AnimalsThings they eatLionsBearsElephantsPandasLets check the answers.meatmeat and plants plants bamboo第6頁/共

3、27頁第七頁,共27頁。1.Read the dialogue and pick out the sentences used to talk about animals.2.What else can we talk about animals?第7頁/共27頁第八頁,共27頁。Role play in groups. Tips:Welcome to.Does the tiger eat meat?Do pandas like bamboo?Is the elephant dangerous?Whats your favourite animals?第8頁/共27頁第九頁,共27頁。Ther

4、e are (1) other / many animals from different (2 ) country / countries in Beijing Zoo, (3) such / which as bears, giraffes and pandas. The lions are (4) funny / dangerous because they eat meat. Underline the correct words.第9頁/共27頁第十頁,共27頁。The bears eat meat too, but also (5) plants / leaves. Elephan

5、ts are (6) different / cute. Theyre (7) tall / white and eat (8) plants/ meat. Pandas are black and white and eat (9) bamboo / other animals. The (10) pandas/ guides name is Lingling.第10頁/共27頁第十一頁,共27頁。1. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.such adj. 這樣(zhyn

6、g)的;如此的可修飾名詞,修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)時要置于a / an 之前。e.g. I dont like such books. 我不喜歡這樣(zhyng)的書。第11頁/共27頁第十二頁,共27頁。Mary is such a nice girl. 瑪麗是一個如此可愛(k i)的女孩。such as意為“比如”。e.g. John likes sports, such as football, basketball and table tennis. 約翰喜歡運(yùn)動,比如足球,籃球和 乒乓球。第12頁/共27頁第十三頁,共27頁。根據(jù)所講內(nèi)容將下面的句子翻譯成英語。(1) 今天是如此(rc)熱的

7、一天。(2) 湯姆喜歡水果,如香蕉和蘋果。Today is such a hot day.Tom likes fruit, such as bananas and apples.第13頁/共27頁第十四頁,共27頁。3. Yes, they do, but they also eat plants. also adv. 也;而且 also常位于(wiy)句中,一般放在系動詞、助動詞或情態(tài)動詞之后,實(shí)義動詞之前。 too意為“也”,常位于(wiy)句尾,并用逗號與句子的其他部分隔開。 e.g. My brother also likes tennis. =My brother likes ten

8、nis, too. 我弟弟也喜歡網(wǎng)球。第14頁/共27頁第十五頁,共27頁。2. They come from many different countries and they eat different food. come vi. 來 come from 來自(li z) from后常跟表示國家或地點(diǎn)名稱的詞 e.g. She comes from London. 她是倫敦人。 第15頁/共27頁第十六頁,共27頁。Im also very busy today. = Im very busy today, too. 今天(jntin)我也很忙。用also或too完成下列(xili)句子

9、。1. I _ have a red pencil box.2. Helens birthday is on December 20th, _.also too第16頁/共27頁第十七頁,共27頁。4. Do pandas eat plants and leaves? leaves leaf n. 葉子的復(fù)數(shù)形式。以-f或-fe結(jié)尾的名詞,變復(fù)數(shù)時一般要把-f或-fe變?yōu)?ves。此類詞有half, knife(小刀)等。 根據(jù)(gnj)所講內(nèi)容將下列短語翻譯成英語。 (1) 許多葉子_ (2) 三把小刀_many leaves three knives 第17頁/共27頁第十八頁,共27頁。

10、5. Sure. They love bamboo. sure adv. 的確,當(dāng)然 e.g. He sure looked unhappy yesterday. 他昨天看起來不高興。 be sure to do sth. 一定要 / 務(wù)必做某事 e.g. Be sure to come back before 7:00 pm. 一定要晚上(wn shang)七點(diǎn)前回來。第18頁/共27頁第十九頁,共27頁。6. Shall we go and see them? 由shall引導(dǎo)的一般疑問句“Shall we .?”可用于提出建議,意思是“我們吧?”?!具\(yùn)用】根據(jù)漢語對話意思完成(wn ch

11、ng)英語對話,每空一詞(含縮略形式)。 我們?nèi)ゴ蚧@球吧?好的,咱們走。_ _ go to play basketball?Yes, _ go.lets Shall we第19頁/共27頁第二十頁,共27頁。 dangerous favourite here there sureListen and repeat./ / / / /第20頁/共27頁第二十一頁,共27頁。/ / / / /第21頁/共27頁第二十二頁,共27頁。Listen and choose or . 1. lives 2. comes 3. loves 4. likes/ / / / /第22頁/共27頁第二十三頁,共2

12、7頁。A.首字母填空(tinkng)。1. Beijing Zoo has many kinds of a_.2. The lions are d_ because they eat meat.3. Pandas are black and white and eat b_.4. The b_ eat meat and plants.5. An e_ is tall and eats plants.lephant nimalsangerousambooears第23頁/共27頁第二十四頁,共27頁。B. 翻譯(fny)下列句子。1. 這些動物來自不同的國家。_.2. 老虎愛吃肉嗎?_?These animals come from manydifferent countriesDo th


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