高考英語二輪專題復(fù)習(xí):外刊精讀(34)科學(xué)美國人 半夢半醒的中間狀態(tài)能讓你創(chuàng)造力爆棚(1)學(xué)案(無答案)_第1頁
高考英語二輪專題復(fù)習(xí):外刊精讀(34)科學(xué)美國人 半夢半醒的中間狀態(tài)能讓你創(chuàng)造力爆棚(1)學(xué)案(無答案)_第2頁
高考英語二輪專題復(fù)習(xí):外刊精讀(34)科學(xué)美國人 半夢半醒的中間狀態(tài)能讓你創(chuàng)造力爆棚(1)學(xué)案(無答案)_第3頁
高考英語二輪專題復(fù)習(xí):外刊精讀(34)科學(xué)美國人 半夢半醒的中間狀態(tài)能讓你創(chuàng)造力爆棚(1)學(xué)案(無答案)_第4頁
高考英語二輪專題復(fù)習(xí):外刊精讀(34)科學(xué)美國人 半夢半醒的中間狀態(tài)能讓你創(chuàng)造力爆棚(1)學(xué)案(無答案)_第5頁
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1、學(xué)案(34)高中英語必備-外刊精讀(34)Scientific American: Salvador Dalis Creative Secret Is Backed by Science (1)科學(xué)美國人: 半夢半醒的中間狀態(tài),能讓你創(chuàng)造力爆棚(1)(文章Scientific American)導(dǎo)讀: 根據(jù)畫家達利的描述,他通過短暫地打盹兒來提神醒腦?,F(xiàn)在,科學(xué)家證明這個方法能有效地激發(fā)創(chuàng)造力。有興趣您也試試?Step 1 劃分句子成分1.找核心動詞 4.找非謂語動詞2.找核心主語或名詞 5.介詞或介詞短語3.找核心賓語或表語 6.連詞This is Scientific Americans

2、60-second Science, Im Christopher Intagliata. Salvador Dali had a peculiar way of refreshing his mindsomething he called slumber with a key. In his 1948 book 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship, he described how it worked. You must seat yourself in a bony armchair, preferably of Spanish style, he wrot

3、e. In your left hand, you were to clench a heavy key, suspended above a plate. Then(時間詞), he continued, you will have merely to let yourself be progressively invaded by a serene afternoon sleep, like the spiritual drop of anisette of your soul rising in the cube of sugar of your body. As you drifted

4、 off, the key would slip from your fingers and clang on the plate, awakening you. He claimed the brief moment spent between wake and sleep would revive your physical and psychic being. And he cautioned that a mere second is infinitely too long. Now Dalis mystical-sounding method has been, to some de

5、gree, vindicated by science. We show that this period between wake and sleep is actually very inspiring for creativityand napping with an object in hand might help to tap into this creative sweet spot. Delphine Oudiette is a sleep researcher at the Paris Brain Institute. Since childhood(時間詞), shes f

6、ound it easy to slip into the zone between wake and sleep. I try to sleep with a problem in mind and let the images come to me. And sometimes I have great ideas. But she was curious to find out whyso she and her colleagues asked 103 volunteers to complete a series of math problems. Step 2 詞匯驛站(注:帶“*

7、”的單詞均為超綱詞,其他詞均為高考考綱詞匯)1.Scientific Americans 60-second Science 科學(xué)美國人60秒科學(xué)系列2.peculiar adj. 奇怪的,不尋常的;特別的,獨特的;不舒服的3.refreshing adj. 令人耳目一新的;使人精神振作的4.slumber with a key 鑰匙睡眠法5.50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship 魔法工藝的 50 個秘密6.describe v. 描述 7.a bony armchair 一張細窄的扶手椅8.*preferably adv. 更合意地,最好是9.Spanish s

8、tyle 西班牙風格; 西班牙風情10.*clench v. 攥緊(拳頭等),咬緊(牙齒等);緊握,緊咬11.suspend v. 暫停,中止;使暫停使用(或生效);使暫時停職(或停學(xué)等);延緩,推遲;懸,掛12.merely adv. 僅僅,只13.progressively adv. 漸進地;日益增多地 14.invade v. 武力入侵,侵略;大量涌入,蜂擁而入15.*serene adj. 平靜的,安詳?shù)模磺宄旱模缋实?16.*spiritual adj. 平靜的,安詳?shù)?;清澈的,晴朗?17.drop v. 投,丟;躺倒;剔除,除名;停止,放棄;中途卸客,中途卸貨;寄,送,寫(信)

9、;(道路、地面等)急劇向下傾斜;突然終止與(某人)的(戀愛)關(guān)系;(使)掉落;減少,降低 n. 滴,少量;下降18.*anisette n. 茴香酒 19.soul n. 靈魂;心靈20.cube of sugar 方糖21.*drift off 漸漸離去;漫無目的地移動22.slip from 從滑落 23.*clang n. 叮當聲;鏗鏘聲 vi. 發(fā)鏗鏘聲24.*awaken vt. 喚醒;喚起;使意識到 25.claim v. 聲稱,斷言26.brief adj. 短暫的;簡短的27.*revive v. (使)復(fù)原,(使)復(fù)蘇;重新喚起 28.physical adj. 身體的,肉體

10、的;物質(zhì)的,有形的;外形的,外在的;物理的,物理學(xué)的29.*psychic adj. 精神的;心靈的;靈魂的;超自然的 n. 靈媒;巫師 30.caution n. 小心,謹慎;提醒,告誡;(警察向犯輕罪的人發(fā)出的)警告 31.*infinitely adv. 無限地;極其32.*mystical-sounding method 聽起來神秘的方法 33.degree n. 度,度數(shù);程度34.*vindicate vt. 維護;證明無辜;證明正確 35.inspire v. 激勵,鼓舞;賦予靈感 36.creativity n. 創(chuàng)造力,獨創(chuàng)性37.nap n. (尤指在白天)小睡,打盹38.

11、tap v. 輕拍,輕扣,輕敲;敲出節(jié)奏,打拍子 n. 水龍頭39.creative adj. 創(chuàng)造(性)的,創(chuàng)作的;有創(chuàng)造力的,有想象力的40.spot n. 地點,場所;(人體的)部位,地方;有某種特質(zhì)的部分;點,斑點;污點,污漬 v. 認出,發(fā)現(xiàn) 41.*Paris Brain Institute 巴黎大腦研究所42.slip into 溜進;使滑入;匆忙穿上;大吃43.zone n. (有某特色或作用的)地區(qū),地帶;(允許或禁止某種活動的)范圍;(尤指有別于周圍的)區(qū)域,部份;(規(guī)劃的)區(qū)域44.image n. 形象,印象;影像,映像,圖像;比喻,意象;畫像,塑像,雕像45.curi

12、ous adj. 好奇的,求知欲強的;稀奇的,不尋常的;愛挑剔的46.colleague n. 同事,同僚47.volunteer n. 志愿者,義務(wù)工作者 v. 自愿做,義務(wù)做 adj. 志愿(者)的plete adj. 完全的,徹底的;全部的,完整的;完成的,結(jié)束的;技能全面的,技術(shù)嫻熟的;向前傳球成功的 v. 使完整,使完美;填寫(表格);完成,結(jié)束 49.a series of 一系列的;一連串的 50.math problem 數(shù)學(xué)問題 Step 3 盡享原文This is Scientific Americans 60-second Science, Im Christopher

13、Intagliata. Salvador Dali had a peculiar way of refreshing his mindsomething he called slumber with a key. In his 1948 book 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship, he described how it worked. You must seat yourself in a bony armchair, preferably of Spanish style, he wrote. In your left hand, you were to

14、clench a heavy key, suspended above a plate. Then, he continued, you will have merely to let yourself be progressively invaded by a serene afternoon sleep, like the spiritual drop of anisette of your soul rising in the cube of sugar of your body. As you drifted off, the key would slip from your fing

15、ers and clang on the plate, awakening you. He claimed the brief moment spent between wake and sleep would revive your physical and psychic being. And he cautioned that a mere second is infinitely too long. Now Dalis mystical-sounding method has been, to some degree, vindicated by science. We show th

16、at this period between wake and sleep is actually very inspiring for creativityand napping with an object in hand might help to tap into this creative sweet spot. Delphine Oudiette is a sleep researcher at the Paris Brain Institute. Since childhood, shes found it easy to slip into the zone between w

17、ake and sleep. I try to sleep with a problem in mind and let the images come to me. And sometimes I have great ideas. But she was curious to find out whyso she and her colleagues asked 103 volunteers to complete a series of math problems. Step 4 單詞自測(注:帶“*”的單詞均為超綱詞,其他詞均為高考考綱詞匯)1.Scientific Americans

18、 60-second Science 2.peculiar adj. 3.refreshing adj. 4.slumber with a key 5.50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship 6.describe v. 7.a bony armchair 8.*preferably adv. 9.Spanish style 10.*clench v. 11.suspend v. 12.merely adv. 13.progressively adv. 14.invade v. 15.*serene adj. 16.*spiritual adj. 17.drop v.

19、 18.*anisette n. 19.soul n. 20.cube of sugar 21.*drift off 22.slip from 23.*clang n. 24.*awaken vt. 25.claim v. 26.brief adj. 27.*revive v. 28.physical adj. 29.*psychic adj. 30.caution n. 31.*infinitely adv. 32.*mystical-sounding method 33.degree n. 34.*vindicate vt. 35.inspire v. 36.creativity n. 3

20、7.nap n. 38.tap v. 39.creative adj. 40.spot n. 41.*Paris Brain Institute 42.slip into 43.zone n. 44.image n. 45.curious adj. 46.colleague n. 47.volunteer n. plete adj. 49.a series of 50.math problem Step 5 原文翻譯This is Scientific Americans 60-second Science, Im Christopher Intagliata. 這里是科學(xué)美國人60秒科學(xué)系列

21、,我是克里斯托弗.因塔利亞塔。 Salvador Dali had a peculiar way of refreshing his mindsomething he called slumber with a key. 薩爾瓦多.達利有一種獨特的提神醒腦方法他稱之為“鑰匙睡眠法”。 In his 1948 book 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship, he described how it worked. 在他1948年出版的魔法工藝的 50 個秘密一書中,他描述了這一睡眠法是如何起作用的。 You must seat yourself in a bony

22、armchair, preferably of Spanish style, he wrote. “你必須坐在一張細窄的扶手椅上,最好是西班牙風格的,”他寫道。 In your left hand, you were to clench a heavy key, suspended above a plate. 你的左手要緊握一把懸掛在盤子上方的沉重的鑰匙。 Then, he continued, you will have merely to let yourself be progressively invaded by a serene afternoon sleep, 然后,他繼續(xù)道,

23、“你只需要讓自己逐漸被午后寧靜的睡意侵襲, like the spiritual drop of anisette of your soul rising in the cube of sugar of your body. 就像你靈魂中的一滴茴香酒,逐漸浸潤身體這塊方糖?!?As you drifted off, the key would slip from your fingers and clang on the plate, awakening you. 當你昏昏欲睡的時候,鑰匙會從你的指間滑落,哐當一聲掉在盤子上,把你吵醒。 He claimed the brief moment spent between wake and sleep would revive your physical and psychic being. 他聲稱,在清醒和睡眠之間度過的短暫時刻可以讓你的身體和精神都恢復(fù)活力。 And he cautioned that a mere second is infinitely too long. 他還提醒稱,“連一秒鐘都會顯得太長。” Now Dalis mystical-sounding method has been, to some de


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