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1、Unit 6Unit 6Im going to studycomputer science.will和be going to 的區(qū)別:一般情況下will與be going to 可以互換,但在有時間狀語從句或條件狀語從句的復合句中,主句是將來時態(tài)時,常用will。判斷對錯:I will come if it doesnt rain.Im going to come if it doesnt rain.帶有意愿色彩或問對方是否愿意,表示客氣的邀請或命令時,用will,不用be going to.Will you go with us?Will you please close the windo

2、w?例題:1.I _(be) tired. I _ to bed early tonight.2.It is very cold these days. It _(snow) soon.3.What _ he _(do) next?4.Nancy is going to watch a movie tonight.(改否定句) Nancy_ going to _ a movie tonight.5.Ill go and join them.(改否定句) I _ go _ join them.6.Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑問句)_ _ _

3、to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?7.We will meet at the bus stop.(改一般疑問句)_ _ meet at the bus stop?will snowdoisntwatchamwill goorAre you goingwontShall wewill2. I like singing and playing the guitar. I act in different movies. 1. People come to see me when they are sick(生病的). I can help to make them feel b

4、etter.What do they do?a doctoran actor/actress4. I wear a uniform and I work to make our city a safe(安全的) place.a basketball player3. I like sports and I practice basketball every day.a policeman5. I work in hotels, I can cook delicious food for people.a cookan engineer6. I am good at designing(設(shè)計).

5、 I can build high buildings and long bridges.a computer programmer8. I am good at computers science. And I can design many new programs.a pilot9. I enjoy taking a plane and travel all over the world. I must keep a good eyesight and take flying lessons.e.g. Physical activities are good for health. 體育

6、活動對健康有益。1. physical adj. 身體的2. schoolwork n. 學校作業(yè)(不可數(shù)名詞)e.g. I will do better in my schoolwork. 我會在作業(yè)方面做得更好一些。 What are your new years resolutions? Talk in your groups:About physical health: _ _ About doing better at school: _ _About the relationships with your family and friends: _ _group workgroup

7、 workReading2bRead the passage and match each paragraph (1-3) with its main purpose. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide._ To question the idea of making resolutions_ To discuss the different kinds of resolutions_ To give the meaning of resolution答案: 3;1;2 指導: 先讀這三個主題的意思,帶著問題去讀短文。

8、 通讀每個段落,理解這個段落所講的主要意思。 在相關(guān)段落中劃出相關(guān)的依據(jù),根據(jù)依據(jù)確定每個段落主要意思。第三段:hardly ever keep them. the best resolution is to have no resolutions!第一段:Its a kind of promise. However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions. 第二段:different kinds of resolutions; some; some resolutions Which paragraph in the passage do

9、 you think each sentence goes in? Write the letters A-D in the correct places in the passage. These are about making yourself a better person.For example, a student may have to find more time to study. C. There are good reasons for this.D. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions

10、. 2c指導: 首先,閱讀這四個句子,掌握其意思。然后,再次閱讀每個段落,重點閱讀每個空格前后句子的意思。根據(jù)上下文意來確定空格處應(yīng)填的句子。1.段 _ DD句意:新年伊始常是下新年決心的時候。第一段中介紹了resolution的意思。第一空格前句意“最普通的一種就是新年決心”,空格后句意為“當我們在新年的開端下新年決心的時候”可推測出本空應(yīng)填此句。2.段 _ _A 句意:這些決心是有關(guān)讓你自己成為一名更優(yōu)秀的人的。AB由前一句話“很多決心與自我提高有關(guān)?!?,可知空格處是對這句的進一步解釋。B句意:例如,一名學生可能必須利用更多的時間來學習。本段中介紹了不同類型的決心,并一一舉例說明。由空格前

11、所列是第三種 “與更好的計劃有關(guān)的決心”,本空格處應(yīng)為舉例說明這種類型的決心的情況。3.段 _C句意: 對此種情況有不錯的理由。C本段中心意思是對下新年決心這種想法的懷疑。由空格前句意“人們很難實現(xiàn)他們”,及空格后的兩句都是敘述不能實現(xiàn)這些決心的原因,可知空格處應(yīng)先C句。Answer the questions with short sentences.What is a resolution? _2. When do people make resolutions? _3. Why do people usually make resolutions? _ _Its a kind of pr

12、omise. They hope that they can improve their lives. At the beginning of the year.2d4. How can people remember their resolutions? _Some people write them down.5. How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about? _Three kinds.6. Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep? _7. Do you

13、 think the best resolution is to have no resolutions? Why or why not? _Sometimes they may be difficult to keep or sometimes people just forget about them. Because resolutions can help us try our best. No, I dont. e.g. My grandpas hobby is practicing Taiji. 我爺爺?shù)膼酆檬谴蛱珮O拳。1. hobby n. 業(yè)余愛好 復數(shù)形式: hobbiese

14、.g. We play chess twice weekly.我們每周下兩次象棋。2. weekly adj. & adv. 每周的(地)3. write down 寫下;記錄下e.g. Write down the address before you forget it. 把地址寫下來,省得忘了。4. take up (尤指為消遣) 學著做;開始做e.g. My brother is going to take up guitar. 我弟弟嘗試著開始學吉它。1. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, 有些決定與合理的時間規(guī)劃相關(guān)

15、,Explanation1) have to do with這個結(jié)構(gòu)表示“與相關(guān);與有關(guān)聯(lián)或有關(guān)系”。e.g. What does this problem have to do with what were learning today? 這道題跟我們今天所學的內(nèi)容有什么關(guān)系?2) 此句中的planning為名詞,表示“計劃;規(guī)劃”等意思,如:city planning(城市規(guī)劃)等。英語中better planning類似漢語中的“合理規(guī)劃”,指通過制定計劃來更加充分的利用時間、空間、精力等。2. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. 有時這些決定可能會太難而無法實現(xiàn)。 1) 英語中tooto是一種固定結(jié)構(gòu),表示 “太而不能夠”。e.g. The kid is too young to play this game. 這孩子太小,不能玩這個游戲。2) 本句中的動詞keep意為“履行(諾言等


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