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1、 2022萬能澳洲留學申請書格式 2022最新萬能澳洲留學申請書 Dear _, It is estimated that within the two hundred independent countries of the world there are 6800different spoken languages, creating a huge expanse of language barriers, hand signals andlost translations. However, within this mass of worldwide confusion, picture

2、s and photography can still be understood universally. Maybe its a cliched point to prove, but personally I think this underlines the concept that a picture can (with no specified language) speak a thousand words to a thousand different people. I find this idea of global understanding deeply fascina

3、ting and it is one reason among many which has propelled me towards the study and creation of photography and the visual arts. From a young age I have had an interest in pictures and drawing, which developed, as I got older into an interest in textiles and a love of fashion. From this I decided to d

4、o an introductory course at The London College of Fashion, and it was there that my idea to pursue a career in photography and art direction first occurred. I found that although I was interested in the logistics and business side of the fashion industry it was the compositions, vibrant images and i

5、ndividuality of the advertising campaigns that truly inspired me. Studying photography at A-level I have learnt the importance of individual style and personal reading;seeing this put into practice in magazines and adverts led me to decide that with the aid of higher education I wanted to go on and

6、work with photography and advertising. I have always had a flair for business, completing GCSE, AS and A level exams with a high-grade average. I have learnt the importance of finances and budget restraints, which I think is a very valuable lesson to learn. By studying English Language I have been a

7、ble to improve my writing skills and expand my knowledge of the way in which words can be used to influence and explain. I have found both these subjects to have aided me with various independent projects and have increased my understanding and ability to perform at a high level in different areas.

8、When I joined The Henley College I began working and learning with a wide range of different people from different backgrounds, it was a large change from the structured life of an all girls grammar school. However, I found moving to this environment and a new way of education highly liberating, I w

9、as able to adjust very quickly, both socially and to the educational practices. From this experience I learnt to be very open to new opportunities and places, which has helped me with the projects and jobs I have done. There are a large range of skills required when working in commercial photography

10、- an example of these being networking and perseverance. In order to gain a wider perspective into the challenges of this as a career, as well as my subject coursework, I have done freelance work on a number of occasions including photographing private events and parties. I found these jobs to be mo

11、re subjective as I had to work to a very specific brief with tight deadlines; the results of such experiences I have found to be highly positive. I have learnt to compromise with difficult clients and have had one of my photographs printed in BCFA member directory as part of an advertising campaign.

12、 However, the biggest learning curve I experienced was when observing work at a professional studio it was here I witnessed the patience and communication skills needed to become a successful art director. I think by working with lens-based media at a degree level I will be further towards gaining t

13、he attributes needed for this area of work. From university I hope to go on to and work within the photography and creative advertising industry. I know the skills necessary are both creatively and academically challenging, but due to my ambition, social ability and general love of photography, I th

14、ink it is definitely something I could excel at, given the opportunity. Yours sincerely, 澳大利亞留學簽證要求須知 1.材料要求 澳洲留學簽證要提交的材料囊括申請表、護照、戶口本、身份證、出身公證原件、在讀證明或畢業(yè)證、CoE、學校錄取通知、GTE、OSHC保險憑證、存款證明、經(jīng)濟擔保信、在職人員還要提交工作簡歷和工作證明等。 用于遞交學生簽證的所有材料和信息必須是真實的。含有任何錯誤或誤導性的虛假材料或信息的學生簽證申請可能會導致申請被拒簽。 2.保險要求 申請澳洲留學簽證必須購買保險并提供保單,申請人必

15、須購買OSHC海外學生健康保險。澳洲政府認證提供OSHC的主流供應商有六個,分別是AHM、NIB、CBHS、BUPA、Medibank和Alliance,學生可以遵照自己的喜好自由選擇。 遵照20_年的費用標準,最基本的海外學生醫(yī)療保險,即達到政府規(guī)定的最低保險要求的保險計劃,留學生一年的保險費在460-560澳元左右。 3.申請要求 澳洲移民局宣布從2022年7月1日起,所有的澳洲留學簽證申請必須通過澳大利亞內(nèi)政事務部(Department of Home Affairs)的_在網(wǎng)上遞交,即目前澳洲留學簽證辦理都是通過線上。 移民局規(guī)定澳大利亞留學簽證申請至少在課程起始日的12周前遞交,即要

16、提前近3個月遞交簽證申請。為了加快簽證申請,一定確保所遞交的材料正確、完整。 4.體檢要求 同學們在遞交申請后要自行打印體檢表格,并到指定的醫(yī)院體檢。體檢為3-5個工作日左右,體檢醫(yī)院會自行上傳學生的體檢報告給澳使館。 必須要在澳洲移民局認可醫(yī)院進行檢查,且至少在醫(yī)院結束服務時間前1小時到達醫(yī)院。醫(yī)院業(yè)務繁忙,留學生體檢可能需要預約,同學們可以根據(jù)醫(yī)院聯(lián)系方式打電話過去預約。 5.審核要求 遞交申請后需要耐心等待等待1-2個月左右,為了縮短簽證審批時間,遞交簽證申請時一定要附上所有所需文件,否則將面臨審批延遲或拒簽。 留學澳大利亞要準備的行李物品 一、箱包準備 大家裝行李的箱子和背包,一定要提

17、前就安置好,因為波及到了托運和登機,要滿足的需求是不一樣的,托運的箱子還會有大小規(guī)格的要求,要以航班登機的要求為準,進行分配和整理。 而隨身帶的行李中,還有不能夠托運的貴重物品如電腦等,如果擔心背包可能會保障不好,可以帶一個可以登機的小行李箱,這樣可以更好地進行保障,大家的行李壓力也會小一些。 二、資金準備 現(xiàn)金需要大家提前對換好,確認好金額以后直接去銀行進行對換,澳元一般不需要提前預約,而銀行卡也可以準備一張,來應對可能會出現(xiàn)的大筆資金的需求,保證自己可以正常在這里進行消費。 三、證件準備 出入境會要求學生出示身份證件,這時候?qū)W生要準備的,有護照和簽證、登機牌等,初次入境的學生還要經(jīng)受檢查,需要大家遵照要求進行出示,如果有申報的行李一定要提前填表。 而抵達以后要出事的證件,例如入學的時候需要有offer和繳費證明,這些東西放在行李箱里就可以了,后續(xù)需要用到的時候再拿出來,但是一定要妥善


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