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1、新人教版英語七年級(jí)下冊(cè)第八單元全部課件Section A 1a-1c ObjectivesTo learn the nouns like post office, restaurant, bank To learn to use There be structure.post officerestaurant Warming upbankpolice stationhotelhospitalstreetpay phonepark1. post office _2. police station _3. hotel _4. restaurant _5. bank _ 6. hospital _7

2、. street _8. pay phone _9. park _faeicbhgdMatch the words with the places in the picture.1a Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a . 1b Is there a hospital near here?Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the other pl

3、aces in 1a. 1c Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.Make the conversations with your partner about the places in 1a. Is there a hospital near here?Is there a post office near here?Yes, there is. Its on Long Street. Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street?Yes, there is.- Is there a hospital near here?-

4、 Yes, there is.“附近有醫(yī)院嗎?” “是的,有?!?探究there be表示“某地存在某物”,其一般疑問句及回答是:- Is/Are there? - Yes, there is/are. /No, there isnt/arent.Language Point 拓展常用的問路句型: 1) Is there? 2) Can you tell me the way to? 3) Which is the way to? 4) Where is ? 5) How can I get to?.根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。 Its Sunday today. We can see a lot

5、of people on the _ (街道).2. _(大約) forty students are in the hall.3. You need to _ (支付) ten yuan for the book.4. Where is Mr. Greens _(辦公室)? streetAboutpayofficeExercises.根據(jù)句意填單詞。 1. People can have meals in the _. 2. We can send letters in the _. 3. You can save money in the _. 4. The man wants to te

6、lephone his son. Hes looking for a _.restaurantpost officebankpay phoneIm ill, so I have to go to the _.If you travel to some places, you should find a _ to live in first.7.The thief was taken to the _.8. It is dangerous to play on the _. There are so many cars.hospitalhotelpolice stationstreet Coul

7、d you please tell me _ I can buy some stamps? Yes. There is a post office on Center Street. A why B.where C.when中考鏈接B1. Write the new words in Section A.2. Practice the conversation with your partner. -Is there.near here? -Yes,there is.Its on.Section A 2a-2d ObjectivesTo learn to use There be struct

8、ure.To learn to use prepositions of place. Warming upnext tobetweenon the boxunder the boxin the box-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.near-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.next to-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.in front of-Wheres the soccer bal

9、l?-Its _ the box.behind-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.across from-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _.between the big box and the small box1. The pay phone is across from the library.2. The pay phone is next to the library.3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library.4. The pay

10、phone is on Green Street.5. The pay phone is in front of the library.6. The pay phone is behind the library.Match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box. 2a 4521361. The police station is between the restaurant and the hospital.2. The park is _ the bank.3. The hospital is _ Br

11、idge Street.4. The pay phone is _ the post office.5. The restaurant is _ the post office.6. The hotel is _ the police station. across fromonnext toListen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.in front ofbehindnext to in front of between behind across from on2b Ask and answer questions abo

12、ut the places in 1a on page 43.A: Wheres the hospital? B: Its next to the police station.A: Wheres the restaurant? B: Its next to the police station.2c A: Wheres the bank? B: Its on Long Street.A: Wheres the hotel? B: Its across from the post office.A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its next to the post o

13、ffice.A: Wheres the park? B: Its behind the hotel.A: Wheres the post office? B: Its across from the hotel.Read the conversation and answer the questions.Is there a bank near here? _2. Wheres the bank? _ _3. Is Center Street far from here? _Yes, there is.Its on Center Street, across from the park.No,

14、 it isnt. 2d Tony: Hi, excuse me.Linda: Yes. How can I help you?Tony: Well, Im new in town. Is there a bank around here? Role-play the conversation.Linda: Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. Its across from the park. Tony: Oh wheres Center Street?Linda: Its not too far from here. I can walk with yo

15、u. Tony: Oh, thats great! Thanks so much.Linda: No problem. 1. How can I help you? 需要我?guī)兔幔?表示向他人伸出援手,主動(dòng)提出幫助的 意思,此句還可說成:How can I help you? 類似的句子還有: May I help you? Do you need any help? Is there anything I can help (you) with? What can I do for you?Language Points2. The pay phone is in front of the

16、library. in front of 意為“在前面”(在某范圍之外) e.g. There is a girl in front of the bus. 在公交車前有一個(gè)女孩。 【辨析】in the front of “在前面”(在某范圍之內(nèi))e.g. There is a girl in the front of the bus. 在公交車的前面有一個(gè)女孩。3. The pay phone is next to the post office. next to 意為“緊靠著;緊挨著;貼近” e.g. The little boy is next to his mother. 小男孩緊挨著

17、他的母親。 【辨析】next to與near的區(qū)別 從空間講near 只表示“在附近”;而next to有“緊挨著”之意;next to比near靠的更近。如:Peter sits next to Mike. 彼特緊挨著邁克坐。 Peter sits near Tom. 彼特坐在湯姆附近。4. Its across from the park. across from 意為“在對(duì)面” e.g. The bank is across from our school. 銀行就在我們學(xué)校對(duì)面?!就卣埂?across 作介詞,意為“從一邊 到另一邊;橫過”。 e.g. Can you swim acr

18、oss the river? 你能游過這條河嗎?5. between 介詞,表示“在中間”, 常與and 連接, 構(gòu)成短語,指在兩者之間。 例如: I sit between Lucy and Lily. 我坐在露西和莉莉中間。 among 是指在三者或三者以上的中間。 例如: My brother is among those boys. 我哥哥在那群男孩中間。School Park Zoo Bridge StreetSupermarket BankThe supermarket is _ _ the bank.The zoo is _ _ the bank.The park is _ th

19、e school _ the zoo.across fromacross from betweenand1. 圖書館在郵局的對(duì)面。 The library is _ _ the _ _.2. 在公園附近有餐館嗎? Is _ a restaurant _ the _? 3. 緊挨著銀行有一家旅館。 There _ a hotel _ _ the bank.there near parkis next to across frompost officeExercises根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。4. 投幣電話應(yīng)在醫(yī)院后面。 The _ phone is _ the _.5. 在警察局前面有很多樹。 T

20、here are many trees _ _ _ the police station.in front of pay behind hospital Im getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food? Of course! There _a restaurant around the corner. A. will be B. was C. is中考鏈接C1.Write the prepositions of place.2.Make sentences with “near, next to, in front

21、of, behind, betweenand,across from”.Section A Grammar Focus-3c ObjectivesTo learn to ask and answer Where questions. To learn to write sentences using prepositions of place.1. The snail (蝸牛) is _ the two boxes.2. The snail is _ the box.in front ofbetween Warming upon the boxunder the boxin the box-W

22、heres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.near-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.next to-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.across from-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _.between the big box and the small boxIs there a bank near here?Yes, there is. Its on Cent

23、er Street.Are there any restaurants near here?Yes, theres one in front of the post office.Wheres the hotel?Its behind the police station.Wheres the bank?Its next to the post office.Wheres the park?Its across from the bank, behind the hotel.Where are the pay phones?Theyre between the post office and

24、the library.Grammar Focus1. 附近有銀行嗎?_2. 是的。它在中心街上。 _3. 附近有餐館嗎? _ 閱讀Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. Is there a bank near here?Are there any restaurants near here?有,在郵局前面有一家。 _5. 旅館在哪里? _ 6. 它在公安局后面。_Yes, theres one in front of the post office. Wheres the hotel?Its behind th

25、e police station. 7. 銀行在哪里? _8. 它緊挨著郵局。 _Wheres the bank? Its next to the post office.9. 公園在哪里?_10. 它在銀行對(duì)面,旅館后面。 _11. 投幣電話在哪里? _12. 他們?cè)卩]局與圖書館對(duì)面。 _Wheres the park?Its across from the bank, behind the hotel. Theyre between the post office and the library.Where are the pay phones? There be 句型一、There be

26、 .句型表示的是“某處有(存在) 某人或某物” ,其肯定句式結(jié)構(gòu):1. There be (is,are) +名詞+地點(diǎn)狀語 e.g. 在我的鉛筆盒里有兩塊橡皮。 _ _ two erasers in my pencil box. 在房子前有一棵大樹。 _ _ a tall tree in front of the house.There isThere areLanguage Points2. 否定句:There isnt / arente.g. 大橋街上沒有銀行。 _ _ a bank on Bridge Street. 在教室里沒有籃球。 _ _ any basketballs in t

27、he classroom. There isntThere arent3. 一般疑問句:Is/ Are + 主語 +? 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are. 否定回答:No, there isnt/arent. e.g. 這附近有餐館嗎? _ _ a restaurant near here? 教室里有學(xué)生嗎? _ _ any students in the classroom?Is there Are there二、There be 句型中的主謂一致原則 There be句型中be動(dòng)詞的形式要和其后面 的主語在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致。(1) 如果句子的主語是單數(shù)的可數(shù)名詞, 或是不可數(shù)

28、名詞,be動(dòng)詞用“is”。 e.g. 緊挨著郵局有一個(gè)投幣電話。 _ _ a pay phone next to the post office.There is(2) 如果句子的主語是復(fù)數(shù)名詞,be動(dòng) 詞就用“are”。 e.g. 在公園里很多樹。 _ _ many trees in the park. There are (3) 如果有兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的名詞作主語,be動(dòng) 詞要和最靠近它的那個(gè)主語在數(shù)上保持一致, 也就是我們常說的 “就近原則”。e.g. 在桌子上有一個(gè)桔子和一些香蕉。 _ _ an orange and some bananas on the table. 在桌子上有一些香

29、蕉和一個(gè)桔子。 _ _ some bananas and an orange on the table.There isThere are三、There be 句型與have的區(qū)別 There be句型表示 “存在” , havehas 表示“擁有” 、 “所有” , 兩者不能同 時(shí)使用。例如: 桌子上有一架模型飛機(jī)。 _ _ a model plane on the desk. 我有一架模型飛機(jī)。 _ _ a model plane. I have There iswhere 引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句 where是特殊疑問詞,含有“哪里, 某地”的意思。一般用來詢問地點(diǎn)。where 引導(dǎo)疑問句時(shí),

30、主謂要求倒裝,且助動(dòng)詞必須與后面的主語保持一致。Wheres the park? Its on Center Street.Where are the books? They are on the desk.例如:Where is he? He is in the classroom.他在哪里?他在教室里。Where is he from? He is from England.他來自于哪里?他來自于英國。Where do you live? I live in Changsha.Where does he live? He lives in Mexico City.根據(jù)劃線部分提問。(1)

31、John is from America.(2) Lucy is in the office.解析: (1)是指John 來自于美國。因此用Where from進(jìn)行提問。(2)是指Lucy在辦公室。因此只用where 提問。答案 (1) Where is John from? (2) Where is Lucy?Look at the map and answer the questions.3a 1. Where is the bank? _2. Is there a restaurant on North Street? _3. Wheres the pay phone? _4. Wher

32、es the post office? _5. Is there a hospital near the pay phone? _Yes, there is. Its between the hospital and the post office.Its next to the police station.Its next to the bank, across from the hotel.Yes, there is. 1. The bank is next to the hospital and across from the bank. 2. _ _3. _ _Look at the

33、 map in 3a and write three sentences.The police station is across from the hotel on North Street.The restaurant is next to the police station on North Street.3b Take turns to choose a place in the picturein 1a on Page 43. Your classmates ask questions and then guess the place.3c A: Where is the hosp

34、ital? Is it on Bridge Street?B: Yes, it is.A: Is it next to the police station?B: Yes, it is.A: Is it between the hotel and the bank? B: No, it isnt.根據(jù)圖片提示補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。-Where _ the driver?-He is _ the bus. -Where is Kitty?-She sits _ Sandy. -_ a beside table in the bedroom?-Yes, _. Its _ the bed and the arm

35、chair. isIs there in the front ofnext tothere isbetweenExercises1. 火車站在公園對(duì)面。 _2. 餐館緊挨著郵局。 _3. 在銀行前有一個(gè)投幣電話。 _4. 在醫(yī)院后面有一個(gè)公園。 _5. 在公安局附近有一個(gè)超市嗎? _ .根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。The train station is across from the park.The restaurant is next to the post office.There is a pay phone in front of the bank.There is a park beh

36、ind the hospital. Is there a supermarket near the post office? The high-speed train_Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. fromB. among C. in D. between中考鏈接DLucy, there _too many things on the desk. What a mess!Sorry, Mum. Ill put them away. A. have B

37、. is C. areCLook at the map in 3a, write more sentences according to the example in 3b in your book. Section B 1a-1d ObjectivesTo learn to ask for directions on the street.To learn to give directions on the street using prepositions of place.Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here?Nancy: Yes,

38、there is. Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket.Paul: Thank you very much.Nancy: Youre welcome.Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture. Warming up-Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?-Yes, there is. Go straight down New Street and tur

39、n right. There is a pay phone on the right.-Where is the bank?-Go straight down New Street and turn right. Turn left at Bridge Street. The bank is across from the street.Match the words in the box with the signs.a. go along b. turn right c. turn left 1._ 2._ 3. _acb1a Listen and write the correct pl

40、ace for each letter in the picture. A _B _restauranthotel1b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.A: Excuse me. Is there a _ around here?B: Yes, there is. Just go _ Bridge Street and turn _ when you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the _. Its _ _ the supermarket and across from the _.hote

41、lalongleftrightnext tobank1c A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the _?B: Yes. _ along New Street. _ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, _ _ the pay phone.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.hotelGoTurnacross fromImagine you and your partner are twopeople in the

42、 picture in 1b. Ask and answer about places.A: Is there a supermarket near here?B: Yes, there is. Go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library.A: Got it. I go along Bridge Street and turn left when I see the library.1d 1. turn right/left 意為“向右/左拐”;在這里 right和left都是副詞,意為“向右;向左”。 e.g.

43、向左拐,你會(huì)找到那家賓館。 Turn left and you can find that hotel.2. go along/down “沿著走”, down和 along都是介詞用法。 e.g. 沿著小河走,公園就在右邊。 Walk along/down the river and the park is on the right. Language Points3. on the right/left 意為“在右面/在左面” on ones right/left 意為“在某人的右面/左面” e.g. 在右面有一家銀行。 There is a bank on the right. 沿著這條

44、路走,圖書館就在你的左面。 Walk down this road and the library is on your left.4. at the first crossing 在第一個(gè)十字路口 e.g. 在第二個(gè)十字路口向右拐。 Turn right at the second crossing. Asking the WayIs there anear here?Where is the nearest?Can you tell me how I can get to the?Can you tell me how to get to the?Could you tell me the

45、 way to the, please?Which is the way to? Do you know the way to?Excuse me.小結(jié)Showing the WayGo down/along this street. / Walk along this road.Take the first turning on the right. / Turn left at the first turning.Its on your right/left. / Its next to /across fromItll only take you about 10 minutes if

46、you walk there.Exercises.用there be的適當(dāng)形式填空。 1._any milk in the glass? 2._a bag on the desk. 3._any apples in the box? 4._lots of apples on the tree. 5._any chairs in the room.Is thereThere is Are thereThere areThere arent.句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1.There are some flowers on the dressers. (改為一般疑問句) _there _flowers on the

47、 dressers?2.The zoo is between the hotel and the bank (對(duì)畫線部分提問) _the zoo?3.Mikes house is behind his school.(改為同義句) Mikes school is _ his house.Are anyWhere isin front of4.Lucy sits on Susans left and on Georges right. (改為同義句) Lucy sits _.5.There is a park on the other side(另一 邊)of the street. (改為同義

48、句)_the street is a park.between Susan and GeorgeAcross from.根據(jù)圖示內(nèi)容完成對(duì)話,每空一詞。 A:Excuse me. B:Yes.How can I _ you? A:Well,Im _ in town.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? B:Yes,there is.Go _Guangming Road,and turn _at the third crossing.Go along Xinhua Street, and youll see the hotel.Its next to a _

49、,across from a museum. A:OK.Thanks a lot. B:Youre welcome.helpnewalongleftbookstoreLook at the map in 1b, make a new conversation and write it down.2.Write a tour guide for your neighborhood.Section B 2a-2c ObjectivesTo learn to get the detailed information by reading.To learn to write a passage acc

50、ording to a map using prepositions of place.clothes store post officebookstore schoolsupermarket bankCheck () the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are. 2a There is a clothes store near my home. Where is it?Its next to the bank on Bridge Road. There is a supermarket near my home. W

51、here is it?Its behind the school on Long Street. Read the passages. Match eachpassage with a map. AnnaThere is a zoo in my neighborhood. I like to spend time there on weekends. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. The monkeys sometimes fight. They look like my friends and me when we fight!To

52、 get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. Then I walk along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right.2b JohnI live near a supermarket. My parents usually shop there. There is a big park across from the supermarket. I often exercise at the park because I love the clean air and sunshin

53、e. The best things in life are free!To get to the park, you just have to cross Center Street.LisaI live in a noisy neighborhood. There is a post office between my house and a clothes store. But my favorite place is the library. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there. When I read books, time goes

54、 quickly!You can get to the library easily. Just go down North Road and turn left. It is across from the park.Read the first passage and answer the questions.1. Where does Anna like to spend time on weekends? _2. What animal does Anna love to watch? _3. How does Anna get to the zoo? _ _She likes to

55、spend time in the zoo.She loves to watch monkeys.Turn right on Bridge Road. Then walk along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right. Read the second passage and answer the questions below.1. Where does John live? _2. Where is the big park? _3. Where does John often exercise? _4. How does John get to th

56、e park? _He lives near a supermarket.Its across from the supermarket.He often exercises in the park.He has to cross the Center Street.Read the third passage and answer the questions below.1. Where is the post office? _ _2. Whats Lisas favorite place? _3. Can Lisa get to the library easily? _It is be

57、tween Lisas house and a clothes store.The library.Yes, she can.Read the passages again and answer the questions.1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo?2. Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?2c Anna likes watching the monkeys climbing around.Yes. Anna thinks that when the monkeys are fighti

58、ng, they look like her friends fighting.John likes to exercise at the park.Yes. I agree with John.Lisa walks to the library. She goes down North Road and then turns left. The library is across from the park.4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so, too?5.How does Lisa get to

59、 the library from her home?3. What does John like to do at the park?There is a zoo in Annas _.She likes to _ there on weekends. She loves to watch _ around. The monkeys sometimes fight. To get there, she usually walks out and _ on Bridge Road.Then she _ _Bridge Road.The zoo is _. Bridge RoadAnnaneig

60、hborhoodspend timethe monkeys climbing turns right walks along on the rightJohn lives near a supermarket. His parents usually shop there.Theres a big park _the park.He often exercises in the park because he loves the _ and _ . To get to the park, he has to _. Johnacross from clean air sunshinecross


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