人教版八年級下冊英語 Unit6 Period 6 Section B (3a - Self Check) 習(xí)題課件_第1頁
人教版八年級下冊英語 Unit6 Period 6 Section B (3a - Self Check) 習(xí)題課件_第2頁
人教版八年級下冊英語 Unit6 Period 6 Section B (3a - Self Check) 習(xí)題課件_第3頁
人教版八年級下冊英語 Unit6 Period 6 Section B (3a - Self Check) 習(xí)題課件_第4頁
人教版八年級下冊英語 Unit6 Period 6 Section B (3a - Self Check) 習(xí)題課件_第5頁
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1、人教版 八年級下Period 6 Section B ( 3a-Self Check )Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.12345shotweaknesshidmagicianexcited詞匯拓展溫馨提示:點擊 進(jìn)入講評答 案 呈 現(xiàn)678910westernmarriedwivesshonebravely12345nobodystonesilkmoonlightsmile課文精華答 案 呈 現(xiàn)678910weakbraveleadstickcouple答 案 呈 現(xiàn)真題真練12345ACBso; thatwhole6789AABi

2、s interested in geography挑戰(zhàn)自我作文寫必有法作文1. shoot v. 射擊; 發(fā)射 _(過去式)2. weak adj. 虛弱的 _n. 虛弱3. hide v. 隱藏 _ (過去式)4. magic adj. 有魔力的 _n. 魔術(shù)師5. excite v. 使激動; 使興奮 _adj. 激動的, 興奮的shotweaknesshidmagicianexcited6. west n. 西方 _adj. 西方的7. marry v. 結(jié)婚 _adj. 已婚的8. wife n. 妻子 _ (復(fù)數(shù))9. shine v. 發(fā)光; 照耀 _ (過去式)10. brave

3、 adj. 勇敢的; 無畏的 _adv. 勇敢地; 無畏地westernmarriedwivesshonebravely根據(jù)所給漢語提示填空, 并熟記其他加粗詞匯Once upon a time, there lived an emperor and his silly wife. The queen was the princes stepmother. The prince fell in love with a farmers daughter Claudia. But his stepmother thought Claudia was a _1(小人物)and that they w

4、ere not well matched. So she asked her husband to turn Claudia into a _2(石頭) by magic.nobodystoneThen she hid it into her _3(絲綢) underwear and cheated the prince that Claudia had died. The prince was very sad. But a voice reminded him of his grandfather. One night, the _4(月光) was shining bright. His

5、 grandfather asked him to have a rest on the bed. Then he told him the whole story with a _5(微笑).“You are a little bit _6(虛弱的). If you are _7(勇敢的) enough, I can _8(指引) you to marry Claudia. ”silkmoonlightsmileweakbraveleadHis grandfather excited him. He decided to be a brave man. Finally, he punishe

6、d his stepmother with a magic _9(棍). As soon as he met Claudia, they got married. The _10(夫婦)got a happy life at last.stickcouple一、語法整合真題練1. _he heard the little girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room. 【2021云南】 A. As soon as B. Unless C. If D. Although【點撥】用詞義辨析法。句意為“他一聽到小女孩在外面喊救命,就沖

7、出了房間”。As soon as 一就;Unless 除非;If 如果;Although 雖然。用As soon as引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。故選A。A2. You cant make progress in math learning _ you work harder. 【2021昆明】 A. if B. after C. unless D. because【點撥】用詞義辨析法。if 如果;after 在以后;unless 如果不, 相當(dāng)于if. not;because 因為。句意為“如果你不更加努力,你不能在數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方面取得進(jìn)步”。C3. _you practice every day, yo

8、u wont make any progress. 【2021武威】 A. Although B. Unless C. If D. SinceB4. 這書桌太重我拖不動。 【中考甘孜州】 The desk is _heavy _I cant move it.so that二、高頻考點真題練5. If you go to Beijing, make sure you visit China Science and Technology Museum. Its my favourite museum in the _ (整個的) country.【中考南京】whole6. Dont play ga

9、mes any more. Theres _for you. OK, Mom. 【中考郴州】 A. nothing useful B. useful nothing C. something usefulA7. This is a photo of our family. Would you like to see it? Wow! _happy family!【2021牡丹江、雞西】 A. What a B. How a C. What【點撥】用語法判斷法。句意為“這是我們家的全家福,你想看它嗎? 哇!多么開心的一家人??!”。該感嘆句強調(diào)的是family,是可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),故選A。A8. Wh

10、at club would you like to join, the chess club or the music club? _. Ive already joined the paper cutting club. 【2021鞍山】 A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. NoneB9. 我妹妹對地理感興趣。(be) 【中考襄陽】 My sister _.is interested in geography請用once upon a time, move the mountains, continue, god, be moved, help等詞匯寫一篇3060

11、詞的小短文。_Once upon a time, there was an old man called Yu Gong. He was very old, but he decided to move the mountains. A “clever” man called Zhi Sou advised him not to do that. But he and his children continued doing this. A god was moved. So he sent gods to help him.一、話題分析本單元以講述“傳奇故事(legends)”為話題。內(nèi)容涉

12、及電影戲劇、傳統(tǒng)故事等, 體裁以記敘文為主, 經(jīng)常有觀點性的評述語言。二、寫作方法 “5W1H”法講童話或神話故事講童話或神話故事屬于記敘文寫作, 在寫此類文章時, 多用“5W1H”法, 要交代清楚時間(when)、地點 (where)、人物 (who)、事件(what)、原因(why)和結(jié)局 (how )。首先引入故事的時間、地點、人物; 然后講述故事的發(fā)展; 最后介紹故事的結(jié)局。三、素材積累1. 講童話或神話故事的常用詞匯:once upon a time, as soon as, in the forest, decide to do sth., hurry to, not.until.

13、, get married, wake up, get lost, find a way out2. 講童話或神話故事的常用句型:It happened on / in.There was / were.He / She / It was so.that.四、寫作任務(wù) 從前, 森林里住著狐貍媽媽和小狐貍。一天小狐貍餓了, 狐貍媽媽去給她找食物, 后來發(fā)生了什么呢?請根據(jù)圖片提示寫一則英語小故事。要求:(1)表達(dá)清楚, 無拼寫錯誤; (2)70詞左右。五、寫作模板故事背景(3W)故事發(fā)展(2W)故事結(jié)局(1H)Once upon a time, there was a fox and her b

14、aby in the forest.the baby was hungry and cried. Mother Fox decided to get some food.Baby Fox ran away but Mother Fox died.When she was near her house, the hunter came.六、滿分作文 _Once upon a time, there was a fox and her baby in the forest. One day, the baby was hungry and cried. Mother Fox decided to get some fo


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