外研版七年級下冊英語 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use 習題課件_第1頁
外研版七年級下冊英語 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use 習題課件_第2頁
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1、Unit 3 Language in useModule 6 Around town題組專訓溫馨提示:點擊 進入講評答 案 呈 現(xiàn)12345downupwent downBpast67CB課后鞏固答 案 呈 現(xiàn)12345AABBA678910Turn rightlearn abouton the other side ofwalk/alongstop答 案 呈 現(xiàn)課后鞏固Where isCould you tell me the way to the No.1 Middle Schoolget to; by busWhere canon the right1617181920111213141

2、5acrosson; ofbesidebehindBetween; on; on答 案 呈 現(xiàn)課后鞏固in the middle ofsquareleftmuseumOpposite2627282930bankpost officerivertakeyourself/yourselves2122232425課文精華答 案 呈 現(xiàn)12345cleartouristmuseumbridgealong678910TurnundergroundSquarepost officenext to寫必有法作文1. 他們從樓梯上下來。They came _ the stairs.down2. 我們沿著臺階向上

3、走吧。Lets walked _ the steps.up3. They walk along the street and found the house at last. (改為同義句) They _ the street and found the house finally.went down4. Kate felt excited to see a group of sheep walking _ her into a village in Qinghai. 【2021溫州】A. over B. past C. across D. throughB【點撥】over 超過;past 經(jīng)

4、過;across 橫穿;through 從物體內(nèi)部穿過。根據(jù) “walking.her”可知是一群羊從她旁邊經(jīng)過,用past 符合語境。5. What time is it? Its half _ ten.past6. Do you have any _ questions to ask? No, thanks.A. another B. others C. other D. the otherC7. I read two reports yesterday. One is about the Three-child Policy(政策) , _ is about Mars explorati

5、on(探測). 【2021綏化】A. another B. the other C. otherB【點撥】another 表示“三個或三個以上中任意的另一個,再一個”,表示泛指;the other 表示兩者中“另一個”,用于one. the other. ;other“其他的;別的”,后接復(fù)數(shù)名詞。由上文 “two reports.” 可知,此處為“onethe other.”,表示“一個另一個”,故選B。一、單項選擇1. Excuse me! Is there _ hospital near here? Yes, there is _ over there.A. a; one B. the;

6、 a C. a; the D. the; oneA2. There are two trees in my backyard. One is a Chinese date tree. _ is also a Chinese date tree.A. The other B. Other C. Another【點撥】考查不定代詞辨析。句意為“我家后院有兩棵樹,一棵是棗樹,另一顆也是棗樹”。the other 兩者中另一個;other 其他的(人或物);another 泛指同類事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一個”。由題中“two trees”可知,兩棵樹中的另一棵也是棗樹。故選A。A3. Dont

7、go _ the cinema.A. pass B. past C. cross D. acrossB4. Mike is too tired. He needs _ a rest(休息).A. have B. to haveC. having D. to having【點撥】考查need 的用法。need to do sth. 意為“需要做某事”。這里指他太累了,需要休息。B5. _? Sure. Its on the right of our school.A. Could you tell me how to get to the bankB. Wheres the bankC. Is

8、there a bank near hereD. How can I get to the bank【點撥】考查情景問答。分析答語可推知問句應(yīng)該表示請求,比較四個選項可知只有A 項答案恰當。A二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子6. 在第二個路口向右轉(zhuǎn), 你就能看到我們的學校了。_ at the second crossing, and then youll see our school.Turn right7. 我來了解工廠的生產(chǎn)情況。I came here to _ the factorys production.learn about8. 他們住在街道的另一邊。They live _ the str

9、eet.on the other side of9. 請沿著街走。Please _ the street.walk/along10. 公共汽車到了學校外面的站點。The bus came to the _ outside the school.stop三、語法專練A) 用適當?shù)慕樵~填空11. Before you walk _ the street, remember to watch out.across12. The library is _ the other side the _ park. on of13. Mr. Smith lives _ my home. We are neig

10、hbors.beside14. We cant see the girl. Because she is _ the door.behind15. I sit _ the twins. The elder one is _ my left and the younger one is _ my right. Between on onB) 按要求完成句子16. The gym is opposite the square.(對畫線部分提問) _ _ the gym? Where is17. the way, could, to, the, tell, you, No.1 Middle Scho

11、ol, me(連詞成句) _? Could you tell me the way to the No.1 Middle School18. They take a bus to get to the Forbidden City. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) They _ _ the Forbidden City _ _. get to by bus19. We can get something to eat in this restaurant.(對畫線部分提問) _ _ we get something to eat? Where can20. The playground is on the l

12、eft of the library. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) The library is _ _ _ of the playground.on the right四、 根據(jù)上下文及所給提示完成短文Now we are standing at Xinhua Park. Its _ 21 (在中間) our town. Behind it is a s 22. And its the best place to do some exercise and have a rest for many people. On the _ 23(左側(cè)) is a market. There is a m 24 o

13、n the right. It has many works of art in it.in the middle ofquareleftuseumO 25 the park is a supermarket. There is a _26(銀行) near the supermarket. Behind the park is a _27(郵局) . There is a long r 28 going through the park. Many people like to t 29 a boat on it. You will enjoy _30 (you) in the park.p

14、positebankpost officeiverakeyourself/yourselves根據(jù)所給漢語提示用本模塊所學單詞或短語的適當形式完成短文I ts a _ 1(晴朗的) day. Jack is a _ 2 (游客) from England. He would like to visit the _ 3 (博物館) . Could you show him how to get to the museum? OK. Walk across the new _ 4 (橋) , and then walk _ 5(沿著) Dongfeng Road.cleartouristmuseu

15、mbridgealong_ 6(換方向) right into Jiefang Street, and then you can take the _ 7(地鐵) there. You can get off at the stop New Star _ 8(廣場) and walk past a _9 (郵局) , and then youll see the museum _10(挨著) the cinema on your left.TurnundergroundSquarepost officenext to一、話題分析本模塊的話題是“問路和指路”。通過學習, 我們可以了解并熟練應(yīng)用相

16、關(guān)的用語, 學會給別人指示方向, 禮貌助人。二、寫作方法“三步法”寫指示方向類作文1. 點明所去的地點。2. 具體介紹某地的位置和去某地的路線/具體介紹某地的布局。3. 總結(jié)全文。三、素材積累1. 指示方向類作文的常用詞匯:take, get off, the way to, opposite, past, along.2. 指示方向類作文的常用句型:Let me tell you the way to.You can take the No.8 bus there.Its opposite the.四、寫作任務(wù)假設(shè)你叫李平, 下個星期天是你的生日, 你準備在家舉辦一個生日聚會, 你想邀請你的

17、好朋友麗麗參加。聚會在晚上7:30開始。你家住在黃河路80號, 乘8 路或1 6路公共汽車在人民路站下車, 就會看見一家醫(yī)院, 你家就在醫(yī)院的對面。房子是紅色的, 門是白色的。請根據(jù)所給提示, 給她寫一封信告訴她去你家的路。五、寫作模板點明所去地點具體介紹總結(jié)全文Next Sunday is my birthday.I would like to invite you to the party.Let me tell you the way to.My home is at. You can take the No. bus. Then you can. Its a red housewith a white door.Hope to see you then.六、滿分作文Dear Lili, _Next Sunday is my birthday. Im going to have a birthday party at home in the evening. I would like to invite you to the party. The party will start at 7:30 p. m. Let me tell


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