



1、PAGE 第 PAGE 4 頁 共 NUMPAGES 4 頁 學校 班級 姓名 考試號 . 密 封 線 內 請 不 要 答 題 三年級(下)英語試卷 (考試時間:60分鐘 總分:100分)親愛的同學們,仔細看題,認真思考,認真書寫喲!聽力部分(60分)一、選擇你所聽到的內容,將其序號填在題前括號內。(聽兩遍)(12分)( )1. A. time B. cousin C. come( )2. A. dinner B. breakfast C. blackboard( )3. A. these B. this C. those( )4.A. talk B. walk C. milk( )5. A.

2、 pen B. pencil C. pencil case( )6. A. he B. she C. they( )7. A. bag B. bed C. book( )8. A. wake B. cake C. lake( )9.A. stand B. sit C. listen( )10A.here B. there C. where( )11.A.book B. look C. cook( )12.A.my B. you C. your二、根據(jù)所聽內容判斷下列圖片是否正確,正確的打,錯誤的打。(聽兩遍)(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根據(jù)所聽內

3、容,將相應圖片連線。(聽兩遍)(10分) Mike Sam Miss Li Bobby Liu Tao四、聽錄音,選擇合適的應答句。(聽兩遍)(10分)( )1. A. Hes my grandpa. B. Shes my grandma.( )2. A. Yes, it is. B. Im sorry.( )3. A. Its six oclock. B. Its green.( )4. A. Yes. Theyre pigs. B. No. Its a chicken.( )5. A. Thank you. B. OK, Mum.五、根據(jù)所聽內容順序,在括號內寫上相應的數(shù)字,將句子排序。(

4、聽兩遍)(10分)A ( )Make a wish, Sam. B( )This is my cousin, John. ( )Im sorry, Miss Li. ( )Yes, this is my father, John. ( )Its time for class. ( )This is my grandpa, John. ( )Dont close your books. ( )Is this your father? ( )Look at the blackboard, please. ( )Whos this?六、根據(jù)所聽句子,選擇其對應的中文選項。(聽兩遍)(10分)( )

5、1.A. 起立。 B. 請坐。 ( )2. A. 不要說話。 B. 不要大叫。( )3. A. 它在桌子的下面。 B. 它在桌子的后面。( )4.A. 那是我的牛奶。 B. 那不是我的牛奶。( )5. A. 該是吃晚飯的時候了。 B. 該是吃早飯的時候了。( )6. A. 請把書合起來。 B. 請打開你們的書。( )7. A.他是誰? B. 她是誰?( )8. A. 你的餐盒在哪里? B. 我的餐盒在哪?( )9. A. 它在這兒。 B. 它在那兒。( )10. A. 借助游戲記單詞。 B. 用please來表示禮貌。筆試部分(40分)看圖寫單詞(10分,其中書寫分2分) 二、找出下列各組中不

6、屬于同一類別的選項,將序號填在括號里。(7分)( )1.A. down B. stand C. sit( )2.A. chicken B. duck C. apple( )3.A. this B. these C. where( )4.A. under B. parrot C. behind( )5.A. three B. drink C. nine( )6.A. pencil box B. lunch box C. crayon( )7.A. who B. where C. there三、根據(jù)情景,選擇最佳答案。(6分)( )1. 在電影院看見別人說話時,你提醒他: A. Dont drin

7、k. B. Dont talk. C. Dont eat.( )2. 你想知道那是不是邁克的包,你問他: A. Is that your bed? B. Is this your bag? C. Is that your bag?( )3. 你想告訴別人這不是你的鋼筆,你說: A. This is my pen. B. This isnt your pen. C. This isnt my pen.( )4. 外面風很大,你和媽媽說: A.Please close the door. B. Dont close the window. C. Open the door.( )5. 別人問你幾點

8、了,你可以怎么說: A. Its an apple. B. Im nine C. Its nine oclock.( )6. 別人問你這些是不是橙子,你回答不是,應該說: A. No. Theyre oranges. B. Yes. Theyre oranges. C. No, theyre apples.四、從欄中選出欄中句子的正確答語,并將其字母序號填在題前括號內。(7分) ( )1. Close your pencil case,please. A. No, it isnt.( )2. What are these? B. Thank you.( )3. Is that your rul

9、er? C. Theyre pencils.( )4. What time is it now? D. Shes Miss Li.( )5. Please come in. E. OK.( )6. Dont sleep. F. Im sorry.( )7. Who s that woman? G. Its seven oclock.五、閱讀對話,判斷正誤,正確的寫(T),錯誤的寫(F)(4分)A Cat and a BirdThere are three trees near the house. There is a big(大) tree, and two small(小) trees.I

10、n the big tree there is a bird. Can the bird sing? Yes, it can. Whats under the big tree? Its a cat.I want some food, thinks the cat. Bird, my good friend, Come here! Its time to play games. says the cat.No today, thank you! says the bird, You cant(不能) catch(捉到) me! Goodbye! Look! The bird is flying(飛)!( )1. There are two big trees.( )2. There is a bird in


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